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prayin' [for] daylight — The Wildwood 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis glanced to Valiant as he drew up at his side. He took a quick once over the male, noting his thin form and dull colouring. He’d have to help him get himself back into top condition and with the loss of his hunting partner now was the perfect timing for another to appear. Yes, he was pissed the wolf had come early but in truth the timing had been perfect- for both of them it seemed. <b>”Probably for the best, mate. Things are taking too long and I’m getting pissed off with it. Everyone here is a fucking goodie-two-shoes; I haven’t found one suitable candidate yet.”</b> He uttered in hushed tones, but in the corner of his eye the black male drew closer- was he ear wigging?!

With a narrow gaze Rhysis responded to Sabre’s words. <b>”Thanks for the concern, dick, but it’s not <i>my</i> health you should be worried about.”</b> he added with a toothy smirk. He had been about to turn to Valiant, suggesting they take leave of this stranger when Sabre said something which caught his attention. He was mated… mated for power. Now <i>that</i> was a smart move indeed.

The cons to Rhysis’ operation so far had been his age for one, being two months off adulthood meant that no one would yet take him seriously, despite his colossal size and weight and secondly, to start a pack you needed a female and he had yet to find any with a brain cell large enough to suit the position… not to mention the fact he hated the thought of contact with any wolf- he couldn’t even force himself to pretend to fall in love, just for the sake of a womb to raise his heirs in. Being the “evil genius” he was, he had told himself all along that he would be able to find a work around and with things having progressed so slowly it was the last thing on his mind but this wolf… he could be most useful.

With a flurry of images his dark mind raced ahead a thousand miles a minute. This loser and his bitch could make the pack, then he and Valiant and whatever other followers he could muster would follow… wait for the right moment, perhaps once they’d had pups and the female was weak- they could slaughter him and take over. Kill him and his offspring, keep the female for their own uses. It was the perfect plan… His game was changing.

His attention turned fully to the other black male then. He was silent for a moment, his eyes narrowing and then relaxing as he thought it over. He had to tread carefully, keep his words just right and maybe this would fall into place. He’d have to explain it all to Valiant later, he needed to know that his allie would follow him in this but for now, this looked like his best option and he was going with it. <b>”Now that, is a smart idea. Not as dumb as you look aye.”</b> He added with a flick of his ear before he shifted his weight between his paws. <b>”So how far have you got in creating this little pack of yours? I’m guessing from the lone hunting you don’t have many followers…yet.”</b> he said with emphasis.

Take the bait.
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2012, 10:23 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant had to snort at the strangers comment. He had heirs, just how many he wasn't sure, but he had no need to keep the bitches around once he was done with them. Their families took on the responsibility of raising the pups, he was always long gone by the time they took their first steps out of the den.

His ears flicked in concern at where Rhysis was going with his conversation, but like any good second he kept his mouth shut. He was sure it would all come out in the end, but Valiant had no desire to run under the mutt and his bitch. He didn't have the patience to take orders and it was obvious the arrogant shit would be the bossy type. He would happily put him in his place if the need arose, his lightly scarred features a testament to the battles he had survived.

He was almost smuggly relieved that Rhysis hadn't found anyone else yet. It meant less competition and no need to assert himself, yet... but what if he drew the stranger into the plan? Then where would that leave him?

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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre really didn't have that much of an interest in these two besides using them, and even that he wasn't sure about. He highly doubted that the two of them were actually worth his time. But messing with them would be entertaining. This he knew for sure when he was able to catch the black male's attention after mentioning the advantages of having a mate. Of course, those were advantages, not reasons. But let the black wolf believe what he wanted. It didn't matter to him.

"I'm sorry," Sabre responded to the black male's first comment. "But I fear you took my words for concern. In no way am I concerned about some pup and his problems." Sabre was taking this age thing a little too far. This wolf was obviously not far from being full-grown, but he was still younger than himself and the silver wolf.

Playing with these wolves was fun and he wasn't about to stop. He could tell that he had hit an important point by mentioning his advantage. Sabre wasn't an idiot; he could tell by the black male's words that he and his mate would be nothing more than tools. While he would like to use these wolves to reach his goal, he needed his own, legitimate followers first; followers that would be loyal to him and not to the black wolf and his goon, the silver wolf.

