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Do Wishes Really Come True? — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
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Cali Swiftpaw
Cali's was looking forward to hearing what her baby sister had been up to. Jessie's statement and her language shocked the white fae to her very core though. She had never liked foul language and her sister's use of it was so unexpected it left her reeling. <i>What did she mean by taking advantage of her?</i> Cali's green eyes burned with anger. Not for her sister, but for the wolves that had mistreated her and stripped her of at least a measure of her sweet innocence.

She calmed herself for her sister's sake, giving herself a mental shake. <b>"Tell me."</b> Her words were simple, but they spoke volumes. She wanted to know who had done what to her little sister. There was nothing that she could really do about it now, but she was a firm believer in talking things out as a way of cleansing the soul. As soon as she had the thought, she felt like a hypocrite. None but Indru had even an inkling of her past with her mate and unborn pups. There would be time for that later. Right now, she needed to be here for her sister.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn
Her sister's anger didn't surprise her, for she herself hadn't been overly happy about the case either, but when Cali demanded her to tell her, she hesitated. Should she tell her sister everything. Hell, she was probably going to end up spelling out everything to her sister anyways now or later. She didnt mind talking to her sister, catching up with her. It felt nice, like having her sister back. Of course, that was exactly what she had anyways, her sister back. That wasn't overly important right now but the fact that she had actually found her sister. Found her. . .that was wonderful, and she hadn't even had to work that hard to find her. 

Opening her mouth to speak she spoke in a distinguished voice, "Well. . .to start off with Aubrey, do you remember her, yeah her, she befriended me and then used me to become mates with my best friend, which he quickly left off with her, which made me pretty mad. And then Grace hah, she just up and left with only a few words, thanks for the advice.  It was pretty sad. Let's put it this way, all of my "friends" used me except Brenton."

By the end of her rant her own chest was heaving. She had gotten mad just talking about them. Her fur was even bristling, her eyes wild and a small growl emitting itself from her mouth. For such a small wolf she had a large voice. Flicking her tail she glared at the ground. How dare her "friends" use her like they did. She had always been there for them and almost at the same time they just leave. I mean, seriously, what type of screwed up wolf would do that. Apparently there were many of the screwed up types around lately.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
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Cali Swiftpaw
As she sat back, listening to her sister rant about the wolves in their old pack, she couldn't help but remember some of the good times that she'd had as a young fae, growing up loved and protected, friends always by her side. The things that her sister was upset about were nothing to laugh at, betrayal was certainly no laughing matter, but they could have been far worse. Relieved that it was not something so dire, Jessie nodded her understanding as Jess spoke. She remembered thinking that Jess had always had a crush on her best friend Brenton, so the betrayal would hurt doubly. She may have interpreted wrongly, but she had always thought that the youngsters would end up together. She held back a sigh. <i>Apparently not.</i>

She felt for her sister's pain and touched her muzzle to the side of Jessie's in comfort. She had always been a physical and affectionate wolf and that was what she had missed the most since losing her mate. She had not had anyone to simply talk to and be close to. Sharing warmth and affection. She enjoyed her new pack and the respect that she was earning, but the closest she had to a friend right now, and he didn't even speak. Well, not in words anyways!

Cali gave Jessie a heartfelt smile. <b>"I am sorry that they mistreated your affections that way, Jess. Especially with Mother and Father gone. But you are here now and will hopefully be a part of my new family soon, little sis!"</b> She was still choked up inside about her parents, but she would grieve for them when Jess was settled.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn
Jessie's small tail wagged when her sister gave we a short nudge. She appreciated the show of affection but her outlook on it dampened her mood slightly. Whatever. She would ask her sister about it but not make a big deal out of anything it what she thought was true. Twitching her brown and white ears she listened for any rustle of bushes or crackle of twigs before continuing. 

Muttering lowly so only Cali could hear, she said, "So, erm, is, uh, rat face in the pack too?"

She hadn't used the name that she had given Cali's mate it quite a long time. She couldn't remember the last time she used it, most likely it being the last time she saw Cali, for her sister was the only one who knew about her little pet name for the male. Jessie refrained from smirking though keeping her expression neutral.  This was after all a serious matter and she didn't want to completely insult her sister's mate, even though she didn't particularly like him.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
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Cali Swiftpaw
She looked forward to having Jess with her again so much and she was so focused on that goal that she was startled when her sister asked the one question that she'd been hoping to avoid. At least for a while longer. Her heart clenched and the blood drained from her face. Luckily her thick fur hid the extent of her reaction. She tried to speak and couldn't for a long moment, then she abruptly sat down and her eyes got a faraway look in them.

