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Meet Me In Between Lines — Clandestine Brook 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
When Ace got as close to Silver as he could she was happy to feel his warmth against her somewhat cold body. Her heart beating as she listened to his words. Silver's tail slowly started to wag as he said he would be happy as long as he was with her. No one on the face of this planet had ever said something like that to her. In all her time of wondering she felt as if no one needed her. She was a unwanted soul until now as she stayed with Ace in this few quiet moments.

When he continued to talk she noticed everything her thought she was. Silver never looked at herself as beauty. She saw someone like Spectre to be beauty. For her fur was white along with her blue eyes. Silvers fur seemed to be dirty looking and her eyes were gold with brown specks. Nothing to pretty to look at there. But yet Ace seemed to think she was beauty its self.

What Silver saw in him was everything she ever wanted. Brave, strong, trustworthy. But the one thing that caught her eye was his fur and eyes. They looks of them seemed unknown to her. Her maw was a little bit open before she spoke trying to think how she would say it. Like always before she knows it her mouth works before her brain.

"You're everything i ever wanted. Your charming, brave, strong, trustworthy. But you also have a caring side. I like wolves with a soft side.". Nudging her head under his she was trying to let him know she never wanted to leave him. Something clung to her though that she had to say.

"I'll be leaving in a few days to go get a trip done for Shade. It will take me about four days or so if i did my counting right. It is over the mountains.". Silver really didn't wanna go and leave Ace alone for a while but she had to get it done if she wanted the part of a Scout.

She was someone who craved victory but it wouldn't put her on rage if she lost. Thoughts of her going on a Position Challenge with Spectre was something she wanted so bad but she didn't knw if she could do it. It would be rude. Almost like a backstabber. Silver did not want to be a back stabber.
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Leaning closer to her, the Pitch Pine Guardian breathed in her sweet scent as he waited for her to speak. Just being close to her made him feel calm, like nothing could worry him, and he liked that feeling. Resting his creamy head lightly on her shoulder blades, Ace let himself drift off into a dream-like state. Feeling her body close to his, breathing in her scent, the quiet forest surrounding them, it was all so peaceful. But when Silver's voice reached his ears, his light grey eyes immediately opened and he pulled his head back to look at her face. His eyes locking onto her golden orbs, and he instantly became mesmerized by the swirling colours of gold and brown.

A blush creeped up his neck as Silver spoke of what she saw in him. Yes, he was brave, trustworthy and strong, but handsome? He'd never really thought of himself as handsome, more like average. But then again, the only females that he had been around when he was younger was his mother and siblings. He felt her nudge her head against his chest, and automatically lowered his muzzle to bump it against hers. What she said was all true, even the handsome part. He was caring and kind, and only turned defensive like he had before when he was on edge or there was a stranger that was too close to the borders, then he turned into the guardian that he strived to be.

Sadness engulfed the Pitch Pine Guardian's heart when Silver spoke of leaving on a scouting mission for Shade, over the mountain. For four days. He didn't want her to be gone for that long, and didn't know how he'd be able to keep himself sane. What if something went wrong, what if she got attacked? Or worse: Killed. A soft whine escaped from his maw before he could stop it, and he cuddled himself as close to Silver as he could. He didn't want her to get hurt, but at the same time he knew that going on this mission would secure her position as a scout. Another whine escaped before he clamped his jaws shut, he knew that she had to go, and wouldn't try to stop her, even if his heart told him otherwise.

Taking in a deep breath of her sweet scent, he vainly tried to calm himself before he spoke, his voice rough like sandpaper. "On....On your scouting mission, make sure that, that you are safe. I can't bear to have anything, anything bad happen to you." He paused then, for his throat had stopped working as he fought against the need to beg for her to stay with him. He would let her go on the mission, even if it meant that he stayed up all night, hoping that she was okay. Taking deep breaths to calm himself, the Pitch Pine Guardian looked at Silver, and pressed his muzzle against hers before speaking in a soft voice that was almost painful to hear. "Promise me that you'll look after yourself, please."

513 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
When she heard Ace's voice again it felt like a hundred wasp were stinging her. How was she suppose to leave and feel okay that he wouldn't go crazy? But when he had said to promise him she'll be safe the pain only got four times worse. Silver couldn't promise such things. She would be going over the mountain. There would be bears and wild cats and possibly other wolves. She knew how to stand her ground but she was worried about the state of mind Ace would be in when she's gone. He might not even be able to do his job as a guardian. Let's just hope he will still have some sanity left.

Silence fell upon them after he asked for her promise. Silver was confused if she should stay under Ace and talk or if she should get up and face him in a better position. Without thinking she got out from under him and faced his grey eyes. Her gold and brown orbs seemed to be dull now and not so bright. Almost lifeless. "How can I promise such things? I can try but there is no certainty that I will not run into a bear or wild cat. Along with some Lone wolves. I'm sure if i get injured a pack will be offering to help. If not i can take care of myself.". Her tone was sharp and serious along with her facial expression.

Silvers tail hanged low and her ears seemed to flop over. She turned and walked over to a puddle that had been behind her. Looking at her self she noticed her scar. It seemed to always be the first thing that popped out to her. Slowly she pulled away from the water and nodded her head at Ace to come over. Sitting she looked at her eyes. In the dark shade where they were now sitting her eyes seemed bland. Not the color bursting gold they are in the light. Silver's fur now almost seemed completely black in the shade. But still a few hints of brown came up. Without even talking she just stared at her reflection.

There was no need to say anything. Knowing already that Ace was over flowing with concerns she seemed to stay calm. Her voice was no longer sweet and careless. It was soft but serious. Silver looked up to the sky. It was getting dark and she could lightly see stars coming out. The sky was a beautiful dark blue. The kind you would see in a lake. Everything was breathtaking, how could any of this be real? How was she falling in love? How was she here with this great pack and possibly getting a spot as a scout? The one thing she didn't have was her higher rank. Somewhere inside of her she knew that after getting back from her trip she would challenge Spectre for it. Silver knew it was her rightful spot in the pack. But did anyone else believe her?

On the inside of her she was angered and confused. But on the outside she looked calm and at ease. Turning her head back she looked at the limp rabbit that she had killed. She was hungry but it looked a little gross from being out in the sun all day. Silver highly doubted that anyone would eat that. Flies landed on it so she decided why not let the flies have it. Everything had to eat, but she could wait. What she wanted right now was to run and hide. Just for the night. The pack wouldn't even notice she was gone. Silver usually slept on a big rock she found by the borders anyway. But right now she had to stay and talk to Ace.

Waiting for Ace to say something Silver's anger was pushing a breaking point. For some reason she seemed to have angered in that the wolf who forgot her memory had a rank above her. Lucky Spectre wasn't here or Silver would've raised hell on her. Even with Ace right here. She had no intention of hurting Spectre, she just wanted to show her who was more powerful and could do a better job. Silver already knew that she was going to be a Scout and live here for as long as she could. This pack felt like it was meant to be her place all along.

Outside she did her best she could to keep calm but it was surely becoming hard. If Ace didn't say something soon Silver might just go off and find Spectre. Silver didn't want to be leader she just wanted to be right under the Alpha. Spectre was to nice to fight back so maybe she wouldn't have to fight. Just be stern and growl and snip a bit. She didn't want her to run off or leave. That would be awful but Silver was a little upset and angered.
(This post was last modified: Jul 15, 2013, 05:06 AM by Silver.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Long post is long xD

There was a few moments where both of them did nothing after he asked her to promise to look after herself, before Silver got out from under him and turned to face him. Her eyes which had been shining before were now dull and bland, and he could feel sadness radiating from her, just as it surely was with him. Her words stung, but not in a bad way. She was like a mother, telling her child to watch out for himself in a stern tone. Suddenly, he opened his jaws and spoke before he could clamp his jaws shut. "Then let me come with you." Immediately Ace felt his neck and face burn, and he turned his head to look in the other direction. Of course he couldn't go. She was much quicker than him, and the journey would take twice as long with him tagging along. There was also food to be considered. Silver could hunt rabbits easily, but he had a much harder time as he was built heavy and strong. Unlike Silver who was much more lighter and quicker. Turning his head back to look at the black fae, the Pitch Pine Guardian stared at her, at a loss of what to say.

When Silver turned and walked over to a puddle; tail low and head down, Ace let out a soft whine and stood up, just as she motioned with her head for him to come closer. There was no hesitation as he lurched forwards, walking almost hesitantly over to her, where she was staring down at her reflection. Her fur was much darker in the shade, almost completely black, like the darkness that the trees created when the sun rose or was setting, just like it was now. The sky was a dark, sapphire blue, almost purple as the sun set, which was casting different shades of colour to appear in the sky. Stars were starting to come out, some dim others bright, it was all beautiful.

The Pitch Pine Guardian had been contemplating Silvers' words, and he turned to her, opening his jaws to speak in a whisper, his voice rough and low. "I know there is a very good chance at you getting hurt, but I don't want anything bad to happen to you. If you get hurt....or dangerously wounded I would feel responsible for it. It is my duty to protect my pack mates, and you." His last two words were spoken in a soft whisper, and they were filled with an emotion that he thought he would never feel for someone: love.

Nudging his light muzzle against her dark muzzle, Ace let a weak smile show on his face. It was all that he could manage, either that or a look so sad and pained that it would make a rock split in two. He didn't want Silver to leave on the journey, to leave their borders, to leave him. He wanted her all to himself, but knew that he couldn't, it was selfish of him, but he wanted to always be there with her, and make sure that she was safe. He was a guardian after all, and that's what guardians do; they protect their family and friends from harm with all their being. He would sacrifice himself just so that Silver could live the rest of her life.

He could feel her restlessness, and stood closer to her so that their pelts brushed against each other, and made soft soothing sounds to try and calm her down. Even though it was likely the other way around. Outside he was trying to be strong for her, but inside he was a mess of emotions. He was sad that she was leaving, anxious that she would get hurt, scared for her well-being, angry at himself for letting her go, but most of all, he was confused at the mess of emotions running through him. Was that how love felt? If it was, it sure as hell was too much for him. It felt as if he was just a flood of emotions, all waiting for the damn to break so that it could destroy everything in its wake.

Lowering his creamy white muzzle to Silver's ear, the Pitch Pine Guardian spoke in a low, husky voice that was only meant for her to hear. "Every dawn and dusk that you are gone I will come to this place and look up at the sky. I will sing you a song of our love; one meant for you, and you only. It will be of love, protection, happiness, desire." His last word was barely a whisper, and it spoke of all the levels of love that he felt for Silver. She was his, just as he was hers, and he would do anything for her, whatever she asked, he would do it, and wouldn't return until it was completed. Arching his neck slightly, the Pitch Pine Guardian rubbed his cheek gently against hers, he loved her, and that's all he needed to know. Without her, he was incomplete.

848 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver was surprised Ace thought she would get hurt so easy. She wasn't a defenseless puppy. But then he said he would howl for her every dawn and dusk. Her heart was beating fast, it was good to know someone cared for you so much. She had never had anyone like this before. Growing up Silver really didn't have a proper male figure around her. Most wolves she ran into were female anyways. If this is how all the males acted she knew she wouldn't have a problem with them.

But maybe there was some mean and cruel wolves out there, who might be just like her father was before she killed him. Now that Silver thought about her father had been a cold-hearted bastard. Her mother on the other hand was a nice caring woman. She carried her mother's caring side but her father's anger. Like a devil in hiding. Just waiting to attack.

"I love you.". It was the only three words she had to say to Ace. Now she was slowly cuddling into his side she stared at the water looking at them. They looked so awkward but cute together. He was a big stocky build of a wolf, and she was a medium skinny ready to run wolf. Something she never thought she would see together. But she liked it and would keep it that way.

Staring up at Ace her eyes showed love and compassion just to let him know she cared. All Silver needed was him forever and her life was complete. Maybe she would want pups but she really didn't see herself as the mom role. Being so active as she was it would be weird to have to stay in one spot to take care of pups. Maybe she could watch the trails pup sometime but she really didn't want her own.
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Short and crappy post is short and crappy :c

The Pitch Pine Guardian wasn't surprised when Silver spoke, declaring her love for him in three words: I love you. He wasn't bother at all by her words, in fact, he welcomed them through the golden gate that surrounded his heart, and locked them there where they would never escape. Just like he wanted to be with her for forever, never leaving her side. And when she cuddled closer to him, a purr rumbled in his chest at the feeling of her body pressed against his. She was slender, yet curvy with smooth fur, and her scent was intoxicating. Refreshing, like rain on a hot summers day, sweet like the fragrance of roses and lavender in the air and the clean scent of fresh snow falling from the heavens.

Silver stared up at him with love and compassion clearly reflected in her golden orbs, and knew that she really cared for him, as he did for her. His muzzle rubbed gently against hers, before he lowered his head to rest next to Silver's ear, whispering words that he thought he'd never say in his entire life. "I love you....More than anything in the world. You are my Silver Angel." Yes, it sounded perfect as it rolled off of his tongue. Silver Angel. Yes. It fit her just right, and it was true, she was his angel, the light in his darkness, one of the many good things in his life. He couldn't imagine being without her, and hated the fact that she had to go over the mountain. He'd go with her if he could, but that would only cause more trouble and put her in even more danger. No. It was best that he stayed with his pack, it would be safer for the both of them, even though the Pitch Pine Guardian felt as if he would go crazy without her

314 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Silver felt quiet happy when Ace called her his Silver Angel. Even though she didn't look at her self as an Angel it still felt nice. She was more of a Devil in a Angels body. Silver may look weak and small to some but she sure has enough power to knock you out. A chuckle came out of her thinking about this."I wouldn't see myself as an Angel. But if that's what i am to you it's all fine." Wagging her tail a bit it started to sweep across the ground. She was happy right here in this moment.

Leaning her head down she took a few laps of the water. It was cold and fresh. The stars were coming out and they had been beautiful against the night sky. Bright white stars against the cool dark blue, that would soon to turn into a black. Darkness would hide her from the animals and other wolves. As usual she would slip away and go find a place to sleep by the borders. Maybe under a tree or on a rock. Silver just found it unusual to sleep with other wolves in the same area. What if a group of bad wolves came after them? They would all have been in one spot. But if Silver was by borders her nose would wake her before they came.

Just little thoughts that went through her head. They amused her sometimes, but other times they could scare her. Silvers fur brushed against Ace's making her feel more eased and worry free. "Have you ever met someone like me?" Silver's voice falling soft and quiet. Why did she always have to ruin quiet moments?

table by Whisper

(This post was last modified: Aug 28, 2013, 09:02 AM by Silver.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

The Pitch Pine Guardian’s ears picked up the soft chuckle that escaped from Silver’s muzzle, and he smiled. The little ordinary things that she did were fascinating to him. Her laugh was like honey given to the bees, and the way she smiled made his heartbeat speed up. He couldn’t imagine a better wolf than her to spend the rest of his life with. Maybe they could become mates, and then have pups of their own. But he was getting way ahead of himself. They had only just met. So why rush?

At his Silver Angel’s words, a soft rumble emitted from the Pitch Pine Guardian’s chest. Even though she couldn’t see the beauty grace that she had, he certainly could. Rubbing his muzzle gently on her neck, he savored the feeling of their fur meshing together. “You are more than a regular angel. You are the perfect angel. My Angel.”

His silver eyes watched as she leaned down and lapped up the water, before he stared up at the darkening sky. Stars had already made an appearance in the dark, navy blue that stretched overhead from horizon to horizon and beyond, which would soon turn to midnight black as the sun dropped out of sight. Just like his Silver Angel would.

Her glorious coat was almost like the night itself; dark but wondrous, almost completely the opposite of his own. They were like day and night, light and dark, Yin and Yang. Two halves that completed each other, that were meant to be together.

A shiver ran down his spine as the Pitch Pine Guardian felt his Silver Angel’s fur brush against his side. Her touch made him feel more at ease than he had ever been; carefree with not a single doubt in his mind. Until that is, until she spoke again.

