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Fury — Lost Lake 
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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Kainda was able to land a kick to his side that pushed him off of her, sending him to the ground. Thanatos quickly jumped back up and leapt at Kaid, snarling. "Do you want to keep this up? Back off or I will attack again!" He snarled at her. He meant what he said when he called her beautiful and she basically spat in his face. He was infuriated. If she kept coming at him, it would become a fight to the death.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
Kaidna slowly stood up when she ahd managed to kick Thanatos off her, but suddenlt the monstrous wolf calmed down, all growling and snarling disappeared and she almost looked peaceful. If you can say it peacefl when one tooth is still holding up the other side of her mouth, scars all over and blood drainign from her wounds. But Kainda was actually happy, not in the way most were, but in unique Kainda way.

This all was before Thanatos spoke, then the lady gave one more snarl but soon wagged her tail. Anger seemed to make him talk better, but Kainda really didn't pay much attention to it. She had found out that Thanatos wasn't coward, he was actually good fighter she could accept as equal. <b>"U a'a-e 'od 'o-l'l'f. G-g-oo' fi'h-t'r. P-'a-is'e"</b> Kainda spoke frowning. The words weren't copming out as she wanted, attempted 'you are a good fighter. Good wolf. Praise' didn't really sound good, but hopefully Thanatos would understand.

Wagging her tail and even attemptign to smile, wiht poor results, Kainda took a few careful steps forward. head low, tail as well, but not in threathing way. The beast showed her submisson to the black male, attempting to lick his wounded shoulder.
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos was surprised when Kaid wagged her tail and spoke to her. He tried to understand what she was saying. You are odd ollf? You are good wolf. Good fighter. Praise? He was confused by the last part? Was she giving him praise? Was she accepting his praise from earlier? Either way, he was happy. Thanatos wagged his tail and smiled at Kaid.

He was shocked when she came closer, he didn't thin she would ever willingly come closer. She submitted to him, another thing he never expected. Kaid started to lick his wounds and Thanatos licked her forehead, staring into her eyes.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
Kainda look back to him, eyes not telling her feelings would've turned any warmer toward him, beause, well, they haven't. She had accepted him, but that's it. Kaid was pretty unwilling or perhaps even unable to love or even like anyone. Her hard had become stone too long time ago, that broken thing was nothing more than dead thing she carried with her. Bitterness and lonelyness had been the main things killing it. It was unlikely that her heart would ever be awaken.

But those yellowish eyes told the long story of her sick mind, the mind that only cared about fighting. Life was a one big fight, life was pain. What else should you expect. Giving a few more licks before moving away. With a nod and small wag of her ail the tawny beast was gone to the woods surrounding this Lost Lake.

Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos watched as Kaid left, tempted to follow her. He liked Kaid but didn't think she did. He wanted to find a potential mate. Perhaps it would be Kaid but he wasn't sure at the moment. Maybe in time he would see.