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no sunshine — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Blehhh... kinda at a loss for words. lol. 8c</i>

<blockquote>Borden's ears lowered, unsure now about what he should or shouldn't say. Judging by her tone it seemed she'd had enough; and, as he tried to keep himself from agitating her further, he held his tongue. A simple nod was given and he swallowed quietly, looking up at her once before dropping his eyes again to some tree roots about 6 feet away.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote><i>its alright sorry about that:X </i>

If there was anything to be said it would be she hated this. 

She'd love nothing more than to pretend he hadn't been gone so long. Yet If she did that she feared what would become of it. She couldn't shake off all her feelings like a splash of cold rain. She disliked how well he just took everything. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and she shook her head. <b>"I'm sorry <i>this</i> isn't fair, any if this. But I can't pretend I haven't changed, and that you haven't either."</b> There was a quiet between them, and she only looked at him wishing for him to be okay.

When she dared she walked a little closer to him, making her movements slow, and her eyes soft. With what she could muster she swallowed back the bad feelings she could, and whispered, <b>"I missed you Borden."</b></blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Ah, no need t' be sorry. <3</i>

<blockquote>Guilt swelled in his chest and he held his breath as he braced himself. Her words went through his ears, settling heavily on his mind one by one. <i>It is fair,</i> he thought, keeping his gaze averted. He knew she couldn't pretend; obviously, he couldn't either with all the weight - shame, regret, and grief - collected on his shoulders and in his ribcage.

When she fell silent, he didn't speak, only anticipating her next string of words. It caught him by surprise, especially since she had drawn closer to him and the sentence had been whispered.

<i>"I missed you Borden."</i>

He looked up at her with a pained glance and his tail gave a short, feeble wag. <b>"I missed you too, Jaysyek,"</b> he breathed. For some time, he observed her, wondering and judging if it was okay to speak... to voice whatever was on his mind. When he thought it was okay, he reclined forward into a sphinx-like position to rest his forelimbs. That way, if his words backfired, he could easily yield to her and present her with a submissive display so that she could berate him for his words. <b>"I just..."</b> he started quietly. <b>"I ca-- I'm s-sorry..."</b> Here they were again, speaking to each other in apologies, or at least, he was. Still.

<b>"Is there something I can do to... something I can do at your request specifically?"</b> He had offered to hunt, they both knew, but maybe she had something else in mind; and, hopefully that something would help ease his worries, even for a little bit or, even, just for today. All he craved for these days it seemed, were Jaysyek's approval.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Eyes held his, catching the slow motion of his tail. The littlest of smiles crept on the edge of her lips, but she held her mouth closed. He looked like he wanted to say something, and she wanted to give him the moment to speak. Pale brows softly furrowed when he slipped his stomach onto the ground, but still she said nothing. She walked closer to him, and fell to her haunches...slowly scooting closer. Head hung low, she gently nudged his cheek. <b>"I know."</b> She held on to what she could have said, knowing it wouldn't do any good. She reminded herself her goal was to help him, no matter how difficult.

The offer came again if he could do something for her. What she wanted was all the missed days, all the time without him, and most importantly him unbroken, and whole again. Something like that wasn't going to happen over night, least she doubted it. She'd try to chip away what was between them, and see if they still could be. Gently she shook her head. <b>"Anything you do, watching the borders, or hunting helps. I think if you really want to do something for me,though you need to try to get to know your children. And I can help you with that."</b>

She shuffled her front limbs closer together, curling her tail over top of her paws. She looked down to his own limbs, checking over where it pained him. Slowly they drifted upward. <b>"So, what if we go get something to eat?"</b></blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>He nodded quietly; inch by inch the thick walls he had built up slowly lowered when she tenderly touched his the side of his face. <i>"I know,"</i> she replied. he felt the burden on his shoulders lightened a little. She wanted him to do what he usually did - hunt and patrol - and... get to know his children... <i>their</i> children. A small smile curved up along his lips before disappearing. He could do that; and, with her help, definitely.

