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Party Over Here — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
As he waited for a reply from the wolf in hiding, Florence allowed his eyes to wander over the group. Another wolf had wandered into the area, adding one more to the group's number since last he looked. Fly had managed tyo make it to Kova without incident and that settled him a little. Yet what brought his attention back towards his pack mates was the dark colored yearling that was heading over towards Fly, Kova and the woman, the same one that had just been eating at the carcass of the dead animal moments before. Florence narrowed his eyes at him, because it didn't look like the young male wanted a simple conversation with his pack mates as the male stared at Kova as if he was someone he knew.

He was about to go over and stand by Fly's side when the wolf veered away from them at the last minute. Yet Florence still felt somewhat apprehensive about him. Glancing towards the woman, Florence figured she was doing no harm to any one or doing anything wrong, so he left her be. Besides, the white furred woman still evoked distrust in Florence for whatever reason. Yet as he begun walking towards the trio, Kova said something just out of ear shot and darted towards the carcass. Florence kept his eye on the pup and more importantly, the three adults that were already gathered around the dead creature.

Florence changed his course slightly and headed towards the small group, unsettled that Kova was among strangers who neither of them had any idea what they would do to the pup. Though he hadn't needed to worry too much, as Fly joined him shortly, though it didn't stop him from stepping up to Fly's side and nudging her shoulder with his to let her know he was right there, as she explained what the animal was to the pup. He wasn't about to leave his friend and other packmate alone, now they were close to the food source that had gathered so many wolves together. He had once seen what had happened to different predators fighting over food and he didn't want to see it happen again.
Played by Missy who has 50 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Mordacai Ashrelle

Cai was happily finishing off the largest liver he had ever had the happy opportunity to feast upon when another interruption made its presence known. First the she wolf who seemed to know Enoki. Now a pup. The silvery grey pup had crawled up to Cai and whined. Cai continued to eat his meat preteneding to be oblivious to the pup's presence, though out of the corner of his eye he could see the small thing making puppy eyes at the meat. Cai felt his hearts strings being pulled tight. Aw mannn, the older male thought to himself. As he ventured to cast a glance towards the pup, he also caught the eye of a she wolf standing guard over him. The russet girl was fixing him with a very intent stare, brown eyes clearly conveying that she would judge him if he didnt give the pup some of the meat. And there was another, large male standing next to her. What was this? An ambush?

Cai looked to his sister, amber eyes pleading with her. Couldn't she get the pup to leave him alone! There was an entire beast in front of them! Why did the pup want his piece? Frustrated, Cai continued to tear viciously at the liver, hoping that Enoki would share some of her meat with the pup and make him go away. Cai didnt have much experience with pups and wasn't particularly fond of them. This situation was only reassuring him that his instincts to avoid the pleading little things had been correct. Cai thought it was a generous offer to share the beast, did he really need to give away the part he had chosen for himself? No way, no how!

[Image: 0e902ec3-b01e-40bd-8a59-555651ce82b7.png][Image: winteriscoming-wr.png]
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
A quick glance and a twitch of black ears. Iopah stopped and watched hopefully, her own ears slicked back in appeasement. She was waiting for a verdict. Amber eyes searched for hers and Io meet them hesitantly. She had so much in common with this woman, but it might be a double-edged sword. The connection might be a disadvantage in this meeting. She was pleased to be wrong. Her ears perked and tail lifted vertical with her spine to continue swaying.

She moved forward comfortably, stance easy and relaxed. The lurking wolves were remembered and Iopah glanced at them mid-step. It wasn't a welcoming glance, rather quiet and calculating. There were a lot of wolves that she wasn't particularly friends with around them. She risked a quick sniff into the gaping hole Titan had left, snuck a glance at Enoki and stepped around out of sight of them to start tearing chunks off.

It was going well, Iopah stuffing her belly as she began to chew off a piece to bring back home with her. Someone raced up to them and began questioning them. Iopah turned around, bloodied and annoyed, to look at the pup. It was the Thorn Down wolf and her hackles rose in response. It was edging toward the dark male and she watched in irritation. This pup was competition for the three boys she was raising in the Woodland pack. It seemed the dark male shared her sentiment. He didn't want the pup here and Iopah most certainly agreed.

Quietly, softly she edged closer, letting a soft growl announce her presence. She was furious his father had moved his pack so close to hers and here was an opportunity for Iopah to educate the little brat in how the word worked. Her tail lifted higher and she fixed a solid golden stare on Kova, stepping forward in an attempt to drive him away. Another approached and Iopah pulled back her lips at them. She had been accepted into this meal and she had every intention of helping Enoki and her unknown acquaintance defend it.
(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2014, 12:40 AM by Iopah.)
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

Kova's cautious approach proved to be useful. As he had wondered whether the wolves would be welcoming or not, and obviously they would not tolerate him begging for the good bits from their own spots. Kova shied away from Iopah's movements as she moved closer and pinned him with a stare. His own eyes instinctively rolled away from her brownish amber ones while he bravely kept his place. It wasn't until she bared her teeth at him that Kova whined once more then scooted around Mordacai's rear end and took a place near the back leg of the bison away from the man and woman. He wondered if the adults would let him eat from the haunches since they obviously weren't going to give him the good bits.

