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Allons-y — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Zera's excitement only amplified his more as he began to whimper in excitement over his fathers approval. Hunting was something that piqued Darrah's interest since the day he discovered exactly what it was. "Let's go then!! Let's go now! I smell them to Zera!!" He squealed. The scent that filled his nostrils was definitely that of a deer. He had only seen the species once before in his life, but it was magnificent.. Unfortunately it was also very, very far in the distance. Maybe today he'd see one up close and personal!!

As they arrived Darrah took a look around to study familiar faces, this excited him even more. Apparently maybe a bit more than it should have because his mother began to shush him a little. "S-sorry momma! Just, I'm so excited!!" he tried his best to plead his case. "When do you think we'll be able ta hunt all ourselves?" He asked his mother, hoping for sooner than later. He didn't know how he would manage to contain himself from not joining in and killing a couple meals himself! It was almost even unfair of his parents to expect him to just sit back and watch, or he thought so at least. He'd never go against their will though, he knew much better than that.

Everyone was just about ready to take off for the action when his mother made one more reassuring comment towards him and his sister staying behind and watching the show. "Yes momma.." he nodded, eyes glistening in excitement.


Mimi edit: you had an unclosed bold tag, so I went ahead and fixed that!
(This post was last modified: Sep 27, 2014, 09:30 AM by Maksim.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei Tainn

He turned his head to where his brother was, speaking to various members of the the take down group. Hotei rolled his shoulders, tryig to relax the sudden tension in them and then followed after Triell. As the group moved on ahead, Triell spoke of Ruiko and Hotei splitting to the other side of the clearing just before they reached the river. The burnt male looked at his older brother and they moved to agree with the idea. Hotei followed Ruiko as they split and ran, running on the other side of the river. Though they were beasts more built for strength than speed, Hotei could hold his own. Speed and strength were vital to all of them if they wanted to succesfully take down this weak doe. Both men halted, almost parallel to Triell's group. Hotei stared at the prey, eager to finally meet flesh with greedy sharp jaws. This meal would hold them for a bit, and there would be food for the pups. That was always good. Hotei glanced, waiting to see the chaser group in action.

Hunting was fun, but it could be tedious. The waiting was the worst part, for your adrenaline was pumping and your blood lust was at a high, only to be leashed by playing the waiting game. But the waiting game was also what got you the meal in the end. So therefore, waiting was inevitable. The black male huffed slightly, patience and impatience warring against eachother.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Tay who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Zera Tainn

zera tainn

Zera couldn't help marveling at the strength of the pack as the numbers flooded in after the call. She moved with the inflamed jitter of ruthless energy; yellow eyes jumping back and forth, nose drawing near the earth. Though smaller than the rest, Zera found it easy to keep up with her father, almost too easy to break into sunset on the horizon and surpass them all. Luckily the young lady kept attentive and halted at the flank of her father when he was certain of the pack's collection.

When her star-eyed mother spoke, she listened with one ear cocked, though gazing still at the trees ahead, wishing the musky scent of deer was otherwise tangible. She would stick near Darrah, of course - but if he were lagging behind or lost in the trees like usual, she'd have to take charge. He was always getting coddled for behaving passively, always jabbering behind her tail about the "mischievous" hikes she'd taken, as though he'd get some sort of handout for doing it. It wasn't that Zera agitated their sibling rivalry or anything, it was just a naturally unfortunate situation. If only he were more impressive, might she not feel the need to wander so far for attention's sake. She was too old now to be nursing anymore, but if Darrah still felt the need, well, that was none of her business.

Zera shot an excited glance to Darrah, wondering if his changing eyes would possess any deep, intermingling traces of secret determination. She was actually looking forward to this opportunity to bond with him, to take down the beast together. It was like a competitive chance to come out on top at the same time. She couldn't wait to let her stride consume the trail, to leave him consuming her dust as she brought down the tremendous kill, pride glimmering in her eyes.

Though the pup was often indifferent to order, respect for the pack was already installed, ingrained in her instincts. Zera knew she would never go astray from one of the elders’ orders out of her own belief. She would let them guide her through this experience, because besides her excited fury of determination, she really had no idea where to start. She imagined a doe’s nimble leg would crack easily under the sharp crunch of jaws and that the jugular would end it quickly enough to leave creature’s misery short-lived. A part of her began to wonder about her own dangers as the pack continued to affiliate. Darrah found her eyes and she felt anxious for the both of them without knowing why. Maybe this adulthood thing wasn’t all that great after all. Maybe this was more serious than she imagined.

