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memoria et lux — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
@Adair -I figured pack threads in general (like the hunt one) go slow and wanted another faster paced thread with Adair. Not a spree but maybe a post every day? Dunno if that's okay with you.

She wasn't expecting to meet any of her pack mates here. Nari was actually taking a break from them to scout for food. Though she rather enjoyed the scouting part of this particular role. Nari had always been a wanderer and with her copious amount of stamina the silver wolf could easily lope a few miles without any problem at all. She enjoyed watching the scenery go by and sometimes simply loping or running along would help her think.

Even now as the gray wolfs legs thrummed under her lithe body; she felt her pent up frustrations from the dramas during winter and early spring expel, eventually turning into a slight depression. The stale scents of many things passed by her keen nose as Nari moved through fireweed rise now. The scent of flowers buzzed through her head and would have calmed her down more if they didn't make the field look like it was coated in red blood. In fact the more she took the time to look at the field the more agitated the female became. All she could see was the blood of her mate,children, and pack mates flooding her vision.

Nari had found out about Yuka's fight with the badger a while ago. Due to Yuka hiding the scar from others she hadn't been able to really see the damage done yet, but her mind made it look way worse than it was. Then thoughts of her daughter drowning in the lagoon sprang across her head, followed by the still body of her mate lying stiff in the meadow. Other images of missing pack mates dead in various ways tortured the she wolf until she picked up her pace and began to sprint as far as she could as fast as she could away from the color red.

(OOC: she really needs some comfort here)

Played by Hero who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Adair Asherdu
@Narimée Sorry playing catch up now!
His time in Whisper Cavern had been enjoyable and time consuming to say the least. The aging male had spent most of his time in the pack occupied with patrolling the border and attempting to meet the many faces of the Cavern, most of which he had not gotten the opportunity to converse with. Lady Narime he knew fairly well, had hunted with her and respected for giving him a home to lie his head and a duty to uphold, guarding the pack had been a task that he transitioned into easily. On this day he took a momentary break from patrolling to seek out a scent, it was familiar because of its feminine stench and the fact that he had run into this woman for a second time now outside of the border; it would become their ritual. As he stalked her, his head lowered, he slowed to a stop when he felt that she was no more than a few meters from him and simply watched her, keeping sure that she was safe before he sought to turn back for home and occupy himself with the borders once more.

He stalled because of her posture, the glance she gave spoke volumes and Adair knew something was not right with miss Narime, but how would she take it knowing he had followed her here? He would tell her he'd been familiarizing himself with the land and had happened to come upon her, she would never suspect him lying about that, especially since he was still fairly new to the Lore. "Miss Narime..." he voiced once he was within speaking range, his eyes searched her face with concern, "are you okay?" and he fell silent, giving her the floor which he knew she would take full advantage of.
(This post was last modified: Jun 29, 2014, 10:50 PM by Adair.)
Avatar by Emma! Thanks girlie!
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

She had stopped only to catch her breath once the silver woman had reached the edge of the rise where the red flowers were more mixed with other wild flowers. There the flowers were not only red, but blue, green, yellow, orange, and white too. Many wild flowers here, including a few herbs as well, made the scenery a little less colored like blood, and more like the color of a shimmering rainbow. It settled the she wolf a tad bit as she continued to stand there catching her breath and glancing about at the variety of plants around her.

Nari hadn't realized how close to another wolf she had ventured to, not until the voice spooked her and the womans blue eyes snapped around to peer at the intruder. The gray queens eyes softened as she settled her blue orbs on the statuesque build of a male she had accepted into the pack a short time ago. For a moment she stood unable to say anything as she registered the concern in his features. Then the girl sighed and turned her eyes back to the landscape.

"I... I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment." She slid half her body to the ground then closed her eyes. "My... Life has been in a scramble this spring... With so many things changing." She paused taking a deep breath to steady herself then continued. "Normally in our territory I look like I have it all together...b.but I'm falling a part on the inside.." She confessed in the male wondering why she wasn't exactly angry at his presence. Why she wasn't trying to run away again to lose the pain.

