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A single night without a ghost — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
She watched as his gaze fell away from her, and his ears shifted backwards. Her heart broke a little, knowing that she couldn't take him all of the way. For a moment she even considered throwing caution to the wind, and taking him to his destination. Calming her heavy heart, she decided that maybe she could take him a bit farther without being missed. There was something about a lost soul that she just couldn't help wanting to remedy. She would probably always feel the desire to help those in need, and she wouldn't change that for the world. Even the smallest actions could make another's life a little easier. Capella's duties to the pack, and the puppies that needed protection definitely limited her ability to travel. It was something she would likely always crave, but she had given it up willingly. She would take her new little family over her journeys any day. "I will help you in any way I can." She accepted his thanks with a nod, eyes now holding a touch of sadness.

Her face lifted at his question, and the chance to tell him about her home. "They are all quite different. We have an alpha pair, as well as myself and another subordinate." She paused, still opting out of telling him of the pups that lived within the mist. "Although there aren't many of us, I would protect them with my life, and they would do the same. We are family, and that's all I have ever wanted." She could have hit herself for divulging that last bit of information. It was something that until this point she had kept locking up inside. A secret, held under lock and key. Of course that wasn't her only secret. Everyone had them, including the wolf in front of her. At least she assumed.

The name didn't register with her at all. She had never passed through a place called Whitehorse before, but she thought it was similar to Washore, the two legged camp her parents had warned her not to go near. They only passed by it once and stayed in the area for less than a week. Did Nineteen come from one of those camps? Not to mention what was a reserve? She opened her mouth, the words feeling new on her tongue. "A.. reserve?" Her endless curiosity was getting the better of her, and she desired to know all about this 'reserve' he had come from.

(This post was last modified: May 21, 2013, 10:53 PM by Capella.)
[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">
Lachesis understood why the girl didn't want to stray too far away from the Woods — although the pack had not formed yet, she had responsibilities to uphold to and the spider-legged boy didn't want to take her away from them. Of course he would have rather Capella travel with him, as he enjoyed her company, but it was unfair of him to ask for her to do more. Her offering to walk him halfway, as well as point him in the right direction, was enough. Plus, the yearling had a feeling he would return soon to visit the dandelion-eyed girl. Just from this meeting XIX knew that he could trust her, and that out of this encounter he would leave with a new friend. Which was something the loner had not anticipated when he wandered into the misty woods. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">"T-thank you."
It was evident about how excited she was to talk about her 'family', as she called them. Her face lit up at his question, the words dripping passionately off her tongue as she responded. A family — that's exactly what Lachesis was looking for. The boy had assumed that packs could only achieve a close relationship if most of them were blood-related, so it was a surprise to hear that the packs of Relic Lore called themselves a family. Her answer excited him, and he couldn't wait to return to the den and share his news with Ana. He hoped that she would be just as pleased as he was, because to the pear-eyed boy this unformed pack sounded perfect. Especially with Capella being a future member. A smile formed over his maw as she finished talking, the tip of his tail flicking excitedly behind him. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">"T-that sounds w-wonderful," he breathed, his eyes slowly meeting her yellow gaze.
"A.. reserve?" He was not surprised that she had not heard the word before, his ears still pressed to the back of his skull as he debated on explaining it to her. It would be rude of him not to elaborate, and XIX wanted to be friends with the yellow-eyed girl — he felt as if she wouldn't trust him if he decided to ignore her question. The yearling inhaled deeply, eyes closing for a moment before he started to speak, his gaze downward once more. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">"W-we were p-protected — our t-territory had been chosen b-by the t-two-legs. My m-mother said it w-was called a r-reserve. W-we were all assigned n-numbers, and b-branded. W-we were n-not allowed to l-leave. The t-two-legs wanted to b-bring w-wolves back to the area." Lachesis felt uncomfortable talking about the two-legs — he hated them for stealing away his first three months and for making his life as sheltered as it was. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">"I h-had not thought about l-leaving until my b-brother forced me too. W-we were not p-prepared f-for life outside the r-reserve."
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
Her smile brightened at his thank you. "You're very welcome." She really wanted to help him, and though she couldn't take him all of the way, she was sure her directions after they parted would be easy to follow. At least she could rest comfortably knowing he was on his way to the right place. Well, resting comfortably probably wasn't on the menu for tonight. More than likely she would worry for days if he reached his destination. It wasn't as if he could run all the way back to tell her he's made it. Briefly she remembered the presence of another scent on him, which calmed her a bit. At least he wasn't alone. Whoever this other wolf was, she hoped would take care of him.

"It really is." Her smile retained it's warmth. Her little family was perfect. At least for her. She considered asking him if he would like to stay with them in these woods, but decided it wouldn't be right. He had a home to go to. Some wolf was probably waiting for him, possibly worried sick about it. Maybe one day he would return with the wolf, and then it would be alright. Then Capella would ask them to consider staying with her little rag-tag group of rogues. She held hope in her heart, that he would return.

Her eyes roamed over his face as his eyes closed. The breath he took before he began made Capella's heart drop. Whatever he was going to say, she knew was going to be hard for him, and the fact that he was going to talk to her about it made the moment even more special. She listened intently, not letting her mind wander. It was important to him, and so it would be important to her. His words left her with even more questions. He had lived on a two legged camp? They didn't kill him? Why would they want more wolves in the area, when her only experience was with ones that wanted wolves farther away from them. It did make sense though, why he wasn't like all the others she had met. He was different because of his upbringing. It also explained his why he had two names, Nineteen or Lachesis. She asked only the question most important to their interaction. "Which name do you prefer to be called?"

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">
Being with the dandelion-eyed girl calmed the youth the same way being with Anastasia did — out of the few wolves that Lachesis had met during his stay in Relic Lore this rogue was the only one he hoped to see again. He was intrigued by the group of wolves she lived with and by the idea of them being a 'family'. Although the woods that they called home frightened the pale yearling, he could see himself growing to the like the place. The fog, creepy as it was, was oddly comforting (especially with having a friend like Capella at his side). He would like to bring Anastasia here, so they could scout the woods together, and see what her take on the place was. As much as he would like to stay in the woods now, he knew that he couldn't. If his companion didn't like it, or wanted to join another pack, XIX would do so. Her happiness was far more important than his own — and Capella's small group of rogues was only one of the many options that the pair had.
As much as he knew that it was getting close to him having to leave, Nineteen didn't want to. While he would like to stay in the dark woods with Capella, he knew that the longer he stayed away from the Spring the more Ana would worry about him. He didn't like it when his companion worried — if she was worrying she wasn't happy, and Lach hated knowing she was unhappy.
Her question caused a warmth to spread through his chest, a smile curling his lips upward as he shuffled his paws awkwardly beneath him. The boy liked that she asked what he preferred, it showed that she cared about him. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">"I like b-both," he started softly, keeping his gaze away from the sunny eyes of Capella. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">"I always introduce m-myself as Nineteen, b-but Lachesis is my g-given name — my f-family called me b-by that, and s-so do my f-friends." Which, after this meeting, he hoped that's what he and Capella were. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:11px;">"W-where are you f-from?" He asked suddenly as he bit his lower lip, his gaze still not meeting hers. He was curious, now that he had shared his past if she would do the same.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
Capella's already bright smile, brightened even more. There was something so fragile about the wolf in front of her. It was in the way he spoke, the way he held himself. Everything about him called out with a need for protection, and she hoped that his companion would satisfy that need. There was also an innocence to him, one she hoped he would never lose. The next time they met -- if they ever did meet again -- he might be different, and it upset her. Change was definitely not her forte. She liked routines, repetition. The off white girl had a desire for stability, and maybe that is why she was heartbroken with the knowledge that they would part ways shortly. When the pear eyed male left, would she ever see him again? Would he return with his companion? There was much to fear in the unknown.

His question shook her a bit, afraid of her own demons. There were things she had never spoken aloud. Images were locked deep in her mind, hidden under lock and key. Not even she had access to them anymore, or at least she liked to pretend it was that way. Her life was built on a new start. She did whatever she could to reject the image of her mother's broken body laying against the shore, and wandering if her brother met the same fate. Keeping in mind that she didn't have to speak of that, her words were light, masking her distress. I came to these lands from the West, but I didn't have a home per se. I traveled with my parents and brother. We never really stayed in one place too long." It was true, but it wasn't the full extent. She wasn't even sure if those details would ever see the light of day, and honestly she hoped they wouldn't

Her thoughts returned to her mother, and the washed up body. She couldn't shake them, and tonight, she was sure the nightmares would return. They were a plague now, haunting her constantly. She no longer had a decent night's sleep, and it was beginning to ware her down. She'd noticed a severe lack in energy as of late, but it would stop eventually, right? She certainly hoped to. Capella just needed to get away from these woods for a day or two, and that is why this trip was so perfect. She could travel with Lachesis, see the sky away from the mist, and hopefully clear her head a bit.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
sorry for wait! <3<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#838136; font-size:12px;">
you're a doll, you are flawless
but i just can't wait for love to destroy us
Like himself, Capella had some memories of her own that she wanted to forget and the boy instantly regretted asking her where she was from. Clearly it wasn't something she was comfortable talking about, and the yearling felt guilty about questioning her past. He had been nervous about talking about his life on the reserve — although he had left out some details that would be saved for future meetings — but some wolves were not as comfortable to talk about their past. Even Anastasia was still uncomfortable about discussing what had happened to her before she had left her former pack. There were horrors that lingered in the past of all wolves, just some were more willing to talk about them than others. He did not want to press his new friend on things that she didn't want to talk about. Friends didn't do that — friends were patient with each other, listened to each other.
XIX offered the dandelion-eyed girl a faint smile as he stepped toward her, his movements hesitant as he leaned forward to press his nose against her cheek. His response had been a result of impulse, at it was an action that he typically did with Anastasia when she was upset. Immediately after his nose made contact with her pale cheek, he drew back several paw steps, eyes falling down to the ground between them. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"D-did your Alpha's t-take you in after you l-left your family?" Word vomit, dripping uncontrollably off his tongue. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"I'm s-sorry, C-Capella. You d-don't have to answer if y-you don't w-want to. W-would you like to s-start walking n-now?" His head cocked slightly, a faint smile gracing his dark lips as he met her bright gaze. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"We c-can take the l-long way if y-you'd like," he added with a wink, tail wagging softly behind him as he waited for her response. The long way meant he could spend more time with the dusty female.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
Capella stood wide-eyed as the male advanced on her. Where she should have felt fear, she was surprised to find none. Already she trusted her chartreuse eyed friend enough to know he wasn't going to hurt her. She didn't move as his muzzle made contact with her cheek, but she felt the smile on her face creep just a little bigger. His gesture touched her to the very core. It was probably the nicest she had ever received, and she couldn't begin to tell him how grateful she was. Dandelion eyes followed him as he moved backward, clearly unsure of her reaction. His fallen eyes were a window into his soul, and as he spoke, she could tell he felt even more uncomfortable than he may have before.

She waited for him to finish before the words left her mouth. Barely a whisper, her eyes too, hit the ground. "Thank you Lachesis." She made sure to use his given name. The name he was called by his friends and family, because she was now sure that he was her friend. Even if he didn't want to be her's, she would always be his friend. No matter what happened. "He did. I don't know how long I would have made it out there if it weren't for him." Capella figured it wouldn't have been very long before she wasted away, or was picked off by a larger predator. "Please don't be sorry. Sometimes things are just hard to talk about, but I think that maybe they should be talked about. If we keep everything holed up inside, it eventually eats away at us." That had been on her mind a lot recently. She knew it was true -- that she needed to talk about it -- but she never really had the chance. She was the comforter, not the one in need of help. At least that is how she liked to see it.

