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Hollowheart Keep Pack Thread — Hollowheart Keep 
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Hollowheart Keep Pack Thread

This is the Pack Interaction Thread for the Hollowheart Keep pack. This thread is open to all Hollowheart Keep wolves. The location of this thread is outside the pack den. Because this is a Pack thread, it cannot be archived or removed for inactivity. This serves as a place for basic and general social gathering. However, it will not serve as a place for pack meetings or threads with a specific purpose. For more information, please see THIS informational thread.

(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2014, 08:28 PM by Spirit of Wildwood.)
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

12-24-2013; Overcast; -15 Degrees Celcius; Christmas Eve; Midnight

The recent events and happenings had been a blur in time to him. He had been rather zoned out for most of it, but the facts remained. He practically ruined his chances of having a good relationship with Mama Ana and Uncle Lachesis, Pitch Pine Trail was gone, his father was dead, his mother had never returned. Capella had been there for him from the beginning, but he had said his goodbyes to go and join a mountain pack to chase after a girl he really liked, this mountain pack moved down the other side of the mountain into a forest that reminded him so much of the forest he had been born in. Those were the facts, but they all felt like fiction. He had rushed into things.

He sat inside the pack den, Hollowheart Keep's pack den as they were no longer referred to as Nomads Pass. Aponi, the girl, the princess he had met and really liked, was off exploring probably, he could never keep up. He loved the pack, it felt like home, but at the same time he felt distant, like an outsider. He was just lucky that Mrs. Naira let him travel with them and that she let him so close to her family. He remembered the first time he had met Mrs. Naira and Aponi, they had been in Spectral Woods where he had ran away from Lachesis and Anastasia who had found him. He first ran into Aponi, but it was back when he was a proud and sorrowful prince of the Trail. He and her had talked for what seemed forever before her mother scared him out of his wits and drove him away.

Those times, even though they had been scary, had been great. He had known who he was back then and he had a purpose. He had to rediscover himself. He was a new wolf. The chocolate brown pup was desperate for just a moons worth of sleep. But it was not the time nor the place to sleep through an entire month. He was not a prince of the Trail where he could just wander freely; he had things that he had to do here. He had responsibility and could not be a slacker. He had to be strong like his father had been.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
The man knew well enough that one had to work for happiness. It never just fell into your lap. He was happy wandering blindly through unfamiliar terrain to find his sister, because when he finally reached the end, he'd stumbled into a whole new life that had yet to let him down. Or so he thought. Even when they were forced from the pass by the season, the man would set everything aside and quite literally give himself to the wolves in his pack, many of them still strangers to him. But they shared the same scent. They were family, at least in the mind of the man. But as he laid in the den, unable to find sleep either from the dull aching of his body or the restlessness of his mind, he felt...Unhappy. Coppery eyes passed over every body he could see, eyes not once falling upon the silvery form he had come to save and know.

In this restless state, he recalled the green-eyed woman as well, now likely lost forever to the winter. The dark man let out a sigh, letting his head fall again and his eyes close in an attempt to find sleep. But the stirring of a youth disrupted what had already been impossible. <b style="color:#a51919">"What's keeping you up, boy?" The man asked, keeping his already quiet voice low. The child was mostly unfamiliar to him, someone Aponi had adopted, he supposed, wherever she was. Lifting his head, he pointed his nose towards the den entrance, curious if the boy would want to risk the freezing night air so they wouldn't rouse who would be sleeping among them. <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

"What's keeping you up, boy?"

Karpos looked up only at the sound of a voice. He assumed everyone else to have been asleep so he had been quiet, but this man wasn't. Had Karpos accidentally woken up the sleeping Guardian? He hoped not, and if he had, he only hoped he wasn't mad. Often times people liked to hide their anger, his father had, he himself had until he couldn't stand it any longer. When the man pointed his muzzle towards the outside of the den, Karpos automatically got up and worked his way out of the pack den, slowly and quietly. He didn't want to wake anyone, especially other adults, including Mrs. Naira and Mr. Aponi's Father whom he assumed to be sleeping without actually looking in the den to find out. Keep calm Karp, you got to keep calm. He told himself when he had gotten out there.

