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Passing Through — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/SloanTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 255px;padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">The comments of the female exasperated him. Could she not just say 'thank you' and take their help at face value? He held his tongue for both Nina and Kashi had already lashed out at her for her attitude and made the point quite clearly. There was no need to stomp her in the ground for it... unless she continued, as he was nearing the end of his patience with her once more. Instead, he focused on the forest around them, vigilant for approaching danger and for their leader.

It did not take overly long for a strong and regal figure to appear. If his confident stance had not already been enough to announce who he was, Nina and Kashikoi's reactions to him surely did. In response, he lowered his tail to a neutral stance, flicked his ears back slightly and his bright amber eyes met the yellow ones before him briefly before he dipped his head deeply in respect to the wolf that could be none other than Ruiko, Aeylen's mate. When Ruiko spoke, he kept silent to allow Kashi as Second and Nina as Healer to respond to his question. Or the stray female if she dared. He did give her a brief warning look to remind her to be on her best behavior before their leader.

Knight of Honor
Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/ShadowstormTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 165px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Shadowstorm ignored the young healers words. They don't understand the importance of finding my brother, I must find him. She wouldn't understand, she never wanted to see her brother again, he tried to kill her. My brother cares about me, wants to protect me. However, if the offer is given, which I highly doubt it will, I shall rest, not eat as they will need they're food for they're pack and young pups. She then listened to the other, smaller wolf whom the other two obeyed, who had backed down his dominance to the healer to help me. The wolf she couldn't begin to understand his thought processes. She suddenly understood the situation. “I-I'm sorry, I never realized the situation was so severe." She then scented another wolf approaching, his dominance made clear by the way he walked and how the other wolves reacted to his presence at the scene, must be the leader. Her eyes flashing an unknown emotion to her, perhaps fear or was it something else. All she knew was that she was shaking slightly at the newcomers presence.

Shadowstorm looked up at the leader, his eyes not welcoming. I knew it, I AM going to die. Why couldn't they have just killed me then, wait, no remember what that high ranked wolf said, be polite, no talking about death, no tricks, even though I don't even know that I pull tricks. She remembered the wolves words, they were her best chance of survival. “I-I-I'm Shadowstorm.” she said politely dipping her head in a respectable bow. Forgive me father, I may be weak, but I cannot be lonely anymore, so if it's death or having to possibly be with a pack. I'll take the pack. Thoughts rushed through her head like a vortex, never ceasing. Am I doing the right thing?

Shadowstorm saw something else in the male leader's eyes, but she couldn't name what it was, was he unsure of what to do with her? His words weren't harsh, but weren't kind, as if he was at war with himself over what to do. She remembered back to the three wolves that had helped her before her leg broke. They had said that I was to close to the pups. They don't need an injured wolf, they need strong wolves to hunt for the pups, not a weak, lone wolf with a broken leg. A lone wolf who is barely alive.

She had a glint of fear in her eyes. Fear, it was a new concept to her. She wasn't afraid when she ventured in Ghastly Woods, nor when she went around the Lost Lake and fought Athena. She hadn't ever been afraid in her life. Now why was she afraid? Perhaps it was the fact that the leader was a large wolf like that one other wolf. The two of them could easily finish her, then the last two could easily help although it wasn't really needed. So if they decided to finish her, they could easily do it and she would be on her way to her parents.

She knew now that her brother may be alive now, so she HAD to find him, but she knew she needed time to heal. She wanted to find her brother, couldn't let an injury, no matter how severe affect that. But perhaps, if she must rest, that her brother would be fine without her. She could live by herself once she was healed, perhaps in Ghastly Woods or the Wildwood. But all this depended on what the leader in front of her decided to do. Perhaps she should find a pack like Athena had suggested before they're fight. Perhaps Athena was right all along. She knew then, she had to give up, her brother probably wasn't even in the Wildwood. Probably in some distant land feasting on rabbits. Perhaps he found a friend and they dined on deer whenever they were hungry. She had to give up on him. She had to, or she would die.

Brother, if your here, in the Wildwood, looking for me, you must understand my choice. I have to give up. I'm sorry. If your with mother and father however, packs are not weak, they're smart wolves. Combining strengths makes them unbeatable. Forgive me if you find me a disgrace to the Slayer line. I'm going to find a pack and join it if it's the last thing I do. She held her bow for a bit and raised her head. Should I explain all of my actions here? Should I apologize for the injury. For being a burden, I mean, they're leader has to do what's best for they're pack. I'm not a good thing to a pack. If they were to take me, I'd just be a burden. What will he do to me?
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2012, 06:00 PM by Shadowstorm.)
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
His presence seemed to descend a silence about him; something that would normally amuse and encourage him, and yet the situation before him seemed to draw little of either from the large male. His tail gave a flick, and as his fellow pack members remained quiet, the dark stranger found it appropriate to introduce herself. There was a minute pause as the tawny male awaited further words – an explanation to her presence so close to their borders, a reason for her injury. Anything.

Instead, the regal wolf was met with nothing but the stir of the wind as it swept past the gathered wolves. In all fairness, she had answered his question.

“And you’re at our borders because…?” His question lingered upon the last syllable, his gaze was steady upon the she-wolf now as he awaited her answer. Whatever the reason, he wasn’t going to beat around small answers and make this a drawn out event; she would tell him why she was here and what she wanted or she would get the hell away from his land and family. It was as simple as that. One quick sweep of his gaze offered him a quick study of his pack mates – none of them seemed too eager to defend her presence here, and he briefly wondered if she had angered them.. such was not as easy feat when it came to the kind Kashikoi and noble Nina. As for Sloane.. well, Ruiko did not know him well enough.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Her posture remained submissive but stiff. Her one emerald eyes was trained on the female that had come to their presence. Why she had come here had been a mystery to her, but it didn’t matter. The girl was injured. She felt bad for taking Ruiko away from his children though. It didn’t seem as though he was happy about it and if he was, indeed, taking care of them then Nina could only hope that Volkan, Pakuna, or Aeylen would be in the denning site to look after the pups. An answer to emitted itself from the old lady’s mouth and the golden brown fae was pleased with her tone.

It was not as brash as it had been when she had been around Sloane, Kash, and herself, but now it seemed she had some kind of sense in her old brain. Nina’s tail swished over the ground, her sad eye seemingly creating a hole in the ground, as if she wanted to bury herself. She had not taken the comment about Ash from Kashikoi lightly. Every time she would think of her brother it would bring back memories of her near death experience. She had to keep reminding herself that Ash could no longer hurt her though. And he knew it. . .she was a Reinier and that took her out of the Hervok line. Ash was good now. . .he wouldn’t hurt anyone else anyone. . .at least, that was what Nina was hoping for.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Young Kashi kept his body in in a sign of submissiveness but slightly less so being second in the pack. All though it was somewhat uncomfortable for him he held his rank with silent pride as if to prove his former pack wrong. It had been about half a year since he had first stumbled into these same borders, in search of life and his friend that he had met only once before. In his mind he was keeping himself from looking at the female like Ruiko had so long ago. How he asked what he would be good at. The regal male took a gamble with the scrawny wolf and bit the young starved wolf's ear to accept him in the pack. Kashi no longer felt like that young wolf that had affectionately been called Scrap anymore. Now he was more grown into his size as a smaller wolf. He was now Kashi the healer and Second of the Copper Rock Creek Pack. Although it pained him to lose the small innocent wolf he had once been he knew in his heart it was necessary. If anyone paid mind to look at the young wolf as Ruiko questioned the dark female it would seem that he was just staring through the the whole thing like he was blind to what was happening.

One wolf who might recognize the empty stare that he had would be Ruiko. For the stare that he had now was the one he had when ever he thought of things that had passed. These were moments when the world faded into emptiness for Kashikoi, when time and events meant nothing and memories hunted upon his mind. It was something that Kashi was somewhat ashamed of as he had not seen any other wolf freeze when recounting memories as he often did. After such events it often left him feeling like an outsider. Was it his fault that his memories were as clear as the scars on Nina's body?
<img src='http://i45.tinypic.com/2cniceo.png' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Ooc: got kinda carried away, muse has been else where up to now with all that has been going on
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/SloanTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 255px;padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">Sloane knew that in essence, he was a mere presence and show of strength at this point. Ruiko was here and he was the only one present that could make the end decision. He kept a confident alert stance and stayed silent, awaiting the response of the unusual fae. Of course Ruiko had not seen her earlier behavior, so all he was aware of was the suddenly meek injured woman before him. He would definitely have to keep an eye on her if she was permitted to stay, be it temporary or permanent. Her extreme reversal of attitude was suspicious to say the least and he wasn't sure how he felt about this particular fae becoming a part of his new family. He wouldn't let her hurt any of them with words or actions. She would have to prove herself to him, if she ever cared to earn his trust after her little display, injured or not.

Of course, it was entirely possible the contradictory woman would not even want to stay, but if allowed, she really had little choice. It would be certain death for her on her own with an apparently broken leg and half starved already. His gallant side wished to help her, but his suspicions would not be laid to rest. He didn't like these conflicting emotions at all. Had she not injured herself, she would likely have badgered her way into being chased off like a mongrel, shouting insults at them the whole way. Instead, she was contrite and at the mercy of the powerful lead wolf before her. Sloane waited to hear what she had to say, wondering if she could mend the horrendous first impressions that she had made on the three of them, before Ruiko had been called.