"Well, I'm definitely not as dumb as you look," he retorted, clearly not buying the male's praise. "If it's such a smart idea why didn't you think of it first, genius? Oh wait, I forgot - you're still just some bumble-headed pup." Sabre was clearly unconvinced that this male would be of any use to him. No, these wolves were dangerous and, before anything, it was his goal to protect Rainuh and their future pups. Because of that he would need to find several other allies who would back him if he allowed this black wolf in. "Oh, you know. It's just a dream right now, since we just moved into the area," he said with a shrug, as if the issue of forming a pack really wasn't all that important to him. "And you're right...I don't have any 'followers,' as you put it." Sabre didn't think of any wolves that would join him as followers, but as allies and as family. Sabre also picked up on the 'yet' that was emphasized as the male spoke. "Are you suggesting yourself and your pet here?" he asked, gesturing towards the silver male. "I'm sorry kiddo; you're just not my type, I'm afraid. Really, I'm flattered that you want to join me, I'm just looking for someone a bit....smarter." A wide, toothy grin spread across his face. "Besides, I don't think fluffball here is interested," he finished, nodding a second time to the silver male.Taunting them was so much fun.
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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<center>user posted image</center>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I hear you’re hoping for a scuffle? xD We haven’t really setup positions but I’m assuming from the way we’re talking that Rhysis and Val are next to each other and Sabre is talking to them head on? If that’s not alright let me know!

<blockquote>Rhysis hadn’t bothered to rise to the challenge of his age- it was growing old fast and he’d rather focus on the pack talk instead, though that didn’t appear to be going the way it should either. Clearly this wolf was moronic, speaking to him and Valiant as he was- did he not realise he was outnumbered by two rather large wolves? Yes he was big, but there were two of them and only one of him and quite frankly, with the terrible insults and the instant dashing of his pack plans he’d had enough. This wolf was clearly all talk; trying to show off in front of the pair of them but it was pointless- Rhysis was the expert at deception, being someone you were not and this wolf was clearly not as ‘dark’ as he tried to be- he carted a female around with him for goodness sake. Rhysis would never tolerate that, females were for breeding only and they were easy to take that way, you didn’t need to keep one in your company so he supposed that she meant a little more to him then he was letting on- it was a shame he didn’t know her name, he could have made a nice little example out of her.

Still, enough was enough- he was getting a headache from the constant, trivial insults being dealt and quite frankly, he was ticked off.

Rhysis’ lips never parted for words, he had nothing worth while to say to the other and trashy fight talk was never his style. Instead, as the black wolf had been talking and finally nodded in Valiant’s direction, Rhysis had been waiting for the moment his guard was away before he bunched his muscles in his hind legs and forced himself forward with a kick from the ground. Only then did his lips part to allow his pearly whites some exposure as he aimed a snapping blow to the shoulder of the other black male. With his front legs outstretched and claws at the ready, he angled himself to try to land his jaws the shoulder and rake those sharp into his flesh at either side of the shoulder.
He didn’t bothered to look to Valiant, though they weren’t the best of friends they knew where their partnership was needed and this was one of those times and whilst Rhysis didn’t trust many, he knew Val would back him up and he wasn’t took proud to use extra muscle to win; this wasn’t a formal duel after all so why not play dirty, right?
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

The younger wolf didn't waste words and it was one of the things he appreciated about him. Nothing annoyed him more than a wolf that was all talk. He had watched closely as with each remark to the dark wolf at his side caused the haunting grey eyes to go colder and colder. The stranger was in for it now...

Rhysis's nod was barely perceptible. If he hadn't been expecting it he would have missed it. He bunched his muscles a fraction of a second after Rhysis launched himself, darting to the back of the browner black wolf but maintaining his distance, they were all large wolves and the two were so closely matched in colour he didn't want to accidentally attack Rhysis instead. The fur was flying and he needed an opening before he could join the fun.

