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do you know what i like? — Pitch Pine Trail 
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Played by Van who has 33 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Of course she had a name. It made sense, Lillia figured - she didn't have to use her own name all that often, so not speaking wouldn't be an issue. Was it a long name, or a short one? Curiosity prickled at her, pressing her to ask more questions, but Lillia was satisfied for now. Her tail wagged a little as she walked alongside the smaller wolf, matching her pace.

A little miscommunication, then, when the little lady kept staring at her and Lillia wasn't sure why. She tipped her head to the side and offered her a lopsided little smile, brows arching. "What?" she asked, studying her for the slightest changes in expression or clue as to what she was thinking.

"You like what you see?" the younger girl asked, tail still swishing. She wasn't anything spectacular, and she knew that, but she couldn't help but tease a little bit.
Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

Perhaps one day she’d be able to tell her, perhaps through the assembly of sounds and head shakes to show which syllables and sounds were correct, but such a process would no doubt be tiresome for both of them, and encompass so many different noises that she was not accustomed to hearing. You like what you see? Well, yes, she did… but it was not what she was asking, and so she would simply blink again at her with her frown.

With the initial moment gone, she wasn’t certain how to communicate the stubborn question to her travelling companion, and in that moment she considered if it was worth asking at all… and yet, she found herself growing more curious by the second. Her head tilted a little more to the side, in hopes that perhaps exaggerating the motion would work more in her favor.

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 33 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
It was a question, then. Lillia observed the tilt in the other woman's head, the exaggeration with which she moved, and backtracked a little bit to try and figure out just what she was being asked. What? or when? questions didn't make any sense, so that narrowed it down significantly.

Why? maybe?

"Why... did I ask for your name?" she asked, tilting her own head to the side and watching the smaller wolf, trying to gauge her reaction. It would do no good to assume that was what she was being asked, so before she elaborated further, she would wait for a response.
Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

She watched as Lillia began to parse what she could possibly mean. Lilllia observed her, and she seemed able to guess it the second time around. It caused the woman’s tail to thump against the ground as she nodded eagerly to show the woman she had gotten the question. It wasn’t exact, more of a ‘why did it matter’, but it was close enough to the question that Sophrosnia felt she could get an accurate answer.

She was curious to see what the woman’s response would be, and why she seemed so intent to inquire. She supposed in the grand scheme it was a fairly normal question, along with ‘what is your name’ which she supposed meant the same thing… to those who spoke at least.

And so her eyes would pierce into her strange companion, wondering and waiting for an answer, temporarily distracted from the constant kicks of the child in her belly.

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 33 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Ah, success! Lillia's chest swelled with pride when it seemed she'd gotten the answer right - she was getting pretty good at this whole guessing game. Her own tail swished enthusiastically and a half-smile formed on her lips, golden eyes warm.

"Why wouldn't I?" she replied breezily. "Your name matters, doesn't it? Even if you can't tell me now, maybe it's something I'll learn in the future." It was strange, following her around and developing this sort of affection for her without knowing her name, but Lillia found that she truly didn't mind.

She tipped her head to the side and offered the woman a small smile. "I like you. I want to learn more about you. Isn't that enough reason?" she asked, feeling her cheeks warm just a touch at the admission.
Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

Soph smiled back at her, her tail thumping once more when she saw her companion’s… friend’s… pride. Her name did matter, of that she was certain… but it didn’t seem relevant if the woman might never know it. She exhaled gently through her nose, a sign that ‘maybe’ she might learn her name in the future. She was certain a night of guessing syllables could get her there, but did the other woman really care that much to sit there for hours on end guessing sounds for syllables with nods and head shakes as her only guidance.

Perhaps Soph was pessimistic.

Her tail thumped against the ground again as she admitted that she wanted to learn about her even more… a frown formed on her features as she contemplated it before she hesitantly nodded, as if to say that she supposed it was enough, even if it was clear she didn’t entirely understand herself.

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 33 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
What the other woman didn't know was that Lillia would, indeed, be willing to spend a night guessing her name. But more than that, it didn't really matter to her if she never knew it. Would it be nice? Sure. But it wasn't necessary for the amount of strange warmth that Lillia felt when she was around her.

A name didn't make a wolf - actions did.

She smiled when she received another nod, ears swiveling to the sides and her head lowering. "If you want to learn more about me, too, I'd be willing to tell you," she admitted. There were a precious few people in the world that knew anything about Lillia Daireann, but she didn't mind if the little lady was one of them.
Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

Only time would tell what was in store for the unlikely friendship… a wolf who did not speak, and a wolf who did… it was often difficult for her to communicate even with those who did stick around as the evidence clearly showed. She smiled at the woman’s admittance, nodding eagerly. She craved to learn more about her companion, and without a clear way to communicate, it would be quite some time before she was able to get such information again.

She wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to learn more.

And so she would wait, her tail thumping. She didn’t know if it was something she had meant right now for, but Soph waited with attentive and intrigued eyes for her friend to speak and tell her everything she wanted to know about her.

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 33 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Lillia knew she had offered, but she did feel sort of like she had a spotlight on her now. The other woman watched her with wide, expectant eyes, and Lillia felt her face flush a little as she considered what she was going to say. Something trivial, like her favorite food? Something more meaningful? Something stupid?

She didn't know why sharing something about herself was so scary.

"I have a sister," she said finally. "Nadine. I haven't seen her in a long, long time." Was she still alive, even? Was Lillia ever going to see her again? "Not sure what she's up to these days, but yeah. She was always the nicer one of the two of us." More humanitarian, anyway. Lillia had only ever cared for a choice few wolves in her life, but Nadine... well, she would've made a much better leader.
Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

Her tail thumped lightly as the woman began to speak, her eyes widening… a sister? She had not expected that information… after all, why was she not with her sister? Did family not stick together? Sophrosnia supposed she knew the answer to that, having left her father and Nastia’s side when she had come of a certain age. She sniffed the air lightly, as if searching for her scent, hoping that the question would be understood.

Where has she gone? Why is she not with you? Based on her wording, it was clear she was still alive… and yet there was so little hope held in her chest for answers to both at the same time.

Nicer? Sophrosnia blinked… the woman must be a saint, because Soph had never seen Lillia be anything other than a kind soul who protected those who cared for her.

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili