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I can hear myself breathing — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Athena blankly ignored the words that flowed out of Nina’s mouth. She frankly did not care what she had to say, but she toned in at one point and heard her say a greeting. A snort of annoyance was all came from the usually polite white lady. As the tawny woman asked them a question of what they were doing here, she almost wanted to just scream and yell at the woman, but that was unnecessary at the moment. Instead, Jedd decided to answer her with a newly enforced bitterness.

Athena had not smelled the River wolf in the area as the Tainn man sat perched on some boulders in the shadows ahead of them. It was not until he made his presence known that she knew it was a very bad idea to have come here. Shit, she thought frantically. Any amusement or emotion besides fear and utter devastation swiftly retreated.

The white lady had no answer for the River wolf, but she searched around for an answer and could not find anything that would do. He was right, she was a coward for running away like that, but that wasn't what she intended on doing. She wanted to thank Corinna and the rest of the River wolves before leaving, but Rhysis had other plans. God dammit, Rhysis. Filthy bastard, you got me into this mess, she thought bitterly. If he had waited until they were all safely and still had somewhat of an honor, out of Swift River before he decided he wanted children, she would not be in this conversation with Triell.

With no answer, she clamped her mouth shut for a moment to think over what she wanted to say. She did not want to start rambling off apologies that would not mean a thing. Instead, she wanted to defend herself, but did not think that would go well. Either way though, this conversation would not end up well. "I'm sorry, Triell. I did not want to desert Swift River as I did. I know, it was very dishonorable of me and I want to make it up to you, Corinna, and the pack, but I doubt you will accept anything from me." She said, trying to keep whatever respect she had for herself locked away before he took it away from her.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
What the Hell? Jedd watched silently as Triell made his way from the
darkness and cover of the shadows, only to call Athena a coward. A coward?
He wanted to spit and snarl at the word, for he hated it. His head shot to
Athena as she seemed to apologize. Confusion rang throughout the gray
man's head. This sylph was a coward? He did not know that the founders
of the pack had left this pack called Swift River. What had he gotten himself

Jedd gingerly stepped back, his pale eyes now focused on the new male. No
matter what, he would still attack if Athena begun to do so. Oh, what the hell.
Jedd had come here for a bit of peace and quiet... and even relaxation, and it
was broken. Broken oh so quickly. The creature was disgusted to say the least.
Perhaps he would think twice before venturing out again. It was nice, though,
observing the aesthetics of nature by one's self. Although he could not hear
from his left ear, the wolf's other senses were exceptionally keen.
(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2012, 03:06 PM by Jedd.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The medium female wolf almost snorted in amusement at what the smaller female had said. Her....sorry...hah, the female wolf must be kidding. Though the words stuck with her, Swift River. Left. Meant to thank. Apologies. Everything was slowly starting to make sense in Nina's head. The Poison Path second looked slightly shocked and terrorized as the male from Swift River arrived. And though Nina wanted to remain a peacekeeper she couldn't help the comment that came out of her small mouth. With a small growl the medium female rose to her full height looking down at Athena.

<b>"There are herbs for shock, <i>Milady.</i>" </b> The joke seemed meaner than it was meant to be in the small voice of hers that made the moment less harsh. Her voice didn't have a sneer in it, it was just plain....plain and soft, just like usual. None of the wolves here have seen here loud side which honestly wasn't pretty and kind of harsh. The exact opposite of the wolf she liked being.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    My kind party.

He had wanted his words to render Athena speechless, and they did momentarily. Good, he mused,that'll teach her. She shouldn't be shooting her mouth off if she wasn't going to back it up. Triell had learned this in his life. What was more surprising how she went from her dominant show, to the meek side he had first came upon in her request to join the River pack. Triell could smugly grin at Athena, but he was aware when he was ahead, and was not about to rub her nose in it. Inside he was certainly pleased, and yet disgusted by how lowly she acted. Wasn't she talking all high mighty to Nina before he stepped in. The guy beside her looked to be a decent body guard, though he wouldn't assume that's what he was for. He actually seemed quite confused by this exchange. This...this was half the entertainment. He was a chaotic good, and this was certainly his specialty. Messing with desert's heads, and the head's of their new "friends".