Hollowheart Keep was the black pup's home now, it was one of those things that he was sure of. But he felt like he was an outcast still, he felt like he had no real set place anywhere. Most of all, he felt like some charity case who was taken into the pack out of pity. Why else would a pack take in a pup in the dead of winter when he couldn't do much himself? He wandered and wondered, it was what he was good at, but there was no job for that. "My father, mother, aunts, uncles, even my sister probably hate me now. I can't stop thinking about how I messed up my relations with all of them. My father died, he was killed by a wolf named Elettra and my mother was never really there. I drive away anyone who could possibly care about and I don't know why or how I do it." He sighed as a response to what Chulyin said, unaware if he had actually followed the pup out of the den or not. The bitter cold winds struck Karpos' pelt. A gust of wind that commonly went through the forest, he would get use to it.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
Thankfully the boy didn't protest to Chulyin's offer of moving out into the snow. He shifted to his paws, hunched slightly, waiting for the boy to make his way out, before Chulyin followed him. Though he stood at his full height outside of the den, his head was held low, shoulders still rolled forward. It was freezing, to say the least. Thankfully the snow had taken a break falling from the sky, though they were now looking up at a moonless sky. It was rather nice though, seeing the clouds backlit by the moon, making them a strange pinkish hue against the dark blue sky. There was still an absurd amount of snow upon the ground, which crunched under Chulyin's weight. His ears perked forward when the boy began to speak, obviously answering Chulyin's question, though the man had almost forgotten the issue at hand between the den and coming outside. The words spilled out of the child, startling the man. He hadn't quite expected to be thrown into the position of comforter. The question had been innocent enough.

The answer was quite different.

Chulyin moved forward, sitting down beside Karpos. His ears flipped back as he tried to figure out what to say. He didn't know the boy at all, nor was he a man of many words. <b style="color:#a51919">"You're still young," The man started, speaking slowly as though he was still trying to decide what was alright to say. <b style="color:#a51919">"No one...Should hate you for doing what you think is right." His copper gaze fell to the boy and he blinked, before pulling his eyes back towards the dark forest. <b style="color:#a51919">"I don't think you've driven away anyone here." <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

"You're still young, No one...Should hate you for doing what you think is right. I don't think you've driven away anyone here."

He supposed the words were suppose to be a comfort to him, but they weren't really. He knew the facts, he knew the reasons for everything and it all made sense for him to be hated by others. His chocolate brown eyes held a hint of sadness. "They do. I didn't even look for my sister when Pitch Pine Trail fell apart, I didn't even look for the only family I had left. I went to the mountains instead after a girl whom I had met once." He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe, realizing that he was giving away far too much of his past to someone that he barely knew yet was still expected to call packmate.

"Have you ever made a choice; something that your not sure about if you handled the situation right?" He asked the man, it was one of those things that he had wondered about; if he was the only one to make a bad decision. He felt like he was unloading way too much onto this Guardian who had asked one simple question. "The guilt over everything I've done wrong is whats keeping me up." He whispered weakly. His black fur bellowed as another gust of wind hit them, but he didn't flinch or shiver, he tried to block the outside world. He gazed at the other dark colored man, waiting to see if he had an answer.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
(sorry for the wait)
Chulyin listened intently to the boy, not discouraged despite the fact that his previous words had done little to calm Karpos. He was sort of surprised that such information was being divulged to him. He'd never spoken to this boy before. However, Chulyin wasn't going to stop him. He was slightly disturbed by what Karpos told him. Of course, the boy hadn't gone to find his sister. But had she gone to look for him? He held his tongue with this information for the time being, as the kid issued a question to the guardian. <b style="color:#a51919">"Naira, my sister, left our home pack. I never went to look for her. That was a bad decision." He paused, looking up thoughtfully. <b style="color:#a51919">"And then I went to look for her, and here I am." He kept the story short for the child. Staying quiet for a moment, he looked back down at Karpos, <b style="color:#a51919">"But is your sister looking for you?"

Dark brows rose, though he didn't smile. He wasn't attempting to encourage the boy to replace his blame, but simply consider other alternatives. <b style="color:#a51919">"I think the fact you feel guilt is good. It means you care." Snuffling, he shifted his shoulders a bit awkwardly. <b style="color:#a51919">"You always have us, kid." He added, thoughtful again. <b style="color:#a51919">"If you ever wanted to find her, I'm here to help." Naturally, the man would offer his own help in perfect guardian fashion. The man shook quietly, letting his fur fluff out against the snow. He watched Karpos carefully, curious to what the boy would say. <b style="color:#a51919">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">He wasn't alone.

