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Tisa wants to play. — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd continued to watch, and soon turned as Athena arrived onto the scene. He did not hate any of these wolves, no, for he had no reason to. It was Rhysis that he did not like. Watching with pale eyes, the man now rose back up, snarling to Tisa "You better give in, woman. If you're smart you will- that is, unless you favor having your coat torn off" He was not trying to help her, but rather giving her some sound advice. If she had any intelligence within her, she would know right now that she was in deep shit. Hah, Jedd was not too out of the shit himself. He did not care, though. Sure, these women thought of him as a traitor- a scumbag, but why should he give two fucks about that?

The light sprinkling of rain continuing now, droplets sticking to his gray-black pelt. The rustic scent of blood was now dominating the air and flowing into his nostrils. Crinkling his nose, his teal-green eyes blinked before he stepped a foot forward. Jedd would still not bother with this fight. It was the most pointless one he had seen in a while.... but Tisa did get what she deserved. Tampering with someone's patience is something only a fool would do.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
<i>Nice</i> had never been her intention, and in fact was the farthest thing from it. With every pull of Ava's head she could feel the flesh tearing, wrenching itself from the pale wolf's body. Blood was soaking her lips and cheeks and filling her mouth, the taste of it sour on her tongue. Her hackles and tail threatened to soar off into the rainclouds, so high were they raised. The rain that began to fall upon her went unnoticed, but not the scent of Athena as it wafted in on the scene. Ava couldn't see her, but this time she was incapable of keeping the grin off her face. Bless that that tiny she-wolf for Ava was truly beginning to love the spitfire she was. Of course, the dark she-wolf's pleasure was short-lived as Tisa's jaws snapped and she felt teeth sinking into her leg.

The immediate pain that blossomed from her paw the same way the red liquid did only fueled her fury, clamping her jaws so hard it made them hurt. Tisa's teeth had well punctured her skin, a hot pain searing in the newly made wound. Jerking her leg she would try to loosen the hold before her paw reached the point of being mangled. Luckily, Tisa next move would prove to help her in this feat. Ava was sufficiently pushed away - even with her own health the female had exerted her all and it was enough to relieve Tisa not only of Ava, but of a good chunk of her own fur and flesh from where Ava had latched on to*. Ava was not without losses - as she fell back, Tisa's teeth would drag through her flesh as the paw in question was removed from her jaws.

Immediately she took the momentum she was granted and moved toward Athena, though her threatening and dominant posture was changed only in that now, she held her injured paw off the ground. Blood dripped from it - she wouldn't soon be able to use it again. But, Ava noted as she spat out the torn flesh and laid her poisonous gaze on the hole she'd made in the pale wolf, her assailant was not well off either. That would easily catch infection and would take a while to heal. It'd be ugly to match her damned face.

"<b>Get the <i>fuck</i> out of here,</b>" she growled, her voice eerily soft and full of promise. "<b>Or we will kill you.</b>"

Ava held her glare, fully prepared for Tisa not to go anywhere and accept her fate. She probably wouldn't believe her - and that'd be her downfall. And Ava alone was the only wolf in all of the Lore that knew what Athena was capable of... and suddenly, in the midst of the fury, Ava was no longer certain she wouldn't do it as well.

Jedd, in the meanwhile, was probably having a good ol' time in the background. He ought to kiss their toes for providing such an entertainment!

(*I'm assuming that with 3 posts of neck thrashing to tear the flesh and Ava's tight hold, and Tisa's force in shoving her off it's safe to say she would lose a good chunk of what Ava was holding on to. Let me know though!)
Played by Jo who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tisa Zyanya
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><i>Tsk tsk.. Silly pup, look what you did now.</i></font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>On the wind arrived another wolf, a snarl thrown out to Tisa. Yellow eyes rolled in their sockets until they found her small form, hackles raised to the sky. Blood dripped from her mouth as she clung to her attacker’s paw. The male directed her a warning as he stood there watching the sport. Tisa almost grinned at him. He reminded her of herself. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>His warning would prove useless, however, as both wolves dislodged from eachother. Tisa’s body seared with hot pain as her tender flesh and fur was ripped from her bodice. She couldn’t help but yelp. Dark crimson blood fell in fat droplets to the grass below. In her own mouth Tisa could taste bits of fur mingled with blood, but not enough skin for her liking. Her attacker fled to the safety of the new wolf. Of course. Couldn’t even be brave enough to keep others out of her battles, could she?</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Tisa was in shock. Adrenaline pumped through her and, for now, she felt nothing from the wound in her neck. She stood there, grinning madly at them all and wagging her tail high above her back. She held her head high and proud and giggled when they threatened her to get out. Hadn’t she been here first? Tisa, for all her fucked up thinking, was in no mood to continue the fight and risk her life further. <b>“Nice meeting you, dearie,”</b> she said, her tone of voice dripping with sweetness as sincere as she could muster.<b> “We really must keep in touch!”</b> </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Spinning on her heels, still high on adrenaline, Tisa exited. She bounded forward, running. It wasn’t a fearfull run, like one might expect, but was instead light and springy. She dissapeared quickly, a trail of blood was the only indicator of where she had gone.</font>

