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an altercation — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
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Minka Lagina
ooc. hope you don't mind me jumping in :)

The sounds had woken her from where she slept deep within the caverns, at first just the voices when they had escalated but when the warning growls had turned to snarls she had become alarmed. Quickly the alpha had leaped to her feet as gracefully as possible given her swollen belly, she hurried up through the stone maze.

The sight she came upon wasn't pretty, it seemed that the tension between Tokino and Narime had finally reached its breaking point and shattered. Narime was standing from being knocked down and jumping for Tokino's face and instantly a snarl of Minka's own left her body. Regardless of who her mate was and who she respected more this type of activity was unacceptable between pack members and frankly in the pregnant woman's eyes it was foolish, like children.

Stepping around the stalagmite Minka snarled again, this time loud enough from them both to hear, "Enough, both of you." The golden eyes switched wearily between the pair of them, hoping that she would head her warning. The life that had taken root in her belly would prevent her from getting physical with the pair of them, but it didn't mean that she wasn't still alpha of this pack. Tawny tail hung over her back and her hackles stood on end as she watched the scene, she would expect this of the coming yearlings but not of her wise mate and a respected ex alpha.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
She had missed her first target, his head, instead grasping the scruff of Kino's neck as he practically knelt down beneath her. Her claws however scored their mark taking yet more clumps of the silvered man's fur out and spreading them across the floor. It seemed she would have a lot of fur to line her nest with tonight.
Those were her thoughts as she attempted to lift her leg over his shoulders to push Tokino down. Instead pain laced across her right leg and shoulder as Kino grabbed her fur with an iron grip. It wasn't the worst place for him to grab her so Nari tried to swing her other front leg over his shoulders and succeeded in doing that until she felt her back legs leave the earth. Then the gray she wolf panicked. Her jaws came loose as she retracted her head to see what he was doing. Then Kino lifted her body and slammed it hard into the pillar, then to the wall next to them. She slid off of the gray male while dizziness clouded her senses. Nari opened her eyes to see Tokino looking down on her as she struggled to get back up. The womans legs and body shook from shock while a noticeably large bump began to form upon the back of her head.
"Fucking.. Bastard..." Narimé swooned slipping sideways as the dizziness overwhelmed her. Again she tried to stand up only to have her legs buckle under her weight. She'd been beaten, not so much by the males muscle but by his brains. Had she only realized how close they were to the stones around them Nari might have realized what Kino was planning to do.
Now a new wolf graced their battle ground. Minka stood watching with a fury in her gaze as Nari struggled to get up once more. Her unfocused blue eyes switched to Minka as Nari sunk to the floor a third time.
"Stay out.... of ..my business.. Minka.." Nari managed to croak out the words while she closed her eyes to make the twin images of Minka disappear.
(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2014, 06:30 AM by Narimé.)
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Tokino had flinched at Minka's voice but could not stop himself half way through slamming Nari into the wall.
He watched Nari hit the rock hard then slither down the wall and melt onto the floor like a puddle. His gaze switched to Minka as Tokino forced his fur flat and met the alpha females gaze evenly.
"Am I to be punished for defending myself Minka?" He answered her calmly then turned as the sound of scraping paws against the rock and dirt floor echoed in his ears. Nari was trying to get up again and it was obvious that she had gained a concussion from the hit against the wall. He hadn't meant to hurt Nari that badly. Kino had only meant to get her off of his back during the fight, but apparently she wasn't as hard headed as he had previously thought.
Sighing Kino tried to move his tail downward but was instead met with a sharp pain. Startled Tokino turned to look at his tail which had apparently almost been bitten off by Nari near the beginning of the fight. "Well this isn't going to heal for a while..." He half joked while his icy eye flicked to Nari as she lay crumpled on the floor. Concern glazed over his face as he watched her shaky movements.
"She's going to need herbs to reduce the swelling on that bump." He commented to himself though the comment was loud enough for Minka to hear. "Dammit Nari you couldn't let me leave you in peace?" He stood up straight ignoring the pain in his shoulder and keeping his tail stiff to keep it from hurting.
"Sorry Minka, I didn't mean for this to happen." He apologized though Kino still believed that it was Nari's fault in the first place.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
A gasp escaped the woman as Narime's body hit the wall hard and she rushed forward, attempting to position herself between the two of them so no further harm could be done. A low growl of frustration gathered in her jaws as the silver woman's words, "When two members of this pack are fighting this violently it isn't just your business, it's business of the whole pack whether you like it or not." Golden eyes flashed over her subordinates crumpled form as she faded in and out of consciousness, damnit you two, we have no healer. Shaking her head she turned to look upon the man she called her mate.