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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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OOC// That's how I was picturing it, so it's all good xD Just keep in mind that Sabre is at least a wolf-length away from them.
e.e can you say crap? god this posts sucks. if i need to change anything, let me know. been a while since i rped an attack of any sort.
prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
If Sabre hadn't been standing things would have gotten ugly fast. As it was, he was on all four paws and at least five feet away from the strangers, having never moved in too close. The black male had used the moment in which he had been distracted, nodding towards the silver male, but had not taken into consideration the tilt of his head. As Sabre had nodded his head tilted sideways, not turning away from the black male at all. Though he wasn't entirely prepared for the attack, he saw the movement of the male's muscles and was able to react no more than a second after the male sprang forward.

Sabre reacted on impulse, but thought things through as he moved. He noticed the silver brute move behind him but no attack seemed to be coming just yet. The key would be to keep both of them away from his back. So, rather than meeting the black male's attack head on, he had to turn himself somehow, while still avoiding any major damage that might be done by the teeth and the claws of the black male.

In the moment between initial launch of attack and impact, Sabre acted on instinct and launched himself forward, then swerved to the side away from the male. He winced as a claw tore a shallow wound in his haunch, but that was much more bearable than the injuries he might have sustained had he met the attack head-on and then been attacked by the silver male from behind. When he was past the black male he turned to face the two of them, irritated. He could have done something to knock the black male off balance or moved into to get a shot at his neck, but with the silver male behind him he knew that his only option was to find a way to turn around.

"That's no way to treat someone you want to use," he accused, glaring at the two of them. "You two seem to hate females. Starting a pack will be difficult without a mate. You need me to do that part for you." Sabre was no longer playing around. His voice was hard, serious, and full of anger. "The way I see it, you have two options: use a mated pair to start a pack, then get rid of them and take over yourself; or find a way to get your own mate. Seems to me, the first option is easier, since I'm standing right here. Saves you the trouble of finding a mate, correct?" Sabre continued to start at the two wolves, watching them for more signs of an attack, prepared to react at any moment. "You want me to do the dirty work for you then you gotta offer me something in return."
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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<center>user posted image</center>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
The large male had moved at the last moment, apparently his guard hadn’t been down enough and Rhysis had only managed to cause a gash in his hind leg- still, it was a good enough warning as the male had taken care to move himself much further away. Rhysis turned as he landed from the spring, his leather pads skidded across the floor as he swung his rear around to turn him so he could be facing the other head on again. He took a few steps towards Valiant as the stranger began talking, and though his head was kept low and his ears flattened, he listening to what he was offering.

Once he was at Valiant’s side and the stranger had finished talking, he thought quietly. Though it was obvious he was ready to just rip his head off, with hackles still raised and in fighting position, he did listen. Rhysis may have been hot headed, but he wasn’t stupid enough to kill an enemy before he’d gotten everything he needed from them; that just wouldn’t be smart.

<b>”Are you listening to yourself?”</b> he finally said, though he never left his position. <b>”You want us to join you and help create <i>my</i> pack... knowing we will kill you and your whore the first chance we get? Where is the logic in that?”</b> he snorted before taking a glance to Valiant from his steel hued eyes. Unfortunatly the male was right, they needed a female to make an official pack and whilst one could always be taken, forcefully if needbe, this would be a faster process and Rhysis was fed up with waiting... but then he had Valiant too didn’t he. The ladies wolf, surely he could get a female for them to use, he’d had so many before. Rhysis didn’t other to consider himself into that equation. He would never take a mate, females were a womb and nothing more, plus he hated physical contact unless it was to the death; although he was a very clever wolf but he just couldn’t bring himself to do that. He’d always known about this disadvantage but at the time he’d just assumed he’d find more like him. Find a female who wanted freedom but the benefits of a pack behind that freedom who would happilly take the throne next to him- without the whole mate part. So he was torn, between speed and luck. This would be the faster way to get his pack, but it wouldn’t be ideal and no doubt as soon as this stranger had some more wolves on board and claimed their loyalty, he’d had Rhysis and Valiant disposed of... unless they got in there first. <b>"What is it we'd have to do if we were to consider helping you?"</b>

What to do... what to do. There was not much else he wished to say at this point, instead he waiting for the others response before he would consider the matter further.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant snorted in disbelief, his hackles rising and making him appear more rediculously fluffy than he already did. It made it hard for anyone to take him seriously when he was pissed off.

