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Through thick and thin... — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Nina didn't even respond to his words and then randomly asked him the name of his leader. Not an unexpected question, but it seemed somewhat out of place. He shrugged his shoulder inwardly and decided to just go with the flow and try and keep her calm. He knew that she really needed some sleep and he hoped to talk her calm. Giving her a small smile he answered, <b>"My leader? Her name is Elettra Archer."</b> Some instinct was telling him to keep the conversation simple and he heeded it.

Moments later, his heart was in his throat. Nina was behaving more than oddly. She was wiggling around and acting as careless and even adoring as an innocent pup, despite being in intense pain and half dead. Her actions were startling and worried him greatly. Why was she acting so very strange? Suddenly, he wished the healer Chantille was still with them. It seemed as if she was sitting on the edge of a precipice and was leaning over the edge. His best guess was that the shock of her attack and severe lack of sleep had finally caught up with his love.

For the first time, he didn't even know where to start helping her. He had an inkling of what she needed to start getting better, but the 'how' of achieving that goal simply eluded the male. She needed sleep, pure and simple. She needed food, but he couldn't leave her in this condition. Last, but most definitely not least, she needed answers and closure in regards to her brother. He shifted his weight from one paw to the other and let a small whine escape before he could stifle it. He wished that he knew more about herbs. Something told him that there was some kind of herb that would help her get some much needed rest. She was no help in her current condition. He wasn't sure that he could trust whatever medical advice she gave right now.

Once again, they were in sinc, united in an apparently hopeless situation. He had the feeling that this would not be the first time that they would accomplish the apparently impossible. Somehow, together, they would get through this. He attempted to use his very presence to try and break through to her. He nuzzled her, stilling her frantic movement. Then he nuzzled her, an action that he would never get enough of, no matter the reason. He whispered to her, as quiet and calm were the orders of the day. <b>Nina, sweetheart. Are you all right?</b> The obvious answer was a resounding 'no', yet he had to start somewhere.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Her brown tail thumped heavily on the ground as she watched Koda. A small smile eventually lit up her face and the whole fact of it all made it even more obviously that she was, in fact, not okay. A giggle soon escaped the young girl’s mouth. Was she okay? Of course she was okay, why wouldn’t she be. With a quick jump back on her back legs, an undeniable pain shot through her. A yelp, loud enough to frighten a cougar, echoed throughout the forest. The young fae soon collapsed on a stomach and turned to face the problem. What the hell? She would love from some poppy seeds right now. . .

Looking back up at Koda she licked his cheek before tilting her head at him. She was back to most of her normal self but knew she couldn’t ask for the medical things she needed. They were for others, not herself. Currently she didn’t need the herbs but she did need the comfort of her love. Tilting her head up she licked his chin and sighed heavily. She had so much to thank him for. The conversations she had with him currently were at the back of her brain. Stored in the insane part she had just shown. The lessons Naira had taught her were now a faint echo in her mind.

Opening her mouth she once again looked up at Koda, "Will you stay with me?"

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda was nearly at a loss with her current behavior, which seemed to be almost manic and changed with the blink of an eye. She was now in a nearly playful mood and jumped back, obviously having forgotten about her broken leg. The yelp she let out made his ears ring and his skin crawl up and down his spine. It did however, have a much better effect on Nina, pain aside. It appeared as if she snapped back to her normal self almost instantly. Or as close as one on a precipice, balanced between clarity and mania could be.

Once the pain had passed and clarity set in, she looked at him with her beautiful green eye and licked his face a few times. She seemed to look into his very soul as she asked him, <i>"Will you stay with me?"</i> His heart melted with her words and the her love that was laced within each small word. <i>Forever.</i> That was the answer that he wished to give her, but with that option unavailable to them he answered, <b>"I will stay by you and keep you safe, always."</b>

The logical part of both of them knew that it could only be until she was safe at home, but Koda refused to think that far out. Right now, today, this hour, this minute. They belonged to him and his sweet Nina and he refused to think beyond his time with her until life cruelly forced their hands and they would have to part ways once more.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The lady’s tail soon curled with Koda’s words. She knew they were the best that he could give her at the moment, and that was enough for her. He seemed to warm her heart and keep her calm, leaving the itching insanity in a nagging part of her head. She knew though, that it was only a small amount of time before she did lose it. She would blow her cool on another and explode, leaving nothing but dust in her trails. She was afraid for this day to come but she knew as long as she had someone by her side she would be alright. Even if she somehow managed to accidentally hurt someone, she knew she would end up healing them in the end.

Nina’s one eye began to droop downwards as she put her head down. She soon let out an exhausted sigh, sleep would not take her though, for the fresh nightmare was still fresh in her brain. She would not let it plaque her though, she would not let her brother be the torment of her for her lifetime. He thought she was dead, so at the moment she was definitely safe. Her pack mates would protect her and so would her love. That thought brought a moment of peace into her terrified mind.

Her eye then darted up to the moon and a small smile danced on her lips, "What is it with us and always picking the right nights to come out together?"

