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Pack Roles & LP Adjustments
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Pack Roles & LP Adjustments

Based on recent member feedback and discussion, we have made some adjustments with how pack roles are earned and made some adjustments to how you can earn Skill LP.

How to Earn Pack Roles & LP Gains
There are two types of pack roles that you can earn at RoW: a basic pack role and an advanced/specialized pack role. We have updated these guidelines in our game information and have also asked pack leaders to post these guidelines in their pack common rooms. The guidelines for earning these roles are as follows:

- To earn one of the six basic roles outlined in the library article, a character must have five threads demonstrating or practicing that role.

- To earn one of the advanced/specialized roles outlined in the library article, a character must have three threads demonstrating or practicing that role and any additional requirements that you set for your pack. These requirements will be posted in your pack common rooms by your leaders.

When your character has earned a basic role, they will earn +70 Skill LP. For every advanced role that your character earns, they can claim an additional +20 Skill LP. A character that earns then role of Advisor and then specializes into a Diplomat would earn +90 Skill LP for earning those two roles.

Additional LP Adjustments & Clarifications

- Wolves ranked I. are considered to have the role of "Leader". They may not hold other roles. This means that a leader cannot specialize in any of the basic or advanced roles. They do not claim the +70 Skill LP for gaining a role, either.

- Leaders may claim LP for demonstrating their role (Leader) by holding a pack meeting. Non-lead characters may also hold pack meetings and claim demonstrating an advisor role LP for it. This LP is only applicable if the thread meets the other requirements of demonstrating a role LP. Leaders cannot gain demonstrating their role LP for any other activities. This is because the role of leader and the I. rank are much more closely tied together than any other position in the pack. Since arguably everything a leader does could be considering "demonstrating" their role, we have limited it to pack meetings and the pre-existing LP regarding join threads. Leaders are still able to claim demonstrating a role LP for additional roles (such as acting as a guardian or as a hunter).

- We are removing the -80 Skill LP for Losing Leadership. In its place, we are adding a stipulation that a leader can only gain the +100 Skill LP for Becoming a Leader once per pack. So if you become a leader of Pack A, you get the +100, but if you lose leadership and then regain it, you do not get the additional points. If you then become leader of Pack B, you will get the +100 LP.

Additional Notes

All the appropriate guides and rules have been updated to reflect these changes. In the discussions about these potential changes, there was a lot of confusion about what rules are actually in place and which or not. We have a pretty extensive history and a lot of information to sort through, so we can understand the confusion. However, it should be assumed that our rules and guidelines are up to date. If you do not think they are, please post in the Maintenance thread and let us know so we can clarify.

These changes go into effect today, June 11, 2015. As with all LP changes, we will not retroactively adjust LP or accept claims from activities and threads older than 6 months.

A friendly reminder to all members and pack leaders - the deadline for submissions to the yearbook is rapidly approaching. Check out the links in this news post to submit your information.

Please let us know if you have any questions!
I don't think this question got answered. What if some character in a pack switches to a different role. Or if they go to a new pack and get the same/a different role again

(I don't know whether this was explicitly asked in the discussion thread but it was something that came up when we had the initially discussion in the chat)
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(Jun 11, 2015, 05:46 PM)Octavius Wrote:  I don't think this question got answered. What if some character in a pack switches to a different role. Or if they go to a new pack and get the same/a different role again

(I don't know whether this was explicitly asked in the discussion thread but it was something that came up when we had the initially discussion in the chat)

Good question! The guidelines for gaining a role are applicable any time a wolf wants to earn a new basic role (and you can't get a specialized role without having the associated basic one first). So if Bob is a Guardian in Pack A and decides he wants to be a Hunter, he would have to do all 5 demonstrating/practice threads again. He would then get the +70 LP for gaining that role. Pack roles are not transferable between packs, so if Bob were to leave Pack A and go to Pack B, he would start out as a subordinate and have to go through the process of getting the 5 threads again. This is to keep the process of earning a role as simple and straight forward as possible.

I'll add this information to the LP FAQ so it is there for future reference.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
yay, I'm happy with this ^^ thank you guys for taking the time to clarify things/make changes
Thanks for the answer. Just wanted to make sure!
Posting availability
9pm - 10:30pm EST weekdays
Weekends sporadically. 
So.. Naia earned her pack role before these specific guidelines were put in place. Will she be able to keep her role, or will she have to earn it again according to the new guidelines?

Also, Naia has a ton of threads where she is scouting or advising or reporting information to the leaders, but none of the threads are 15 replies long (they were wrapped up at the usual 10 posts, since scouting stuff is just painful if you try to draw it out) and therefore I haven't tried to claim any "demonstrating a pack role" LP from them. She's demonstrated skill over and over but has nothing in her Skill LP section to show for it, which just doesn't really seem fair to her. Would it be possible to reduce the required number of posts in these threads to 10 so that our very dutiful characters "demonstrations of skill" aren't falling through the cracks?
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
(Jun 11, 2015, 06:12 PM)Naia Wrote:  So.. Naia earned her pack role before these specific guidelines were put in place. Will she be able to keep her role, or will she have to earn it again according to the new guidelines?

Also, Naia has a ton of threads where she is scouting or advising or reporting information to the leaders, but none of the threads are 15 replies long (they were wrapped up at the usual 10 posts, since scouting stuff is just painful if you try to draw it out) and therefore I haven't tried to claim any "demonstrating a pack role" LP from them. She's demonstrated skill over and over but has nothing in her Skill LP section to show for it, which just doesn't really seem fair to her. Would it be possible to reduce the required number of posts in these threads to 10 so that our very dutiful characters "demonstrations of skill" aren't falling through the cracks?

These changes are effective going forward, so you do not need to re-earn your role. We will be adjusting what those requirements are, including dropping the total number of posts for the threads, later this month (they're dependent on a few other things happening on the backend first). That said, you could not go back and claim LP for those threads even if they meet the new guidelines. This is just an overall policy we have when it comes to LP changes because it keeps things manageable on our end and allowing people to retroactively claim LP just gets really complicated and confusing really quickly.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Thanks, that will definitely make things easier moving forward!
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Ahh, everything is much more straightforward! These changes sound really good. (: