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Life's just a cocktail party on the street — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
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Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx almost released a loud laugh at Ash's words. I'm not interested in that bitch, he thought, gazing at the two. They seemed to mesh together with how cuddled up they were- wait, no, they were protecting each other. Big difference, there, Tlarx. Closing his lids, he rolled his eyes before opening his eyes once more. "I'm not interested." His deep voice was smooth, and he almost wanted to spit the words in an acidic way, but he remained peaceful. He kept his eyes on the Hervok now, pretending as if Treena had never 'graced' him with her presence. If she was to toy with him, she'd be walking back to wherever the hell she came from with no pelt on.

With the simple sentence flowing from his throat, he turned away from the two, padding towards a small rock. The soil around it was moist, and he lowered his head, nose nudging underneath it. With a fluid flip of his head, the rock overturned, revealing a salamander. Tlarx observed the creature silently, watching its slimy skin glisten softly as it squirmed in place. Eyes peering back to the two, he did not want to please them with the sight, so he turned the rock back over atop of the salamander gingerly. He gazed at the slanted-eyed wolf once more, not bothering to turn his large body to face him this time.
(This post was last modified: May 14, 2012, 01:43 AM by Tlarx.)
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
Did Treena’s eye just twitch?

<i>It looked as if her eye just twitched.</i>

The wolf watched Tlarx in frustration. He had no social skills, no politeness or no manners. He was behaving no better than a cub, and a spoiled one at that. She wanted to smack him upside the head like her mother use to do to her, but instead a smile curled onto her lips as she watched him wander away. Anger was poisoning her blood stream, running through her like a drug. Despite his size, Treena was open to an attack. Stepping closer she debated it, but there was really no point. He was behaving poorly, that didn’t open him up for a slash of the fangs. Did it? She really hoped it did. She would never be the first to attack. She’d wait for him to do it. Then she’d rip him open and leave him for the birds, if they even wanted his meat.

The wolf looked up at Ash through her eye-lids, revealing how much the male had rubbed her the wrong way. It hadn’t been the fact he wasn’t interested in her, though she knew better than to advertise it. It had been the fact he had walked away from the pair like they weren’t company, he’d much rather watch a rock. Even though it explained the male’s lack of brain cells, Treena still tried to hold herself still to avoid pouncing. <b>“Aren’t you just a joyful ball of love?”</b>
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
The polite male that he had just met moments ago had now been replaced by a snark one, one that was asking for a fight. Treena looked as equally pissed as he felt but watched closely as her eye twitched. Which made Ash's ear twitch in amusement. What she said next made him laugh, but he kept quiet awaiting for the male's response. She seemed to want to rip the fur off of this male, something that he would mind seeing. Believe it or not he would probably be laughing on the floor non-stop because of how adorable the scene would be.  Wagging his tail he watched the other male cautiously. If he were to pounce at Treena he would be on the male in an instant and most likely beat the loving shit out of him. 

The brown brute watched Treena's back as he always did in situations like these. Now all he wanted was to spend some time with his little friend. He hadn't seen her in awhile and he had thought that the two should just start traveling together anyway considering how close the two were. Maybe they could even join a pack together. Something he definitely wouldn't mind doing.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
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Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx looked at the two, frowning. He was being judged. Something that he absolutely despised. They would feed off of each other's opinions; agreeing with one another had to say. "Tell me, Treena, what have I done to irritate you?" He questioned. He was not irritated, no, but interested. He was surprised by her sudden appearance, and that is what had set him on edge. It seemed as if the woman had just conjured herself out of thin air. Watching cautiously, he could tell that Ash's thoughts of him were changing. "I was surprised by your sudden appearance, that is all. Don't get your fur all in knots."

Facing them now, he stepped forward, massive paws gripping onto earth as he did so. His tail flicked, and he remained calm, his face friendly yet wondering what the hell had made these two so irritated. Looking to Treena, he tossed his head over his shoulder briefly, toward the rock he had flipped. "Salamander under there. Interesting creatures." Whatever they thought of him did not matter. He and Ash were getting along perfectly find until Treena showed up, cuddling up next to the male.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
The she-wolf had nothing to say, she was more confused than a lone pup at a pack border. Unsure of the entire situation she looked at Ash for guidance, stepping closer to his side as she listened to the large white wolf. She’d have made up an excuse by now, said she had to meet up with a friend or something, had Ash not been there. Maybe the wolf was mentally sick. Maybe she should get her and Ash out of there. She couldn’t find it in her to speak, instead she shifted nervously. One moment the wolf was speaking to them, another he seemed busy with other things, now she was less irritated and more shocked, her mind swatted up with possible outcomes. <b>“My apologies.”</b>

She wasn’t sure she even meant the words. They came out quicker than she could stop them, or understand why she was saying them. She just wanted the tension in the forest to stop, and giving up was one of the quickest ways to do so. Her tail dropped, not between her legs, but more straight out as she searched for some sign of reassurance. She gave a soft smile, one edging to a hysterical grimace.

That would fix things right? <b>“I’m getting quite hungry myself. I think I’ll go off in catch myself something to eat.”</b>
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
A fresh flash of protectiveness took over Ash once again as the male asked questions hit the brown brute remained quiet, knowing that this time Treena would have to defend herself no matter the case.  But the lady didn't say anything for awhile but he did notice that she stepped towards him. Taking that as his cue he stepped next to Treena. His shoulder fur brushing against hers as the wind blew. It was a small amount of comfort but it was still, none the less, comfort. Ash flicked his ears in response to the male as he spoke of the salamander. They were beautiful creatures and sometimes he even found himself calmed by their presence. 

Treena then broke the silence, thoroughly embarrassed and apologized before quickly following up with an excuse to leave. Though he didn't doubt that she was hungry his defensive instincts instantly kicked up. She was hungry and wanted food. He should help her and he definitely knew he would. Stepping closer to Treena he finally said, "I think I will go with her. It was a pleasure meeting you." Overall seriousness was in the male's voice as he spoke and he nodded to the other male as a sign of peace before licking Treena's head affectionately.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
((I'll archive it after this post :D.))

He watched the two, eyes like steel as Treena coughed up an excuse to flee off to wherever the hell the woman was going to next. It was a damn shame that Ash seemed all tied with that female. Sighing lightly, he nodded his head to the two. "Have a good one" he said, watching as the two wolves turned on heel. They dissolved into the pines as quickly as they had conjured themselves- Treena, at least. As soon as they were out of his vision, the arctic wolf began to grumble curses to him, rolling his eyes and speaking something fierce about the crazy judgmental woman.

He began to lope off, feeling the prickly needles of the conifers began to rake at his pelt again. They combed through his fur, but left behind some greenery within his gray-white pelt. Well, that was interesting. Perhaps he'd find other wolves around here...some that weren't so damn attached to others.