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baby please, no more promises — Kingsfall 
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Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
nah it's chill, ayti would've moved aside for lach anyway. he wasn't fighting

To say he was unsurprised that Inna physically took his maw in hers was completely true, and that was pretty sad. He'd been expecting the fiery young wolf to do such a thing, even when violence wasn't at all necessary here. Ayti stepped back when Lachesis moved between them, but narrowed his eyes when he was scolded. "Um, no, I'm good with just words. Thanks," he responded, rolling his eyes to glance to the side. Quietly, he stepped forward to bump his shoulder lightly against Lachesis' in an attempt to get the man to chill out. A furious Lach was an out of character Lach, and while Ayti had been on the receiving end of it multiple times, it hadn't ever been quite this bad. He honestly didn't think it was necessary - all the fury. Just because some wolves - Inna - couldn't handle the truth when it was clearly laid out before them.

Lachesis seemed to be set into motion, however, so Aytigin let him handle most of Inna's raving this time. The only thing he responded to there was the ghost's comment on Ayti being punished for his mouth, to which he let out a good-natured chuckle and added along, "Hey! I think I've been doing better!" as a playful little sidenote. Both to calm Lach and to rile Inna up a little more. He wanted oh-so desperately to snarl at her over what she said about the alpha many times, but he really only had the authority to defend himself here.

"You have no clue what I've been through in my life, bitch," he did state lowly when she presumed to have some external knowledge on his life before here. There wasn't a growl in his voice, but instead his words were clear and concise. "I can't believe I trusted you at one point. Hell, I thought you were the best thing on earth for a while - clearly dodged a bullet there. Thank god I wasn't the one you decided you wanted to be with." He took a deep breath through his nose. "My only regret is sharing any of my heart, thoughts, and past with you. I'll try not to make that mistake again - thank you for reminding me of why I don't trust just anyone." The dark wolf cleared his throat and glanced at Lachesis, his jaw stiff and very obviously fighting emotion. "May I leave?" he asked, his voice coming out in more a whisper than anything. Of course, he was only talking about heading back into the pack's territory. He wasn't going to leave Hearthwood over something so stupid.
(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2017, 07:00 AM by Aytigin.)
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

Lilya remained quiet until she felt it right to chime in, which was after Inna had spoken to her directly. She nodded in understanding. “I wish ya ‘ad… m’worried about ya Inna… n’I know m’not th’only one.” She was worried about a lot of things for that matter. “Inna, we were all worried ‘bout ya… not jus’ me. Couldn’t even tell ya ‘ow much sleep Lach lost over this. Ah know what it’s like ta loose everyone ya’ve ever loved… which is why Ah wish ya would ‘ave talked ‘bout it… if ya just keep it bottled up inside, it gets ta a point where ya can’t ‘old it in anymore n’ya snap or ya let th’grief explode inside ya.” That was her piece. To throw something like that around, right in front of the war veteran, it made her vent far more than everyone except Lachesis knew about her.

“Ah was Risaela once upon a time… saw a wolf tear ma sister apart right in front of me… m’son died right in front a me n’Lach… but we didn’t keep it in n’bottle it up… we talked ‘bout it with each other n’others so it didn’t consume us.” It didn’t feel like Inna was meeting them halfway, and that was what troubled the recently recovered queen. She mentioned Laddeus for the first time since she had accepted what had happened, mentioned her sister’s horrific death, not even mentioning her mother, father, most of her other siblings whose bodies she saw before she wised up and ran away from them all. The memories that still set her off to this day, plagued her mind through nightmares… and the things that sometimes had her holed up, the lingering fear escaping into the real world and causing her brain to shut down her ability to process what was real and what was not. “None of us are gonna make ya leave, ‘specially if ya don’t wanna, but ya need ta realize we’re not against ya.”

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Again, sorry for the length. Please do not feel you have to match it.

She'd had enough of Atyigin thinking he knew everything, all he knew was what others had told him. She had lashed out in anger grabbing his muzzle which had angered the pale leader to where he stepped between them. She let herself be shoved away from the chocolate male but once again he could not hold his tongue and he would not listen. He didn't even want to try and understand which pushed her to believe that he was just like her brother. Another one of those wolves that could not take blame for their actions and could not accept that maybe they had been the one to do something wrong. He was a hypocrite just like Alek and she was done just like she was with her brother.