(This post was last modified: Sep 27, 2014, 02:21 AM by Zera.)

Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho

Spieden shied away slightly as the strangely scarred male approached her, giving him an odd look as he introduced himself. With a face like that she'd certainly never forget his name. As Triell began to add in his final changes to the plan, Spieden finally lumbered to a stand. At his glance, she obediently trailed after him, trying to keep her paw-steps light lest she alert their prey to her approach.

Spieden faltered when Triell sent the two males off, leaving just him, her, and the pale faced female. Being in a large group made her anxious, but small groups were nerve wracking in their own way, especially when it left her with just one other wolf and her leader. She knew she should trust Triell, and if asked she wouldn't say otherwise, but truthfully she was still suspicious of him. She was careful not to follow too closely in his tracks, and as they stopped near the clearing she kept her distance. Her nose was filled with the scent of deer now, and saliva pooled under her tongue.

Peeking through the last few trees that separated the wolves from their quarry, Spieden caught sight of the pointed set of antlers, and the buck they were attached to seemingly oblivious of the wolves' presence so far. Licking her greyed chops, she looked about for the rest of the wolves. Once the chasers were on the scene, they could really get started.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
@Spieden @Ruiko @Sceral @Serach @Arcania @Hotei (want to get this moving/finished so hoping to get to next round by 31st/end it.)
I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

The river drowned out his thumping heart, but it did not mute the weary snort that the buck suddenly let out, alarming the others. So much for the element of surprise. This wouldn't prevent Triell from breaking cover, bounding toward the small herd, with a violent snap of his teeth. A rough bark shooting from his throat to set fear and panic in their prey. The leader hoped the chasers were not far, and would realize there was a change of plans. His new idea was to forcefully herd the deer to the river, hoping to turn this into less of a chase. With Hotei, and Ruiko on the other side they could help prevent an escape route. The Tainn hoped the hunters of the Bend were ready to think on their feet, and make this successful. They would desperately need this kill now, and for the future's sake.

Triell Tainn
(This post was last modified: Oct 22, 2014, 12:56 AM by Triell.)
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
No posting order! Let's get it done. :)

He had gotten a head start, but he could hear Sceral and Drestig behind him. The sounds of their paws hitting the forest floor sent a spike of adrenaline through his bloodstream. Serach loved the fresh smell of blood and a full belly as much as any other wolf, but it was the thrill of the hunt that he loved the most. Weaving around trees, he barely faltered when he heard Triell bark and the responding flurry of panic that set in among the deer. The sound of hard hooves hitting the grass joined the sounds of fearful bleating, only serving to spur Serach on faster. With no need to be quiet, he growled as he leaped towards the clearing, barely noticing as a branch snagged on his fur.

Sparing just a moment, he found Triell, preventing any exit by the deer in that direction. Not far beyond was the river. He could hear the others behind and around him, and tossing himself into the fray, he lunged towards the stag. Fear had gotten the better of the deer, and sure enough, they had headed towards the water. Although not particularly deep, once in the water, the deer would have no chance of outrunning the pack.

Played by Mimi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sceral Donata
He grinned at his brother and it didn't take long for the group's chase to begin. With a challenge from his brother of a race and a bet with Drestig that they'd outrun the lot of them, Sceral was rearing to go. You're on! Without so much as skipping a beat, the Donata boy was tearing through the forest, steadily catching up to Serach with each leap and bound. His chest heaved and adrenaline coursed through his veins; just like his twin, this adolescent loved the thrill of a good chase. He'd spent his childhood chasing mice and hares, shoving his nose into the dirt and snuffling about. This was similar only much bigger and much more exciting.

The group flew towards the deer and they spared no time in directing their soon-to-be prey towards the river. Sceral dove in head first, eager to show just how good he had gotten at this. He didn't quite want anyone to know, but he spent most of his evenings attempting to herd smaller creatures into easier kill zones in the foothills of the dusty red cliffs.