He kept his tongue in check, hardly given Nina or Jedd a thought while his eyes continued to cut into the small, white wolf's. What do you have to say for yourself? He silently questioned, as she was caught in the moment of what to say to his barb. It was an apology first to escape her mouth, and his dark lips twitched but he made no further mood. He would let her say her piece, he wasn't condemning her completely for the decisions Naira, and Rhysis had made. Why she was loyal to the man was the thing the Tainn really was curious about. What had he promised Athena in all of this. Were they good friends? Had she liked Naira? He couldn't say.

"Smart words," he answered, the end of his black tail twitching back and forth like the hunter in wait. "And your right. There's nothing you could do to redeem yourself. Unless.." He was letting a hopeful thought dangle, doubting there was anything she could do to be in the good graces of the River pack. "No, your right. I think you best stay far,far away from the grounds," He told the sylph Though, his mind was still thinking if she could do something in exchange. He let his words settle in, and than turned his head toward the large gray, and tawny brute. He eyed him, but turned back to Athena. "You know I just hope Rhysis is worth this war you'll both be in," he replied coolly, resting his gaze on Rhysis' followers. Let them chew that over, and choke on it.

His attention was upon the smaller female at his side. She had made a snide comment to Athena (even if spoken softly), and he did not appreciate that. He had sensed Athena's displeasure for the wolf, and if she was being brave now because he was here he'd have none of that. "Watch your tongue wolf, you might be in my brother's pack I'm not here to protect your hide for shooting off your mouth." His ears pinned back, and at the base of his shoulders his dark hair raised in warning. His golden eyes had not once parted from the Poison Pack members.

post order -->Athena,Jedd,Triell,Nina. It's less confusing. hmm?
(This post was last modified: Jul 03, 2013, 07:06 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Post Order Update --> Athena,Jedd, Triell, Nina, Rhysis. We also have Ice to add at some point. Confusing but fun!

<blockquote> Earlier that day, Rhysis had followed the scent of Athena and Jedd off the lands. One stronger then the other, it appeared they had left at separate times. Curious, as ever he was, Rhysis had pursued the scents across their lake, across the trail of the heights and onto the rise and falls of the Fireweed Rise. He’d simply kept his distance, not wanting to be seen as the stalker he was actually being, and allowed the two to meet up when they came face to face with a wolf who looked very familiar. Rhysis had kept his distance, his scent downwind and used the shadow beneath a cluster of trees and tall grass to remain hidden from the gathering. With their scents blowing in his direction, he noticed the familiar stranger was a Creek wolf, and it was only when she spoke that he recognised her voice. She was the wolf who had attacked him in the snow...
He remembered her clearly now. She had been sickly looking then, thin and angular, now with the pack help she looked much more of a wolf. What a pity she had survived, but on the upside he could now have the pleasure of killing her himself if it ever came to it. For now, there was no benefit to her death other then self satisfaction and whilst that was a good reason... he was staying put for now.

A good job he did, from no where the dark and unforgettable form of Triell appeared and waltzed arrogantly towards his second and pack subordinate. The way he spoke to little Athena made his hackles bristle, but he kept put. Now was not the time to interrupt... Not just yet. Athena was small but she could handle herself, he was certain... but that certainty vanished as she began to grovel and apologise. Highly irritated by her reaction. She didn’t need to explain herself to him. Yes, it was regrettable how they had to leave but they did what was best for Naira. He wasn’t surprised at all to hear the blame lay squarely at his paws. Everything was his fault wasn’t it. It was his fault Volkan wanted him dead when all he had wanted to do was apologise. His fault Naira stepped forward and allowed their passion to overrule their senses. His fault he had worked hard to achieve his own pack. Bad Rhysis, how dare you be so noble.

Utterly sick of the entire situation, he couldn’t hold back and further and had sauntered forwards, away from his shadows and strolled boldly, regally towards the group to stop aside his own pack wolves.
As he arrived, he offered a snap and a growl towards Nina, he was no longer in the mood to ignore her and rise above her presence. Her every breath irritated him, but now quite as much as the other dark wolf who was so utterly full of himself as he spoke down to his second. He’d deal with Athena and her cowering later.

