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Searching for Life — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Tyn / / who has 46 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aestyn Lunx
The roaring rumble of her pulsating vocal sachet was effectual just as she knew it would be. Her time capsules widened as the scamper and scuttles of the furry blobs raced in ever which direction. The utter chaos of it all thrilled Aestyn to the core. A haughty chuckle slipped past her tongue as her hind quarters revved up the vigor she need to spring. The tension between her muscles was relieved as her pounce was released. The chirps and whistles from the fleeing rabbits made her all the more eager and animated. One of the fur splotches must have been disoriented from the chaos as it raced right into the front of her right fore leg. Easily with one swift movement from her skull and her left padders razors the defenseless rabbit was a goner. The sound of crushing bone was heard with a loud crunch as her unsheathed fangs clenched deeply into the squirming critter. It had no chance of luck as her pointers dug effortlessly into the flesh. Aestyn’s hinged jaw locked as it twisted making sure the deed was complete.

The remainders of the feast were long gone into the shielding thicket in the nearby surrounding. In the heat of the moment she hadn’t noticed if Jester had also caught himself a prize. Peering through the overrun hedges but, with no luck of his appearance she strung her bloody kill in between her fangs as she found her footing amongst the dense foliage. Circling around the edges of the dense bush arrangement she saw him. He had indeed made a kill of his own. Reluctantly, she attempted to smirk at him with a mouthful of blood manged fur. She was probably indeed a sight. Her once smooth earth colored snout was now caked in life flow but, her stomach quickly reminded her why her appearance had changed. The thumping beat in her heart slowed and calmed as her chest cavity expanded and caved back in trying to catch her breath.
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
Jester quickly lost sight of the fleeing rabbits just as he knew he would. They were faster than him by far and trying to run one down would be pointless. Returning to the rabbit he had killed in the first few vital seconds of the hunt he saw Aestyn. Her muzzle was red from the fresh kill that hung from her mouth while her eyes gleamed from the excitement of the hunt. He knew his own fur had blood of its own own on it. The scent of it hung in the air and made the saliva in his mouth pool. His stomach rumbled and he laughed. Now there were two grizzlies to worry about but soon their presence would fade. His tongue slid over his muzzle cleaning some of the blood off but he knew that as soon as he started to eat it would be covered again.

Her attempt at a smirk didn't go unnoticed and he gave a sly smile while he asked innocently "See any bears around?" knowing that any response would be difficult to hear with her mouth full of her meal. Sinking his fangs into his own prey he looked around. He wasn't sure if she wanted to eat here but he knew that the commotion would likely attract the attention of any predators in the area that wanted to see if they could get a free meal by scaring them off. So he would take his own prey a ways away just in case.

Tipping his head a little to north side of the location of the bush the rabbits had come out he indicated were he was going before padding off a ways to enjoy his meal.
-With eyes as orange as pumpkin on halloween night-
-I bring to you laughter and light-
Played by Tyn / / who has 46 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aestyn Lunx
As her excited breath pace returned to it's own calm but unique pattern. she had the urge to lick her blood stained chops but, she knew that would do no good with the hair party going on in her mouth. His attention was drawn back to her as he acknowledged her smirk with his own sly attempt to smile. The comic relief of his voice rang out into the blood scented air as he proceeded to ask about the bears. She began to answer but, than realized her words sounded like a mumbled slobber fest. And she was pretty sure he wasn't exactly fluent in that language. chuckling very lightly she unhinged her clenched slobbery jaw as her meal fell to the snow dusted forest floor. she raised her chiseled apex as she opened her nostrils widely with sarcastic vibes her words flew as she peered back around to his pumpkin hued orbs. "Well, unless you're talking about the one growling inside me I think we are safe." she felt a cracking sarcastic smile plaster across her blood drenched mug as her dome peered back at her hungry sides. There was no sense in trying to be prim and proper now. She watched him as he scanned the area for any unwelcome dinner guests before he padded off with his meal fully intact in his mouth.

Wondering if she should follow she watched until he went out of sight around the bush hedges to the north of them. Before she decided to canter off after him, she couldn't forget the lifeless blob she had caught.Her jaws fixated around the back leg of the furry meal. Swinging the rabbit in one swift movement before she pattered off after Jester. She stayed behind him at a comfortable distance before she stopped too hungry to continue. The lifeless rabbit dropped to the earth as she had intended it to with a stiff thud. Without further hesitation or distractions she dove right in ripping and tearing at the sustaining flesh. Blood coating her snout as she dug around into the savory fresh carcass. Soon there was almost nothing left but bits of fur and marrow. Content with the small meal that now filled her satisfied stomach she let the bathing commence. Lapping motions from her pink and red splotched tongue licked where it could reach as she eagerly caressed herself with the sponge platform of her tongue. Knowing she still had traces of the crimson life flow on the cap of her snout she decided to make a bold move, her words snapped quickly hoping to grab Jester's attention "Would you mind?" she motioned to him as her pools crossed trying to see the blood trail on her snout.
(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2014, 07:49 PM by Aestyn.)
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
Hearing her remark he gave a snort of laughter as he walked. She could be as amusing as she could be sharp. Good thing he was avoiding the thorns.

