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On a Mission — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Sloane and @Narimé

Sema was given little more than a location and a few names, but that wouldn’t stop her from finding them. The names were Sloane and Narime, location was a place called Hush Meadow or their pack name which was unknown to her, but she assumed that she would find that out soon enough. She had found the meadow, and that was half the battle. Next she had to find the pack border, that was the other half of the battle, and they always said the final leg was the most difficult, however she could not fail. Failing would prove that there was no strong suit to her for the pack, proving that she was worthless. She was not a good wolf for teaching, nor a great wolf for protecting packmates. Her speed and stamina led her to be a good scout as far as catching prey, but there were errors that made that statement false. The fact that she was clumsy when it came to hunting let her to be a terrible huntress.

Finally, Sema had found the borders to the suspected pack. She raised her head to the sky and let out a long hollow for two specific wolves, the alphas. Sloane and Narime, your presence is requested at the borders for business involving your pack and Willow Ridge. She called out, hoping they would hear her call. It was the dead of night, full moon on the rise of the sky. It was in between midnight and dawn by the way the moon rested on the sky. It was curious, how the moon rotated around the earth like the sun. Though sometimes, the moon was black. Yet, the sun was always the same. She stopped herself mid thought, now was not the time for philosophy as to why the sun and moon were different. It was cold, as it was most nights, and being in the bare, with nothing to hide her from the win made it worse. She had grown accustomed to the willow trees giving little bits of protection from some of the weather, but she did not have that anymore. No, how could a wolf live through winds like this in the meadow.

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

She wasn't asleep. Nope. Nighttime nausea had kept the woman awake.

She had been able to eat quite a bit even with her ill stomach as the pregnancy wore on. Nari watched happily as her belly swelled and she felt the first inklings of life stirring within. However the sick feeling would not leave her alone, and it seemed to be getting worse as her term continued on.

So when Narimé heard the howl she was quick to respond. Looking around at her pack mates making sure they were fine. Then there was the matter of waking Sloane. As the silver wolf felt right now she would much rather stay in the den than go out to the border. However if the wolf was from Willow Ridge she had to go. Her old loyalty for Elettra still moving her tired body into work mode. What was it that Elettra wanted anyway?

Maybe somethings happened...but then why would she tell me about that now? No.. Pack business of some sort. I did want to talk to her about an alliance but... The gray hunter knew she shouldn't be running around outside of pack territory being pregnant. Especially since she was both sick and pregnant.

Nudging Sloane awake (If he had not already woken to the call) Nari turned to look out of the den within their tiny swath of trees. She would take her time getting to the border, but Nari wanted Sloane to hurry and meet with the Willow wolf.

"Sloane you head out to her. I'll be there soon enough. I'm not feeling too well right now." She asked the russet wolf with a tired smile. She began padding slowly towards the direction of the howl. It wasn't a voice she recognized, so Nari guessed it was a newer member of Willow Ridge meeting with them. The silvery wolf wondered how many new members had joined after she'd left.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane had been drifting in and out of slumber for the last few nights and on this night it had all caught up to him. When the call for he and Narime' came, carried by the brisk night air he resisted waking at first, merely twitching his russet ears as lethargy dragging at him. When Narime's nudged him to wakefulness, it came in an instant. He popped upright, eyes wide in the semi-darkness. The soft moonlight filtering in the large mouth of the cave ironically half blinded him for a few moments as his vision gradually adjusted to it.

Giving his mate a sheepish grin, he stood, then stretched quickly to get his blood flowing. Then he turned his gaze back on Narime' as she spoke. Of course he would hurry ahead, but her wan look had him concerned and he gave her another once over before nodding and saying, "Of course, my love. Take your time, I will see to it!" With another worried look at her he headed towards the border that the call had come from at a slow lope, hampered minutely by the shadowy darkness. As he neared the invisible border, he slowed to a trot and then to a walk, now easily able to pick out the scent of their night visitor. She held the familiar scent of the Willows, but it was not one that he recognized from the time when Narime' was a member of said pack.

