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My Kingdom Come — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>It would appear as though Kade had all the help he would need, but he wasn't convinced that all had the best intentions. Borden's words still weighed on his mind and he wondered what Jayse would will him to do. Best not to add weight to her troubled mind though. He would hunt with his lady, or with Kade depending on which way the number swung in the morning, and try to catch a word with the dark man after the meeting away from prying ears. He knew who he preferred of the two men, not that it would matter eventually...

He looked to his lady with ears pinned back in submission, a small questioning smile passing his lips. He would rather not speak in front of them all but imagined when he arrived in the morning his intentions would be more than clear. He was yet to claim a roll, but thought it best to think on it some more before voicing an opinion and being stuck in the eyes of all who were gathered. Best to stay below the notice of as many of the other males as possible, even more so the case with the females. How would he ever convince Hawke not to storm the pack lines otherwise?</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2012, 10:03 AM by Valiant.)
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Pathetic ninja-like post... I should be in bed now. 8c</i>

<blockquote>To hear Arlette speak up to volunteer to learn how to be a Keeper made Borden's heart skip a beat. <i>Huh.</i> He offered a smile to his ivory daughter before the other pack members took a turn in introducing themselves and offering what they were looking forward to doing or learning for the pack. Trisden was first, only offering her name, then her brother Hocus who, like Arlette, wanted to pick a role to learn. Something to specialize in. The Lyall's eyes flickered to Kiche who seemed to relish the idea of having Hocus as an apprentice. The topic shifted and Borden's ears perked up. He had almost forgotten about the pack hunt and it amused him as to why Jaysyek had planned for two parties: one for her and the other for Kade. She then allowed Kade to take the floor and Borden merely pursed his lips, determined to keep still and quiet as he expanded on the hunt by revealing the chosen locations.

He listened as each of Hollow wolves voiced that they would prefer to hunt at Jaysyek's side before Raigo spoke up that he would go with Kade in the morning. His muscles tensed and once he had mentally collected himself, he put forth a rather generous and mawkish smile to both of his superiors, <b>"If you two need another, I'll gladly assist."</b> Behind the facade that he was flaunting about his masked features his mind clashed with what ideas he had tucked away. The tone he openly offered was nothing but an <span class='word'>antipode</span> of what he had initially been brooding upon: the "accident" he had thought of carrying out and the suppressed jealousy he was still harboring. With Kiche heading out to hunt with Jaysyek and the trust he was still attempting to gain from the pack, he couldn't risk anything as precarious as his malicious deeds. Walking a thin line, he knew from experience, often got him nowhere when everything was so delicate and easily broken or lost. One side of his mouth twitched and he instantly forced himself to stop with all the smiling; sooner or later the males would have to be dealt with and the grin-filled charades would be worn thin until his true intentions of taking back Grizzly Hollow would be revealed. He added solemnly on an afterthought, <b>"But once the hunt has been carried out, I'd love to take the opportunity to teach Arlette a few things if someone would be kind to spare some... teaching materials? Some small part of a kill that we could afford to leave behind for a few hours or so?"</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2012, 08:13 PM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

She accepted her mom's smile, and turned slightly to see Borden's reaction. The idea did not seem to bother him. When Kade moved up beside her mom, she gave him her attention, listening close to what was being said. They were separating? A flash of fear crept down her the nape of her neck. She wasn't sure how that was going to work. Would he be in the Marsh, herding some up to the ones in the Meadow? Or? She wasn't sure, and glimpsed toward her siblings. Were they ready? She wasn't sure how eager she felt now. She shifted her weight rather nervously between her paws. She noticed the black male's grin, and tried to return it. The young mind was running a million miles an hour at this latest bit of information. She was torn deciding who to go with. Everyone was volunteering to head with her mother, or most of them. She would have preferred they all being together. She was quite nervous about all this. Caribou were not small, not the ones she had seen. Some still had long wicked antlers, and did not seem very inviting. She was aware there might be young calves, but they didn't seem harmless either. Sharp hooves, and quick feet. She had to hold tight her throat, not to let a whine of uncertainty escape. How she wanted to ask for a second option.

The strong, second and her friend Raigo spoke up she listened. Apparently he would go with Kade, and Borden volunteered as well. She thought maybe that might be for the best. She could go with them, couldn't she? If it was a numbers game, that group needed more. She could assist? She knew the Marsh, she'd hunted there before. She did not want to get in the way, spoil their chances. She was very quiet, eyes drifting among the circle of wolves though she never stared directly. When Borden spoke up again his voice caught her ears, and she picked up on the opportunity for her first lesson. The tip of her white tail lifted, and fell. She looked forward too it, but her moment of joy was short lived. She was rather worried what tomorrow would bring. She could not make up her mind. Her worried eyes sought her mother's, begging her to decide what was best.