His eyes gradually drifted away from her when she scooted a bit closer. He missed her looking over his muddied wrists. Her voice fluttered back into his ears as a question and he slowly turned back to her, daring to gaze back into her eyes. <b>"Oh, okay,"</b> he merely replied.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Many a time before she stared into his dark mask trying to figure what was going on inside, and she did not know. Mostly she wasn't sure what to guess either. Instead she thoughtfully studied the details of his face watching a simple smile finally appear for maybe a second. It was enough for now. She returned his smile deciding telling him about them could be a start.  <b>"I think you'd be proud they look after one another best they can, and they are picking up hunting fairly well. Trisden, though, she takes too much upon herself she's growing up to fast."</b> 

Her eyes cast down, and a short sigh followed. <b>"If you don't want to come with me I understand."</b> He had met her eyes, but again she had no clue to his thoughts. If it hurt him to go with her, or if it'd be hard in her company and a few other ideas rambled in her mind. </blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>She began to tell him about Trisden and how she and her siblings looked after one another. The youngest Lyall was also pretty much grown up. Borden's ears perked up then settled on either side of his head when she sighed. The fact that he missed his children growing up - in a matter of four months - made him feel terrible.

Jaysyek then said she understood if he didn't want to tag along. <b>"I-I'll come with,"</b> he stated, slowly getting up. He stood up straight, raising his left forepaw immediately after putting weight on it. Suppressing a whine, he gave his tail a more enthusiastic wave. <b>"I'll do my best to keep up anyway,"</b> he added quietly. <b>"When I went looking for Prosper I followed the river for a few weeks and I slipped on some rocks."</b> He felt sheepish in sharing what had happened to him, but hopefully the affirmation would let her know that she didn't have to wait up for him.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Mentioning he would come, she placed herself back to give him space to rise, her tail softly wagging behind her. She couldn't help stare at him, wondering if his leg would heal or if it would forever pain him. A nod was given in understanding. Forelimb raised, ready to go, but paused at the start of his voice once more. <b>"Oh,"</b> was her short reply, eyes upon the ground knowing she would ask Elettra about it. She would doubt she'd want to help him, but she had a mind to convince her other wise. These things she kept to herself, and quickly dropped her nose to the ground hoping to find something nearby. He might be slower, revealing she didn't need to wait, but she couldn't help but keep in mind where he was behind her.

She trailed along the borders, sometimes branching away from them, and all signs of wolf. It was a bit of a walk till she sensed the hare, maybe the same one he had spotted earlier. Ears bent back, listening to his muffled steps for one second, before she crouched slowly down her own following her prey. After a three yards she caught sight of the creature, and when the time was right she sprinted, jaws open to the gray fur. It gave chase, but in the end she was quicker, and snapped it's teeth round it's throat. It hardly had time to struggle within her tight grasp. Just like she had said, she headed back to Borden offering it to him.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Borden watched as she began to lead the way. For a few seconds he was able to maintain his stride, keeping no more than three paces behind her, but as she started to weave through the trees beyond the marked borders of Grizzly Hollow he fell behind. She eventually left his sight completely and he slowed to a staggered walk. While she was away, he tested his forelimb, trying to see how much he could bear walking on it. He counted the steps in the time Jaysyek started to hunt, one... two... th-three... fo-- He winced. The worst case scenario was that his fractured wrist had never healed; best case was that it had healed (which explained how the pain was <i>slowly</i> ebbing away) but the nerves branching down to his forepaw and digits were possibly pinched.

Three steps wasn't bad. At least, it was a start. He had just found out he could stand somewhat normally - with his legs properly aligned and some weight put on his injured paw - when the white lady returned with a gray hare. His ears which had been held high atop his head, lowered once more. He offered her another small smile, not sure how to express his gratitude.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Clearing some gray hairs from her lips with her elbow, her eyes scanned over his frame hoping the walk hadn't pained him to much. She saw his silent smile, and nudged the meat toward him. <b>"It is for eating you know,"</b> she replied with a teasing hint in it's depths. She wasn't going to make him eat it if he refused. There was nothing <span class='word'>churlish</span> about her words. The silence once more was heavy in her ears, which did carve at her nerves. She let it be, unwilling to be the one who broke it again. She'd already tried, and was loss for what else to say. What subject was safe? The weather? The pups? No, what miniscule progress they had made could be easily erased, and she wasn't going to dance around the dangerous edge.

A swirling dead leaf caught her attention, and she studied the remnants of fall wishing it would stay for a little longer. She was dreading winter, because it would surely be the greatest test upon her. Licking her lips, she reclined to her haunches, watching him from her periphrial view. Muzzle, and eyes pointed down she slowly turned her light, silver face to him. <b>"You know if you want to see them, you can."</b> Her words warm much like they use to be feeling it was time to see if they would accept him. She was very worried about their reactions; it was something they needed to push through one way or another.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]