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A New Land, A New Home? — The Wildwood 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano thought they might lose it when it continued to drag Reba along dangling from its throat, he could only hope she could hang on long enough for him to trip the deer up again. Their persistence payed off though when the deer finally collapsed from lack of oxygen and potentially exhaustion. Even after it was down its legs continued to kick and twitch dangerously, forcing Kano to stand clear until it finally stilled.

He looked up at Reba, panting, his eyes shining with joy, it had been so long since he had a kill this large to gorge himself on. <b>"Should get started while its still warm."</b> he said smiling deucedly, the blood on his jaws and creamy chest only adding to his devilish appearance as he began to tear at the soft hide to access still warm flesh underneath. It wouldn't take long for it to cool in this weather. It was one of his least but also favourite consequences of the season, while the cool weather preserved the kill for longer, it also cooled it down considerably quicker than any other time of the year and there was very little he enjoyed more than a full belly of warm bloody kill.
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
<b>"Yeah"</b> Rebecca quickly utteranced before diggind her way in the warm flesh of the deer. It tasted so good, delicious, warm, bloody... Absolutely wonderful! First deer in long time. She had no chances of catching them alone. With the help of Kano, it was possible to have the great taste in her mouth.

Tearing whatever meat she could get, Reba soon filled her stomach. She had never been to picky with her food, otherwise she would've never survived through the first tough months of her life. Rising her head from the carcass, face and chest covered with blood. Happy look in her eyes, small, relaxed smile on her face. It felt good to be full...

Turning her head to Kano, Reba said: <b>"It was a good hunt!"</b> She shook her body, blood from her fur flying all around her. She looked little cleaner after that, but not much. Tail wagged, licking her jaws in pleasure. This was a different kind of pleasure than what she got form dangers... This was more fullfilling. Thoughtful look on her face for a moment: could this eb the answer to her problems? No, it couldn't be, she still wanted the otehr pleasuring feelinf. They were two different feelings. Face turned to happy again, with a small, dark shadow in her eyes. Would she never be normal again?
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano finally tore himself away from the carcass, his stomach bloated with meat. There was still enough left over to feed them for several days. He had gotten inside the deer carcass to get at the liver and other organs and blood stained his golden fur on the entire front half of his body. He was not a delicate eater at the best of times.

He laughed at Rebecca who was almost as blood stained as he was. She was obviously caught up in her own thoughts and he thought he saw something in her eyes fleetingly, but it was gone before he could identify what it was. He missed the closeness of pack and all that went with it and without even thinking he trotted over to the black wolf and began licking the blood from her fur, grooming her in the same way he had groomed his pack mates all his life. He hoped she wouldn't find it strange...
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca's gaze didn't turn away from him as he walked closer. But when he started to clean her up, Reba's eyes almost turned upside down. Oh my, what was this about? It was so strange, mom used to do it whens he ahd messed herself badly, but no one after it... It was so comforting and secure and warming and, and... Awesome. Happy, relaxed, quiet sigh escaped from her mouth. Turning her head she started to lick Kanosak, also cleaning him but partly from the joy she felt inside her. Humming a warm, walzing song.

What was this feeling that kept growing inside her? Was it only about the memories this woke in her, or something deeper, that was actually her own invention? Had she felt it before? That final question was left in her head. It woke memories, newer, about the dream she had seen in her sleep. Dated back to the time she had met Dove. About the reddish pup whose picture she couldn't quite recall...

Despite all these thoughts, her humming didn't end in any point, she just closed her eyes and kept licking his fur from his chest, neck and face.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano sighed contentedly, but it didn't last for long. As soon as they had finished grooming each other the dull aching set in.

He missed the closeness of being in a pack, ached for it, and it was beginning to eat him up inside. He had been managing, pushing down his emotions to a point where he could function, and now this strange black wolf had awoken everything he had working so hard to suppress.

He narrowed his eyes in an attempt to mask his emotions, he used the sun as his <span class='word'>remora</span>, noting it was getting lower in the sky and a cold wind was picking up. If he had been any younger he might revel in the breeze but it came with a heavy scent of snow and he grimaced. His little bush would offer very little protection from the elements tonight and he thanked his mothers arctic blood that blessed him with a coat thick enough to withstand most weather.

<i>Sorry, he seems to be a bit of a mr mopey pants at the moment. Congrats on joining CRC, with any luck we'll be joining you shortly ;)</i>
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: XD Thanks! I'm creeping that topic, ya know ;D
Reba singing Once upon a December fitted version XD

Rebecca wanted to have her family back. Yes she did, but she laso knew it would never happen. Thye were gone, for a whole eternity, they would never come back. Not mom, not dad, not Kestrel, Brazen or Nelli. She hadn't seen them dying, but what can you expect when there is blood and they are nowhere to be found? Nad that Nelli's body was so brutally sliced... No, Rebecca had no chances of getting them back, but maybe she could get a new family. Of course those new ones would never replace the old, but fill the gab they left.

Glancing Kano, thinking that she might have sawn something same in him aswell. Only stronger. Rebecca's bond to her family was just a fading memory, she ahd been too young to fully understand it. But she knew nothing about Kano's past. Who knows what it held in?