Jester could hear her following him after a brief hesitancy. When he was a little ways a way from were she had stopped and had dropped her rabbit he lay down and began to tear into his meal. Blood smeared on his muzzle with little bits of fur as he ate the tender flesh. Rabbit was a common meal for him and he liked it's taste which was good because he ate it a lot. With a glance up he saw that his companion was almost done and wolfed down the rest of his meal, careful not to swallow the small bones that might become lodged in his throat and try to choke. He knew from past meals that it was not a pleasant experience.

Filled with his meal he opened his maw to let out a yawn, stretching his for-paws before him he stretched before settling down again to lap the blood from his paws and mouth. No good to look smell like prey and the more he could get off the better because he really did not want to have to take a dip into a river at this time of year.

His head snapped up at Aestyn's sharply spoken words. "Only if you return the favor." He told her voice bubbling with amusement as she crossed her eyes to view the blood that was just out of reach on her muzzle. As he reached her he dipped his head to lick her muzzle with his long pink tongue.
-With eyes as orange as pumpkin on halloween night-
-I bring to you laughter and light-
Played by Tyn / / who has 46 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aestyn Lunx
a saturating simper brushed across her blood died maw. his floating snort of a laugh was again contagious. she mimicked but, without the snort. "Snorting is for the hogs." she cracked as she continued to stay fully cross eye concentrated on her snout. It was a sight that you wouldn't want to miss and one that you surely wouldn't forget. a whistling whine stalked her phonetic chords until she relieved the building pressure in her lungs. Jester who had previously been laying down tearing into his furry meal or what was left of it; meandered his way over in her direction. aqua time capsules still being crossed watched as two blurry fogged out Jesters came her way. trying to shake off the fogginess that was now beginning to give her a dull headache she shuddered and convulsed her zenith from side to side rapidly closing her eyes as she proceeded with her shaking. upon stopping her eyes fluttered open and straightened out perfectly back to normal habit.

his appearance of closeness caught her off guard but only momentarily. her crossed eyes had made him appear further away so his fast approach startled her. slightly spooked her hind knees buckled as she toppled to her haunches now in a reclined state of posture. Jester quickly began to caress her daubed features as she had requisitioned of him. his tongue sent a twinge of refreshment through her veins. how long had it been since she allowed anyone to care for her? As he continued softly and sweetly she smiled to herself hoping that he couldn't see. she thought again to herself "Much too long." a couple of seconds passed that felt like it could have easily been several minutes long she spoke softly with a spark of satisfaction "Of course."
she was still in her lounged position as she had to tilt her skull back slightly to see his fullness. unbuckling her back limbs she assembled the force to push herself back up. upon doing this taking her sinistral paw to press down on the cap of his head brushing against his ears; bringing his cranium into a comfortable position for her to reach him. lowering her paw back down to the level ground she let her pink silky tongue slip between her spikes of ivory as it made contact with his charcoal snout. lapping the remains of what he couldn't contact with his tongue.
(This post was last modified: Nov 08, 2014, 02:38 PM by Aestyn.)
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
Licking until he could no longer taste any blood against her muzzle he lowered his head as she wished. The paw she had raised brushing against and tickling his ears making them twitch. He had never realized that his ears were ticklish before this. You learn something ever day about yourself."Oink." He muttered as he closed his eyes as she proceeded to clean him of blood. Her light tongue on him was relaxing and made him want to go take a nap after having eaten. He didn't even realize it but he let out a sigh of contentment.

In the company of someone he could call friend even though Aestyn's initial reaction had been thorny , a full belly, and a place were they could sleep while the snow came down. What could he ask for that would make the present any better? Maybe he could wish for the wind to die down some as it seemed to be picking up yet again.

As she finished cleaning his muzzle he leaned forward a little and licked her cheek. "Thanks." He said voice light but inside he was slightly nervous as to how she would take that. Before anything else could happen though he sneezed head jerking down. "Crap." He muttered under his breath as he rubbed his tickling nose on his inner foreleg. Maybe he had a piece of rabbit fur in his nose and when he sneezed again the tickling stopped. "I think I had rabbit fur in my nose." He said as way of explanation as he raised his head once more.
Played by Tyn / / who has 46 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aestyn Lunx

the iron fleshy taste soon vanished from his trim. his obsidian harkens twitched no doubt being amused with her brushing against them. his satisfied sigh of contentment was audible and she smiled with her eyes. lowing herself gently down back onto her posterior she shifted her head to be cocked sideways relaying her curiosity he had just oinked at her. " You're the hog and I'm the grizzly?" her lyrics ran through her mouth as if it was water from a babbling brook smoothly and bubbling. as her words audible sound died off Jester came enclosed the space between them again as he released his tongue volunteering on his own to caress her cheek bone. his gratitude was expressed, he obviously was getting very comfortable with her company. Taken back a little, she ignored his gesture as she spit out a quiet chuckle barely audible before spoke up "Sure thing." she lifted her just seated haunches.