Ayti's words didn't leave her unscathed though as the anger faded a sense of defeat washed over her. It was made worse as Lachesis spoke and she realized that he too had not listened and that anything she had said was disregarded. He too could not consider that he might have been wrong in some of the situations that she had spoken of. The Baranski looked to Lilya hoping she might be a voice of reason, that maybe she as a mother could understand. Lilya seemed to be much more understanding than the men. She voiced how worried they had been and that she understood how Inna felt losing everyone. She nodded that she understood what Lilya was saying. “I don't know maybe I would have talked more if I had felt that it would have mattered? That what I have been through I mean. Sometimes it often felt like it didn't matter that I had lost my mom, that I couldn't be upset about her death,” she looked at her paws, “I realize I am much older than Risaela but I saw her die too. I mean that is horrible for a pup to see but everyday I live with wondering what I could have done different to save her. I'm big enough and old enough. I should have moved faster done something to save her. I'm not saying that what happened to me is worse than what happened to Risa I just...I'm just trying to help you understand,"

Inna then went to Lilya and brushed her muzzle under the woman's chin, “I am sorry you lost your son. I don't know what I would do if I lost Oksana and I can't possibly imagine the pain losing him has brought you.” She turned her head to Lachesis an expression on her features that said she meant that for him too.

The words that poured from Lachesis maw brought her back to the conversation they'd been having. She didn't know if she could believe the what he said as she returned to her previous place. His actions told otherwise. He's assumed the meaning behind her behaviors, he's assumed she had a problem with being punished and he's assumed she has this sense of entitlement. She had tried to explain everything to tell them the truth about everything. She was trying to make things better and again she was shut down.

No, it was clear that their opinions of her had changed that her whole life had now become a big joke to them. She had to wonder if she was even a fit mother for her daughter anymore. Inna’s gaze went to the last place she had seen Oksana as she'd run away. Tears had started to fall from her eyes at the thought that it might be best to give Oksana to someone better, who could teach her to be better than her mother. Alek, Lorcan, Ayti, and even Lachesis had made it clear that she wasn't a good mother no matter how hard she tried.

She turned back to Lachesis as he continued to speak. “I understand Lachesis,” she said quietly, “I am sorry that I didn't tell you that I was leaving, you're right I should have.” She left it at that because trying to explain herself any further was pointless. They would think what they wanted to think and she didn't feel there was anything to do to change that. “I will accept any punishment you deem necessary for my actions without complaint.” She also understood that because she was the only one telling the truth in the matter of what happened at the Rye border she had to be lying. She at least now knew for sure the name of the wolf that has ruined her life.

She did not doubt that he had listened to both sides that much had been made clear but he had chosen to listen to someone from another pack who clearly had it out for her. He had chosen to believe him over her who he says he sees as family. She had to wonder just how that was possible. Did he treat his family as he had treated her? Was that why his son and daughter had left Hearthwood and not come back? “I understand why you punished me but I remain firm that I did not do what Reyes says I did. If I had done what he said I would have told you when I did it.” She expected he wouldn't believe that either and could only hope that one day Lachesis would see she had been telling the truth the whole time.

She felt Lachesis was blind to many things, her brothers real nature. What he truly thought of the wolves of Hearthwood and their parents. All of the awful things he’d said about their parents over their graves. The fact that Reyes seemed to have a mission to destroy her and she had no doubt that if he would he would end her. The pale leader didn't see that and didn't seem keen on protecting her or defending her. His friendships were more important to him than her who he says he considered a daughter. She wondered if Lachesis would even be angry with Reyes if he did something to her, would he even care?

Again she was reminded of just how insignificant she was to him as he spoke if having a family and a pack to take care of after her mother had died. That he was grieving, she knew he was grieving, she had sat in that riverbank with him only days later offering him comfort and reassuring him that he would do well with the pack. However, as she lay in her den he couldn't even come by and make sure she was still alive, he clearly cared so much about her. “I am sorry I feel I have expected too much of you Lachesis and I was wrong to do so. I feel you are right in that I misunderstood where I stood in the pack and I assure you I will keep my place in mind in the future.” Inna did understand perfectly where she stood and she would work to make sure that he knew she did understand.

“I did not mean to imply that you did say that about her I guess I was confused because when everyone found out about her they called her a burden. It seems I may have taken that the wrong way?” She didn't think that she had but it was possible since she seemed to be wrong about a lot of things. “I never had an issue with my punishments and I never asked for special treatment. I don't expect to get away with everything I do wrong. Why would I punish myself for breaking pack law if I had a problem with being punished?” Her voice rose a little as she said this and as soon as she realized her mistake she tried to remedy it, “I'm sorry I shouldn't have used that tone.”