Staring down at his large, creamy paws, Ace shifted them, trying to work out what he was going to say without breaking any hearts. Taking in a deep breath, the Pitch Pine Guardian looked up into Silver’s light gold eyes, an almost saddened expression on his handsome face. “When I was a yearling, there was this girl….and, well, you could say that she stole my heart. But it was more of a young crush than love.” Ace paused to let his words sink in, hoping that what he was saying now wouldn’t change anything between them. “But one day we were playing on the ice, and it cracked. She fell in and couldn’t get out. That day I watched her drown right in front of me. And from that moment on, I swore that when I found my true love I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.” Slowly moving forwards so that their noses touched, he whispered his last words. “And you are my true love.”

470 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(A bit of PP)

Silver smiled at Ace. Listening to him answer her question her smile faded. Once pointed forward ears now lay back flat. What did he mean he watched her drown? How could someone do that? But it grabbed her heart when Ace called her his true love. "If I'm your true love, and nothing is going to happen to me...." her voice trailed off. Could she really say this to him. Yes, she had to. "I want you to be my.....Mate. And some day, I wanna have a family with you." her eyes moved to meet his. There was certainly love between them. Maybe more than a normal Love.

Licking his chin Silver's smile returned. Her future was in front of her. Ace was her only suture and she was his future. Everything she needed was here with her. Anything she wanted was in Ace. Brushing her side against is she nipped playfully on his tail. Before he would be able to move Silver rolled him on the ground and pinned him. Smiling she wagged her tail. She might be smaller than him but that didn't mean weaker. Her golden eyes looked at him as she touched his nose with hers.

Having him pinned against the ground she felt a bit playful. Hoping off of him she walked to the water and splashed him. Chuckling softly her voice broke out as she pushed into his chest "I just want you to know. That I really like you Ace." it was true. Why would she wanna lie about that? Ace was the first wonderful thing that happened to her. Silver slightly nudged under his head in a soft smooth manner. Never feeling this way about someone she assumed it was safe. He had stated he felt the same way.So truly she had nothing to lose.

The stars brought her comfort and jot. The way some connected reminded her of Ace and herself. Both meant to make one thing. Knowing she had made no mistake by asking him to be her mate she smiled softly and closed her eyes. The warmth of their bodies mixed. Each others' scents intertwined and made one beautiful sweet smell. It was toxic to her but yet so blissful not one Pittance of her had something to complain about. Everything was so perfect. She could live in this moment forever.

table by Whisper

(This post was last modified: Aug 28, 2013, 10:09 AM by Silver.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Not much muse at the moment, long day at school drained me of energy :c

Ace sucked in a deep breath at his Silver Angel’s reaction to his words; smile fading and ears laying flat on her skull. But after a few moments, he relaxed as her posture changed. She was not going to get angry at him, and instead spoke words that made his body and mind freeze. He couldn’t believe what she had just said. Did she really want to become mates with him? Blinking his silver eyes, the Pitch Pine Guardian stared at Silver, before gently placing his cheek against hers.

He could think of nothing else but her being his mate, and he smiled. “If you would become my mate, I would be the happiest wolf alive. And as for having a family, I believe that can be arranged.” His last words were spoken barely above a whisper, and he gently rubbed his cheek against hers.

A loud, rumbling purr emitted from the Pitch Pine Guardians chest when Silver licked his chin. Her touch was soothing and calming, like a mother cradling a child in her arms. But when his Silver Angel brushed her side against his, he looked at her curiously, and before he knew it, she had rolled him on the ground; pinning him.

Chuckling, Ace stared up into her honey gold eyes as she lowered her head to touch her nose with his before speaking. “And I feel the same way about you.” He smiled again when his Silver Angel nudged herself under his head in a soft, smooth manner. Her fur was silky to the touch and shimmered in the pale moonlight.

The bright white specks in the sky were fascinating as they connected to make shapes, just like he and Silver connected. They were like positive and negative, drawn together by some unseen force, it was fate. Shifting his position so that his head was facing in her direction, he nuzzled her softly. “I can’t think of any wolf I’d rather be with than you.”

329 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever