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Silence is golden — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
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Pakuna Atea
Pakuna smiled at Gladius, for she seemed proud of where she was from. That was something fantastic, what more wolves needed. <b>"Yer name sounds of something from the sea"</b> She said before turning away from the shewolf. She took a few steps away before turning back towards her, the melting snow shifting beneath her heavy paws. <b>"Now"</b> Pakuna lowered her cranium, ears flattening tight against her skull. Her emerald optics narrowed, a fierce spark striking up within them. She raised her hackles, feeling the cool wind poke at her flesh where the fur was raised. Curling her dark lips, she exposed her ivory fangs and released a low growl. <b> "I be an unfriendly wolf,"</b> she started, teeth still exposed <b>"What will ye do?"</b>

Pakuna was testing Gladius to see how she reacted. The shewolf now began to pace around, her head still lowered. She raised her thick tail, eyes locked upon the other wolf's.
(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 09:46 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Her body broadened at the comment that her name was from the sea, it made her pride show bright in her stature, and she flexed her limbs in turn. As Pakuna's stance and behavior changed Gladius could see that the lesson had begun. She immediately settled into a low stance, her tail medium but raised at the end, her ears flickered back and her chin dipping protectively over her breast. Her hair on the back of her neck and shoulders spiked with aggression, mock aggression as it was, but it would still be a sign of dominance and challenge from an outside view. She mimicked her opponent and raised her lips, showing a grin that turned into a snarl as her jaws parted.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>"Attack!" Gladius snarled, bunching her hindquarters and leaping at the female. Her thick paws went to bat at the wolf's shoulder, claws kept back as this was only a sparring lesson. Her jaws opened wider to try to grab at Pakuna's ruff. It was a direct charge, void of any pacing or circling, and while it was rough, what it lacked in precision it made up for in raw energy and strength.</font>
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna released a huff of air as the female leaped forth and batted her with her paws before her powerful jaws took hold of her ruff. Green eyes peering down at the female, Pakuna grunted, turning her body and pushing at decent strength into Gladius to throw her off of her. No, she was not using strong force, only enough to get the younger wolf of the sea off of her.

Pakuna did not favor combat, but it was a necessary to know how to fight in order to survive. By Gladius questioning her if she knew anything about fighting, the older shewolf immediatly knew that she needed much training. One may even be very knowledgeable in the art of combat, but there is always more to learn. Her mother had taught her many skills, but Pakuna had learned most when she was out and travelling on her own. Run-ins with creatures such as coyotes and other foes required an ability to fight, which she had quickly learned.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius released her combatant and panted with the effort, she felt the older female's strength and pushed away, studying her carefully. She leaped again, this time trying to straddle the female and wrestle her, vouching to use her muscle rather than her jaws. She dug her muzzle into Pakuna's ribs, trying to off balance her and topple her, and hoping that with her weight on her that she would lose her balance and fall.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius might have been a fair sized lupine, but her attributes were nothing but balance, none showing too much more promise than the other. She was fairly strong, but she had a feeling so was Pakuna. Both her story, and the way she had easily dislodged Gladius, told her that much.</font>
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna had succeeded in pushing Gladius off of her. Within the next second the shewolf was back on her. She growled fiercely, continuing to play her part as an aggressive wolf. Gladius now had her muzzle shoved into Pakuna's ribs, which felt quite uncomfortable. Pakuna snarled in displeasure, side steppinga few times. She teetered for a brief moment before regaining her balance. She turned in a U shape, snapping at the female's muzzle. Of course she was not actually going to bite Gladius, but she was just showing her that she was still vulnerable to attack. <b>"It is good that yer not givin' up"</b> she said, her snarling face suddenly turning to a friendly grin. <b>"But make sure ye don' get frustrated, hear me?</b>