<b>”Oh Triell... Jealousy looks hideous on you.”</b> came the unmistakable tones of the dark leader as he stepped forwards, getting into Triell’s personal space, each word spoken was laced with sarcasm and aggression towards the younger, shorter brute. It was unfortunate it had come to this. He had always liked the younger wolf, considered him a good acquaintance but everything had changed now. He wore the scent of the enemy.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
After his little detour around most of Relic Lore's outer rims, he'd stayed a goodly while in the Grove to make up for his random absence. He'd not been beheaded for it, and things seemed okay - better, even. There were still plenty of restlessness and anger in their pack, but the betrayal's sharp sting had settled into a dull heartbreaking ache. It throbbed like day-old bruises did, but seldom did it send those sharp, piercing flashes of pain that rendered you helpless in the face of such a thing. But, as with all things, his stay at home came to an end when he began to lope south, tracking Triell. The recent happenings with pack gatherings, floods, and soul-devouring betrayals had scoured his mind clean of Volkan, and of that damnable Rhysis. He had no idea if the lanky black traitor had spoken truth when they sat by the Lagoon so many days ago.

Ice hated being lied to.

Ironic that this journey took him back to the Fireweed Rise, a place he seemed to visit frequently and yet held no particular like for. The mountain range loomed so close he could taste the frigid air, and memories of journeys, cold nights under cold stars, bogged his mind and tore at his heart. He needed to get up there again, and soon - feel the rocks under steady paws, breathe in the thin air and sing with the northern lights. He craved the snow, the glaciers, the jagged cliffs and dangerous drops. The mountains - and winter - were parts of his soul, and too long had he been separated from them. A low and heartfelt keen pierced the relative silence, and as he tracked Triell's freshly made prints he nearly stumbled onto the scene. Instead, the myriad of wolves made him halt in his tracks as he drank it all in. A stranger from Copper Rock Creek, or so she said, and Athena, standing with a large male that could only be a new pack member. And, by the stars... Triell. He seemed agitated, angry, nearly toying with the cowed white female. While Ice normally would condemn such a behavior, his insides began to seethe again. Athena had revoked her right of existence when she fled their pack in the middle of the night, when she helped break Corinna's valiant heart. Ice hated them for it.

And Rhysis... He was there, too, towering over them all in height but so thin, so breakable, compared to the bulk of the Tainn and Aesir males. His mocking words breached the air, and a rumble like an avalanche escaped Ice's broad chest. "Fuck off," he snarled under his breath as he advanced on shaking limbs. Adrenaline rushed through his veins, his entire body thrumming with the heated pulse that demanded that the war be started. His hackles rose, his head shot up in aggression; lips peeled back in a full snarl, ears upright. Challenging. His stiff tail rose behind him, and the sight of Rhysis creeping closer to Triell.. bleeding aggression from every pore.. pushing into the personal space, dominating him through those actions... A curtain of red descended in front of his eyes, a blood-chilling roar erupted from his open jaws. Ice had had enough of this shit.

He charged; madly, his powerful body working itself up to a rather admirable speed for one of his bulk even as his paws corrected his path to keep his aim true. At the last moment, the pale bolt of cold fury tucked his head, angled it slightly to the left while his right shoulder pushed forth to block any gaps in his defense, and with the might of all his anger and physical prowess behind him, he tried to slam his leading shoulder into Rhysis. It didn't matter where, be it his face or ribs.. It just mattered that it happened. Ice was tired of the fury, he was tired of thinking and tired of feeling. He just wanted to rip Rhysis apart, and then, when his dark fur was bloodied and scattered across this field, then he could rest and all would be well again.
.ice aesir

I think this'll work better?
Athena, Jedd, Triell, Rhysis, Ice, Nina
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

After Triell spoke his cold words, Athena wanted to kick herself in the ass. She did not want to be some coward, so she defiantly rose back to her normal confident stature. She was about to respond to him, but the sight of Rhysis stopped her right in her tracks. Great, now this was conversation was definitely not going to go well and she was right. The words that came out of the black leader's mouth were clearly mocking the younger River wolf. As her leader sauntered over to her side, she looked at him for a moment. His grey eyes were locked on Triell and she had a feeling that when they went home there might be consequences awaiting her.

Athena did not think this could get any worse. There might be a fight between Triell and Rhysis and Athena would jump in if that were to happen. However, what she did not expect was the arrival of Ice. The huge River wolf, made his appearance with hackles raised and teeth bared. Great, just great, she thought to herself. When those two simple words escaped the grey male's maw, she mimicked Ice's aggressive stature. She knew Rhysis could handle him, but what if Triell decided to help Ice out too? She will have to be ready to attack without notice.