Suddenly, she was there again with her mate and the bear and their babies still in her belly.

<i>Grayson was fighting bravely, but the grizzly was so big and powerful. What could one wolf hope to accomplish in battling one? Keeping her safe. His intent was for her to run for safety, but she couldn't leave him. She just couldn't. She had leaped at the bear, trying to distract her. She heard Grayson yelp as the bear swiped at him and he went flying. In the same motion the bear's paw backhanded her and sent her crashing to the ground. Just before darkness overtook her, she caught sight of her mate's lifeless body and her heart died in her along with her unborn pups...</i>

She dragged herself from the past, back to her sister and the dreaded question. A heavy look of sadness washed over her and she found that she could not look Jess in the eye. She knew that her sister hadn't liked him, but that was mainly because he had taken Cali away from her. Jess and Grayson had barely even known each other. Her eyes focused on a random spot in the dirt at Jessie's feet and her voice cracked with emotion as she answered in barely a whisper. <b>"No. He's...he's gone. He died protecting me and our unborn pups. Jessie! He gave his life for us... and they.... they died too."</b> Tears now streamed freely down her cheeks. She had never let herself cry for them, but now she couldn't seem to stop. Sobs wracked her body and she curled up in a ball of misery, in her own little world of anguish.
(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2012, 06:29 AM by Cali.)
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn
Jessie didn't honestly think that the question would affect her sister as badly. Her white sister froze and got a faraway look in her eyes, as if she were remembering something. That was when Jessie knew the answer. That he wasn't here, but he might be somewhere else, but where? Jess waited patiently for her sister, now only realizing that this was a serious topic for the both of them. But when Cali spoke, Jessie's own heart broke. He died. . .protecting her. New-found respect and grief for her sister washed through her. She knew that her sister has loved the male but she was also shocked. Pups? Unborn pups? Jessie hadn't heard about this when her sister had left. Brenton had been exeptionally distracting at that point, comforting and caring for her.

At the time when her sister had left Jessie had been having a hard time. She never spoke to anyone, keeping quiet. Even when she was spoken to she would remain quiet, ignoring the fool who tried talking to her and staring blankly into space. She wouldn't eat either. . .for days in the least, until finally Brenton had taken charge and forced her to eat and drink something. She hadn't been able to sleep either. She had such a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that her sister had left her that she was alone again. At that point she had relied on Brenton to take care of her. Even her mother hadn't tried taking care of her. With had driven her into an even deeper depression. But she soon shook her head, driving her head back into the present, to answer her sister, and of course comfort her.

Speaking softly she said the only thing she could, "I'm sorry, C. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm sure he is still looking over you now. The pups by his side."

With that last attempt of comfort with her words Jess rushed forward. She nuzzled her sister repeatedly, attempting at comfort for her sister. She had no clue at what to do though. She was close with her sister but she had changed. She no longer held the innocence she had once possessed. Even with her sister she could not drag the innocence up within her. She just resorted in the small gestures of comfort, hoping that it would be enough.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
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Cali Swiftpaw
Cali lay trembling in her little ball of misery for what seemed an eternity. Then Jessie's gentle words reached through to her, bringing her back to the present. She hadn't realized just how much grieving and sorrow that she'd been holding inside. <i>If Jess hadn't come, would she have ever let herself grieve for her lost family?</i> Then her sister burrowed into her and she started crying again, but this time the tears were a mixture of sorrow and joy at being reunited with her sister. These tears were more natural and not the gut wrenching ones that had been ripped from her body just moments before. Maybe Jess was right... maybe Grindle and the pups watched over her still. If so, she hoped that she would make them proud.

Drying her tears on a white paw, Cali took a deep breath and opened her reddened eyes to the loving ones of her dear sister. She gave her a genuine smile, although it was bittersweet. <b>"I'm sorry for breaking down, but I think that I needed that. I haven't let myself mourn for them until this very moment. I guess I needed the release. Thank you for being here, Jess. I've missed you so!"</b> She had been sniffing while she spoke, but was now almost back to normal. She felt as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders in the whole emotional process of it all.

When she was calm again, Cali realized that it had been a little while and none had come to her call as of yet. Perhaps another beckon was in order. Giving her sister another affectionate nuzzle, she sat back and lifted her muzzle to the sky once more, letting her song carry across the air towards her new family, so that they might meet her old.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn
Her white sister continued to sob, oblivious to the fact that her sister was still here. The poor girl. . .the death of her mate and pups must have been much for the white lady. She hadn’t experienced the fact of this for. . .well ever. She had never had a mate, much less a love interest and had never thought about pups. Would she be a good mother? Could she even have pups or would anyone ever show interest in her? The thought crossed her mind briefly and while Jessie sat there, answering her own thoughts, she barely noticed Cali talking to her. Wonderful. . . Zoning out was probably not one of her best traits and now she opened her ears again to ear Cali apologizing. She shouldn’t need to apologize for anything. Now what would be a good response for that. . .ahh, she knew know.

Opening her mouth a sorrowful note came out, “Cali, ones who cry, aren’t weak, they are the ones who have been strong for too long. It is quite alright, sister. I’ve missed you too.”

My dear, she sounded like she just came out of a lesson with McCray. How terrible of her. The thought brought a laugh upon her lips, but she soon too contained it. When she thought about it, her sister had been talking to her for quite awhile. Where were her leaders? Just as she thought of it, another howl pierced the air, another one of Cali’s howls. What was her sister’s position in the pack? Was she the lowest? Is that why no one was going? Or perhaps they literally couldn’t hear her. . .it was a shame really. She was overly surprised that no one had come to her sister’s calls yet. They were a pack, correct?

Jessie remembered when she was with Brenton how the two of them used to answer each others calls no matter what. It was a matter of trust and friendship, something that didn’t come along in Jessie’s life that often. Plopping her butt down she twitched her ears, listening to any answer from Cali’s pack mates. When none came, she continued to go back into her own thought. Her and B hadn’t been in a pack together. . .Jessie had preferred the life of a lone wolf for a certain time. There was no point in being in a pack, back then, when you could have survived on your own.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
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Cali Swiftpaw
Cali was feeling much better now, her bout of tears and her sister's presence having done much to lift her spirits once more. Her baby sister spoke wise words and when she thought about them, in regards to her and others close to her in the past, they were remarkably accurate. How very perceptive was her sister for one so young! A feeling of pride welled up in her and she gave Jess a grateful smile for her understanding.

After her second howl to her pack, she could easily see questions and doubts forming in her sister's head at the <span class='word'>cunctation</span> in response from them. She smiled again and reassured her, <b>"They will be here soon, I'm sure that Corinna is busy with her new pups. Indru is forever busy patrolling and keeping order. I have a feeling that Marsh will be the one to come. He is... different than other wolves,"</b> she warned. Not wanting her baby sister to find out the way that she had, she decided to give an important snippet about the Second for the Swift River pack. <b>"Just to give you a heads up, Jessie. Marsh does not talk, nor does he like a lot of talking around him. If he comes, speak little."</b>

She didn't want to make Jessie nervous, but she wanted her to be at least a little prepared if the dour Second did indeed show up. She blushed when she remembered her fumbling attempts at getting him to say his name. And his valiant attempt. She wouldn't put him through that again if she could help it, even from her own sister.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
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Jessie Tainn
Cocking an eyebrow at her sister questioningly as she answered she tilted her head. What the heck? A pack mate that couldn’t talk. . .well that could get interesting if something bad happened. She might as well limit he talking to this wolf, she wouldn’t want him to seem out of place, or just plain left out. The thought made her feel bad for the other wolf, the one she didn’t even know. Yet. . .she could feel some kind of resemblance to him. If he was left out. . .then heck. . .he might as well be the twin of her. Smiling at her sister, she patiently sat back. She was getting slightly worried now. No one had come yet, though Cali claimed that she was sure someone would be coming soon. She knew she had to trust her sister none the less.

Through Cali’s white fur, Jessie was sure she had a tinge of pink in it. Glancing questioningly at her sister she contained yet another laugh. It was impossible for her sister to have a crush on this wolf. Most likely, it was probably something foolish, as if she were embarrassed by something that she thought about. Tilting her ears soon a smile was brought upon her face. She had found her family again. She had been reunited with her sister, the one who had lifted her spirits and been her role model. She was truly home.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]