Knight of Honor
Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/ShadowstormTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 165px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
“I-I was hunting just outside you're borders. I-I've had an injured leg f-for a w-while. B-but I strayed across, the b-borders and when I went to leave after running into these w-wolves, and m-my leg snapped, the bone is broken.” She said, still afraid. This was life or death, leaving out as much details from the encounter as possible. She was sure that the alpha wouldn't like to hear that she was being rude and mean to three of his pack members. Her mind was swirling. It seemed as thought the protagonist here was the pack wolves, she was both the antagonist and the victim to the main antagonist, pride. She'd refused help and now she was here, helpless, just like she had wanted. She didn't want it anymore though. She would be subtle and kind. Hopefully the others wouldn't bring up the encounter's details.

She noticed then, a look in Sloane's eyes. He seemed to hate her, like everyone else. Her 'bi-polar' disease had acted, she was a jerk, then her leg literally snapped sense into her. Her conflicting personalities where difficult. She also had her family problem. Complete apology and regret shown in her eyes. Not just for acting rude. But for making Nina uncomfortable with talk of death, for screaming insults at them, for getting into the fight with Athena, for snapping at Cessair and Ice, and for not letting Follko help her in Ghastly Woods. For all her mistakes, her switching personalities. The only thing she couldn't be sorry for was her talk with Ari, it had helped her, she still didn't understand why Ari ran away from her. She hadn't been mean or anything.
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko was not pleased with the circumstances – an injured wolf was of no use to them, especially with a young litter to feed. His gaze shot to each of his members, studying them for a reaction but finding none. It seemed no one was willing to stand up for the female.. nor were they able to say anything against her. It was ironic, in a way, that Ruiko Tainn had become leader to one of the softest pack wolves he had met, and yet he would have had it no other way. Kashikoi, Nina.. and now Sloane – each were his family now.

His tongue swiped over his lips as he considered momentarily. Withholding a soft sigh, his gaze fell upon the ebony female, calculating. “You may stay until you are healed. Nina will see to your care – she is an excellent healer.” There was a small pause, his gaze narrowing upon her. “Should you prove to be more trouble than your worth.. You’ll be escorted outside of our pack borders once more and left to your own. If you choose to stay once you are healed.. you’d best prove your worth to this pack.”

With a derisive snort, the male turned to his pack mates, offering them a small nod before weaving his way along the border. With one more helpless mouth to feed, he would need to hunt.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Her head was turned away from the area of where all the wolves were gathered, her one eye seeking something to stare at besides the old wolf in front of her. The only time that her head would finally turn, was when her name was called out, by Ruiko. Turning her head slowing towards the voice that had called her out, her ears twitched. Yes, she would take care of the female for the time being, and in that time she would make sure to treat the lady with as much respect as she could muster. With her alpha’s decision, she dipped her head in respect before limping over towards the injured girl as her trusting leader left. She looked down at ShadowStorm before turning her head towards Sloane and Kashi.

Her maw opened and her voice remained strong, "Can you two help me transport her back? I need someone to watch her leg carefully and the other to help me help her walk. . .unless you would rather be carried." Her head turned towards her new pack member, for the time being, addressing her now. She only wanted to do what was most comfortable for the black fae, but at the same time, Nina didn’t want to have to limp the whole way back to the denning site with a large wolf on her back, it would only cause more problems for her.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
The small timber wolf's glazed expression cleared as soon as Ruiko answered. He looked over to the two other males and could see they didn't like the choice much but knew it was a kind thing to do. If the black fae's leg hadn't snapped he would of chased here clear out of the territory. He would not be made a mockery of when this wolf hadn't even gone through anything close to which he or Nina had. He turned his head to the black female, <b>"If you even dare think of giving Nina any trouble I'll be on you like flees on a wolf, understood?"</b> He waited to say this when Ruiko was well on his way. He didn't care if this wolf was playing nice now, she would be hard earned to gain his trust now. There was few things that could get to the young Kashi but it seemed that the outspoken female had done just that. <b>"Me and Sloane will walk on either side of the 'Royal Pain in the Butt', you can watch her leg Nina"</b> As he said this he went over to the black wolf's side and applied pressure to keep her up right. Keep your enemies close was the old saying.

OOC: I need one of those things for the writing like you have
(This post was last modified: Aug 14, 2012, 02:00 AM by Kashikoi.)
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
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