[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<i>Sorry guys. I think we won't have as many wolves for the hunt as before I was trying to decide how
to best go about this, and wrapping the thread up. Any way, this is the last round. Feel free to reply
your wolf leaving, or staying to interact with the rest of the pack. I'll make sure it gets wrapped up/archived.</i>
    we'll bury the castle.

She resisted to show any further emotion, though she was glad Kade had stepped up, jumping in with his new command, and directing when it should take place. They would be in two groups, and she would not argue with the idea. It might cut the confusion to a minimum for not only the pups, but everyone in general. She'd never had to be of quite a large coordination, not since she had been a yearling herself. A steady face she did not let her eyes hold upon anyone to long, they carried from one wolf to the next seeing each reaction to all this. Then the placings began.

She tipped her nose respectfully, and in gratitude to Elettra for her offer. She looked forward to working along side her. The leader was ready for this, and thought it a great opportunity for everyone to bond. It was Kiche she watched most closely uncertain if he would participate, as he had had a hard time eating much flesh if he ever did. He volunteered to go with her as well. White head nodded to him, accepting his choice. She would keep her expectations high that he, and Elettra could work together for the greater good. If not, something would have to be done. The future was not something she was again eager to worry about again. Silver humbled ask to be on her crew too, she let a soft smile appear on her lips. "Of coarse," she stated, not finding a problem with her choice. Elettra had appeared to have taken to her, and it could help assure the dark and silver lady in this hunt. Especially with Kiche. Raigo on the other hand, a wolf she was most eager to hear volunteered to be in Kade's group. She graciously smiled to the wolf who had been a boy, and who was becoming a man, more and more each day. This might have saddened her, but the boy that had come to the Hollow was not dead. He was a part of the aging, brown male, and she was very proud of it. There was someone who had yet to speak. Valiant. This bothered her. She hadn't taken him for a quiet fellow, and just barely her brows would wrinkle across what had been a smooth, white face. Was this the trouble with packs? She did not want to ask, nor shame him.

She debated just how she wanted to go about speaking to him when not for the first time, but the second Borden distracted her. Mismatched eyes meet the pale green and gold hues of the Lyall man, she did not hide her bewilderment or curiosity. In the love she had for him she couldn't imagine vicious intent in his enlistment. She could wonder, couldn't she? If he was trying to be nice, and considerate or something else. Great force she merely held his gaze instead of letting her thoughts run off with her sanity. A half smile was offered, and she bobbed her head. "I don't see why not, I'm sure they'll be plenty if all goes well." She looked to him longer before noticing the anxiety of Lettie, and she tried to see if Trisden and Hocus mirrored her. Stretching her legs, she let out a quiet sigh, shaking her neck out to relieve part of her own woes. "I think the main plan will be to chase promising targets from Hush Meadow into Whisper Marsh alright? Kade, Raigo, Borden, Valiant, and Hocus can be the ones waiting to take down, and wound. While, everyone else will work to guide the caribou that way. Also helping those surprising when the time comes. It'll be less distant from home, and the pups can get a good feel of what it's like without them being directly responsible for the kill, or in harm's way. Alright? Any questions we'll work out before the hunt." She let out a long breath, and found herself looking at Valiant hoping he might speak to her when he was ready after the meeting.

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2012, 07:47 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'><ul>KICHE OUT HOMIES.</li></ul></span>

So Silver would be joining them. The corners of his mouth quivered dangerously, threatening to sink to the ground in a sour frown. Perhaps he could have handled just Elettra, but it would be much harder for him to manage to contain himself with that silver thorn embedded in his paw. She was obnoxious, vain, and delusional, and she couldn't be trusted. Elettra on her own was a little less than alright, it was just bearable... but the two of them together was dangerous. What if, when this meeting adjourned, they both crawled back into that cesspit of a hospital and brought their heads together to conspire. His life could very easily be at stake. All it would take was a snap of the jaws or a hoof to the face... though Kiche wasn't quite sure how they would manage this, not really knowing how hunting —let alone <i>pack</i> hunting— worked.