As he came to a stop with his head and tail high, signaling his rank and dominance he looked over the fae before him. She was mid-sized and painted in greys and browns that blended well with the few trees in this area, especially given the dark hour. She appeared close to him in age and had intense amber eyes that seemed to evaluate him as he did her. Then he broke the silence. "I'm Sloane Thorben of Whisper Caverns. My mate will be here shortly. What business brings you to us so late at night, might I ask?" His tone was business-like, although still laced with his inherent friendliness.

Knight of Honor
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Semananti greeted the man with a respectful bow, her tail tucked and a submissive pose overtook her. “I’m Semananti Whurshire, messenger for the Ridge. Sorry to wake you so late at night, but I bring a message from Madam Elettra. She requests a meeting between the alphas of your pack as well as the Ridge, a meeting between the territories to discuss allying packs.” She gave all the information she had been given to give to the male in front of her. Her eyes scanned around, remembering the place in case she had to deliver more messages to the pack, she had remembered that Elettra stated at the meeting that a former pack member of hers was now the alpha. Then it was brought up again when she went to talk to Elettra about her pack role. The male seemed friendly enough it seemed, so for that she was happy.

Thankfully there was no need to decamp, she probably could have waited until morning before calling for them, but she would be expected back at the Ridge soon, she had been away far too long, for it had taken her a while to find the meadow. Although Elettra had told her the place was close, she had gone in the opposite direction to search at first, near the mountains where she had come from. Although as soon as she had realized her mistake, she had corrected it, running at her full speed to make up for the lost time. She had been so lucky to find the pack territory instead of accidentally going to the lagoon instead, luck she did not realize she had. She waited for his response with a curious type of stance, her ears perked with questions, and listening. She was listening because this was pack business and she didn’t want any pesky loners like that one Teketa listening in on the conversation. It was a rather curious circumstance for her.

(This post was last modified: Apr 20, 2013, 04:17 PM by Semananti.)
[Image: WR3.png]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narimé took her time daring herself to pad faster to meet their guest at the border. The gray woman's swollen belly swayed as she trudged along through the frozen forest and out into the chilled night. Passing through the meadow now, Nari had to pause and catch her breath as a wave a nausea gripped her. Tipping to the side almost enough to fall sideways; the silver wolf held in the urge to puke knowing that she needed the food to stay in for her pups. It took the Cavern alpha a few minutes to steady herself and calm her stomach before she could head out again.

At least I have been able to hold off the sick feeling so far.. the woman hoped that she hadn't jinxed herself. It would not be leader like at all to puke in front of a guest from Willow Ridge at the border.

About ten minutes later and Narimé had made it to the border. She trailed after her mates scent expending as little energy as possible to catch up. Once at the males side Nari leaned heavily on him while holding back another urge to puke. She was unable to speak for a few moments as she settled sitting next to Sloane with her head on his shoulder. Minutes went by until finally the silvery wolfs head lifted a bit and her blue gaze examined the Willow wolfs form standing near her border.

"Please excuse my lateness. It's a struggle to get out of the den when you are this pregnant!" She lied about the real reason it took her so long to get there. About how sick Nari was really feeling. Instead she put up a wide smile while lifting her tired head to try and match Sloane's lofty height. "My name is Narimé Lagina Thorben of Whisper Caverns. Though I was formerly of Willow Ridge. How is Lady Elettra anyway? I hope she found someone to father her pups this year. She always seemed at odds about finding a good male for the job. " Narimé cocked her head a bit hoping this stranger would inform her a little of what happened after she left. Elettra had always seemed unsure and cautious about her emotions, and Nari guessed that even if she had found a male to lead with that she didn't have feelings for him. It was just logical to the black noble lady to find a strong partner, not one that she loved.

As much as Narimé might be alpha of Whisper Caverns now she was still attached the Willow Ridge at heart. Perhaps that attachment would leave after a year or so away from them, but for now it still held strong. The young alpha had heard a bit of talk when she first came across the two wolves at the border. She definitely wanted to meet up with ELettra again. The problem was if her stomach would hold out. If anything I might just have to leave early to get there on time.

