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Coffin Nails — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
OOC: See what I did there with the eyes? XD

Crowe's thoughts seemed to summon the brute, and Tenzin Laylani proceeded to play the same exact game as Crowe. Picking at her, they were playing off of her, one forcing her mind into submission while Tenzin would rather force the body into submission. Perfection at its finest, Crowe began to think as he continued to circle Canttina. There must be something here we can use, no, no Crowe there isn't anything there can't you see? Her mind will not work she is one to attack pack mates. Crowe began to growl deeply there was no cunning sharpness to her eyes. She was pure unregulated insanity almost of no use but maybe she could be manipulated. This would be a game, just as it was with Tenzin, toying with minds was something Crowe prided himself on, he could still fight as well as anyone else but it was more fun this way.

Yes, we could have her carry things out, with nothing more than strength, she will be a weapon. Crowe's smile curled even more nastily and he began to huff almost laughing to himself. He came to stop next to Tenzin and said to him "Plenty of brute strength but she has no mind." He spoke in his strange Icy way then swiveling his broad white head to the girl, he spoke again. "Then I shall call you nothing. So nothing, it is companions you seek?" The white wolf found it apparent that her shattered mind would not allow cunning, only blunt force, one could tell such things if they searched maddened eyes enough. The test for Crowes approval would be different then Tenzin's, is eyes widened and his smile vanished, yet again, he lunged forwards and snap, this time his teeth clicked next to her muzzle. If she was smart she would not react at all, otherwise they would either dismiss her, or she would launch a foolish attack, but part of Crowe was still aching to shred a loner.
Played by Kara who has 18 posts.
Canttina Cael

Her thoughts were flooding in like waves of water. They were engulfing her. The white one spoke, he mentioned her strength. She smirked, yes, she was very strong. She was raised to be a cold-blooded killer. Born to be what she is now. He then spat out more words through his teeth. Calling er nothing. She wouldn't comment, she did tell them they could call her that. He asked if it was companions she seeked. Was I searching for companions? Or just play things? She tilted her head as these thoughts replayed over and over in her broken mind.

Just then the white Wolf who was circling her came forth and snapped his maw at her muzzle. She instantly retaliated by snapping her teeth back. But, she did not make any other movement. She stared into his eyes, a tiny smile spreading across her lips. He is testing her, she did not want to start a fight with two big male Wolves, even though she was confident she could hold her own.

"I do not know what I seek. I saw you as a potential companion. But, I g-guess I am mistaken". She then sat, with a thump. All of her shaggy brown fur shifting. Her tail laid on the ground, her ears twitching. She would look at them with blank eyes, waiting for them to do something. She was practically submitting herself to them, just in her own way.