Karpos was startled to hear that one time the man had let his sister go too, and it surprised him more to find that his sister was Mrs. Naira. When he asked the most innocent question given the topic of conversation, Karpos shook his head. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"My sister knows only of wolves abandoning her, she wouldn't look for me... she'd assume I left her forever because I didn't care about her and she would try to find her own way. But she doesn't know how to hunt or fight. How can she survive? I don't know if she's with an adult." He replied with a shaky voice. His dark black fur was soft and warm against him, but the nights air continued to try and make the pup feel cold. He had blocked out everything except the conversation at hand.

"I think the fact you feel guilt is good. It means you care."

He did care, more than anyone would ever know. His sister was a part of him, a legacy just like he was. To his knowledge, they were the last Slayer wolves and they had to stick together. But he hadn't done that, he hadn't taken care of his sister like he had promised his father that he would do. He felt ashamed, weak and helpless, but he refused to show it. He had to try to remain strong and try to recover. "You always have us, kid. If you ever wanted to find her, I'm here to help." The thoughtful sentiment made him feel better and he looked to the man with a small and grateful smile. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"Thank you." It was all he could manage to say before he realized that he had never talked to this man before. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"I'm Karpos." He whispered. Soon he would head back into the den, but not before he learned the name of Aponi's uncle.

Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
It seemed as though the boy had convinced himself that his sister had no chance of survival. He hardly let Karpos finish before cutting in, a look of frustration on his typically emotionless face. <b style="color:#a51919">"Have a little faith in your own blood." He said, trying not to scold the boy. It seems as though they'd been through a lot, but that didn't mean everything was hopeless. <b style="color:#a51919">"I had no idea where my sister was. I walked and I walked...Somehow I made it here." His nostrils flared, trying so hard now to instill something in the child. He was too young to be talking like that. Swallowing heavily, Chulyin clenched his jaw at the child's thank you. He nodded stiffly, and sighed.

<b style="color:#a51919">"Chulyin. Life gets hard, but if you ever need anything, just ask." At this point, he wasn't sure if the kid really wanted the blunt truth, which was all Chulyin could give him. Regardless, he would be there. It was his job as a guardian and as the boy's packmate. <b style="color:#a51919">"Maybe we ought to be heading back to bed. Wouldn't wanna get sick out here." Ears perked, he hoped that he might've helped the boy in someway so he could sleep. He could prevent physical pains, but he wasn't very good at stopping emotional pain, especially his own. But it was late, from the way the moon hung in the sky, and the wind only seemed to blow colder as the seconds ticked by. <b style="color:#a51919">

(I'm gonna try to get one more post in after this, because I'd really love to claim the life points for this.)
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

Karpos gave a smile and nodded when the man gave his name. Chuylin. He would definitely remember that name. Aponi's uncle is Chuylin. He just left it all to that. Have a little faith in his own blood? He wanted to, and he would try too, but still the facts remained. Maybe Ace or Silver is with her? Or even perhaps she found Ana and Lach. He told himself, making him feel less guilty and more confident that his sister was alive and well. <b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"Thank you Chuylin, I promise I will." His voice was quiet, as if he was shy all the sudden. He had nothing left to say when it was suggested they move back into the den before one of them got sick. He gave a nod remembering the cold he had when he was younger. It had been pure torture to the escaping mind.

<b style="font-family:georgia; color:#8182A3;">"Yes please."He said before turning back around into the den, his eyes focused on the spot he had once been. He curled up there and stared off into space for a bit, and then his eyes slowly drifted shut, sending him into an escaping and enticing dream. Karpos stood there within the confines of Pitch Pine Trail. His mother and father, his real mother and his father were sitting the, watching young pups, now yearlings, play outside the pack den. It was glorious seeing his entire family together again. His dreams would remain peaceful for another time yet.Life was good, for now.

-Exit interaction-

(This post was last modified: Dec 26, 2013, 05:05 PM by Karpos.)