Her voice had an edge of its old teasing self to it as she glanced the moon and bucked her head once towards the sky. First a show of meteor shower and then a full moon. She wanted to howl to the sky but she knew she had to refrain from it. She didn’t want to draw any on lookers near by towards them, it would only cause the two of them danger. Her tail whisked behind her, drawing dirt into the air and into the empty sky.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
His words seemed to calm her and she seemed content with his answer at the moment. He wished that he didn't have to leave her ever again, but that wasn't in the cards for them right now. They would always be together somehow, no matter the miles between them. Somehow he knew that if she ever truly needed him, he would know... and he would come for her. But he was here with her now and would be for another day or two, possibly more, given their slower travel. The more time that he was able to spend with Nina the better, as far as he was concerned.

Nina finally lay her head down, eyes heavy with fatigue. He hoped that she would finally be able to get to sleep and it seemed as if she might. Then her eye snapped open and she smiled up at the moon, commenting on their talent for picking their evenings together. As he lay beside her, he too looked up at the bright moon shining down on them, almost as if in silent approval. Dancing stars and full moons. They did tend to share each others' company on memorable evenings, didn't they? He smiled at her in agreement, forgetting to look back at the night sky for a moment.

There was a comfortable silence where they were bathed in the pale light of the moom, before he encouraged, <b>"Try to get some more sleep. Even I know that you need to sleep to heal. Dream of me watching over you and not even a dream wolf will dare to touch a hair of your beautiful pelt!"</b> His words were light and encouraging and he hoped that his suggestion would work for her. What she needed more than anything was a deep, healing sleep. Remembering the night of the stars, Koda smiled, thinking about how they had fallen asleep together. Unable to fight the irresistible urge, he laid his head lightly on her shoulders, hoping the familiar contact would help sooth her to sleep, for he knew that he would not sleep until she did. Knowing that his presence soothed her, he would not take it away from her, even to the almost irresistible pull of sleep. He would follow her lead on wether they passed the night awake or slumbering together. Either way, he was literally right by her side for the long haul.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

His silent agreement pleased her greatly. He too remembered the few times they had spent together. Her heart swelled in her chest at the familiarity of him as he pressed his body against hers. His body heat, warmed her bringing her thoughts to him and only him. His words touched her ears with utter encouragement but firmness. He wanted her to sleep and that she would try. His head rested on her shoulders gently, reminding her of the first time the two of them had slumbered together. This brought her one eye to a final close. She would listen to him and heed his own words for her. She would soon be able to sleep with him by her, protecting her. She did indeed need the sleep just as Koda had mentioned. Without it, the path of recovery would take longer than ever. 

Her breathing soon evened out and body relaxed. Her head turned though, knocking gently into Koda's neck. She was now touching him, all of his body was against hers, something that relaxed her even more within sleep. Her own breath seemed to wheeze slightly though, as if just coming out of a heavy run that had taken quite awhile. The female was asleep though, something that would have not happened if her mate hadn't been here with her. And she even dreamed and this time, she didn't want it to end. 

Two small wolves with slightly familiar coats dances along the snow banks their own maws opened trying to obtain small snow as it fell from the sky. This would be the little ones first winter, something that had scared the young female. Though in the end her pups had won over their bickering arguments with her and had escaped into the white wonderland. They had seemed excited enough when the snow had arrived but now, no word came to mind when she saw how happy they were. They warmed her heart, giving her the pleasant feeling of happiness. But then their uncle would come along. Ash Hervok, her brother. One of whom had attacked her a year prior. He had explained and the two had a mutual feeling of peace between them. He was quite good with the pups, heeding their every needs and helping Nina whenever she was busy. He was almost like their sitter and overall, they didn't mind. They found joy in seeing Uncle Ash.

There was only one part that was missing how, her other half of life. He should have been here with her. Watching their kids with protectiveness and overall, it wouldn't have surprised her if he was, somehow. The two had a bond to where they could feel when something was wrong. And just as if she had sent out a signal, did he come. A handsome golden pelt, with matching golden eyes reached her view. Her own heart squeezed at the sight of him and happiness buzzed through her. He was here, her mate, her family. They were all here. But he soon rushed over to her in eagerness and licked her forehead, which she soon returned with a nuzzle. But his eyes were no longer on hers but at Ash and the pups. He was watching, to make sure there was no foul play and Nina didn't blame him, for she too looked on with suspicious eyes.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda felt sleep calling to him and knew that it had to be ten times worse for Nina, given her physical state and the emotional toll that all of this had taken on her. When he felt her shift and relax against him shortly after he sighed and was grateful that she had slipped into what seemed to be a peaceful sleep. Hopefully, she would be well rested and they could make make more progress to get her home safely. When he was absolutely sure that she in a deep sleep, he allowed himself to relax and drift into a light sleep.

Koda avoided thinking of Ash and Nina's attack, fearing that the negative energy would make him tense and pass on to her. So he made himself clear his mind and his sleep was relatively dreamless. There were occasional images that drifted through his consciousness, one's of him and Nina, always together. The montage of their time together brought a smile to his face, even in sleep. He found himself tipping slightly more towards Nina in his sleep, The warmth and closeness lulled him into an even deeper more comfortable sleep.