He couldn't comprehend why Rhysis would want to waste his time with this wolf, he wasn't nearly pliable enough to just roll over and let them do as they pleased. It stunk of a pack full of rules and if that was the case he was out. They could get females of their own, it wouldn't be that hard surely...

"You can't be seriously considering this shit..." he said a little louder than he intended. The younger wolf knew where he stood on rules... after all if he had been any different he wouldn't be here now, he'd be waiting on the borders like a good little whelp.

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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre completely ignored the silver wolf now, as if he wasn't even there. Despite the fact that he had fluffed himself up and looked absolutely ridiculous, he payed absolutely no attention to anything but the black male.

"Despite what you might thin, I'm not an idiot," he said in a smooth, calm voice. "And neither are you." There was no use for insults now. Sabre was a cool, calculating monster, putting things together in his head without hinting at his plans outwardly. He knew what he wanted and he knew that this wolf could help him get it, but it was far more complex than simply creating a pack with this male. He had to play his cards just right."I have my own reasons for wanting another pack in the area," he stated pointedly. "My mate and I will help you, on one condition." He glanced at the silver male and had a difficult time taking him seriously. He just looked ridiculous. But then he hadn't taken that particular male seriously since the first moment of their meeting.

Turning his attention back to the male, he said, "I have no desire to remain in a pack with you. However, I will, for my own reasons, help you set your pack up. I believe that it would be beneficial for both of you because then you do not have to align yourselves with females, unless they are merely allies. There will be no need for a mate." From what both of the males said, they were not interested in attaching themselves to a female for a long period of time. "My mate and I wish to start our own pack, yes. However, not for another year. We wish to make our mark on the land first."

This was turning into a speech. He needed to cut it short now. "We will start your pack for you, give leadership to you afterwards, and leave. On one condition. You let us live."
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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<center>user posted image</center>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Rhysis glanced to his ally at his words, his steel eyes met the dopy brute with earnst- they may not be the best of friends but it was still nice to have someone loyal to you. Rhysis was well aware that Valiant was only here for himself, as was he, but it was still refreshing to know he had back up here.

In truth he hadn’t been considering anything, he merely wanted to know what the stranger was up to and he may have something beneficial to say. Valiant had a point, so far it had been shit, probably a distraction so he could talk his way out of his certain death should the pair strike again, but that didn’t mean he shouldn’t listen to it. No matter how trivial the drival from someones mouth could be, there could be one time you didn’t listen when it would have been imperative to- he made it his business to know everything, no matter how pointless it appeared.

When the stranger began to speak again Rhysis lowered his defenses, elevated his head tall but didn’t move from Valiant’d side- he did listen though. And listened well. He took in the words the other was speaking but said nothing during his speech. Instead his mind sucked in every word, careful to pay attention to the wording he used. The plan was so simple, so simple there had to be more to it. At point blank, he wanted them for numbers to make a pack... then leave the pack they had made and give it to them. It made very little sense to Rhysis indeed. He was logical, and this plan didn’t make sense. <b>”There would have to be conditions in place... and I would set those, right?”</b> he added as cooly as he could, though he gave Valiant a glance to let him know he hadn’t lost his mind just yet. In truth he didn’t want this wolf’s help, he would do it alone with ease... the trouble was how long it was going to take and he wasn’t in a very patient frame of mind lately.

The offer was there though, allow them to start up a pack, step down and allow Rhysis to take over. It sounded easy, too easy. What was to stop them recruiting wolves and then having them turn on them? They would be the face of the pack after all and loyalty was top priority for a pack wolf. The only reason he would agree to such a plan would be if he ruled... from behind the scenes. And how would he do that? Why, they would claim he was their son, the heir of the pack and then step down peacefully and allow him to rule... That wouldn’t be enough though. He’d need an insurance policy or some sort... the mate would be the key there but he could worry about that later. He doubted very much at this point the male would agree to the terms he wanted; but if he wanted to buy his whore a pretty little pack, this would be the way to do it. All of this trouble for a female? It made him sick to the stomach, but the law was the same no matter whre you went, a female had to rule at your side to start a pack. Gah, politics were a real pain in the ass.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]