His whine disappeared as Kova's blue gaze flicked abut the adults making sure they would be okay with his new placement. He wouldn't beg for food anymore that was for sure, but he wasn't going to leave the carcass either. Not with the plentiful food around, and his belly begging to be fed. Kova tries to edge forward toward the haunch without causing eye contact with any of the adults. The young wolf learned quickly, but even so, his stubbornness might still get the Lagina pup into trouble. Especially if he got hurt and his parents found out about this incident later. Then he would definitely be in serious trouble. Maybe his mother would even ground him.


Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats

Fly pulled her lips back in a subtle snarl as the darker she wolf growled at her. She was happy to have Florence's large form next to her and Kova. However, even with the male's presence the russet huntress became very alarmed as the lighter she wolf approached Kova bearing fangs. Fly snapped a vicious warning bark at the woman as she too took a step towards Kova. It was clear that the dark male didnt plan on sharing his meat, so Fly was relieved to see Kova wander off to an unclaimed area of the bison. Firefly followed her prince and nudged Florence with her shoulder to make sure he would follow. She needed him to stay close to her and Kova with the tensions around the bison becoming worse. Fly didn't partake in the meal and instead planted herself resolutely next to Kova's gangly form. He could enjoy the novel taste of bison while she looked after him. She already knew what it tasted like and wasn't as excited as the others.

Fly kept her tree bark gaze planted on the three strangers. How dare that man not share with Kova! And worse, how dare that other she wolf growl at him! He was a pup and meant no harm! Fly wished that there were more Down wolves here. Then she could show these strangers the peril of threatening a Black Thorn Down's prince. As it was she had to keep in mind that spurring on these strangers would only endanger Kova more. With that thought, she tried to relax and focus more on Kova than on the nasty strangers.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titans body was tense now. His senses were on high alert because of the sheer number of wolves who were edging closer to the carcass. After he had moved away from "Primrose", yes he had managed to hear her name from his short distance away; Titan simply sat down watching the edgy wolves wander about. Those who were too cautious or wary stayed away from the willow wolves while they hogged the huge mound of meat. However there were a few who had begun to creep out form the edges of the knoll and clearing that began to find their own places to eat amongst Titan's pack mates.

Iopah, a she wolf from Secret Woodlands pack that he recognized, was the first to take a spot at the bison carcass. Then another wolf, the silver pup who looked and smelled a helluva lot like great uncle Tokino, darted past him causing Titan's fur to bristle. His blue orbs watched the child slow as he approached the bison. Then he growled low as Firefly also passed right by him. Though the male recognized her just after her scent hit him. He cut the growls short and watched as Firefly approached the pup and watched the others. Is she his sitter or something? Why would she let him just go right up to a stranger like that? Titan wondered while he watched the younger male sidle up next to Mordacai. Titan padded closer to the bison and the others, but he kept away from those eating now. Instead he got close enough to be a part of a conversation should one spring up. Then he sat behind Enoki and watched the scene unfold.

Iopah immediately made it known that Kova was not welcome as the child began to beg for food. Then she moved to block the pup from having access to the carcass altogether which was rather hard to do because of how big the bison was. He eyed the silver lad as he scooted around Mordacai and slunk to the rear end of the bison. He looked at the kid with mild curiosity.

"Hey kid... What's your name?" The question was spoken a little harshly, but at least Titan had enough heart not to growl at him. No he was nice and full, so he didn't have any problems with the child trying to get a piece of the action.

Played by Silvia who has 94 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Florence Flint Fortibus
Tension quickly rose as Kova begged for some of the food and Florence curled his lip up over his teeth the moment a sign of hostility was directed at him. Normally a docile man, he was ready to jump between her and Kova if need be to protect the pup. Though the two before them had begun eating before them, Kova was still a pup and thus still learning. He was still learning how things worked. Of course, he didn't miss the growl that was aimed at him and he sent her a glare back. Unless his packmates left, he was staying right there. Fly seemed to share his idea, the fae snapping her jaws warningly at the woman as she stepped closer to Kova.

However, he was glad when Kova scampered off to another part of the animal and crouched next to it, the young boy shuffling towards it as he tried not to look at the others. Fly settled next to him, Florence deciding to follow suit and settling his large bulk on the other side of the pup, so he was safe between Fly and himself. It would be easy to smell the mark of Tokino on him, so the boy wouldn't be confused as to which pack he belonged to. Looking over the boy's back, Florence rumbled softly at Fly. "You said this was bison?" He had never really encountered bison that much, only having seen them from afar and had never learnt their name.
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

Kova spots another dark shape descending into the ditch and see's the strange black wolf who had been so interested in him earlier. Once again he was being watched, perhaps not as closely as before, but watched by the silver hued black wolf. The only comfort Kova received was the fact that Firefly and the new guy in his fathers pack were right beside him. They would keep him safe, he was sure of it.

"My name... It's Kova. Kova Lagina. And your's?"

The child said before poking at the beast's underbelly. Then he moved a little, crouching into Firefly's warm form to reach at the muscular hind thigh of the beast called a bison. His jaws clamped down on the meat before the child began to tear into its tough hide. His jaw muscles were well formed and strong by now which allowed the young wolf made short work of the tough skin. He dug into the meat of the muscles quickly eating as fast as he could in case the wolves decided to chase him off despite his protectors being there. Kova kept his ideals to himself even if he disagreed with the gray female who had growled at him. It wasn't worth the argument, and Kova could tell that she was much like his sister or father. If you started arguing with them they never backed down, and he just didn't have time for that. Kova would rather eat the worse tasting parts and risk them chasing him off than being beaten in an argument and chased off with a hungry belly.
[Image: tumblr_inline_mh733mEd7g1qz4rgp.gif]
(FYI Kova is loosely based off of Oak)
(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2014, 04:42 AM by Kova.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan almost choked on his spit when Kova gave him his name. He did a double take looking at Kova's face and eyes then his coat. Then he closed his eyes and sighed before standing up just about ready to head back to his hidden resting place again. However the dark wolf pauses as he remembers to answer Kova's question.

"I'm Titan Thorben..." Titan speaks quickly then turns to face Enoki and Mordacai with a serious but exasperated look. "Look, I'm heading out now. See you guys when I get back with my stash of herbs, but please... Just don't kill the kid he's...." Titan sighs then moves closer to the pair of Ashrelle wolves so that nobody else could overhear. "He's family... Which is really complicated so that's all I'm gonna say.." Titan looks towards Kova once more before the child starts eating. Then he moves silently away from the group. The large Thorben waves his tail once in a quick farewell as he increases his pace to a slow lope and leaves the gathering wolves.

As Titan leaves the area, his mind whirs with thoughts of his mother, brother, and sister. He wondered if Kova had any other siblings, and if they were being taught that he and his mother were the bad guys. One thing he knew was this. An innocent pup born of betrayers wasn't a betrayer himself.

As Titan thought of that, he realized that he was being ridiculous about his anger towards Firefly and the other Downs wolves as well. He had previously thought of them all as betrayers, but his first meeting with Firefly, and this chance meeting had opened his eyes a bit. It wasn't the wolves that were led by Minka and Tokino who were wrong or bad. They were actually good for loyally staying with their leaders and protecting their loved ones. It was only Uncle Kino and Minka who should be thought of as traitors, and maybe Inali too.

Confused with how things had turned out, Titan shakes his head and increases his pace until his stomach becomes uncomfortable. He needed to get to his little nest and rest for a while to clear his head.

(Exit Titan)

[Image: 1zc37vb.jpg]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

A clink of her teeth was Enoki's response to the lip curl the russet woman offered, letting it be known that the Ashrelle woman was not afraid to put one in their place if the need arose, pup or adult. Things escalated quickly around the carcass, but she felt confident in her ability to defend what needed to be. There were three Ridge wolves present and Iopah, a Secret Woodlands wolf who just so happened to be allied with the Ridge leaving two Black Thorn Downs wolves and a pup. Yeah, the favor was definitely not in their favor today. Yet once some more hostility was swapped between wolves things began to calm down a bit leaving Enoki comfortable enough to take a few more bites before her stomach fought against another, filled entirely to the brim with bison meat.

Among the chaos her fellow pack-mate Titan had made his way closer to nearly whisper in their ears the fact that the pup had actually turned out to be kin to the silver misted yearling. Well that was a piece of unexpected news, but with a silent nod of her head she made an equally silent promise to keep all claws and canines to herself when it came to the pup. As for the russet woman and the large male that sat on either side of him that was another story and fair game. Then as soon as his statement left his swarthy lips he was off and away from the gathering of wolves leaving them all to fend for themselves around the pile of food. Now that the piebald woman had her fill she arose from her position at the back of the beast and lethargically made her way to a near by tree, close enough to still hear any words passed, but far enough to make room around the carcass for anyone else wanting to steal a meal.

As everyone else ate her amber eyes couldn't help but drift occasionally back over to the silver pelted pup nestled between his two protectors. So that little runt was related to Titan? She wondered how the two were related and also wondered what his name was since she was too busy burying her head in bison fat to catch it when he had spoke it. Curious to know who the pup was and the names of his shadows for future reference she rolled back onto her haunches near the trunk of the tree and cleared her throat before speaking a tad loudly to insure her words were heard. "So pup, shadow one and shadow two what do people call you?" She asked, a curious tilt of her head following as her amber gaze swept between the trio while the cub continued gnawing his way through a rear leg.

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