Jayse's description of a hunt was far too complicated for him to wrap his mind around. Perhaps it was something that couldn't be explained, only witnessed or experienced —but he doubted it. His self-confidence had plummeted with any attempt he made to catch a single thing until it had shrunk to an infinitesimal speck that merely floated in the breeze, carried about by whim. It would take a whole lot of luck for him to make a kill... not that he really <i>wanted</i> to. But he would have to try for Jayse, for Borden, for the children, for the Grizzly Hollow he longed to rebuild. With a sigh, he shook his head, pensive and confused, the sickening dread returning to his roiling stomach. By now, the meeting was drawing to a close, and the saint knew it was in his best interest to get out as soon as possible before he made a public scene or threw up. Now was the moment to dispense his parting gifts. With a curt dip of his head and a tight smile, Kiche bid Jayse adieu. To Kade, he gave an uncertain stare. To the children, he sent a hopeful, slightly warmer smile that said: <i>I'll see you three later.</i> Lastly, he turned to Borden, gave the underside of his chin a swift lick before he hauled himself to his feet and traipsed away into the forest to lost and alone.

[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Borden's eyes went to Arlette as soon as the question had left his mouth and was heartened the moment her tail rose. As quick as it was to reveal her excitement, it almost immediately went limp and the masked man glanced to Jaysyek just as she had. There was no doubt that she was nervous; it reminded him of when he and his siblings had to do the same a few years ago. The family suffered from a few kicks and gashes; and though the minor injuries weren't too severe, it left a lasting impression on all the siblings. Borden, meanwhile, having been nipped at and stared down only a few days before was not fazed in the least.

He tried to offer her a comforting smile but her eyes were trained on her mother in search of comfort. Jaysyek finalized the pack's strategy and where everyone would be and he nodded quietly. To his side Kiche began to stir but his attention was not broken until the preacher placed a respectful lick to his chin. He looked over his shoulder to acknowledge Kiche's departure, then once he had gone Borden, too, stood up and his ears folded back courteously. He slowly drew forward to graze Jaysyek's lower jaw respectfully with the bridge of his muzzle. Once he had withdrawn, his ears perked back up and he eyed Kade and Elettra sternly before backing away and striding into the woods in the opposite direction Kiche had gone.

(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2012, 06:01 AM by Borden.)
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>Watching intently as the teacher and the keeper took their leave, it was as if a weight lifted from Valiants shoulders. So that was how pack meetings went here? Not so bad, and a hunt in the morning, while he often found such chores tedious he could understand the necessity. It would seem he would find himself with Kade again and the silver wolf masked a small smile. At least there would be one friend amongst the strangers he now called family.

Feeling it was high time to take his leave he rose with a respectful nod to Jayse and Kade before melting into the crisp clean air of the night. After being cooped up for so long it was a welcoming feeling. There was nothing better than being able to sleep under the stars, and so he went in search of somewhere sufficiently comfortable to bunk down for the remainder of the night.</blockquote>

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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>As the gathering was concluded, the male's eyes would lay gaze to the members of the Hollow as they hastily began their departures. A faint grin would acknowledge Valiant's respectful nod before his attention was turned directly to Jaysyek as she stood at his side. She'd certainly done an admirable job, in the face of incertainty and ridicule. <i>I'm proud of you</i>, his gentle stare would convey.

But the gentility of his nature would dissipate with Borden's approach, as the subordinate made his way forth to pay Jaysyek his respect. A faint, devilish smile would meet the dark-featured man's glare. How bold, he was, to pay homage to the mother of his children, while synchronously defying her in his attempts to intimidate the man and woman who'd kept her safe all the while. Though it was quite the delight to know just how disturbed the ex-king was, a brooding fury churned torturously inside of him. They would have their time, he and the Lyall, and soon their wordless fued would be <i>forced</i> to rest.

Watching until his adversary had disappeared into the night, the man would pay his own respects to the leadess, Elettra, and Raigo, before offering a wink of reassurance to quiet Trisden. <i>It will all be over soon, little one.</i>

And with that, the Leader would turn and make his own descent into the depths of the night.</blockquote>

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
    the suns going to shine, and sometimes the clouds will rain.

The anxiety for the hunt she would tuck away to worry over later. When the meeting came to an end she watched everyone giving her mom goodbyes before quickly disappearing into the dark. Her eyes would watch all four men go actually curious to where they while she slept. Forehead wrinkled, only being able to guess what they did, and where there way. Maybe they didn't sleep at all. This idea made her feel so much safer. A twist of her ears, she tried to breath easy, and than playfully nudged Trisden to break the serious mood.

It was Elettra, Raigo, her mother, and just them gathered outside the den like it had been for so long. Minus Theodore. She momentarily frowned missing her other white brother. This wasn't time for sorrow.

Jumping to her paws she let out a playful woof, but this time her new attack was to Raigo, who she bounded to giving a playful nip before bouncing back. She bowed, her tail raised playfully above her swishing through the air. If they did not quite have to go to bed she wanted to play. Or try to tire herself out to get sleep before her impending doom.


(This post was last modified: Mar 22, 2012, 03:52 PM by Arlette.)
[Image: oaktreebend.png]