((Yes, I think that's more than fair! See you guys around (; ))
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Jedd watched, almost confused- why was this woman laughing as blood dripped from her body? She bounded away, almost as if she was never even in a fight. Once out of their sight, he looked to Ava and Athena, grunting. "Ain't no one as crazy as her." His pale gaze fell to where the skeletal wolf had sprang off, and he observed the trail of blood. She was in great trouble if she could not find someone to heal her fast.

Turning back over to the two Poisoned women, he parted his jaws. "I know you two do not like me, and that is fine by me." His sentence was simple as he stood, his muscles tight beneath his dark pelt. The rains began to subside, only seeming to be brought on by the fight that occurred moments ago. "Thanks for the show." Western tones were smooth and relaxed. With this, he turned around slowly, striding through some blackberry bushes and off into the woodlands.

Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
( Ta-ta for now ;p and I hope you don't mind me skipping over - Athena can respond/archive following? Since they're both going the same way anyhow x3 )

Ava squinted at the female's disappearance, breathing a hefty sigh of relief while her autonomic arousal slowly began to fall. Her fur began to smooth itself but she couldn't calm her dominant stance. <i>Really?</i> All that and she still couldn't do a single thing to help herself, bounding away like she wasn't bleeding out all over the blackberry bushes? Ava snorted, little dropets of blood that had gotten on her nose flinging on to the tall grasses. Finally the dark she-wolf took note of the rain, shaking her pelt off just in time for it to stop. One droplet fell upon her wounded paw and it stung with no mercy, prompting a grimace from the black wolf while she grit her teeth.

To Jedd's exit she only swiveled her head and bared her teeth, mouth still dripping with the psychotic wolf's blood while tufts of her silvery fur clung to the sticky liquid. It was a warning, no doubt, that the Poison wolves were not what he had seen at their first meeting. A pack of hunters? No longer. Rhysis had wanted warriors, and so they had developed. Yet her eyes held no venomous sting. She was grateful, at least, that he had not attacked her. That much was clear. It didn't mean he was forgiven, no not at all, nor that she wouldn't attack him if she was commanded to. But Ava would refrain from speech and let him haul off from whence he came, her annoyance only mildly masking her pain.

Once he had gone she would hobble closer to the white female, lowering her ears and giving her a grateful nudge in the cheek. She would've honestly kissed her, but Ava didn't want to track the crazy blood on Athena's face - even though she would a little anyway. There had been so much bleeding it'd ended up all over her face anyway. Ava would turn away from Jedd's path, angling her body toward the mountains. "<b>Nevermind him. The disloyal worm has crawled his way to Grizzly Hollow, if we ever need to find him again.</b>" For now, they both knew her injury needed tending to more than Jedd needed a kick in the ass.

And so would begin the slow hobble home.
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2012, 11:17 PM by Ava.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Athena glanced over at Jedd for a split second and with that split second that she was not focused on the wolf on the ground; the unknown female was able to tear at Ava. By the time her eyes flicked back to the fight, the female had latched onto Ava. A threatening growl rumbled in her chest and she was about to launch herself towards the fight, but Ava retreated to stand besides her. Ava ended up ripping out flesh and fur from the female, but she did not come out unharmed. Her paw was hurt badly and she needed medical immediately.

When the female began to retreat in a rather odd way, her teeth bared and a snarl was directed towards her. She will not be keeping in touch with Ava if she had a say in. However, she was not allowed to speak her mind because the mangy woman disappeared. Her attention then directed towards Jedd and she a threatening step towards him. Ava’s words stopped her, however. She was right he was not worth it. Her teeth still bore, she watched as he left.

Ava’s nudge on her cheek brought her back to reality. She returned it lovingly and she bent down to examine her injury. The pelting rain did not help her vision, but she could tell Ava needed help immediately. The walk home will be long and hard, but Athena would be there to help her. She leaned into Ava, allowing her to use her as an aid with her walking. Soon they were off, following the yellow brick road.
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