Her eyes narrowed as she stared him down for a moment, the cavern silent between them, "Nobody is being punished for defending themselves, but you better start talking and explain what happened here." Minka would hear him out and later if she was coherent Narime as well, but this type of action would not come without consequence for the pair of them. She was not amused by his comment and chose to ignore it though it did bring her gaze to sweep over his body and check for major injuries, the tail seemed the worst of it. She sighed at his next comment, "Too bad we don't have a healer or anyone stocking herbs since Simaea disappeared in the storm, I will have @Inali go to Willow Ridge in the morning to ask Elettra if she has any she could spare." Shaking her head again she turned her golden orbs to meet Tokino's blue, "What were the two of you thinking? One of you could have been seriously hurt or killed for god's sake." The emotions had stirred the cubs inside her and they kicked in protest against her sides at being awoken.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé grumbled wishing her body would do something other than ache all over. A splitting headache now tore through her skull as she whined in pain on the floor. Not noticing the voices of her pack mates anymore, Nari brought her forelegs over her head and pressed them down trying to relieve the pain that shot through her head.
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Tokino narrowed his gaze as Minka spoke. She was harsh sounding, not the usual understanding Minka that he was used to. He glanced to her swollen belly which grew every day as the bodies of his pups grew inside her. Even though he didn't like the tone she was taking with him Tokino shrugged it off and answered truthfully as normal.
"Just so you know I wasn't planning on getting into a fight or hurting her. I came to her to see how much of my teachings she remembered. I was trying to quiz her I suppose you could say." He paused shaking his head at how fast the fight had started and over the stupidest of reasons.
"Apparently she was in a bad mood before I got there and started insulting me, you, and asking why I backed you instead of her." He closed his eyes sighing as he did so. Though a slight whine formed past his lips as the male accidentally moved his bruising tail again.
"Anyways, I answered her plain and simple and she got pissed at my answers. I attempted to leave saying my farewell and mentioning that I would be in the tunnels with you when she attacked me trying to drive me out of the caverns." He gave her the short version knowing how long winded the actual explanation would be. "...and I believe you heard the rest of our scuffle before getting here. " He looked back to Minka hoping to find the patient woman he knew was in there. Though pregnancy sure could change a she wolf. He hoped today would be a good day where her personality and attitude was concerned.

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
The argument she decided had really not been anyone's fault in particular. Closing her eyes Minka took a breath to steady her anger as another kick landed itself in her ribs. "Alright, I know you meant well, just try and be more careful, these pups will need a father." The fae murmured as she moved forward to gently brush her muzzle against the male's, her rage subsided for now, she just craved a more steady life. A soft sigh slipped from her lips at the contact and she whispered, "The sooner we get out of here the better, I can hardly stand another week feeling like a home-wrecker." It was taking a toll on the woman, though she exhausted much of the time she slept fitfully and often times found herself pacing the caverns in the night instead of slumbering.

