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Bad Boy in the Hood — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

His brother did not arrive and it aggravated him slightly. What if it had been a loner to find his son rather than himself? If his brother was to be an alpha than it was about time he started acting like one instead of living in his fantasies with his Narimé. Snorting softly at his thoughts towards his brother he shook his head slightly. Ever since he had been reunited with his little brother it seemed as if things had gotten quite rocky. First falling for a yearling and Guiness had only found out about this at the end of their little escapade. Since neither of the boy’s parents were answering his calls, he hoped that another subordinate, perhaps @Inali would answer his call since his brother nor his mate were not heading his call. If something was wrong, then Whisper Caverns should have come to Willow Ridge and let them know, but there should have never been two alphas gone at once, that was a big no.

Titan’s voice brought Guiness out of his silent thoughts and the older Thorben looked down at the pup, his auburn-like face looking on at the boy and back up at the beast above them, sighing he nodded his head and spoke, "Yes, if it wanted to, it could kill you and then eat you…for me….it could try, but I highly doubt it would try to get a big thing like me." The Guard wasn’t one that usually flaunted around his size because sometimes it could get him in trouble, say if he needed to get into a smaller area, that probably wouldn’t happen. But he was a large man compared to many others he had met, including his brother, he was still quite big. A small frown went on his face as he looked around, hoping to find some source of a Whisper Caverns wolf.

Pillar of Strength
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
"Yes, if it wanted to, it could kill you and then eat you…for me….it could try, but I highly doubt it would try to get a big thing like me."

Guiness' words made the silvery black pup shiver.

"Yeah birds really are strong aren't day?" He remembered how one of his pack mates had told him about birds. That they were strong enough to crack out of little oval stones called eggs when they were only babies. Though he knew that the smaller birds were more afraid of him than he was of them. Now Titan was learning that the bigger birds really were something to be afraid of.

The breeze flowed beautifully over the landscape. It wound its way around dried dead plants and moist earth. One minute the breeze was heading in one direction and then the next a stronger one was pushing its way opposing the softer wind. This new stronger breeze had come from the west bringing with it the scent of carrion. This smell yanked Titan's eyes away form the bird and pointed them in the direction of the food smell. It wasn't at all enticing like the fresh kill his mother, father, and subordinates would bring them. But it had a musky earthy food scent with it all the same.

Completely bored with his current predicament and forgetting the birds soaring high over head Titan began loping towards the smell. He wanted to know what it was that smelled like food all the way out here by the borders.

It wasn't long until the boy made it to a carcass of something. Titan wasn't sure what the thing was, or what it had been in life. The only thing he knew was that it smelled like soft food. Food that would not be tough because parts of it was rotting. The child sniffed an area of the dead thing then tried to take a sample bite of the loose meat before @Guiness rolled up beside him and stole all the food away.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Sorry! I completely forgot! And, if Titan is indeed in eyesight, just tell me so I can edit this :P

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#DEE6E6;">Speech

The call was heard, but the woman was far deep into her territory. It would take more than a couple minutes to reach the vaguely familiar howl. As her leg muscles rippled because of her outlet of running, the woman remembered. It was Guiness, the Guardian of Willow Ridge. She remembered feeling like a small insect as she saw him last. He was a huge man, and her so small. The thought brought a quirky grin to appear on her muzzle, but it quickly faded. She remembered why she was so deep into her territory in the first place.

She had been looking for Titan all morning because, well, she wasn't a babysitter, but she did want to know where the pups were at all times. They were still too young, and at that age, adventure ran in their veins. She was nearing the borders now, and wondered why she couldn't scent her alphas. Shouldn't they have long since answered the call? She was only answering it herself because she knew of the man. And as a Scout, it was necessary to know all information that concerned fellow packs, allies or not. It could always turn out to be beneficial later on.

She had slowed down to a quickened jog and then to a walk as she neared the bulky man. Stopping completely a few feet away from him, still breathing evenly, she let a warm polite smile curve onto her maw. With a respectful nod, she opened her maw to speak. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#DEE6E6;">"Guiness. A pleasant surprise. May I--." The petite woman cut herself off as a gentle wind blew and Titan's strong scent infiltrated her senses. Her blue orbs brightening, she didn't bother to disguise the relief in her tone. His scent was too strong to mistake that he wasn't near. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#DEE6E6;">"You bring Titan with you? Oh, I've been looking for him everywhere, Guiness. I can't thank you enough!"