Jaws snapping and growls rolling out in waves, the aspiring hunter did his best amidst the chaos of the hunt, instinct working side-by-side with logic and reason. Don't get in the way of their hooves. Don't get too cocky. Focus on the target. As the deer panicked, they began to turn and alter their course--straight for the river. With a grin, Sceral let out a whoop. They were almost there and, soon, everyone would be able to fill their bellies with warm, fresh, bloody meat.
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho

Too soon did the rumbling of hooves fill Spieden's ears, Triell, Ruiko, and Hotei zipping off to follow the herd and Spieden lurching to keep up with them. It was only when the herd had been turned and chased into the river, slowing them down, was Spieden finally able to catch up. Despite all her earlier trepidation, Spieden's tail was wagging with excitement though she kept her eyes steady on their buck.

Slowed down enough by the water, the buck spun around in the shallows to face the charging wolves and stand his ground. Spieden skidded to a halt. She hesitated, thinking of what to do, before leaping into the current, wading wide around the buck and taking position at his side, her paws sunk into the river bottom to keep her steady. With antlers lowered in defense it was too dangerous for her to go for his front without risking disembowelment.

The deer seemed to notice Spieden's sidelong approach, his white-rimmed dark eyes rolling to look at her as his antlered skull came swinging this time in her direction. Well, at least she'd distracted him. Acting fast, Spieden lunged to clamp her teeth around his hind knee, tugging with all her might backwards to pull him off balance. Spieden hoped someone would take the chance to strike on the wobbly and distracted deer, because otherwise she'd be getting a face full of horns for nothing.

(This post was last modified: Oct 26, 2014, 07:59 AM by Spieden.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Running with the boys, Drestig felt the thrill of the hunt start to grip him, the smell of fear filling the air as the deer caught sight of their chasers and panic struck. Keeping his eyes focused on their crowned target, the black man stretched his legs further, pushing forwards, heaving for breath. Soon, the rest of the pack was with them - their prey had reacted too fast and the ambush strategy had failed - but Drestig did not fret, with so many skilled wolves in the party, they were bound to succeed.

And sure enough, Triell had a plan, and the rest of the pack followed his lead, driving the stag into the river. The water slowed him, and soon they had him surrounded. Drestig slowed down to take in the scene, taking his place in the ring around their opponent; Easy now... One wrong move and you'll get killed. He reminded himself. Just then, the yearlings flew past her, throwing themselves into the fight with fierce enthusiasm. For a heartbeat, Drestig feared for them, but their movements were careful and coordinated, they had become skilled hunters. With a grin, the dark boy readied himself to join the battle.

He noticed the grey female flanking the beast, attempting to sneak in an attack while the stag focused on the rest of the pack. It was a formidable foe they faced though, and he didn't let her get past, turning his head instead to attack her. She dodged the antlers and quickly threw herself at the deer's thigh; She's brave..! Verging on reckless, she was running a big risk of getting struck by the beasts mighty crown; Not if I can help it! With a snarl, the ebony wolf threw himself forwards, dodging to the side of their prey's, still turned, head to latch on to his lower shoulder, perfectly opposite Spieden; Let's take this beast down!

Word count: 318

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”

Played by Tay who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Zera Tainn

zera tainn

The difference between Zera and other pups of her age, was that she knew her own weaknesses and carried them around as insecurities. She wanted so badly to be out in front, taking down the oldest, mightiest buck with her own razor lined jaws - but the catch was that she also didn't. She knew she was small, she knew the pack had experience on their side and she was definitely mature enough to let them go before her. This was about development, strategy. Zera new the food would become scarce, it was the pack's essential topic. Autumn approached with the baleful intentions riding high in her family's thoughts. There was this heightened sense of unspoken anxiety as her father surveyed the herd.

When Triell took off, her heart exploded into a bound of ruthless energy. Her slender legs devoured the ground with her first few strides of breakaway, until she was consuming the hunt like she was bred to do. Her mind automatically shifted as she reached the midpoint from her prey and where she began. Zera remembered suddenly her mother's words and fell back, joining the wolves that were responsible for her, all the while watching the husky black body of her father smear into the action. Her fluorescent eyes immediately absorbed the clue. The herd responded with the frantic twist of flight. The adults ahead began to spread and she floored herself, not concerned one bit about her age or her capabilities. She knew what they were doing. This was natural. Zera watched for one more wind whipping blink before she cemented the strategy and made her attempt at corralling the deer, finding herself in the niche.

She wouldn't let her passion clutter precision.