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Think For The Future — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Hexamora wanted to snort at the obnoxious posturing the leader portrayed once she arrived on the scene, but gave it no further mind as her ivory haunches took their place against the moistened soil from the morning mist that had come and gone once the sun first broke light. Leaders and their damned pompous attitudes thinking they were so self important. At this she did give a snort before a new scent wafted past her with the shift in breeze as a second dark coated man came to weasel his way next to his side. Turning her head her mismatched orbs were met with a grizzled face riddled with scars and teeth marks. 'Someone surely knew how to get on the bad side of others.' Hex thought just as the man parted jaws to speak upon never seeing her around yet and who he was. Vali by the sound of it and a healer by the smell of it with herbs and other floral like scents adorning his pelt.

"Primrose." Bluntly she answered with her alias name in return. Attention returning to the tawny man being all high and mighty as he began to conduct this meeting. An eye roll revealing her obvious disdain for being dragged away from stuffing her face to hear this load of crap. These wolves were not her 'family' and never would be. The ivory woman was the only family she would have or ever need. Fallen Tree Cove? This was just a temporary chapter she couldn't wait to finish and rip out of her book of life. A low huff of disapproval leaving the ebony lining of her lips when Vespertio continued on to inform them that Namid was to be given the title of lead female beside him and was due with the packs first litter of bastards and bitches. The thought alone made her skin want to crawl and her hackles raise. She had a few weeks before the mewling butterballs would be born and if she was lucky she could regain enough health to leave under the cover of darkness before that happened. No way in hell was she going to be forced to babysit those things. A swim in the lake for the pups the first chance she got would be the appropriate method of disposing of them. But pretending to be the diligent pack wolf she wasn't her attention kept on the pair, hoping this little party would end soon.

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
I'm sorry about the long post, I had a lot to catch up on xD But guys, I made the 1,000 word post ;O; -shoots confetti everywhere-

"Good morning, beautiful." he greeted her, and she all but purred. He was quite the charmer she had come to find out, but it didn’t bother her any. As long as he was only using his handsome demeanor on her, as she had no doubt he was, she had no complaints. Ever since that night and the knowledge they had about what they had created, he had seemed to relax a bit. It honored the woman to know that the beings she carried in her womb could cause him such joy, as they were causing to her.

After Namid came Rift, whom she’d met previously at the lake when she’d had a spat with Primrose. Giving a smile and a nod to the young woman, she wondered where the wraith of a woman could be, not that she could say she cared much. Though the pale queen cared for each of her members, even the likes of those she’d never met but hopefully would soon, she could say she honestly didn’t care for the dove colored woman. She got under her skin and was all together unpleasant to be around, and though they needed to members she supposed that if she did end up sneaking off in the night, which she wouldn’t put past her, she wouldn’t give it much of a second thought.

Her bitter thoughts were cut short by the arrival of Anthem, a man she’d only just previously met and not under the best of terms. However, it had seemed that they had patched things up after her folly and could now begin the new trek to friendship. With him being the second-in-command to her love and Vespertio’s best friend of sorts, she didn’t want there to be any bitterness between the pair. She offered a smile to him as well, along with a dip of her head and a small friendly wag of her tail. However, the wag was stopped quickly and her smile faltered as Primrose herself sauntered in. With her eyes ever cold, the woman locked eyes with Namid and the Star Dancer raised her tail slightly in distaste. Though she could sense an offsetting vibe coming from her packmate, she noticed that she’d thought better of herself and offered a faint submissive stance to the pair. She wasn’t sure if it was because Vespertio was in her presence, or if she had finally knocked some sense into the detestable wolf’s head, but either way she was pleased with the show.

Turning her mismatched gaze from the woman, she noticed she was joined by a grizzly looking male. She wasn’t entirely sure who he was, but by the faint scent of herbs she picked up trailing after him she assumed he was their healer. A nod was given in turn to his, and she briefly wondered why he would want to put himself in the company of such a poor woman. Slinking in from the back, then moving like a shadow next to Rift’s side came a male she also didn’t know but could tell by the growing scent on his pelt that he was newer to them like she was. She was glad that the young woman had a friend in their midst. As Vespertio started talking, she noticed the presence of Samhain in the back before turning her full attention to his words.

