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Party Over Here — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
It had started out as a simple border patrol for Florence but then he figured he head back to the creek he had meet Fly at, because he had seen a few herbs that grew there that would come in handy for the pack. He thought nothing of the ruckus he could smell as he drew closer to the creek. Yet the faint scent of two of his pack members at the creek-Fly and another he had yet to meet-caught his attention and piqued his curiosity, making him wonder why they were here and where they were exactly. He had wanted to speak with Fly again and thank her for bringing them to her, well their pack now and offering them a safe home, even if it had been Tokino who had allowed them to stay. And he did want to meet the rest of the pack.

Now Florence was not one for sneaking up on other wolves but when he spotted the multi-toned fur coat of a wolf skittering around on the edges of the group that had gathered around a food source, he couldn't help but frown at her as he came to the sight of a dead bison being feasted upon. This seemed liked a rag tag kind of meeting, with at least two different pack scents mingling and the sight of two loners clinging to the outskirts. He picked out where Fly was fairly quickly, near the bottom of the nearby hill and the pup next to the white woman must be one of the pups.

Florence wanted to go over to Fly, to see if she wanted any help. The woman next to the pup-was he Kova? It must be-he didn't really like the look of. But the other woman trying to hide in the bushes was worrying as well and considering Fly was already heading towards the pup and suspicious woman, Florence figured he'd check the hiding woman out first. Who knew what she was up to?

"Excuse me but are you alright?" He called out to the woman, as he drew closer to the tree she was hiding behind with a neutral look on his face.
(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2014, 12:16 AM by Florence.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Woah! The number of wolves converging upon the site surprised the black Thorben as he glanced around at the landscape. His nose was recovering from the sharp iron stench of bison heart and he was no able to pick out multiple wolf smells upon the breeze. His skills in seeking out medicinal herbs certainly helped the silver misted black wolf in this situation where many wolves were appearing. He could pick through all of the information wafting to his nose and figure out just who was visiting them. However one scent made his fur bristle.

A very familiar smell buffeted him in the face as the breeze picked up then slowed once more. It smelled almost exactly like Tokino, and the pack scent of Black Thorn Downs was rather fresh too.

"Why are there Downs wolves here? They are pretty far away from blackberry fields.." Titan mumbled as he backed away from the bison and licked his chops clean. The large Thorben had eaten his fill and with the number of wolves appearing out of no place he found himself growing a tad bit nervous.

But first, to investigate the Thorn wolves that pricked Titan's side. He wanted to know who exactly decided to show themselves here.

He had to act cool though, as if he was finished eating and didn't care for the other wolves waiting their turn. He had to act like their presence didn't bother him. So Titan let out a loud sigh and tossed his head to his pack mates. "I'll be resting over yonder." The teen yipped before turning and padding casually towards the smell of Tokino.

Spotting the white pelt on top of the hill caught Titan by surprise. He noted the lone females scent and wondered why she hadn't approached the carcass sooner since she was rather skinny. Casting the woman a charming smile and a flick of his ears in greeting, Titan then slid his blue orbs over to view the silver wolf standing at her side. His paws stop as Titan takes in the sight of the gangly youngster.

That boy definitely wasn't Tokino. Unfortunately Titan had already walked right up to the pair of wolves. It would look awkward if he didn't say something, but it would also be strange to simply say hi and walk away.

Unsure of what to do and a little overwhelmed at the information being thrown at him, Titan abruptly turns around and walks coolly away as if he hadn't meant to stop right in front of the pup and woman. He hoped that they wouldn't call out to him because the meeting was already odd enough already.

OOC: (feel free to stop him and chat a little)

[Image: tumblr_mb4f9do3Ws1rziwwco1_400.gif]
(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2014, 12:48 AM by Titan.)
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

A chuckle fell from her ebony lips at the impatience Cai showed as he eyes the feast before them, clearly wanting to dive in himself. With a soft nudge to his shoulder with her muzzle she watched as he bounded around to join Titan, though a little further down to obviously go for second best part of a kill. The liver. Even though she had alerted her younger pack mate of their arrival he had yet to bring his head up for air and this caused another chuckle to escape her lips once he did, flinging a chunk of meat that clung to his brow before addressing the fellow Ridge wolves. "We had some free time so I figured I'd show Mordacai some more spots around the area. The Creek happened to be on our agenda today and now im glad we came. This thing is massive whatever it is!" She proclaimed with a wide eyed gander at the fallen bison. A beast this big would fill their caches for months. Then a grumble echoed within her stomach, a natural sign that she was hungry from the two day travel it took to reach the creek and this mound of meat did look tasty. "I hope you don't mind if we join ya."

Taking a few steps forward the piebald woman situated herself along the spine of the bison, opting for the fattier meat stored along it and the room present since her male counterparts had opted for the belly side of the beast. But little did she or the others know that their little party was being watched from above by decent gathering of wolves. Lucky for the onlookers though they stood downwind from the carcass and it helped to mask their individual scents with that of the decayed mammal. Doing her own digging into the carcass, Enoki couldn't help but let her hunger overcome her as a habitual growl escaped her maw while she gnawed on the tender flesh. Surprisingly the meat was still pretty fresh which added to the divinity of its flavor. She was definitely in heaven and in fact she was so much that she hardly heard the silver lad speak about his wandering to go rest, a flick of her ear the only indication that she had indeed heard him.

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2014, 01:03 AM by Enoki.)
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats

Firefly had been approaching Kova and the suspicious woman when she noticed Titan heading in the same direction. Why was he heading over to Kova? She was about to call out to her silver prince, but then she noticed Titan come to an abrupt halt and spin around to head in the other direction. What the hell was that about? What could little Kova ever have done to him? Growing impatient with the whole situation Firefly stormed over to Kova and sat down close to him in a protective manner.

"Who is your new friend?" Fly asked warily, pursing her lips in obvious displeasure.

She was all for Kova meeting new wolves, but this one in particular did not sit well with her. Sure, she might be being a little over-protective, but she did not like the idea of her prince out here with a bunch of wolves from other packs. And more were coming. Fly subtly scented the air again and noticed that yet another loner had arrived though she clearly had not come out into the open as of yet. What did make Fly happy was the familiar scent of Florence now cloaked in an even more familiar scent of the Downs. At least she had some back up, now. Her brown eyes scanned the scene looking for her friend.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
The ravens were swirling overhead once again. And once again Iopah was following them. The last time she'd done this along the same creek bank the raven had simply vanished. But there were so many now, nearly a dozen scavenger-birds all circling over a set point.

Iopah was moving quickly, bounding through dried leaves and scrambling over the random fallen tree. Overhead the ravens cried out harshly and the she wolf made no effort to quiet her movements. There was no need to be quiet. Whatever those birds had found was already dead, it wouldn't jump up and run from a noisy wolf. What she needed to do was be first on seen. She was fast, but she wasn't large enough to shoulder into a crowded carcass.

Finally she came onto the scene, glancing up at the screaming ravens. She wasn't first, as she had hoped to be. In the bushy outskirts there were already wolves. A mix of dark browns, earthy hues and pale creams all waited and Iopah pressed into the bushes to join the lurking wolves. Her nose twitched at a familiar, unappreciated scent and she turned to scrutinize the Thorn wolves. The youngster was noticed with little sympathy, she'd made his father a promise. He wasn't her problem.

By the carcass itself a trio of dark wolves feasted and Iopah watched them enviously, a faint whine on her lips. A dark yearly pulled out of the dead animal, and she rose to her feet hopefully. She knew him, maybe not as a friend, but certainly an ally. Titan pulled out to speak to the other two and when Iopah caught a flash of amber eyes she chanced a step forward. She knew her too, though under a tenuous circumstances. Titan said something again and Iopah watched as he stepped away, seemingly to inspect the Thorn wolves. He had left the kill and Iopah looked desperately back at the meal. Did she have a chance of eating alongside Enoki? Only one way to find out.

Iopah stepped free from the bushes and warily padded closer, letting her tail sway freely. She had no hard feelings towards this woman, but didn't know if the sentiment was returned? How would the Ashrelle feel about sharing a meal with a Barberi? Softly she whined, announcing her presence and amiability to Enoki and Mordacai.
Played by Missy who has 50 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Mordacai Ashrelle

Cai had been frantically digging through the carcass trying to get to the liver. Once he found it he sank his teeth in and pulled until the whole thing came out of the carcass. Now he could eat without being tucked away. Happily munching on his plentiful meal, the dark male silently watched as his sister joined. She sat opposite him and began her work at the spine of the massive beast. Soon after she began eating, Titan rose, finished with his meal and mumbled something about Down wolves before leaving to go inspect whatever circumstance had distracted him. Cai wandered briefly what the young Willow Ridge wolf was in such a fuss about and considered going to follow him, but he was more concerned with finishing off the delicious liver he had found for himself.

To his surprise another wolf soon approached to take Titan's place. She was light colored and slightly smaller than he was, and she had very attractive gold eyes. She didn't smell familiar but the way her eyes were trained on Enoki made Cai think that they knew each other. The cream colored wolf let out a small whine and Cai watched to see how Kiki would react as he continued to stuff himself with the delicious meat. He was certainly worn out from meeting new people but he was also worn out from conflicts that had been arising between him and some of his pack mates. This woman was alone and didn't seem like she wanted a fight so Cai didnt see any reason why they couldn't share. I mean, it wasn't like they could carry all of this back to Willow Ridge though he did hope they could bring some of it back. Whatever this beast was it was delicious and Cai hoped there were more of them.

[Image: 0e902ec3-b01e-40bd-8a59-555651ce82b7.png][Image: winteriscoming-wr.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

It took every ounce of self control Hexamora possessed had not to break character and allow a smirk to grace her lips at the sight of the kid thinking. It pleased her to see that the little hamster upstairs was getting his exercise on the wheel and knew he was thinking up some way to avenge the 'damsel in distress' of her stolen goods even if they weren't truly stolen. And then the fun she was having with the young pup fell flat at his statement that ushered from his mouth. "Maybe we could just talk to them. Tell them that it's yours. I think they'll understand." There went that plan...maybe. Growing comfortable with the woman he then continued on, offering his name after asking for hers. Should she use a false name in case things went sour? It would be good to cover her tracks if this Kova kid blew her plans wide open and ratted her out to the nearest source of authority. Even she knew that a pup like him was bound to have a parental unit or at least a fellow pack mate near by. A pup was never left unattended.

Then the very thought became a reality as a new wolf approached the scene, her pelt consisting of varying red and browns Hex noted before the strange she-wolf rolled back on her haunches in a protective manor next to Kova. She had yet to introduce herself, but now this new femme was asking who she was. Yep, a fake alias was the answer. "I was just about to give Kova here my name. How lucky you have come just in time to catch it too." A fake, but believable smile graced her lips as her odd colored eyes darted from the female back down to her partner in crime, taking on her silky tone once more. "My name is Primrose." With her 'name' in the open now she then returned her gaze to the only unknown wolf remaining, the female. "And who may you be?" As the question left her mouth a motion out of the corner of her eye caught her attention and her head took a quick sweep to see what it was. The swarthy male that was first on the scene now headed in their direction stopping right in front of the trio..and then just like that he turned and walked away as if he never meant to stand there so awkwardly. 'Oddball' She mentally thought before returning her attention to the she-wolf who was yet to drop her name. Hexamora didn't like being made to wait.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

Kova looked around as Firefly approached. He knew somebody would find him, and with her by his side he felt much more comfortable around all these other wolves. Now if he could just get in there at the carcass. Glancing towards the white she wolf as she finally introduced herself, Kova could help but let his tail wag happily. Then he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. One of the black wolves started for them, his deep blue eyes stared right at Kova. The young Lagina wasn't sure why the male was staring, he hadn't done anything wrong, yet...

"Hello ther-"

He started to greet the other wolf but then stopped suddenly unsure about the black Thorben's intense gaze. Staring back defiantly at the silver hued black wolf, Kova watched as he stopped before them, clearly looked him over, and then turned around and left. He was as confused as the others were at the males actions. However as Kova gazes past Titan he spots more movement. A gray she wolf had edged her way into the pair of black wolves who were left eating at the carcass. He was guessing that she wasn't with them because even from this distance he could see her submissive stance compared to the two more relaxed black wolves.

Stepping forward Kova threw a look at "Primrose" and Firefly over his shoulder then grins.

"Well we're not going to get any food by standing here. Might as well try to get some."

He said just before dashing down to the carcass. The silver pup ran right past Titan then slowed to a walk as he neared the three adults @Iopah, @Mordacai, @Enoki and the bison.

"This can't be a fat moose... It's not an elk or a deer. Something new?" The question was one he asked himself but could clearly be heard by the other adults surrounding the carcass.

After looking over the bison closely, Kova smells the iron filled scent of something really nice. The liver and heart of an animal was something that usually the higher ranked wolves, or those who got there first, would get to eat. However if a pack has pups with them it is always the pups who ate first, and they usually ate the best bits. Kova knew this, but the problem was that this wasn't his pack and he wasn't sure if these wolves would let him eat with them; let alone let him have what was left of the heart or liver.

Sniffing around the adults cautiously, Kova boldly gets closer. He lowers himself till he's practically crawling on the ground then slowly inches closer to Mordacai. A tiny whine slips through his throat as Kova pleads with the great male to give him Cai's nice piece of liver.

"Please sir..."

Kova attempts to pull off his sisters renowned puppy dog look. Though he looks towards the piece of meat and not directly at Mordacai. It was taboo to stare at another wolf directly, every educated wolf knew that.

Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats

Fly had a horripillation as her young prince quickly chirped something about getting food and darted away, leaving Fly alone with the suspicious woman who had asked for her name. This whole situation had her on edge and she was growing more and more frustrated! She looked to the women with the different colored eyes and curtly said, "My name is Firefly and that is my prince so excuse me while I go and attend to him." With that Fly turned her back on the woman and headed down the knoll and toward the carcass.

Kova had already pranced up to the three unknown wolves and wondered aloud what the animal was. Fly remembered when he had asked the same question about a moose. With a sigh she answered the pup's question, "This is a bison Kova. They are all much bigger than moose or elk and have much more meat." She watched as her little prince inspected the animal and knew all hope of leaving this place was lost. When Kova asked one of the wolves for food Fly had to stifle a giggle. She wasn't sure how these wolves would respond, but with Florence nearby she was sure that she could keep Kova out of trouble. They would all be more preoccupied with the food anyway. However, Fly couldn't help but fix the solid black wolf that Kova had asked for food with a pointed stare. The male seemed to be reluctant to share his food with the pup and this irked the prince's russet protector. She didn't want to start a fight so she held back her growl, but she kept her brown eyes trained on the amber eyed male.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Lost in her own blissful world Enoki almost missed the soft whine that broke past the sound of her feeding growls as Iopah slowly made her way towards the carcass with the intent of snagging a bite for herself. Twitch of the ears gave Iopah a sign that she was heard and thus Enoki lifted her head from the hole she had managed to make in the back, peering over the round belly of the bison to settle her amber gaze on the Barberi woman. There was no hard feelings between the woman, but this was the first time they had crossed paths again since the event at her packs front door. Deciding that there was plenty to share with an allied wolf she offered the woman a friendly smile and a small wag of her tail. "Hey there, Iopah. Come to join in the feast? Dig in, there's plenty."

With the invitation granted to the light pelted woman the piebald woman returned to her gorging until an unknown voice young in age spoke whether or not his question was meant to be heard or not. Lifting her head once more from the bison she turned her gaze to settle it on the young silver pup with a look of confusion. What was a pup doing out here and with a quick sniff the scent of a pack baffled her more. What was a pack pup doing here of all things? Enoki was about to ask too if the little one didn't army crawl his way over to her brother who was content in his liver munching, a chuckle escaping her lips at the sight. "Looks like we have ourselves more guest." She informed her brother and Iopah as yet another wolf came to join the party with word of what they were eating, this femme holding the same scent on her pelt as the pup meaning that they belonged to the same pack. At least the poor guy wasn't entirely alone and now she knew what was good eats. Bison.

But this new russet wolf's actions made the Ashrelle woman feel uneasy. She did not like the way she pinned her gaze on her brother, clearly protective of the single pup. A low growl emitted from her chest as a warning to this female. This was not a pack feast and thus normal eating habits such as giving the youngsters the best bits would not stand, nor would messing with her kin. Nobody was going to make Mordacai give up his food if he didn't want to seeing as he had full rights to it.

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2014, 02:40 AM by Enoki.)
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