Played by Hero who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Adair Asherdu
@Narimé Sorry, I fell asleep trying to put my son to sleep >.<

Like his female counterpart Adair had his own skeletons, they were dark and overpowering at times though he never allowed anyone to see them, instead he would venture off on his own for a day or so merely to sulk and talk himself through his depressive problems. It would be assumed that Narime had done the same on this day and here sat Adair, budding his nose where it did not belong, and keeping her from self medicating, and for a moment he felt uncomfortable and unneeded, "I don't mean to intrude miss Narime, I'll go check on the borders now and leave you be..." he started off, his voice growing weak in his throat. Only when she spoke, seemingly unphased by his presence did he remain though his eyes remained trained on her.

In the midst of finding Narime, Adair had hardly noticed the beauty of Fireweed Rise, instead his attention lay focused on the woman standing in front of him and when she settled to her haunches with a sigh of defeat he mimicked her actions so that he would not tower over her. From the moment he stepped paw near her he knew something was amiss, and though he knew very little about Narime, his encounters with her had been pleasant and welcoming--today the distance she maintained kept him at his spot. He respected her space, and the privacy she yearned to keep and waited with surprising patience for the woman to speak and when she did he was taken back by the honesty that rolled off her tongue. He felt as if she trusted him more than he deserved but responded to her words in a sensitive tone not wanting to upset her, "everyone has their ups and downs, it's just your turn is all..." he voiced, not knowing if his comment would help or hinder her, therefore he continued, "it'll all come together soon enough, besides, you have a whole pack that adores and respects you, we'll help you through the pain..." and he smiled a most charming smile, as it meant that he would do what it took to make her feel at ease.

He wondered what was bothering the silver dove, it was obvious that what ever was overpowering her had taken place before his acceptance but that did not make it less concerning to him, and he knew that what he'd said earlier would not ease her pain--it had never done him any good in the past either. "well you do put up a rather good facade, I would have never guessed that anything was the matter...well until now, but I'm here for you miss Narime if you want to talk." he paused, shrugging his muscular shoulders, "Besides guarding the borders I'm an excellent listener and I give decent advice, but your secret will be safe with me..." he spoke with a smile, attempting to bright light into the situation, and finally, with those words, Adair fell silent in wait for the woman to voice what she wanted from him.
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2014, 10:34 AM by Adair.)
Avatar by Emma! Thanks girlie!
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Hahaha.. no biggie

She barely heard the first words that escaped the males sunlit muzzle. Though the words did register blankly within her mind. Though she turned her head ever so slightly at his next words. "everyone has their ups and downs, it's just your turn is all..."

"I've had quite a few ups and downs in my life..." She sighed then turned fully to see Adair sitting not too far away. It was then that the breeze picked up, waving her silver guard hairs and catching the whiskers on her muzzle. Briefly her mind registered the scent of rabbit on the breeze. Though she had no blood lust or hunger to drive her forward to catch the thing. Luckily for the rabbit.

"it'll all come together soon enough, besides, you have a whole pack that adores and respects you, we'll help you through the pain..." Adair's words had her thinking. Did the pack really respect her? Or did they dutifully follow along simply because she was currently a lead wolf? Then again there were only a few members left a part from the new recruits Klio, Kassander, and Adair. All of the others had stayed with her during the big split. Even Ash, whom she hadn't liked too much before, had backed her and shown his worth. Nari was thinking much more of the lead male even though he did seem to have a stick up his tail most of the time. She had seen moments where he was kind. Her sons backed her of course, that loyalty between family and blood had held strong. However Nari knew well that one day both boys might ask to leave. With a bitter heart she would let them go, which would leave her with even fewer wolves she could truly trust and respect.

Maybe I should have bred this year? she regretted quietly within her mind even though the reason she hadn't had pups was because she was still waiting loyally for her mate to come back. Her nose wrinkled at the thought. He isn't coming back... If he had been stuck someplace during winter he would have found his way back by the beginning of summer. She felt her heart snap and a growl echo in her chest. He had promised to be there with her forever and now he was gone.