The soft sound of birdsong brought Koda gently out of sleep a bit after sunrise. He had slept a somewhat later than usual and Nina seemed to still be asleep, so that was a good thing. He turned his head and watched her, loving that her expression was soft and free of the anguish of the past days, even if it was only a temporary thing. She would wake soon enough. He lay there, thinking about there times together, fueled by his dreams. They hadn't been many really, just extremely heartfelt and full of emotion. They had bonded quickly and eternally. He always thought of her first, even now. Not wanting her to wake and find him gone, he decided to wait for her to greet the day and then he would find them some breakfast before they headed out for the next leg of their journey.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Her dreams remained sweet and filled with romance between Koda and herself. Something she seemed not to ever be able to get enough of. It seemed as of the term soul mate was put to shame when it came to the two of them. Their souls were definitely connected but there was another pull, one that told her that they had a bond together. Her sleep was amazing. She had found out one of pups name soon after. The female had been named Lenora. A name that Nina had never found common when it came to wolves around in Relic Lore. Her focus had been on their beautiful figures though. Th male had a brown coat with stunning golden eyes, close to their fathers. And the female had a gorgeous golden coat with striking green eyes. The Hervok trait that she had gained from her father. 

The comfort of sleep was suddenly gone. The soft, warn flesh that had been covering her head moments earlier was now gone, and the brown lady's eye snapped open. She snapped her head towards the body laying next to her and relaxed. It was just Koda and he was here. He wasn't going to do anything to her. The memory of her dream slightly flustered her, but not enough to render her speechless. The beauty of him was what did it. He lie there as still as a rock, watching her with a fierce protectiveness only mates would have other the other. His golden pelt and eyes seemed to melt her body and she was sure that if he told her to do something, she would obey like a little puppet. 

Opening her mouth she replied with upmost cheeriness, "Good morning, love!"

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
He was soon rewarded when she woke and greeted him endearingly. Suddenly, he felt complete. That was it... she completed him. It was the only way that he could describe the way that he felt when she was with him. He nuzzled her softly, his dark golden eyes soft with affection. <b>"Good morning indeed, sweet Nina."</b> His voice carried all of his love and he licked the side of her face.

He felt as if he could lay here forever next to her and gazing into her beautiful emerald eye, but he knew that they must eat before anything else. Neither had eaten much the prior day and they needed sustenance. Reluctantly, he stood and said, <b>"I need to hunt for us. I won't be gone long, I promise. Will you be all right?"</b> He absolutely hated the idea of leaving her, even for a moment, but there was simply no way around it. Giving her a long, loving stare, he slowly moved away from her. Each step was harder, but eventually he said to her, <b>"I'll hurry!!"</b> and turned to the forest almost in a run. He needed to be quick for every minute that he was away, she was unprotected, vulnerable to another attack.

He wasted no time in seeking out and catching a rabbit. He knew that they would need more than one rabbit, but he decided to take it back to his mate, so she could eat while he hunted another one or two. Of course, that way he could assure himself of her continued safety. He ran back to her and laid the meal in front of her. Giving her a wink and a smile he said, <b>"Back in two shakes!"</b> and headed off again in a slightly different direction. He soon returned with another fat rabbit and a squirrel. A small meal, but it would do for now. He could hunt again when they rested later.

He gave her the squirrel and settled down with the second rabbit. She was using more energy for healing so he deduced that she would need the extra bit of meat. He looked at her with a sigh, glad to be back by her side, even though the entire process had only taken about a half hour or so. He nuzzled her again and waited for her to eat, like a hovering mother hen.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
She was greeted soon after her own small words and she smiled at him too. He was her world, he had saved her from death and now he was taking care of her. And she loved it. . .she loved how every time he took a step his muscles would move with him. His golden gaze could melt her heart each time he would look into them, very much like how he was doing so now. She licked his cheek affectionately before stating quickly that he needed to get them food. She nodded her head to his question and watched him go. He was here to protect her and take care of her, something she would nourish for her whole life. The two of them didn’t have two different souls, their souls were combined, leaving her love for him growing stronger by the day.

He soon returned with a plump rabbit for her and she smiled at him in thanks before he took off again. She would not eat before he returned for it would seem rude on her part. Her tail wagged and her tongue flopped out of her tongue before taking it back into her mouth. Soon enough Koda returned. Another piece of meet for her and one for him. She then nuzzled him affectionately, in thanks for him getting her some food. She was incapable of catching anything herself, due to her leg problem, the fact that he had gotten her this, warmed her heart highly. He watched her though, waiting for her…. Waiting for her to eat something, she realized.

With a small dip of her head she plunged her fangs into the meat. She made sure to take a small amount within her mouth before chewing it fully and swallowing it. Soon enough she was chockablock and thankful for the meal she had eaten. Quickly muttering a thanks to the Gods she looked back up a Koda and she smiled. After her finished meal and got up and limped, with more of a hop to her step, and she was soon lay down next to her mate again. She loved being close him, she never would have wanted anything more or less.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
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