Nari felt sick to her stomach again plus the added pressure of pups moving around in her belly. It was almost enough to set her off. Digging her face into Sloanes shoulder she hid her ill green face away from the woman and sat there unable to move or speak for a few moments as the feeling passed. Once it was over the silvery hunter thanked her father on high that she hadn't puked right in front of everyone.

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(Skipping Sloane for this one so the thread doesn't go dead)

Sema nodded with respect as the alpha female arrived, her eyes calm and gentle as she spoke. The words that meant it all confirmed that Elettra’s pack had an unstable men side to it, but she shrugged it off, the fact was that the alpha male was not her mate. It was a bit odd, so she rolled with it and figured she could and would investigate the case later. “Lady Elettra is fine, and she did find a sire this year. I’ve never met the father to her pups and she didn’t really tell us who it was, but she’s due to have pups soon.” She said, a small apologetic glance for putting the wolf through all the trouble with her pregnancy.

She then listened to the rest of her story that reeled in her head. “I’m Semananti Whurshire, messenger for the Ridge. Sorry to wake you so late at night, but I bring a message from Madam Elettra. She requests a meeting between the alphas of your pack as well as the Ridge, a meeting between the territories to discuss allying packs.” She repeated herself for the female whom she assumed to have missed the conversation. “I must have joined after you left; it’s a pleasure to meet you. Madam Elettra has told me good things about you.” She said in high regards towards the female. She hoped that a deal would be struck out for after Narimé and Elettra had oth delivered they’re pups. But soon she would have to get to the Ridge lands again after she found herself some food.

She wondered if it was best to tell Narimé to look out for those whom had betrayed Elettra. She decided against it for now, figuring if Elettra saw that she needed to know, that she would tell her herself if a meeting were worked out.

(This post was last modified: May 04, 2013, 01:38 AM by Semananti.)
[Image: WR3.png]
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane listened as the fae spoke of an alliance between their two packs. That thought had always been at the back of his mind for he knew how much Willow Ridge meant to his mate. They were not her birth family, but they had taken her in and nurtured her in her greatest time of need, even when he himself had been unable to and for that he would be eternally grateful to Elettra and her family. For the same reason, he knew that Narime' would be all for an alliance. He nodded an affirmation to Semananti as they waited for his love to arrive.

She did in due time and her breathing was labored for a few moments from the trek and she leaned heavily upon his strong shoulder while she collected herself. An almost inaudible whine of worry escaped his throat. He hated that this pregnancy was so rough on her. He couldn't remember it being such a strain on his mother and he could only hope that it was because this was her first litter. When Nari finally spoke, trying to act normal he knew that her words were a stretch from the truth. The wan look in her eyes, that others might not notice with her perky words, was a giveaway to him. He knew every hair on her head and the subtlest changes of expression on her beautiful face practically screamed at him. Her stomach was on the warpath tonight and this little outing was not helping, despite her friendly tone.

He listened as the two women spoke, feeling mildly surprised that Elettra was with young, yet her pack was unsure of the sire. Interesting! Good for her, carrying on the bloodlines... but he did hope that she'd find a worthy mate soon. She was a proud and regal lady and deserved to have an appropriate male by her side. When Semananti spoke of Elettra's high praise of Narime' he couldn't help nuzzling her affectionately as she burrowed into his side with another wave of nausea. Then with a brisk nod at the Willow woman he said, "Of course! An alliance would be most welcome. Has Elettra a place in mind or just meeting in the middle with the most direct route?" The latter would be the easiest on both of the pregnant faes. Traveling in such a condition would not be easy on either of them.

He also knew from her words that Narime' was attempting to hide her weakness, but he would have none of it. Elettra was a Healer and she might have some magical cure that would aid his young mate. With an apologetic look at Narime', asking her forgiveness for revealing her trouble, he added "If Elettra has any medicines that would help with stomach troubles for Narime', I would be forever grateful for her help."
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

She listened as Sloane nodded agreeing to Elettra's request of a meeting. She had been meaning to head over to the border herself. However Nari wasn't sure how to go about planning something. It would have looked bad if I just showed up one day at the border She chuckled silently in her mind as Nari too nodded her head at the idea. It would be nice to see her again.