Genuine thanks could be heard in her tone. Her head turned back and forth, her eyes seeking for the missing boy. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#DEE6E6;">"Titan!," she called out when she didn't see him. Her voice was gentle but firm, carrying through the wind. Where'd he go?, she questioned herself curiously.

(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2014, 11:07 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
The Guardian waited for anyone, ever patient, listening to the boy's word beside him. He would never be able have children, he realized, they would be too much of a pain for him to bare. The boy seemed to be interested in something else and though the russet man kept a close eye on him, he made no attempts to follow, letting the Thorben have a little bit more time of his freedom before someone else came to claim him. He did not have to wait too long after that, it was obvious to him that something was terribly amiss when Inali, the Scout he had briefly bet before, arrived. Dipping his head towards her in respect, he nodded his head at her words and mentioned with his body for her to follow him. Making sure that she was near, Guiness turned his massive bulk and started towards where he knew Titan was.

Guiness saw the young boys form and shook his head in amusement as he saw the carcass that the boy had managed to find. It was slightly frozen but edible, something that all wolves would need. Substance was going to be essential this winter for anyone and it was not going to be easy on any of the packs, especially for their next generation. Bowing his head to leave soft trails on top of his nephews forehead, he made sure that Inali was back with him before taking his leave. "I must be returning home now...my pack needs my services." Dipping his head in respect once more, he turned on his heel and left the clearing looking for Willow Ridge. He knew that he required his services and Guiness was needed back there soon. It was a shame he couldn't find out more about Sloane and Narime but left none the less.
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Yeah he was in eyesight. -This is my last post with him here. You guys can archive or post after if you want. Also giving him +9 health if anyone else wants to eat the tiny scrap he left go for it.

Titan had a full belly now. He left the remains of the carcass and peered up at Guiness and Inali who were not too far away. The red furred woman seemed unsure of something, but at least she didn't have an angry look about her. I dun wanna get into trouble... Titan thought mischievously while trotting on strong stout leg back towards Aunt Inali.

Sitting himself down next to the woman and looking up at her with big round blue eyes Titan tried to look cute so that she wouldn't yell at him. His little black tail even wagged a tiny bit while the young Thorben waited for his babysitter to take him home. A yawn tugged on his maw until Titan opened wide with tiredness.

Yes, he did want to go home now.

"Auntie I'm tired." The young voice spoke up hoping @Inali would respond and either lead him back to the den or carry him. If the shadowy child stayed still for too much longer he would surely fall asleep. Even now his eyes drooped a bit betraying the fatigue that plagued his small body. Plus with how bored he was, Titan wanted to do something other than just sitting there.

Scuffing the ground angrily as the tiredness made Titan grouchy. He wanted to go NOW. "Can we go noooow?." He whined loudly hoping both or one of the adults would do something.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Permission to pp Titan :) and Inali's getting that last +1 health point if its okay.


The young woman watched silently as Guiness took his leave, giving him a nod of friendly goodbye. She watched as Titan got his full of the carcass, a slight pang of hunger hitting her then. Inali hadn't eaten in what felt like ages, and she would take gratefully whatever she could find. Titan walked her way, giving her that adorable puppy look which he seemed to master. Chuckling, she bent down and gave him a sharp tug of his ear. After all, she couldn't let him go scot free could she? He really had worried her. "Soon, she replied. Giving him a look that clearly said 'stay here', she swiftly made her way to the carcass. There really wasn't much left, but it would be enough to quell the gnawing in her stomach. Taking what was left of the meat, she hurriedly swallowed it down. She could hear Titan's whine's of exhaustion from here.

Laughter came forth from her maw as she finished eating her full. An irritable pup always seemed to amuse her, concerning the circumstances of course. Making her way back to Titan, she looked down at him."Don't think you're off the hook young man. You had me running around all morning." But Inali coudn't keep her stern glare on for long. A small smile made it's way onto her features. This time giving him an afectionate nip on the ear, she spoke playfully. "Now lets go get some sleep you little rascal." Grabbing him by the scruff, she gently held him in her jaws. Was it her or did he actually get bigger? Making her way to the cozy den of the caverns, she set him down on the cave floor. Curling up around him protectively, the tired wolves both fell into a dreamless sleep that usually comes after an eventful day such as this.

{Fade out}