His words were full of poise as well as power, the very embodiment of the man she knew though she knew another side of him that their packmates would likely never see. A gentle smile curled on her maw as he spoke of them as their family, encouraging them to grow closer as a whole and furthering their power over the lands by doing so. A pack that was tightly knit was a strong pack, one that was willing to fight not just for their land but for each other. Those packs were the most successful. Next, he turned his gaze on her and announced her movement of position and her pregnancy. Her chin naturally raised a bit at the praise, her eyes beaming with pride at not just her new placement but at her growing family and she noticed that he had much the same reaction as her.

His words subsided, opening into the air room for comments. She noticed most looks were happy, grins breaking out onto the faces of most of the members and small wags of approval which further boosted her good mood. She supposed that she needed to say a few words of her own at that moment, sealing the fact of her rank change and letting the members know they had a strong female to look up to. Clearing her throat, she opened her maw to speak, “I am honored to stand here in front of you all today. I know that I have yet to officially meet many of you, but that fact only means that our numbers are growing quickly. I would like you to know that I aim to make our pack, our family, as safe, secure, and strong as it can possibly be. Though I am now your alpha, I also would like to be your friend. If you have any troubles, please feel free to seek me out for any guidance you would need. If we are to thrive, we need to work together as a unit. Fallen Tree Cove is not a pack to be looked over, we are mighty and we will make ourselves known to all of that fact,” She called. Her voice held a steadfastness to it, belying the fact that she believed every word she said. Standing in front of them, she felt a sureness in herself that her statement was true, a determination filling her gut to make her words true. She would fight to make them known, to make their pack ancient like many that claimed their lands around them. They would rise up, the pack of the lake, and they would reign over all.

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Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank
:x Urr so I'm not entirely sure what just happened here... Feel free to remove Haine from the ranks, she's outta there.

When at first she had heard Vespetio's call the girl had been up to her ears in excavation of a new cache on the far edges of the territory. Abandoning the task at hand she had picked up her feet and her tail, paying no heed to the mud that splattered her muzzle and coated her forelegs and chest. Instead she decided to carry the white and brown hare she had been in the process of caching to present it as a gift to her leaders but her distance from the meeting area and the scents that met her as she arrived caused the dirt coloured girl to stop well short of presenting them with her mottle coated prize. She dropped to her stomach, trying to use the long grass and shadows to her advantage as she processed just what she was seeing.

Of course Vespertio and Namid were present, her desire to inch forward and offer her respects almost giving her away, but they weren’t the ones that made her pause. Master was there, next to a white wolf that made her blood freeze in her veins. She remembered that scent well and the usual flood of warmth she felt for the dark man was replaced with something entirely different. It felt like she had a bone caught in the back of her throat, and it was more painful than the worst beating she had received in her life. As much as the desire tugged at her she couldn’t bring herself to whine, instead her brows drew together in a look of utter disapproval.

The other strangers were disregarded as she began to inch backwards, using the cover of Namid’s speech to gather up her hare and head back to the borders.

This wasn’t her home. Master wasn’t here.

Clearly she had simply been mistaken once again.

Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
OOC: Long so long...O.o

Waiting for the rest of the pack arrive Anthem found himself overly interested to see who was among them. He hadn't made any connections with the previous members and now they had more wolves that he still hadn't talked to yet. His head turned so that he could watch a pale woman enter the scene. She didn't look like she wanted to be there if the look that her face held meant anything. If she didn't want to be here why was she? She was thin yes but that didn't mean she was weak, besides the Cove didn't need anymore wolves that could desert at a moments notice they need members who were going to stay not ones that left on a whim. His attention didn't leave her as she proceeded to greet their leaders and then find her own spot.

The next wolf to show was a male Anthem guessed to be around his age. He watched as he sat only to move to the pale woman and try to start a conversation. Anthem's eyes narrowed slightly Weren't they here to listen to what their leaders had to say? Talking could come after the meeting. His spine was prickling and for some reason he didn't like the other male. It wasn't because he was interested in the woman no he just didn't like how the other was acting. The scent of herbs drifted to him and the stormy male watched on in distrust but he made no move that gave him away. 

From their it seemed that all had arrived and he glanced at his friend. Were they all here or not? He didn't know for sure. Motion in the shadows caught his eye and he turned to see but he couldn't quite make out who was their. Shrugging to himself he focused on Vespertio as he began to speak. He sat silently letting the words wash through him. So Namid's position change had been recent then and he hadn't been imagining her scent changing. A grin spread across his face and his tail thumped the ground in show of his happiness for them. 

His gaze was drawn to another wolf joining them and Anthem nodded his head in greeting it seemed to him that the other wasn't quite confident here just yet. But then he could be imagining things. Namid's voice filled the air next before dying away. A good speech but it wouldn't just take words to hold them together it would take action and the loyalty of those who sat listening.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall
Tagg thumped his tail once in response to Rift's friendly nudge.  He pricked his ears at his new Alpha female's words, noting the authority she already held.  She seemed like a nice person, and Tagg once again acknowledged how lucky he was to have run into such a friendly pack.  He swiveled his head.  He should have sat on Rift's other side so his good eye was pointed towards the pack instead of her, someone he already trusted.  He considered moving - again - but felt that doing so would be considered rude.

He noticed another wolf, a dark grey male, nod in his direction.  He couldn't tell if he was nodding at him specifically or not, but Tagg nodded back just in case.  He continued looking around the pack, surveying them and feeling vulnerable because of his limited vision.  He couldn't wait to get to know the other members of the pack and figure out not only his place but who he could trust.  Looking at his alphas, he knew he could trust them, at least.

Quiet settled over the area as the alphas finished, giving others room to speak.  Tagg kept quiet, waiting to see what the others would say first.
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Last round everyone! Hex is going to speak up about SW business this round, but everyone is free to depart now or stick around a little longer before posting an exit. @Namid @Tagg @Rift @Vali @Anthem

The pair of leaders were greeting with positive reactions from the gathered members on the information about pups due later on that spring. Tail thumbs and gleeful glints behind various colored sets of eyes. A response that Vespertio couldn't expect more from. The pack was growing and he knew that the members would do their best in helping to raise the princes and princesses to be formidable wolves worthy of the throne they rightfully could claim one day if they so desired. Then Namid stepped forward to speak on her behalf, the tawny man taking a small step back to give her the mic if you would. Inspirational words flowed from her lips that brought a smile to his lips at the way she commanded the scene with a voice as solid and powerful as an aged leader even if the position was only recently filled by her silvery paws. And with the floor opened up for a few fleeting minutes to give members time to speak he continued on with the business yet to be addressed. His departure for the Oak Tree Bend wolves to speak on the possibility of turning talk of an alliance into a reality.

"Now there is one last bit of information I need to share with you. Tomorrow morning I will be embarking on a journey to the east to speak with the Bend wolves living there about an alliance. In my absence please bring any concerns you may have to Namid." With that said he gave one more sweep of the grouped wolves, taking in each and every face that he gandered upon. For being the first meeting of the pack he couldn't be happier that it had ran so smoothly. Maybe he did have what it took to be a good leader for those following him.

Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

It was the sudden mentioning of an alliance that jogged Hexamora's memory to that day by the lakeside where she had stumbled upon two females. One a loner true and true, the other simply returning to her once home. Kite was her name and during their greeting the tawny femme spoke of forming an alliance between the lake wolves and woodland wolves. Perhaps if she brought up that information now it would ease up those death glares received from both leading figures. One could only hope. Clearing her throat after Vesper finished speaking she rose to stand to draw attention to herself(like it was hard to do) before speaking on the notion. "Speaking of alliances I have recently spoke with a woman of the Secret Woodland pack at the borders. She offered to mention such to her leaders and report back in a weeks time if you would like to oblige to it. Thought i'd bring that up."

Not caring what answer either of them gave her ivory silhouette returned to a seated position, anxiousness to be on the move and away from so many wolves at once causing the pads of her paws to itch and her tail tip flick in a similar fashion. She couldn't wait to get out of here and rid her burning nostrils of their putrid stenches. Maybe raid another cache she hadn't completely emptied by now. Not bothering to be properly dismissed with the others she caved under the urge to get out, rising once more and made a b-line for the trees, a smug smirk settling on her lips suddenly when her nose picked up on the scent of Samhain. Fading as if she had just been cowering there not too long ago, yet starting to pick up strength in aroma off towards the near by heights.  Quickly the wraith woman followed suit. Now where did she think she was going?


Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

With the brief pause in speech Anthem considered if he should say something. He was one of the few that remained from what had been in the original pack but he decided against it. He didn't need it to seem like he was trying to make himself superior to them, though in terms of rank he was. except for the other Beta and their Alphas. His attention was snagged as Vespertio spoke. A chill went down the larger mans spine. Had his friend forgotten what he had promised? That he wouldn't go alone? His eyes scanned the crowd searching for someone to send with the other but who here would be able to protect their leader if it should come down to it? Not knowing anyone really had its downsides he thought glumly. 

The pale lady spoke and Anthem was slightly surprised to know that they may be having another alliance. He wasn't given much time to think on it as she left quickly and with a seemingly determined stride. His gaze went back to Vespertio catching his gaze before he spoke. I would like to go with you when you leave for your journey. The words were said as if his friend could tell him not to go but his gaze said otherwise. Vespertio was getting company whether he wanted it or not. It was a simple fact and one that wouldn't change. If the other man didn't want to take Anthem though but someone else the larger man would subside but he was going to make sure that they both went. 

I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

There seemed to be no signs of dispute after her speech, which had left her heart racing in her chest. It took every bit of her to stay poised at that moment, and though Namid had never been one for social anxiety she thought she understood a bit of it after that. Her heterochromatic gaze swept across the wolves  in front of them, finally focusing in on Vali and Primrose as they seemed to be holding a small conversation between each other during the meeting. She was all for social interaction, as her previous ‘pep talk’ led on to, but that should be reserved for before the meeting or after. A bare frown curled the edges of her maw, but before she could put too much thought into it her partner spoke.

“Tomorrow morning I will be embarking on a journey to the east to speak with the Bend wolves living there about an alliance.” He revealed, and her head snapped toward him. This was news to her, something that he hadn’t yet spoken to her about and it..off set her to say the least. Though she was in the early stages of her pregnancy still, it made her nervous, as any expecting woman would be, to be without the protection of her beloved. And, to top it off, she was still not entirely used to being in the position she was. As he directed them to bring whatever troubles they had to her, she felt as though she would collapse under the weight that fell to her shoulders. But, as mighty Atlas holding the world upon his shoulders, she held fast and once again turned her attention forward regaining her briefly fallen composure. In her mind she chanted to herself that she could do this, that she would be fine and he would be fine. This meeting was a necessity to their pack, to its survival and this led her to contemplate another possible alliance, one between Fallen Tree Cove and, by chance, her old home. Whisper Caverns.

Another voice spoke up, one that made her eyes briefly narrow just a fraction before stilling themselves and returning to normal. Primrose spoke up about a meeting between her and a member of Secret Woodlands. The pale queen was shell shocked that she hadn’t come to them as soon as it had happened, for who knew how long ‘recently’ could be. For all she knew, the woman or, god help her, the leader could show up at their doorstep the next day after Vespertio’s departure or some other time during his absence. If they had been told sooner there could have been a chance of them discussing the possibility of an alliance, but just like the journey their kind would make so soon that information was withheld. Inwardly she sighed, watching as the dove woman high-tailed it out of there after she spoke. After that, she felt the meeting was over. But, she thought it proper to wait until all of the wolves had left or at least scattered before turning and heading out to the shore where she did her best thinking. And boy, did she have a lot to think about.



(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2015, 03:13 AM by Namid.)
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Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall
Tagg watched the pale wolf run from the meeting, her gait that of someone desperate to escape from a great danger.  His eye returned to the alphas before him, and he noted a lapse in Namid's confidence gaze.  She quickly recovered, however, and Tagg assumed she was simply concerned with the well-fare of her mate. 

Another wolf spoke up, suggesting that someone accompany the alpha on his journey to the other pack.  It was the wolf who'd nodded at him when he'd arrived.  There was a hardness in his eyes that suggested he must be friends with Vespertio, for who else would dare show such command to their leader?

There must be a good reason, Tagg reasoned.  He shifted, wanting to speak to his new pack but unsure what to say.  He wished he had his old confidence back, the ability to be sure of each and every action he took and word that he said.  Maybe once he got to know the other wolves better, and he was sure Vespertio had forgiven him for trespassing, he would feel better about speaking in pack meetings.  

Tagg glanced around again, wishing he had the use of both eyes.  Was the pack meeting over, or had the pale wolf simply shown defiance by running away?
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