It also seemed that they could not understand her reasons and fears when it came to keeping Oksana's father to herself. It was still considered a lie but she didn't understand why. Her mother had kept the father of her children to herself and she hadn't been regarded a liar. “So because I am a subordinate I was supposed to divulge who Oksana's father was?” She asked because she truly didn't understand the difference and the fact that her mother was an alpha was the only thing that made sense. “I'm just trying to understand,” she clarified.

She has offered for her and Oksana to leave if the pack wanted them too. Inna knew she'd caused a lot of trouble in the past year. That she had not been the pack member that she should have and she let her grief and problems affect her duties and her daughter. She knew she had a decision to make and in end Oksana made it an easy choice to make. “I don't feel welcome here,” she stated her orange gaze fixed on the plane leader, “I haven't for awhile and I became selfish and let me own grief cause problems for the pack. For that I am sorry. For a time I lost sight of what was important which is Oksana. As it was before after I found out I was pregnant with her I need to put my feelings aside and ensure that she has a safe place to grow up and friends around her that love and care for her. Hearthwood is her home and I don't want to rip her away from it. Maybe in time the pack will come to trust and respect me again.” She didn't know if she could believe that the pack wasn't against her, not yet anyway but she nodded at Lilya's words.

(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2017, 03:57 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
i wouldn't mind wrapping this up soon, so @Lorcan can claim LP <3

His first order of business was dismissing @Aytigin, who had asked if he could leave. Lachesis nodded firmly and with a quick flick of his nose he dismissed his second with a we’ll talk later expression etched onto his pale features.

As his wife took the spotlight he listened patiently as he returned to her side, his shoulder pressed to hers. Lilya was a lot calmer than Lachesis or Aytigin had been, her tone level and comforting as she spoke to the raven. He tensed as the sparrow mentioned their son, Laddeus, but he remained composed. His sonars were cupped forward, chartreuse eyes wide with anticipation as he waited for Inna’s response. Of course it mattered that you lost her, Inna, he commented, a small frown tugging at his dark lips. You were allowed to be upset. You still are. We just wanted you to talk to us. And if you needed time, we would have been there for you. And Oksana. The frown grew more prominent, his tail hanging low between his legs.

He sighed.

I’m not going to punish you for that. I think you’ve already been punished enough. Especially with Oksana’s wandering paws and Lorcán’s reluctance to return to Hearthwood. The young mother had been through more than most. And I believe you. Frustration caused his nostrils to flare, his brows pinched tight. But I did not punish you for what he said to me. I just said that. I punished you for being rude and acting out of rank. I do not want to discuss this any further. What point was there? She refused to believe him. The victim, as always. I would never believe the words of an outside before my pack. You should know this. But she was confident Lachesis was the enemy. That he couldn’t do anything right. That he wasn’t the friend, or leader, he claimed to be. In Inna’s eyes he was a failure. He didn’t know if he could ever change that.

Oksana was, and will never be, a burden. She, and you, are valued members of Hearthwood. And I understand why you did not want to share the identity of Oksana’s father. But we would have liked to know. Secrets are what pull packs apart. And it had already started to pull Hearthwood apart. Even to the pale ghost the towering redwoods no longer felt like a home. More like a prison.

I don't feel welcome here. His ears swept to the side, his features falling. But, the raven claimed she wanted to stay—for Oksana. The little crow who had forged a place for her amongst the river wolves. Who had also disappeared amongst all the fighting, likely trailing after her father. Where she would be safe. I do trust you. And respect you. Another sigh. And it’s still okay for you to grieve. We just need to talk. Hearthwood will always be a home for you, as long as you want it to be. And that was the truth. Even if Inna no longer wanted to be around him. He would not chase one of the last remaining Baranski children away from Hearthwood. Maksim and Kisla would spit on him from the heavens…

I'm going to look for Oksana, he announced after a brief pause as he motioned to the trees behind Inna. We can discuss this more later, when everyone has calmed down.

(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2017, 04:48 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
He couldn't stand to hear anymore of this. Lilya had been so kind to Inna - something he loved about the sparrow was her kindness, and it was part of what made her such a wonderful friend... but as of now, he wasn't sure that the Baranski deserved it. Nevertheless, as Lilya mentioned her and Lachesis' son, Ayti brushed his muzzle across hers and bumped their shoulders together before he turned to leave the scene. If Inna wanted to confront him again, she certainly was welcome to do so. But as of the moment, he needed to calm himself down before he truly showed her how capable she would be of defending herself against him.