the wind appeared to start up again. they had better head back towards the wind shielding boulder before too long. she didn't want to risk someone else invading the spot even though she knew their scent was strong as she was sure the breeze had carried away most of it.
his sneeze brought her back from her trial wondering mind trying to remember how she came through the obstacle course. glancing back at the jokester who was mumbling under his breath. being quite the jokester these days herself she barked back " You better stop talking to yourself, I might think you're crazy." she than sobered up her joke as she made attempts to brush up against his bulky side. her now clean snout pressed firmly up and down his sides as her eyes fluttered shut. backing up after a few seconds she turned her torso back in the direction of the obstacle course. it wouldn't hurt to trample through the course now. walking up to the rim of a fallen timber she held her stance with her front fore limbs above the rest as they rested on the snow drift smothered log.
(This post was last modified: Nov 08, 2014, 03:40 PM by Aestyn.)
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
Jester grinned his amusement evident. "Try not to eat me. I probably taste really bad." The brief press of her against his side was a welcome warmth ,short though it was. He followed her as she walked paws sinking into the ever growing snow. He laughed lightly "You should have figured out by now I am crazy. The good kind though." He said the last part as if he was actually thinking about what type of crazy he might be with one ear to the side and the other one pricked forward.

He watched as she lifted her paws onto the tree that she had hoped over before their little hunt. Padding up he rested his chin on the snow covered tree. His height made it easy to do this and he didn't think that he would need the extra height from what she was doing. "What are we looking at?" He asked though it sounded more mumbled with some of the snow that was in front of his face. He didn't see anything that she could be watching that is until he saw the flicker of orange red fur.

His head jerked up as he stared at the orange furry tail. "You have got to be kidding me." He said in a low growl voice. Eyes narrowing he peered at the splash of color hoping that it would disappear but knowing that it likely wasn't just a figment of his imagination. Sighing in irritation when the tail didn't disappear he head dropped back onto the tree.
Played by Tyn / / who has 46 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aestyn Lunx

the gusts and gasps of wind whirled past her ebbing and flowing trying to break her awkward stance almost like a thief trying to capture what she needed most in life. pausing briefly, ever so slightly she let the wind carry her skull drifting it upwards as she watched closely at the tall limbering trees trembled as the wind weaved in and out causing small bits of the rickety naked pieces of limbs to come crackling down like a game of some sort. the noise echoed ringing in her ears. the weather was bitter and only getting more invigorated. every so often a high pitched whistle would score throughout the heights of the forest skyscrapers. her silvern blessed indicators swiveled and than dropped low.

Jester's movement made rustling noises behind her approaching the log he laid his charcoal chin down on the snow puffed log. she looked down at him cautiously, the weather was making her on edge. maybe he hadn't noticed why exactly she was on edge about as he asked what she was looking at. she spoke in a hushed tone "The forest sounds as if it is crying." in response his head jerked looking onward into the dense obstacle course. curiosity got the better of her as she followed his glare into the near vicinity. darkened blue velvety orbs tried to trace his sight pattern looking for what had now put him in a state of aggravation as he growled lowly. finally, her dark pools caught on as another strong gale of icy breeze hit her like a wall making her almost lose her balance.

stammering trying to find her footwork she looked for the flint of bright orange that had caught their attention. "We've got company...." she whispered to him. A brave seemingly lone fox had made the obstacle course it's stage. a low rumble gripped her throat as a mimicking growl replaced her whisper. lowering her front appendages back down to the stable soil she spoke again " It must have smelled our meals." she had had experiences with foxes in the past; amusing ones at that. they were coy little things that were easily scared off but they were pesky as all get out. waiting to see what Jester had in mind for the visitor she looked intently back to the fluffed orange tail that flicked in the wind.
(This post was last modified: Nov 08, 2014, 05:28 PM by Aestyn.)
Played by Hex who has 37 posts.
Jester Windscape
Jester sighed as the was pulled out of sight and a head replaced it. The fox growled at him and Aestyn. Growling back Jester bared sharp fangs as his hackles went up. "Meet my annoying follower." He rumbled as the fox's head was pulled back behind the tree again. Glancing at Aetyn who was now back on all fours he said voice deadpan "He seems to think that it's fun to taunt me." First with the river and now here. Where else would he go if it meant that he could torment the large dark canine? Jester wasn't sure if he wanted to find out or to really see how determined the small orange creature was to keep up with him.

Back leg muscles bunched as he crouched and then sprang over the fallen tree to land softly on the other side. Head straight out in front of him he moved towards where he knew the little creature was. Snapping noises made his ears prick forward while his paws stilled. Laughing lightly he looked over his shoulder to his companion. "Sounds like he got one of the rabbits we missed." Maybe they could snag what was left over and bury it for later.

Going forward once more he peeked around the tree before jumping back as the little creature snarled while springing towards his face. Jerking back out of rang he almost sat with the movement while the fox whirled around and with a mouth full of fur raced towards the fallen tree and Aestyn.