<i><b>"Dancing bears, painted wings,
things I almost remember

And a song, someone sings,
once upon a may to june

Someone holds me safe and warm,
deers prance through a shiny storm

Figures dancing gracefully
across my memory"</b></i> her humming turned into a song, singed quietly but powerfully, gently and softly. Eyes focused to Kano. <b>"Where did you come from?"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano paused at her question. It had been a long journey to get here. <b>"Alaska."</b> he said quietly. He thought he caught something in her glance but brushed it off as he continued his story. <b>"My fathers family were yukon. The pack was established by my grandmother and grandfather. She was the first non-white wolf in her pack in two generations and they thought she was bad luck... she was black and so was my grandfather... in fact the majority of the pack were. I had to leave. There were more than thirty wolves in the pack and pups on the way... it wasn't sustainable..."</b> he trailed off. It hurt to talk about his family but it was also a relief.

<b>"I don't know how they did it..."</b> he said the awe clear in his voice. <b>"Two of them, fought off my grandfathers pack while my father and his brother were just weeks old..."</b> he had heard the story a thousand times but he still wished he had been there... he had seen his grandmother in action, she was a demon. <b>"Father left one day, and travelled in this direction where he met my mother, she's as white as he is black, and small and fast, and she has odd eyes, one brown and one blue,"</b> he said with a sad smile, he missed her so much. <b>"...she saved him from a polar bear. They returned and grandmother let them rejoin the pack, and just in time, another war was brewing on the border... it was just before I was born..."</b>

There had been plenty of drama after his birth as well, but he wasn't ready to discuss that just yet. It was nice to remember his family and his eyes had shone with love as he had spoken of them. <b>"So what about your family?"</b> he questioned quietly, wondering what stories she had to share.
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Absolutely solid, pure fear stormed in her eyes as he mentioned Alaska. And she poor had told him her last name! He didn't seem to know, but what if he was just hiding it all...? Reba was paniced, jumping away from Kano, but not leaving. She listened his story, growing fear inside her. What would he do if she would tell and he wouldn't know? Would he try to kill her? She was most liekly the last living Wheatear...

Standing stiffly during his story, ready to flee. There was no reason to be like this, said part of her, but she wanted to keep herself alive. And she didn't sit down, not even when she started her story.

<b>"I'm from Alaska as well"</b> she started, feeling incerdibly uncomfortable.<b> "I was born in very small pack, it's only members were mom, dad, me and my siblings. We... Didn't use our last name. Well, at least mom and we, the pups, didn't, dad had no reason to hide it"</b> she next told, sitting down carefully, keeping her worried, fearful eyes on Kano, muscles stiffened, ready for his attack.<b> "My grandparents were called Salut and Solace. But most knew them as Wheatears, as Devils, Demons."</b> fear was replaced with memories, she knew about them only from the stories her mother had told. <b>"They were evil in the every meaning of that word. Insanity controlled their lives. What did they do? They tortured wolves. In Alaska. We didn't use our last name because there are still so many willing to revenge all the death they caused. They passed their insanity to mom, she became masochist, and mom passed it to me..."</b>

Her story hold a bunch of hard, mixed feelings. Rebecca was angry that her grandparents had destroyed the name Wheatear, probably for eternity. But she was also proud of her bloodlines. Her worried eyes searched for Kano's eyes, what would he think. Muscles relaxed, if he would try to kill her, she would understand. It would've been a miracle if his family had never felt any of the pain her grandparents had caused to so many.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
She was obviously shaken, fearful even. Kanosak looked at her, his golden eyes conveying calm. He had met some pretty terrible wolves in his travels. His aunt Blood had come from a similar family, and it was through the destruction of her former pack that Taqqiq had come to join them as a small pup, adopted by his uncle and his mate. The two had been fast friends their whole lives, because they stood out so obviously from the blacks, greys and whites of the rest of the pack, Kano for his golden fur and Taqqiq for his red fur and green eyes when all the wolves around him had golden eyes, a testament to the fact he was adopted and something some of the nastier pups hadn't hesitated to bring up at every available opportunity.

He didn't judge her, she couldn't be held accountable for the actions of her grandparents. <b>"It's okay..."</b> he said quietly, <b>"I encountered some pretty nasty wolves over the years. My family met some pretty nasty wolves before I came along, but they were all turned back, peaceably or otherwise..."</b> he himself had another wolf's blood on his teeth, it was hard to go against the will of the pack, and the drive to protect those he loved was strong. <b>"You can't be held accountable for their actions..."</b>

Now the masochism...was another issue entirely. It explained the occasional glint in her eye, the look he had glanced when the deer was coming at her head on... She would forever be a handful to whatever wolf decided to make her a part of their family and he smiled a small smile at the thought. <i>At least life would never get boring...</i>
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca's reliefment was extremely visible. She had heard about the rumors (that later had proved to be right) that a wolf had been killed because of being Wheatear. Though her mother could easily tell it wasn't true, the wlf had been innocent, nothing to do with Wheatears. One name can cause damage even after it shouldn't.

<b>"I'm happy to hear that... And that you're family wasn't my grandparents' victim. Well, if they would've been, you would never even be born, so yeah..."</b> Rebecca said, eyes turning to the ground and voice fading away. Then she rised her head again, eyes pointing to Kano. <b>"I'm not a masochist like my mother. My insanity is only adoring danger, I don't need to hurt myself to get high"</b> she said, wiht wicked smile on her face. Reba was sometimes afraid of herself, how the desire grew so strong... And how she had to forget it.

Standing up, trotting over Kano. Making a quick charge, snarling palyfully and grabbing his fur.
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