Another nudge from inside her caused her eyelids to flutter open in surprise, the pups were getting stronger and their movements could now be seen from outside of her belly. A warmth filled her as she nudged Tokino forward, "Come, feel your children for the first time, I think they like the sound of your voice, they move a lot when you talk." It was true, they moved the most when Minka sang to them, as she often did while she relaxed but whenever Kino talked was a close second.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
He had been trying to get over what he hoped would be his last heartbreak. Through his time in Whisper Caverns he had only had to disperse one fight and it hadn't even been all that serious. Recently he had been doing his duties without complaint, which was normal, and found himself looking for new members for the pack when the traitors left. He had heard from very little, preferring to stay in the shadows, keeping his eyes on Narimè and trying to find how progress was going with her. He was supporting her the best he could, but he also knew radio silence was one of the best ways for someone to recover from what the woman had been through. He had been around a night, walking through his territory and making sure nothing was amiss when angry snarling cut through the silence. Perhaps if he hadn't been alpha of Poison Path once he would have panicked, but Ash was use to arguments and fighting among his pack mates. He didn't like it, but he knew he would have to accept it.

Anger flooded through him as he made his way towards the caverns, his large form slipping into the shadows, just as Tokino shoved Nari into the wall. Before he could think much, Ash rose himself into his full height and put as much dominance as he could, which happened to be much more than he had ever exhibited here. He quickly made his way towards the fallen Queen, his mossy green eyes flickering angrily towards the mated pair in front of him. Moving protectively over the fallen Thorben his voice thundered angrily throughout the cavern. "Get out. Both of you obviously are having a problem deciding when you are leaving, and I'm making it for you. Get out. I don't want to see either of you inside this territory by sunlight, if you are sighted, you will be attacked on sight," though his voice was loud his tone was calm, his eyes moving towards Minka's belly before he continued, "And I know we both wouldn't want that. So I suggest you get out and leave. I am the alpha male of this pack and I will not have fighting within my lands, especially not when it involves traitors." He glared at them, waiting for them to leave before he could check on the girl underneath him.
(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2014, 03:42 PM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
A new wolf entered the scene. Nari scented Ash and when she tried to open her eyes was bombarded by the muted colors of the wolves in the small area. It was like looking through a kaleidoscope. The rusts and grays were mixing with the dark of the cave. She had to close her eyes again to keep from getting dizzy. Pain arching from her head dulled the rest of the womans senses. In her mind she knew that she should probably have someone look at her. This head injury was worse than the one she had received from first falling into these caverns so long ago.
"A..Ash...Help me...get to.. Elettra..." She sputtered out remembering the warning from healers about falling asleep with a head injury. Some wolves never woke up.
How she wished Simaea was there now. The dark she wolf would know what to do.
So once more the she wolf tried getting up. Her legs shook while pain laced through her skull. A loud whine escaped her muzzle once more as the gray wolf staggered under and next to Ash.
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan hadn't ever heard such a ruckus happening within the caves. He had been sleeping closest to the main entrance far away from the fight. The growls and snarls echoing around the limestone halls had woken the boy up from a dreamy sleep.
"What the heck is going on?" Titan quickly got up and stretched once before moving to investigate. His ears were at attention sifting through the noises that came from deeper within the caverns. It was a bit hard to distinguish where in the caverns the scuffle was coming from. For the echoes bounced through every tunnel.
First Titan checked the eastern tunnels. He traveled through the magnificent rooms barely noting their beauty along the way. Water dripped in the deepest tunnels down into a giant puddle that if stood in would be half way up Titan's legs and soaking his belly fur. Avoiding that wet area the young Thorben came to the far back end where the tunnel was purposefully blocked off with thorny winding sticks, stems, and dirt and rocks.
"Darn it." The words uttered were low as Titan doubles back and decides to look through the western tunnels.
The western tunnels were higher up in elevation from the eastern ones. Much dryer than the previous area Titan was able to move quickly. Eventually he reached the thinner tunnel where the four adults now stood.
"What's happened?" The shadowy boys words rang out before he spotted his mother stumbling around. He rushed to her getting between Nari and the alpha male to check his mother over. Sniffing around her body he found multiple scrapes and bite marks on her right leg. They didn't look that bad actually. At least they weren't really bleeding. So what was wrong with her?
Titan moved to lick her head before noticing the large bump on the back of her crown.
That did not look good.
"It's okay momma it's just a bump, you'll be okay." He slid his shoulder under her body to help stabilize the silver wolf then looked to the adults with a wary questioning gaze. "What happened here?"