Nari had missed Adair's earlier comment whilst lost in her thoughts, but her attention was brought back to the tall male sitting close by as he spoke lastly. "Besides guarding the borders I'm an excellent listener and I give decent advice, but your secret will be safe with me..." She listened to the tones of his voice not sure why he would want to listen to her problems.

Should she dare trust him? When all others had lost her trust and respect in various ways? A part from maybe her children and Ash.

He deserves my trust and respect as a pack mate... She told herself while glancing back to the male once more. Gingerly the she wolf picked herself half off the ground then lay her body fully upon the bed of flowers nearer to the Asherdu wolf.

"My mate disappeared during the beginning of winter, and I've searched for him for so long. I had hoped he would return during the spring when the snow melted thinking that he could have been stuck someplace out there unable to return.." She paused wondering how Adair would react to that news. Her eyes had steadily closed as the queen spilled to him her worries. "I'm not sure what to do about him... Should I take my maiden name back? Should I keep searching as my hope that he's alive dwindles? Or should I simply move on and keep his name? I have no idea..." She fessed up with her main concerns, though her daughters death was also heavy upon her mind. Maybe if he had been here, he might have helped me keep an eye on our daughter and she wouldn't be dead... Her thoughts strangled the she wolf from within as Nari lay at the paws of Adair trusting him with her woes.

(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2014, 04:01 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Hero who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Adair Asherdu
You may have a tag open...

His left ear flicked backward then forward to catch the rhythm of her breathing and hear the words that spilled from her jaws. He could sense her depression, it blazed like a fire in her vibrant eyes and her silence captivated and lured him in until he was dying from anticipation over what she was going through; was it really that horrible? He hadn't known Narime long enough to pass judgement, and he liked her company far too much to leave her in this state of mind, he had pledged to be her protector and he would keep his promise until she no longer needed his services. It was a moment or two before she spoke once more, this time once she shifted her weight to glance past him and at the flower bed, did she reply with a snippet of her history.

He had lost someone just as she did, and though losing his sister was probably more hard on him then losing his parents, he took her departure harder because she had been his only life line, the only other remaining Asherdu. He often wondered about her, and hoped that where ever she was she was safe, and happy but he was not sure if she were still alive, and if she were, whether she still carried around the name of her ancestors. Thinking of her made him sad therefore he averted his attention elsewhere, thinking instead of Narime's options, what could she do now that her mate had left her, probably forever. "Those are valid questions Narime, but I have to ask you this, would he want you to continue to suffer in his absence or wish for you to continue on with your life in happiness?" he paused, thinking of his next words, "If he loved you as he claimed he did he would allow you to leave him, and if he does return back to you then I'm sure you two can continue where you left off, unless you find someone else who makes you happy."

He remembered giving similar advice to his sister, and was convinced that this had been the reason of her disappearance but he would never quite know, and just like Narime, he waited for her return while living his life in the present. "You actually remind me a lot of my sister..." he started then trailed off, glancing at Narime with a smile, his expression soft, almost sad, he only hoped that she was living her life half as good as he was.
(This post was last modified: Jul 01, 2014, 10:24 PM by Adair.)
Avatar by Emma! Thanks girlie!
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Thanks for that. XD

She lay there watching the clouds roll by. Sometimes the clouds would hide the sun and cast a dark shadow over the pair of cavern wolves. At this angle Nari couldn't see much of the flowers around her for they were too close to her face and eyes. However the scent of flowers calmed her along with the sound of her pack mates voice. The way he brought things together in his speech made her wonder if Sloane really would want her to be happy with someone else. While he was with her Sloane had been somewhat jealous and highly protective of her. Would he allow another male to have a relationship with her? She shook her head a trifle thinking that he would have been very hurt if she had ever made that decision, but in the end Nari was sure he only had wanted her to be happy. Like Adair said Sloane would let her be with another if that male made her happier than being with him. Though those weren't her pack mates exact words. It was the way she understood them in her head.

