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Tisa wants to play. — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
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Jedd Millinae
Jedd watched as Tisa leapt infront of Ava, snapping her jaws infront of the female. Her teeth came together in a loud click before she bounded away from her, then returned. Looking to the ebon woman, he grunted, a slight titter escaping his throat. "Listen. You can complain all you want. I don't care about your opinion on me or what I chose to do." He was being mature about this; the adult. Sharp eyes gazed at the lady, his pale irises glowing with a strange sort of amusement. Hell, why should he care? Honestly, he could think of no reason. He had left the pack, and whatever this wolf was to say about him, it would go right through his right ear and out his deafened left one.

He teetered on his massive white paws, watching Tisa with a modern fascination. What was she doing? She seemed to be taunting the female, her words splitting through the air. The big bad wolf. The grin remained at his ebon lips, pulling them upwards. With a flick of his rounded ears, though, the smile had dissapeared. The clouds above seemed to join together, their masses turning gray, signaling rains that were to arrive. His nose reached toward the sky, and he took in a breath, predicting the scent of the rains before they would even touch down upon the earth. With an almost inaudible sigh, he looked back to the crazy women infront of him...hah. Crazy women...yes, that's what they were...
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2012, 02:41 AM by Jedd.)
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Tisa's actions had no such desired effect upon Ava and only prompted a curious scowl. How needy could this bitch be that the moment her attention was diverted she was itching for it back? The female was clearly deranged, something that made her chuckle to herself. At her obnoxious bounding and chomping she would only back up a few steps, eyebrows furrowed and surveying the idiot dance. If the bitch thought Ava was outsmarted she was dead wrong. Her intelligence at the very least wasn't clouded by a diagnosable personality disorder, and it was one that knew better than to give in to the skeletal female's childish idocracy. Like training a pup she turned her cheek, ignoring the female's words, a ghost of a smile on her maw. Time to test her patience.

She would meet Jedd's gaze one again, risen tail twitching at the tip. "<b>You know <i>I</i> don't give a shit, not at all. But I belong to a pack that does - that's the promise <i>I</i> made and that <i>I</i> will keep. And what of you? Does your word mean shit? If something goes wrong in Grizzly Hollow, are you going to be on your merry way again?</b>" The muscles beneath her fur twitched. The anger in her had primed them for action, and now they were antsy not having any. Ava knew, though, that with one mentally unsound fuckhead and a giant like Jedd she wouldn't win easy, if she even won at all. "<b>And damn it, just humor me.</b>" He had already made it quite clear that he didn't feel like explaining shit to her, but it was worth her best try. Ava didn't wanna put on her shit-stomping boots just yet.

Her gaze flickered momentarily to the place she had come from, knowing the mountains were a travel away from here. Ava wasn't sure she was itching for injuries that prevented her from getting back quickly... but then again there was an awful temptation laughing and repeating the word "girly" like a challenged parrot very near to her.
Played by Jo who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tisa Zyanya
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Tisa’s patience was wearing thin. The sky above darkened with her mood and her jowls twitched in irritation. She could sense that the wolf was annoyed by her, even if she wouldn’t show it. The ebon wolf was trying to be brave and strong. Perhaps she even thought she was being smart and not giving Tisa what she wanted. She was wrong. Tisa could see her eyes furrowed and her twitching tail. It was really all the better this way. If she would only be quiet.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>“SHUT THE FUCK UP, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT.”</b> Tisa exploded with a dramatic snarl as she turned toward the female, exhasperated. Then, taking in a big breath that exhaled as a sigh, she slid her body along that of the dark wolf. <b>"Oh, honey, just let it go,"</b> she sighed with mock understanding and compassion. Her eyes glittered with anticipation. <b>"You know why nobody gives a shit? You're worthless. That ol pack of yours? Means nothin.</b>" she said with mock wisdom. </font>

((ooc: eugh I really don't like this post, sorry guys.))
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
Had these women eaten deer crap for breakfast? Because their mouths were absolutely foul...

Jedd blinked at Tisa's sudden outburst, his eyes flickering from one woman to the other. He was still calm, his fur remaining smoothed out on his muscular frame as the drama continued to unfold. "Obviously, you do care, since you keep questioning me..." Ugh. This was becoming utterly annoying. Ava just could not let this go. With a loud huff, Jedd took a step backwards, brows furrowing. He watched the two carefully, eyes taking in their details; every emotion that ran between the females.

He should have never come closer. This was turning into a damn mess. Women were crazy. He was not the psycho one here. Curse words did not slip from his deep pink tongue; he remained calm and collected. There was no point in arguing with the darker she-wolf. Besides, with Tisa here, who knows what would happen?
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2012, 03:44 AM by Jedd.)
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Ava rolled her eyes at Jedd's obnoxious response. How god damned <i>annoying</i> could he possibly be? He was so absolutely worthless, so full of selfish shit, Ava had half the mind to take out her bubbling rage on him. But heavens above, was the idiot stranger practically on her knees for some kind of fight. Really, the Poison wolf didn't want to engage with someone so chemically imbalanced... but then she gave the final push.

No, it wasn't the insanity spewing forth from the idiot's muzzle that made Ava see red, but rather that very touch of contact when the stupid bitch thought it a smart idea to <i>rub her filthy fucking body</i> upon her. She stood still, sick to her stomach as she mangy creature sauntered up against her, waiting until the paler wolf's head had sufficiently passed her own to swiftly turn her own dark head, jaws parting wide and silently sink her teeth into the female's neck. There was no way she could possibly escape Ava's attack - she was literally <i>right there</i> rubbing up on her and no bound of faith was fast enough for jaws just milimeters away. And even if she did attempt escape it would not stop her from closing her jaws on a piece of shoulder or what have you. Then Ava would rise on her hind legs and throw her chest and forelegs into the pale nuisance to push her to the ground while maintaining a vicious, flesh-wrenching hold. The female might've had height on her but Ava had weight for sure - she was a well fed, healthy pack wolf (in both body <i>and</i> mind). Weeks of climbing the mountains and chasing down the well-traversed goats had made her strong and agile, while the weeks of lone wolf life had made the pale whackjob skeletal and weak.

Like the ticking bomb she was ferocity had literally explodeded from the she-wolf. Regardless of if the pale wolf resisted taking to the ground or not, Ava would clamp down as meanly as she could and begin thrashing her head like one did with smaller kills, a vicious snarling finally sounding from the dark she-wolf. Despite her violent mind Ava was well aware she didn't have much time. Jedd, with his fucked up "morals" would soon be on her ass with his own attack to save this "innocent precious lady" Ava had sunk her teeth in to. All she needed to do was wrench the flesh from the pale wolf's body, give her some deep and wretched wound that would infect and make her life miserable, and then, satisfied, she could go.

( to clarify: <a href='http://i49.tinypic.com/29prukz.png' target='_blank'>click</a>! that's how i see the placements right now )
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2012, 05:16 PM by Ava.)
Played by Jo who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tisa Zyanya
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>As her thin body brushed pass the other wolf Tisa felt the darker one jerk. In a slipt second, she had mimicked the jerk and tried to pull away from the snapping jaws. It was of little use. The dark female had a hold on Tisa’s neck, just above the shoulder. It could have been worse. At least here on her neck her wolfish build worked to her advantage. Her fur was thick here that served to absorb some of the bite, but it still felt like hell.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Through the pain, Tisa laughed. It was manic and terrifying, spewing from her lips uncontrolled. The other wolf was only proving her weakness through her lack of self control. Physical strength was a different story. The stranger stood infront of them, obviously frustrated and ready to exit the scene as quickly as possible, but what would he do now? Tisa could only hope that she was right in thinking he would assist her. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The dark female rammed into Tisa, knocking her onto the ground. Tisa fell with little resistance. Now, pinned underneath the female, she could see the exposed underside of her neck, the tender flesh there within inches. If Tisa was willing to jerk upwards, she could reach it with her jaws. It would certainly tear her flesh entrapped in the dark female’s jaws, but it could be a terrible blow.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>“Now now, princess. Did I make you angry?”</b> She goaded, unafraid. She had been in worse situations than this. If the dark female made a move to get a better hold, Tisa was ready. Already she was lifting her head, slightly parting her jaws. It would take one second to snap into the others neck. If the female decided to tighten her hold, it would not be fatal (not immediately, at least,) and would be all the motivation Tisa needed to counter attack.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>“Better let go of me; if you spill an innocent wolf’s blood, you’re as bad as him.”</b></font>

((hope this makes sense; If needed I can draw it out))
Played by Bridget who has 67 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Jedd Millinae
The massive man stood, watching the fight begin before his pale eyes. He continued to stand, his muscles tightened, his eyes narrowed. No, he was not going to waste his time in this fight. "I wouldn't waste your energy on a sack of bones." he hissed to Ava. Looking to the silvery female on the ground, he chuckled slightly "I assume you run your mouth often, dollface." rolling his eyes, the male paced backwards, about twenty feet from the women now.

He was not going to bother including himself in this tussle. Ava had targeted the female for good reason- she was spewing words out like a damn bird. He blinked in fascination, making bets in his mind as to who would win. With a thump, his rear hit the ground, landing on a soft patch of clover. Tail curled to his right haunch as his right ear remained perked, listening to the snarls and laughs- laughs?- that pierced the crisp air. He twitched lightly as a small droplet of water landed on his ebon nose. Ah, the clouds could not contain themselves any longer. It would be a light rain; no heavy droplets would tumble down from the heavens.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
There was an immense rush of satisfaction as her jaws took the flesh just above Tisa's shoulder, feeling her teeth sink in beyond the mouthful of heavy fur she got while the rush of warm blood touched her lips and gums. The fall was relatively easy - she had not resisted Ava's weight. <i>What a fucking psycho,</i> she couldn't help but believe. Why did she care so little about her well-being? Did it not matter to her that Ava was going to rip chunks of her skin away from her body? Ava had met plenty of weirdos in her time but never an actual crazy, legitimately insane in the membrane and what not. Ava was not so foolish as to go flashing her throat to a demented wolf. Once they hit the ground she could see the pale stranger's jaws part and feel the hot breath she exhaled on Ava's cheek. Maybe a normal wolf would think twice about taking the life of another in a scrap but somehow Ava highly doubted it meant shit at all to her. The dark female would scrunch her neck and shoulders, using the thick muscle to protect her most vulnerable area, and bring the foreleg closest to Tisa's volatile jaws to cover her own neck. If the female wanted to snap, she would have Ava's leg to sink her teeth in to instead. And, just for her own precaution, she would push weight into that foreleg, attempting to keep Tisa's face in the dirt and prevent her from laying teeth into anything of Ava's own, as unlikely as that was.

<i>You wish you were innocent, you fucked up bitch,</i> Ava snarled in her thoughts, but she wouldn't attempt to voice them and risk losing her hold. Ava continued to thrash her head to and fro, a little less viciously this time what with her new need to protect her neck, although the flesh had to be ripping and tearing. The jaws of a wolf worked the same be it on mountain goats or a sack of bones, and with all the cruel desire Ava had she would not show any gentleness in the way she clamped her jaws or tugged at the flesh.

Jedd's words registered, shown by a twitch of one of her dark ears. He was right, after all. If anything, shouldn't she be attacking Jedd, you know, the Poison Path traitor? It almost made her want to smile, how fucked up the situation was, but the moment passed and the pale wolf's maniacal cackles replaced Jedd's wisdom in her ears. And Ava decided that nope, she really didn't need to be attacking Jedd, as he had left her well enough alone and was permitting her to mangle the crazy wolf's hide. That alone was reason for thanks - just not quite yet. All she needed was a good tear out of the female's neck... hoping she wouldn't ruin her leg in the process.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena to the rescue!(;

The mountains attracted her today and Athena kept herself busy in the confides of the borders with anything she could find. At one point, she just sat on a ledge and watched the land below her. She sat there doing nothing for about an hour until Ava's scent wafted into her nostrils. A delicate smile formed on her face and she bounded happily towards it. She thought her dark friend was wandering around through the mountains also, but once her trail crossed the borders, she knew that was not the case.

She hesitated for a moment before following Ava's trail again. She did not want another run-in with the River wolves or Copper Rock Creek to be on her tail. However, she felt like taking a risk and she raced after the Poisoned lady. What she did not exempt was to see Ava in a fight with another wolf or Jedd watching the fight with a stupid grin on his face. When she came upon the situation in front of her, her eyes were daggers when she spotted Jedd in the distance. Did he want popcorn or something? Perhaps she could give him a good bite in the face, instead. He would surely pay for what he did, though. However, she did not give him the satisfaction right now. She had other matters on her paws. The Poisoned lady needed to help Ava. She was more important than that giant mutt.

A menacing snarl erupted from her throat, announcing her arrival. Her tail was raised on her back and her eyes were glaring at the pale female on the ground. If she did not back off from Ava, Athena would launch herself towards the wolf teeth readying to latch onto flesh. She may be smaller than the woman, but she was in better condition and she would be much faster than her opponent. The mountains treated her well and she would use that to her advantage if she needed to.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Jo who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tisa Zyanya
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>So the male was saving his own hide, again. Tisa couldn’t blame him, although she was dissapointed that she had judged him wrongly. As she lay beneath the wolf she watched as the forelimb lifted to cover her delicate neck. The other wolf began to thrash, but this time her scrunched shoulder blocked significant amounts of movement. Fine then; if she didn’t want to play nice, neither would Tisa.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She lunged forward, jaws stretching wide around the delicate bones and tendons in the joint above the paw. If the other moved her paw it would only serve to expose her neck. Tisa was so close to the limb already that any move wouldn’t have let the other escape her fangs. Tisa’s mouth closed around flesh and she closed her jaws as tightly as she could. Soon she was rewarded with the warm gushing of blood and the crackle of flesh, maybe even bones crushing. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>With her paw covering her neck, the other was lacking in balance. Now, with Tisa’s firm clamp on her wrist, she was at a disadvantage. With all of her strength, Tisa shoved violently upwards and pushed the other’s limb away from her, attempting to roll, or push the other off of her. With all the force she used, although diminished by her position, it was sure to work.</font>