Perhaps that would show her of her place in the pack.

"Talk to you guys later," he called to all three of them over his shoulder as Lachesis dismissed him, before turning and disappearing off into the confining redwoods. He was positive this conversation wasn't over - not by a longshot.

{ exit Ayti }
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

She became stoical at the mention of her son on anyone else’s maw, even Inna’s… the only thing truly comforting her was her husband’s gentle touch that gave her a sense of understanding. It didn’t matter… she told herself that she had come to terms with his death. In truth, she didn’t think she’d ever truly be over it. He’d always hold a place in her heart and she wouldn’t have it any other way. “Death is somethan difficult ta face… no matter th’age. There’s no set time ya ‘ave to grieve… it can last years… m’still grievin’ over ma family… jus’, ya need to learn ‘ow ta function while ya grieve. Talkin’ can be a great ‘elp which is why I wished ya would have.” She agreed – of course it mattered.

Ayti was dismissed and she saw him begin to fade back into the lands of the River. Honestly, drama like this gave the war veteran more of a headache than anything. Seeing wolves bicker about things that seemed as small as this… if she didn’t know what the price would bring, she’d say just spar it out for dominance and then drop it… however, to open up a path to violence… she knew it was not wise.

Lilya nodded with a soft smile to Inna before Lachesis dismissed himself, his final word being that he needed her to grieve. “Ah’ll go with ya, m’dear.” She murmured as she started to follow him – something told her he was a little more frustrated than he was letting on.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Fading and archiving

Inna was glad to see Ayti go, she didn't want much to do with him after the things that he said. Of course he thought he was right about it all and part of her felt they all felt they were right about what they thought. Their actions spoke it loud and clear to the Raven, through all of this it was actions that meant more than words. A hard lesson to learn but she had learned it the day that she had discovered Lorcan had left her yet again. His words had said he loved her but how could he leave her three times now? And Oksana the poor girl, what would she do without her father. All the work she had done to keep Lorcan safe and try and help you build a relationship with his daughter, shoving anything she felt to the side, it was all a waste. She felt she should have never told him he was going to be a father.

Worst of all had she just told Lachesis and her mother who Oksana's father was all of this might not be happening. Her head had dropped to look at her paws, how stupid she felt now for thinking she food trust Lorcan. “I'm sorry, I felt it was something I should deal with on my own and maybe talking about it would have helped I don't know.” She couldn't know, how often she had talked to Lorcan about how she felt and maybe that was what had drove her away from him. With Lorcan she had always been honest and never held back. With everyone she had been like that and maybe that was the problem. “I will try in the future to come and talk,” she said sincerely even though she worried that the same thing that had happened with Lorcan would happen with them too. What if she was too honest and didn't hold back anything, would they drive them away too?

She looked up at Lachesis and nodded when he said he wasn't going to punish her, “I understand what I was punished for.” She didn't know about this matter but she supposed it was one that she would have to let go and try to work to rectify on her own. He didn't want to discuss it further but it was what was at the bottom of everything between him and her. She hoped that it would improve but she just didn't know. Again as he spoke about not believing words from outsiders she just couldn't get sure, his actions spoke louder in this situation. All she needed was to know what she had truly said that day, to hear him say that he knew that she had said she would recommend it but it was the same as it had been and now it seem that it would always be.

As for Oksana's father, her question hadn't been answered, she still didn't understand why it was so Important that she tell them when it was fine her mother hadn't. All these misunderstandings even with Alek always turned in her and made her the bad one. “I see now that my efforts to try and give Oksana the kind of relationship with her father that I had with mine was pointless, he still left her and now she will carry that. While I still don't understand why it was so important for everyone to know perhaps telling you would have kept me from all of this.” Maybe it wouldn't, there really was no way to know at this point.

She again nodded at his words that at this point she wasn't sure how she felt about anything. She knew she was still upset and felt that some things hadn't been resolved but maybe she just needed time to process everything. “I think I need a little time, I have a lot to think about after today but I do want to talk again.” She just hoped they would be willing to talk with her when she was ready.

She nodded, “I need to find her and explain to her why her father has left us.” Though part of her hoped Oksana found Lorcan first so that hopefully he would listen to her and her daughter could still have a relationship with him. She then turned and left swiftly to find Oksana.


(This post was last modified: Dec 16, 2017, 01:07 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.