"Many many other pack mates also disappeared this past winter. The pack had almost perished, and my daughter.. She also died just as the spring thaw came." She voiced the other worries in her head feeling a little more at peace with herself over Sloane. Then glanced at the male who from her current position was upside down. "Then the pack almost disbanded after a few traitors decided to up and leave to form their own pack." The way she explained the drama of the past year made it sound less troublesome than it really had been. Even So Nari hoped the male would understand her despite perhaps being a little over dramatic about things. Then she lay there just listening while the urge to hunt that rabbit increased. She wanted to run again. Though not away from Adair. She actually wanted to run with him because for once since this past winter she was fully enjoying another males company.

"You actually remind me a lot of my sister..." This comment that left Adair's lips made Nari smile slightly. She wondered who his sister was. "Was she as naive as I was as a yearling? Thinking everybody could be your friend or that everybody has a little good in them?" She asked closing her eyes once more and berating herself for her past mistakes.


Played by Hero who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Adair Asherdu

He was silent as she continued her rant, his ears were the only movement as she went on about the welfare of Whisper Caverns and brought him up to speed about the history of his home--it was news he would have never guessed considering how strong the pack was since his acceptance. He noticed that the amount of males in the pack had grown faster then the females, and come breeding season the choices for mating would be limited to the few females left and by those odds he wondered if he'd succeed in having a brood next year. Narime was damaged and probably too weary of other males to move on, Athena was taken by their second, and what remained were the yearlings; much too young for his liking. He wondered if by some miracle the silver lady sitting ahead of him could be changed to trust once more but that would take time, thankfully he had patience.

The news of her daughters death softened his features and a soft whine past his lips as he neared her, wanting to console her from such a loss but he would not dare touch her for fear of crossing the invisible line between subordinate and leadership. He remained in his spot and silence engulfed him until the perfect words found their way to his lips, "I know an apology will not change anything but I am truly sorry for your loss Narime, no one deserves to feel the pain of the loss of a loved one...." his heart beat loudly in his chest as he brought his head up to glance into her eyes, the sorrow that spilled from them humbled him to the point of silence but he continued on for the sake of this meeting.

"She was definitely naive, and trusting of almost anyone who smiled her way. I instantly became her protector because I could count on one paw the many times someone betrayed her and broke her trust. I helped her grow tough and see through the facade that some wolves put forth, mostly males, until one day she suggested we go our separate ways." he cleared his throat, which suddenly became dry, "I may have been too hard on her, I just didn't like seeing her hurt..." she had been his only friend and confident and now she was gone. Staring at Narime, the only woman whom he compared to the likes of his sister, he shared a brief smile before his eyes went to the sky and he sighed deeply, feeling a heaviness overtake him, "but this meeting isn't about me, or her, its about you. Tell me, what makes you happy?"
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Sorry for lateness!

As the the woman lie there and listened to what the Asherdu wolf spoke of, Nari couldn't help but nod as she looked into his strange dark eyes. She had never seen such dark eyes of that color before. And oddity much like her own unique blue orbs that in certain light could almost look violet. Then silence came and surrounded the wolves as Nari felt heat creep up her neck at Adair's sorrowful words. She tried to look a little bit more calm as the white male spoke of his sister. Though she was amazed at what he told her. If Nari had been born alongside this other she wolf the gray woman felt as though they would have had an unbreakable friendship. Perhaps they both would have led different lives too. With each other to support during hard times. Blinking back the idea, Nari shook her head knowing that Adair had been there for his sister. So her life probably would have played out the same whether Nari had been there or not.

"It's okay to be hard on the ones you love, because eventually they will understand that the reason you were hard on them was because you loved them. Though it may take some time before they realize that..." Nari gave her opinion on the matter knowing that she was being hard on her children. Or at least she felt like she was being harsh with them sometimes. At other times the she wolf almost thought she was too lax with them.

"What makes me happy?"Narime closed her eyes to think as she heaved a deep breath. The large wolfs presence ever noticeable to the gray she wolf as she drank in his scent and listened to his breathing. "Having someone close who doesn't mind my quirkiness, my inability to stop speaking when I'm overly curious or excited, or my deep need to just lie close and be with someone. A wolf who won't disappear on me when times are tough. I guess... A rock to ground me to this earth that we stand upon." Nari shook as she spoke the words from her heart totally unsure of whether she should be telling this man about her deepest needs and wants.