An alliance with Willow Ridge was something that Nari had always planned. Since she first decided she as going to leave. It would likely be one of their strongest alliances if Elettra would welcome it. Though it seems like she is welcoming of the idea,. I mean she did send Semananti to us for that sole purpose to make a meeting time. Nari smiled trying to stand strong in front of the wolf of her older pack.

However the words from Semananti had caught the silver she wolf off guard. Elettra told Semananti about me? What for? I just did what I thought was right... She ducked her head a little embarrassed like her old puppy self. She was baffled as to why Elettra had good things to tell about Narimé. Likely because Nari still thought El was disappointed and angry that she'd left the Ridge. Then Sloane's voice chimed in full of worry. He spoke of healing from Elettra and for once Nari felt scared for herself. She didn't want wolves her weren't pack to know her condition.

"No no don't worry about that I'm fine! We have Simaea remember?" Narimé quickly tried to hide her weakness. That had been her immediate reaction and Narimé did not stop to think before she spoke. Keeping her yap shut now the silver wolf pressed her lips together annoyed with herself. Why am I so scared of her knowing? If she's from ELettra then that's good she knows.. but.. For some reason the thought of another wolf she did not fully trust knowing that she was sick, weka even, had Nari on edge.

This was a new feeling for her. Previously Nari hadn't cared much if others had known she was sick or hurt. Maybe because the only one's who knew I was sick or hurt were already friends or pack mates. Now... I'm not just protecting myself... If I'm weak the pack is weak... The young alpha was only just now learning of the weight she was learning to lift upon her shoulders. The weight and worry and alpha would hold for their pack, their family.

"Sorry. But yeah. Elettra would probably know what to do.." She muttered softly to Sloane apologizing for barking at him a few minutes ago. "It would be great to meet with Elettra again, Semananti thank you." She spoke up a little louder than before so Sema could hear. Though Nari just realized she wasn't sure what she was thanking Semananti for.. Maybe for coming so soon? I don't knwo..

(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2013, 12:29 AM by Narimé.)

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Sema listened carefully to the male leader as he spoke. She made to catch every word to report back to Elettra. She nodded as he suggested a midpoint between the two packs, it was a good idea. The soon-to-be scout was proud to set up the alliance meeting between alphas and she wasn’t going to screw it up. She smiled as he suggested something else for Narime’s stomach; of course Elettra would bring something. She spoke very fondly of Nari when she had assigned Sema to task to travel. “Of course sir, I’m sure she has something for Lady Narimé.” She said confidently and kindly.

Sema was struggling just to be nice to this male, but she needed to make it through, for she was sure she would be talking to many more alpha pairs, pairs meant a male was included in the bundle. She felt bad for calling them as such a late time still, but she held out. She was trained as a night runner. Which was someone who had patrolled as a night shift, constant patrols had gone around The Omaticya borders and she ran them from midnight to dawn. She always returned exhausted and the night runners were the most honorable in the pack, she was highly respected.

But everything had changed and she was going to turn it for the better, at least she wasn’t in the pack of traitors and thieves now. She was exiled for killing a runner. Not a night guard; or even a guard. No, she had killed the beta female when she had planned to run. She had no devious smile to her; she often did cruel things to get on the edge of male’s insanities. Once she had tried to talk seductively when her killing attempt had failed, and she managed to kill him in his distraction. She had a feeling that these wolves in the Relic Lore; were not so easily tricked.

Lastly, her eyes fell upon the female, making sure she wasn’t going to puke on her or anything. She had, what appeared to be concern, in her eyes. Though her calm state may have been convincing, she was on edge, she was constantly making sure that no one was around to ambush her and that the alpha’s themselves mean no harm. Though she doubted that they were, she trusted whom Elettra trusted, and Elettra trusted them.

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