Pakuna knew that frustration would not help with anything. All it would do it blur your mind, driving you mad, and making one incapable of thinking clearly. Gladius, on the other hand, seemed like she was doing quite well with thinking before making a sudden attack. <b>"Ye be doin' well!"</b>
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius tucked her head away, into Pakuna's other side away from her snapping jaws, burying her nose into her ribs again. Seeing that she would not fall, she moved off the older wolf's back and instead went for her belly, grabbing softly at the fur rather than the skin just to illustrate the attack she was attempting. The belly was a vulnerable area, and she figured in a real fight it would be an ideal place to attack. Hearing Pakuna's words, she nodded her head vigorously and pushed the she-wolf's side with her limbs.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She didn't feel frustrated, yet, but could understand that it might happen if she wasn't winning fast enough. Her tail wagged furiously with the praise, and she growled from under the she-wolf as she shook her head and tried to shake the wolf with the grip that she had on her belly fur. She didn't wish to hurt Pakuna, just knock her off her feet.</font>
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
After speaking, Pakuna suddenly felt a tugging at her belly fur. Releasing a surprised yelp, she fell upon her side. <b>"This is when ye get the good bites in"</b> she said, laying on her side. She was proud of the young wolf for knocking her right off her feet. Pakuna's flank rose up and down slowly as she continue to lay on her side. <b>"If yer opponent doesn't get up fast, try n' seize 'em by the neck."</b> Her pale green eyes blinked slowly before she looked at the wolf gnawing at her fur <b>"Alright, that be 'nuff fer now"</b> she said, smirking a bit. She was pretty impressed with how the wolf of the sea performed. Of course she'd need some more practice, but she always had the time to do so.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Triumphant, Gladius stood by Pakuna's side with her tail high behind her, smiling joyously down at the older wolf. Gladius stopped tearing at her belly fur, pausing and listened carefully to Pakuna's instruction. She nodded her head, and nudged the wolfess's throat to show that she understood what the next move would have been. She sat back and wagged her tail, looking pleased with the lesson, and although she was tired, she felt exhilarated and wondrous.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>"Thank you for this, miss. It will surly help me if I ever cross any foul souls." And to make her point clear she snapped her jaws and smile broadly. "How can I make payment for this lesson?" Gladius asked, her tail wagging behind her as she waiting expectantly for a task to repay her tutor. She hungered for more lessons, but decided that it would be best to take it a step at a time. Memorizing today's learnings would tell her much, and it would need to soak in for her to grasp the next concept in combat skills.</font>
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
<b>"Aye, yer quite welcome"</b> Pakuna said, nodding at the younger wolf. Pakuna observed her, and could sense that the female was anxious to learn more. The temperature had dropped a bit, and Pakuna looked to the sky for a brief moment. It was a beautiful robin egg blue tone, with almost no clouds in the sky. She was quite excited for spring to arrive, for prey would become more abundant. She looked back to Gladius now, who had asked the older wolfess if there was any way she could repay her for her lesson in combat. Pakuna chuckled quietly, shaking her head <b> "Nay, sea wolf, I don' need anythin'"</b>. Her pale green auds seemed to light up and grow more vivid with happiness <b>"I be glad I taught ye some things today. Dunno how wolves are 'round here... Haven't met too many of em, ye know?"</b>

Pakuna now padded back over to the creek where she had been seated before. The tussle had worked up a bit of a thirst in her. Lowering her head down, she looked at her rippling reflection for a moment before lapping up some of the water. Her tail flicked in satisfaction as she lifted her cranium back up, water dripping from the fur of the bottom of her maw. <b>"Ye meet many wolves yet?"</b> she asked, slowly turning back to face Gladius.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius nodded her head as her offer to return any favors was rejected, twitching her ears at the nickname Pakuna had tagged her with. Her golden optics took in the bright sky for the first time since their encounter and she opened her yaws wide in a yawn, more to take in air than to signify her exhaustion. Gladius nodded her head, knowing that there were hostile wolves in the world that would love to eat up a young thing like her. Too bad they would be biting off more than they could chew, she though deviously as she followed after Pakuna to the creek's edge. Gladius wasn't a cubling anymore, she was a warrior now.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She lapped at the icy water beside Pakuna, wetting her dry throat and satisfying her thirst. She nodded her head at Pakuna's question, watching a bright robin bob between the tree tops above them, looking for something to eat no doubt. "I have, though none have caused me any harm. I have yet to meet the aggressive kind." Gladius pranced in place and went into a playful bow, jumping up and swiping at the air ferociously. "Not that they dare cross my path." She rumbled, her eyes bright as her tail waved behind her energetically. "Have you met any?"</font>