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Allons-y — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright
My apologies for the long delay in posting! I'm gonna tag the others that haven't posted yet, just in case they want to jump in or catch up, but I think we can begin the 2nd round now?
@Jessie @Florence @Vera @Sceral

In the darkest shadows we find the brightest parts of ourselves

Late afternoon sun spilled through the dark forest, painting it with shifting light. Nayeli lay there in the grass savoring the moment, half-listening as Triell and Darrah chatted idly. She had even managed to find the time for a patrol earlier in the day, but there had been nothing of note then, nor anything out of place. And so she'd returned here, finding a quiet moment that was certainly worth basking in. 'Whatever great moments life decides to give us we will keep....' the memory of Triell's words to her not so long ago drifted through her mind, bringing a contented smile to light as she exhaled in a lazy sigh.

And then, the spell was broken as a call rang though the wood, drifting from somewhere not too distant. Pushing herself up into a sitting position, the dark lady flicked her ears, tilting her nose into the breeze as she exchanged glances with Triell. Nayeli recognized the caller, a newer member of the pack called Arcania. Once before, the woman had found a warren of voles... this time it seemed that she was alerting the pack to the presence of something different - deer. With a grin, Nayeli nodded silently, letting Triell break the news to Zera and Darrah. The pair had been discussing how it seemed their children were getting old enough to start learning... And guess what, you two get to come this time.

Getting to her feet, she sucked in a deep breath, drawing her lungs full of the late summer air. The call to hunt lifted her spirits, and it was something the pack needed too. She moved off almost at once, jogging ahead as Triell turned his protective gaze to the cubs, her tail swayed along high behind her. Every few paces, her glance would linger back over her shoulder as they followed along, the excitement in their young voices obvious. It made her heart swell as she and Triell encouraged them along through the summer's wood, making their way toward where Arcania had called out from. "Not too loudly, now," she gave Zera and Darrah a hushed reminder as they drew near.

Soon enough she could smell the stag plainly on the breeze, and her silver eyes were upon the Soil woman as they arrived to the gathering. Nayeli gave her a nod of acknowledgement, but she was reticent, too. A stag could be quite dangerous, especially if it was a healthy one - was the rest of the herd not nearby? Caution and experience would have lead Nayeli to seek one of the does or young, though as more and more members of the pack began to arrive, she could not help but feel confident in their combined strength. Some were faces she knew well, others were new, while others still were longstanding members who still remained enigmatic to her. All the same, some of these wolves had been there to help the pack survive the cruel winter, and had even helped to slay the great caribou stag and defend the kill from their neighbors. She looked to each of them for a moment now: Drestig, Ruiko, Hotei, she gave them each a nod, glad they were here to be counted upon. Serach got a nod as well as a small grin, for Nayeli had grown fond of the youth with time, especially since their practice sparring. This would not be their first hunt together, either. Next her gaze traveled to Speiden and Vectra, another pair of new faces who were wise to have turned up. She gave each of them a nod as well. "It's a superb day for a hunt," she remarked at last. then she turned to her children, unable to hide a proud smile.

"Darrah and Zera, you two stick together. Don't try to get too close, just do your best to keep up and pay attention to how it's done, alright?" she instructed them with a quiet word and a serious look. Nayeli was eager for the hunt, but her first priority today was to ensure, if she could, that all did go well where their safety was concerned. Nayeli could still fondly remember this first family hunt she'd tagged along on, it was one of those defining memories for a young wolf to hold on to and learn from. Glancing back to Triell, she gave him another grin. With both parental figures, and the rest of the pack all here, there was really very little chance of something going wrong on that front. It would be wise to wait another moment or two, to see if any other stragglers arrived... and then they could be off, to do what wolves did best.

Nayeli Stormwright-Tainn
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2014, 07:49 PM by Nayeli.)
Played by Luna who has 17 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Vectra Alaina
Indeed it was a god day for a hunt. Vectra paced silently and eagerly to prove her worth to the pack, she also wanted to take down a stag, what young yearling wouldn't. Tail wagging happily in it low held state still showing she was simply a member of the pack and not anyone yet important she listened as people spoke utmost each other. Her simply being forgotten in the crowd. One would usually be sad at being so easily put aside like a long unneeded toy a child no longer wished to play with, But Vectra was quite fine with that, as long as she wasn't considered some bane to the packs existence the members could treat her as a ghost for all she cared. It was the leader that counted after all.

"im ready" she said to the pack alpha.... the head female, she wanted to be useful. Their was no time for hesitation, and she could smell that stag's scent on the wind, it caused her belly to clench in hunger. How she would enjoy having a piece of that once they managed to bring him down. If this was the kind of pack to share with those that help in the hunt, even their lower ranked members. She hoped. Firey eyes glanced around noticing the exceeding amount of black coated wolves. She wondered if they were the alphas family, or black wolves were just large in number around here. Both would be a reasonable explanation it would seem
Played by Mimi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sceral Donata
I'm here, Sceral's here (finally)!

Border patrolling wasn't something the Aesir-Donata was particularly enthralled by. It was boring, in many ways. Just tracing routes laid down by others, marking here and there, being startled by the occasional fox or hare that decided to zip past his peripheral vision. Still, the self proclaimed hunter and knight of Oak Tree Bend wanted to perform his duties … well, dutifully. The adolescent still felt as if he needed to make up for lost time. He owed Triell, he owed Nayeli … hell, he owed his own brother for abandoning him! And so, he patrolled. He hunted. He scouted. He did everything he could, even if he turned in to sleep at the end of his day, exhausted and sore from over extending.

Sceral's ears lifted, perking forwards, as a howl broke him away from his concentration. He listened to the call and found himself pleasantly surprised. A hunt! A pack hunt! His tail began to beat the air in excitement. Finally, he could prove himself to everyone. He was more than capable in hunting situations. But … oh, crap, crap, crap! He was much too far away to be there on time! The pale ghost couldn't waste a moment, flailing on the spot as he slipped on a wet slick of mud before darting off, desperate to attend. An aspiring hunter simply couldn't miss out on such a thing.

Leaping and bounding through the forest, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as he panted, the Aesir-Donata charged onwards. “I'm coming,” he yelled, swerving around thick tree trunks, “don't start without me! I'm coming, I'm cooomiiiing!”

Finally he burst into the gathering of wolves, tumbling clumsily but catching himself at the last minute, preventing a nasty meeting between his face and the floor. “I'm here,” he panted, shaking his fur. Lowering himself in apology, Sceral grinned sheepishly. “I'm here I can help. Sorry I'm late.” He inhaled deeply, catching a tantalising whiff of deer. Saliva pooled in his mouth, the lad licking his lips. Drawing up beside Serach, the younger sibling offered him a playful nudge and a wolfish grin.

Played by Namara who has 15 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Arcania Soli
Arcania being awkward :/ Hope everyone is alright with this?

She waited with the nervous feeling flooding through her thoughts as they all slowly arrived. Most of them were there and most she could tie to names due to lurking around the pack den. She would try her best with the names and she refused to start until Nayeli arrived. As soon as the queen had arrived and gave her command to the pups, Arcania spoke up. She just hoped she was right to assume she could lead this hunt. "We're going to break into two different groups, the chasers and the take down crew. At any time you see fit King Triell or Queen Nayeli, feel free to shift a wolf between groups. You no doubt know everyone better than me." She started with the obvious note. She then looked upon the crowd gathered and quickly arranged the wolves into two groups while speaking her thoughts.

Sceral dove in late with an apology as she started to speak. "Quite alright Sceral. You'll be with the chasers who are Serach, Drestig, myself, and Queen Nayeli. The take down group will be Ruiko, King Triell, Spieden, and Hotei. If any one of you wish to stay with the pups to keep watch over them to make sure they stay at an appropriate distance, then please step out now. If anyone has an issue with their tole, please speak up now." She informed them before looking at the herd. "There is an old stag and doe pair over there that we will be trying to take down." She purposed as she thought about dividing the two groups into two separate groups, one for each deer. She was confident but nervous about messing up. She tried her best to hide her nerves.

Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
(OOC:Sorry for the lateness of this! I hope it's alright!)

Florence could not believe it. Off course, he had been on the other side of the territory, snapping at the heels of a fox who had thought it smart to encroach into the obvious lands that belonged to wolves when the call went out. So there was not much he could otherwise do expect make sure the fox knew not to come back anytime soon-a final growl and flash of his jaws proved that-and he was turning towards the direction from where the howl was coming from. Hopefully, those who had already gathered would understand and not hold it against him for being late, if the hunt had not already started anyway. The thought of food made his stomach rumble but he pushed the feeling aside, striding forwards towards his goal. The thought of food could wait until something had actually been caught.

"I apologize for being late," The large male rumbled, almost breathless as he arrived at the edge of the group that had already gathered, spying the leaders nad giving a respectful bow to them. It was clear that the small light brown wolf was the one to have called them all together though. It was obvious that the hunt was just about to start as he arrived yet as he searched among the wolves, his companion @Vera wasn't found among all the taller wolves. Maybe she was simply late, like him?

He hoped she would make it in time, as his breathe finally caught up with him and he waited for the hunt to begin.
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho

As each wolf filtered in, Spieden found herself slinking lower and lower to the ground as if trying to hide in plain sight. For the hunt's sake, it was good that there was so many of them, but Spieden felt tense around so many wolves, none of which she knew particularly well. Some of the faces were familiar, but none were any that she would really call friends, yet. Spieden didn't particularly want to be here, and was more of a solo fisher than a pack hunter, but fear of punishment for skipping out on a hunt kept her glued to her spot.

Spieden was anxious to get this whole thing started, and pushed herself upright as their dark coated leaders appeared with children in tow, thinking that they would finally get moving. But still, a few stragglers needed to be waited for and Spieden again crumpled down towards the ground. The Coho noticed that the poor yearling who had called them all together looked a bit anxious about directing this whole thing, which didn't exactly instill much confidence in Spieden that this would go well. Spieden was just glad that she wasn't the one in charge.

Glancing about the group, Spieden tried to figure out who else was with her in the take down, but besides Triell she had no idea which names belonged to whom. She supposed that she would find out soon enough.

Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei Tainn

He stayed silent as others slowly trickled in, some new some not. His observant gaze caught on the sight of Triell arriving with Nayeli and the pups in tow, the children almost bouncing out of their fur. His muzzle quirked slightly in an amused manner before he turned his attention back to the wolves gathered. He was getting slightly annoyed, since they didnt have time to waste to wait for the stragglers, but wait they did. Sceral came bounding in, almost tripping over his own paws and the man swallowed a chuckle at the boy's breathy excitement. Was it his first hunt?, Hotei couldnt help but wonder. Finally, it seemed that no others would show up. Probably busy or out of the territory with their own duties. At least they were finally getting somewhere. Or not, he added as an afterthought as he noticed the yearling who had called them here begin to speak. She seemed nervous when she had no reason to be. He wanted to tell her to just take a breath and give herself a moment, but then thought better of it. If she was to succeed, it would be of her own desire to do so, not his foolish words of awkward comfort. She threw in his name along with those of his brothers and... Spieden?.

His curious orbs landed on a woman of similar large stature with a deformed right ear. With no hesitation he made his way towards her, knowing she was the 'Spieden' that the yearling gad been talking about. Not getting too close to cause discomfort, for Hotei hated it when wolves got too close if he didnt know them, he was close enough. His yellow orbs held no hint of their earlier curiousity, for it had been satisfied. He nodded to her and opened his maw, giving her a short, quiet greeting in his rumbling baritone. "Hotei." The burnt male chanced a look at Ruiko and Triell, waiting to see if they would join them if they so chose, then looked at the yearling who seemed to be the boss of things. Hopefully they would start soon, for his paws itched to move and his teeth itched to bite into flesh.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

meep i'm sorry

"Of course Darrah," he answered with a low chuckle. The Tainn was proudly looking over his children not surprised by their excitement on the idea they finally got to see the actual hunt. He couldn't help murmur an "Oh," to Zera, briefly looking to Nayeli, almost believing she could very well do so. For the time being he wasn't too anxious of their safety. They had a lot of growing to do before they could get in the middle of things. Determination and stubbornness would not grow Zera's legs longer.

Following their puppy bounds he took his time trailing his brood. The idea was to give them some space to be, especially since they were sticking to the boundaries of the Bend. When they arrived his orange-yellow toned eyes skimmed over those gathered. Vectra he was pleased had arrived. If others didn't show,he noted that they would likely be able to get something. Serach was getting the hang of things, and though he didn't know Spieden her age would help balance the youth in the group. It was a gruff growl his ears swept too, and gaze settled upon. Ruiko. He still seemed to be holding on, but Triell wondered for how much longer? Sadly, there was still no signs of Aelyen. If he could the dark brother would have sought his nephews, his niece. He was tied here. Perhaps Jessie, and Drestig could look into it, pass word onto Kisla when they left. Maybe it would be a little peace Rue deserved. With that in mind he gave a soft smile to his elder brother, grateful despite circumstances he was here. Then the leader jerked his chin to Hotei and Drestig.

Black nostrils quivered he too could detect the deer. A stag, likely with its horns hardened now, weapons for their own breeding season to come. As Nayeli instructed the children, his eyes flicked upon them hoping they recieved the message. He grinned in turn, feeling that their pack was starting to well be a pack again.

It was Sceral's call that surprised him. He had been the most withdrawn of the Aesir-Donata brothers, here he was, and the Uncle wagged his thick tail. He was here, and that's what mattered. Arcania continued he let himself listen, having only one thing to add. Another straggler arrived, and Triell was surprised Vera was not with him. If she and Jessie had been here it would have been a whole pack hunt. Close enough was good enough for him. Everyone seemed ready to go, and he wanted to get moving before these deer got away. "Vectra I'll need you with my group. Florence if you'll hang back with Zera and Darrah, you can explain what's what." Lastly he only looked to his brothers, and the Vecta and Spieden before heading off to get ahead of the deer.

With his size he had to place more matter where he carried himself, but before they could reach the river he paused. "Ruiko, Hotei if you want to split to the other side of the clearing." With them spread out they would have even greater chance. Triell thought it a good idea to have Spieden who seemed a bit unsettled and Vectra with him. Quietly he lead them on, happy to hear the sound of water. Maybe it would help their cover. The Tainn halted just where they could keep their prey in sight, and waited. The others were likely not far behind.

Triell Tainn
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata

Looking around at the gathered group, Serach couldn't help but be impressed at the size of their pack. When had all of these wolves shown up? He had noticed, but somehow seeing them all gathered around made it that much more real. It would have been overwhelming, had it not been for the familiar faces of his friends and family. He returned the greetings in kind, nuzzling his uncle @Ruiko's chin and laughing at @Drestig, "The deer aren't getting away this time!" Not with this many wolves - they wouldn't lose track of the scent this time around.

But as time ticked on, the youth began to grow restless. He wasn't the only one, if looking around at the group gave any indication. Tossing his head, he shifted back and forth anxiously, waiting for some kind of signal to go ahead. Serach's concentration was broken by the comedic entrance of his brother. The older of Corinna's sons chuckled, his tail wagging happily behind him. He snapped playfully at @Sceral's ear, brushing against his sibling's shoulder in return. "About time, doofus," he teased before looking back over to Arcania. She apparently was taking charge of this hunt. His eyebrows pursed together and his smile faded away - unsure how he felt about that particular situation. Her titles for Triell and Nayeli made him inwardly cringe, but now wasn't the time or place to mock her for it. Maybe later, when they were feasting.

But he could chase. He wasn't at large as his uncles by any means, but over time, the youth had gradually grown into his lanky frame and wasn't too slow on his feet. Watching as Triell set off with the hunters in tow, he looked to his siblings, flashing him a grin. "Race you!" he snipped, setting off into the wood.

Feel free to PP as him running along with the chasing group.
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Serach answered him enthusiastically, and the dark man laughed lowly, eyes sparkling. Around them, the others finished their own separate greetings, and the group began to grow restless as they waited for someone to lead the hunt. Drestig looked to Triell, expecting him to sketch out a plan, but he seemed to preoccupied with the children; Understandable. So then who..? Before he could turn his eyes on anyone else, Sceral's voice sounded nearby, calling attention to his approach. Moments later, he came came barreling into the group, falling over in his eagerness, offering a small comic relief to the group. Serach jabbed teasingly at his brother, and the Avalon grinned, bumping his own shoulder against the younger Aesir in comradely greeting. "Just in time." He mumbled through his smile, winking at the boy, it was nice to see him taking interest in the pack, hopefully it meant he was feeling a little better about... everything.

Then Arcania spoke up, making Drestig's head jerk up and around, eyes narrowing slightly as he focused on the yearling. She had guts, he'd give her that, taking control of the hunt despite her youth and newness to the pack, but there was still a large part of him that was rubbed the wrong way by her assumption of being in charge, simply because she had located the herd. His tail lifted slightly, but before he could say anything, Triell spoke, apparently accepting the yearlings plan. The older male scoffed lowly, but relaxed his posture, it wasn't his call who took the lead.

He wasn't about to wait for her to move though, as Triell took off with his group of brutes and Serach set off, challenging his brother to follow, Drestig cast Nayeli a glance, then followed the boys; I'll show you chase! Confident that the children would be in good paws with whom their father had chosen, the older wolf focused on the boys, forgetting his agitation with Arcania as they started running, the rush of the hunt pulsing through his veins. Grinning wildly he barked at Sceral: "Wanna bed we can catch up to them before we reach the others?!" He couldn't wait for the chase to begin.

Word count: 366

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”