Thankfully, the sylph was ready. The grey male decided then to charge at her dark leader. Without thinking, she bolted from her spot beside Rhysis and jumped up to try to knock the brute off balance. She had power and speed on her side, but Ice did too. She just had to hope that she would knock him enough off balance that he could not get a grip on Rhysis. Her snapping jaws were searching for anything to latch onto if she succeeded in barreling him over.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The conversation between the wolves kept Nina quite. None of the attention was getting drawn away from her unfortunately. Two wolves joined the party. One familiar wolf that she didn't favor and another wolf, that smelt slightly of Swift River Pack. THe sight of the two kept Nina's senses on end and she could only wish that one of her pack mates were nearby. She was tired of being her sweet self while everyone else hated on her. As newcomer barreled into Rhysis Nina snarled, a much larger voice than she had previously been talking in. The snarl had some kind of bitterness to it that the female had never portrayed before. The lady's tail was stiff and high and her lips that ususally echoed soft words were pulled back into something no one could call a smile.

A large growl erupted from within Nina's chest. Her slanted eyes narrowed even more than what they were making the dark emerald almost seem black. The female's fur was bristling and she was ready. If one were to attack then she was ready. Though she wasn't much of a fighter she could still fight, and even if she wasn't too strong she still had speed and stamina on her side. The newcomer seemed pissed, meaning the other wolves could have had some kind of past together. One that Nina didn't plan on uncovering at the moment. Blinking her eyes at the newcomer her ears pinned themselves automatically.

This wasn't good for her. She was all by herself with none of her packmates. It was just her, and there were two opposing packs here. She could easily get a beating without wanting one. With another snarl Nina spoke with a newfound strong voice, one that wasn't covered with gentleness only upmost hostility, <b>"We should not fight <i>now</i>. Can we have peace for a little while until this turns nastier than it already is?"</b> Nina snarled with rage. She was tired of playing nice, it was time for what she inherited from her father to finally show.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Can't resist. We need a rep from -all- the packs :p

<blockquote>After his... <i>encounter</i> with Rhysis on the mountain, the fluffy brute had been left... aimless, empty. A shell of what he had been on his journey upwards. He had no purpose anymore and despite his lack of enthusiasm to return to Grizzly Hollow and all the drama that awaited him there, he had begun his slow decent.

Not for the first time, the large male had decided to detour by the fireweed rise. It was becoming a favourite haunt of his. He had met Rebecca here, and made a new friend in Kiche. Now all he wanted to do though was rest, in the peace of the slowly sprouting and budding plants around him. It would be beautiful come summer.

He was however, ripped from his reverie by snaps and snarls and a mingling of scents on the breeze. It seemed he was unable to escape the drama no matter how far he wandered. Raising his head cautiously he caught sight of Athena and Rhysis, and a large number of unfamiliar wolves. It would seem they were in trouble and with a frustrated snort, the silver brute raised himself with a shake. While they may have just had a... <i>disagreement</i>, Rhysis was his ally, and he would not leave him in a time of need.

The loyal fool.

Stalking towards the group, one of the wolves decided to suggest they try and keep the peace, but by the looks of things, raw emotions were already overpowering those of logic (which he himself had always been lacking) and a frustrated growl escaped his own throat, keeping a little back from the scuffle on the right side of the other male that smelled of Rhysis and his pack. Damn the boy, where was he hiding them?

<b>"Can't ever get any fucking peace ay?"</b> he said with a little sarcastic drawl of his own. They may not know which way he would jump, but he sure did.</blockquote>
user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Oh my god, y'all are killiin' me. My head is about to pop @_@ XD

Jedd watched as this large brute named Ice had stampeded forth towards his
leader. The wolf was utterly confused. Did he want to help- should he help?
The wolves leaving Swift River was non of his problem, so why should he
participate in this scuffle? His eyes slid to Nina and now a new wolf as they
both spoke of peace. The gray man turned back towards the fighting wolves,
his teeth baring from his ebon lips. Confusion tore at him, and he could feel
his body being pulled forth towards this Ice character.

Adrenaline soon shooting through his body, the large wolf came forth,
leaping at Ice. His jaws were opened wide, tasting the spring air, yet
hoping to meet the flesh on the shoulders of the wolf. His pale eyes
were enlightened with the energy of battle, for he had not fought in
quite awhile. Aye, he would need a bit of practice if he was to destroy
his sister, Finn.

The air seemed to turn hot. It was full of the sounds of a fight- mainly
growls and snarls at that. Perhaps fighting would gain more approval
from one of the leaders, Rhysis. Yes, betrayal was cruel- he knew that
feeling all too well. Yet he fought anyways, merely becoming a hypo-
crite of his own life. Who the hell cared. Not him.
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