With a nod to answer his question, her smile returned. "I think the long way would be best." Her tail moved behind her, freely swinging from side to side. She took a step away from him, leading Lachesis in the right direction. Soon they would be out of the woods she called home.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:11px;">
XIX smiled in response as the yellow-eyed girl thanked him — he could tell that she had not expected such a gesture, especially from a wolf that she had just met. Even though he did not want to leave the woods just yet, he knew that the longer he stayed away from Anastasia the more she would worry about him. Plus, he was excited to tell her all about his new friend and how this could possibly result in a pack for them to join.
The relationship that Capella described between her and the Alpha reminded Lachesis of himself and Ana — they depended on each other, and without the other they would not have survived on their own. He was glad that she was choosing to open up to him so much, as they boy had felt nervous about prodding so much into her past. Some wolves, like himself, were not comfortable speaking about what had happened before Relic Lore — and while the tawny female seemed nervous at first, she caught Lachesis off guard by answering his questions. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:11px;">"Well, I'm g-glad he found you," the boy started shyly, adverting his gaze from his new friend for a moment. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:11px;">"If he h-hadn't I would have n-never of met you." A smile attempted to creep over his maw, ears falling back as he glanced up at the bright eyed girl. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:11px;">"Thank you f-for sharing with me." Capella had no reason to be so open with him — for whatever reason she had trusted him enough to open up to him, and XIX appreciated that. The only other wolf who had opened up to Lachesis so much had been Anastasia, and it was nice having another friend to talk to.
He fell in step with Capella as she started to lead him in the direction of his temporary den, his long strides shortening to match her pace. The lanky yearling always forgot how long his legs were compared to others — one step for him was two steps for the smaller wolf beside him, and he wanted the way back to the Spring to take as long as possible.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
Capella's bright eyes fell on him as he spoke, happy to find him smiling. Did he enjoy her company as much as she enjoyed his? She really hoped so. Responding to him, she let the words flow naturally out of her mouth. "I'm glad too. You know, your the first one I have told of my past. Not even Shade really knows where I came from." It was partly because she preferred her privacy. The thought of others looking upon her with pity just didn't sit too well. Not to mention they had their own problems, she didn't feel it would be right to unload her issues upon them. Especially with so much happening in their numbers at the moment.

Once again, she didn't filter her thoughts, allowing her mind to speak freely through her lips. "Do you think we will ever meet again after this?" It was a question that had been bothering her for the better part of their encounter. She found herself wondering if he even wanted to return to these woods again, and If he did come back, would they still be living within these woods? Unfortunately the little group of rogues still had yet to scout the area for packs, and if they were too find one, they would likely move south. Although nothing was set in stone, Capella was already dreading the thought of leaving this forest. Not even the chance of traveling around and scouting out a new home excited her. Reminding herself that she needed to think of the pack, she resolved to looking out for a suitable place while taking Lachesis home. She would just have to keep an eye out.

Padding along next to the white wolf, she wondered what it would be like to travel with him. Would he be different once he came to trust her more? How much would she learn about him if they were to journey together? Capella knew she would never consider leaving Shade, but she was still curious about the pear eyed boy. What would he be like in the years to come? She hoped at least he would be the same wolf the next time — if there was going to be a next time — they met.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">
you're a doll, you are flawless
but i just can't wait for love to destroy us
If it had not been for his brother Pyrrhus, the isolato would still be living the sheltered life of the Pack and would not have established the friendships he had made while in Relic Lore. Now that he had traveled so far with Anastasia, and that they had shared so much with each other, Lachesis could not see his life without her. Now, the more he spent with Capella and the more words that were exchanged, the yearling knew that he was beginning to feel the same way about the yellow-eyed girl. XIX had been lucky enough to stumble upon Anastasia when they had both desperately needed each other — at the time, he didn't think he could ever trust someone as much as he trusted her.
But now that was all changing.
He adored his blue-eyed companion, but having a new friend who was closer to his own age excited the loner. Her words struck a chord with the pear-eyed loner, a warm smile splashing across his maw as he glanced over to look at her. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"Thank you for t-trusting me," he replied quietly as he nosed her shoulder while they walked, his tail giving a quick wag behind him.
"Do you think we will ever meet again after this?"
Lachesis was glad that it was her asking as opposed to him, as those words were about to spill out of his own mouth. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"Yes," he started, voice firm as he walked in time with her, his words dripping with honesty. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"I am s-sure of it." After today, Lachesis definitely wanted to see the pale loner again — she intrigued him and he knew there was a friendship starting to blossom between them. Just as she had been honest with her past, XIX wanted to do the same. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#353535; font-size:12px;">"We w-will be seeing each other s-soon. I promise."
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
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