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all eyes on you — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
Summoning @Rook
And @Borden (and Jaysek) to join GH!

It helped, Veho decided, coming into this with a bit of knowledge ahead of time. Hours and hours had been spent with the prodigal son, after all, and if the rest of the family was anything like the wolf that had drawn them together, he really had very little to be worried about. He sought acceptance to the group, and who did he understand more than souls so similar to his own?

Unfortunate, he thought, that he was the only one who relied on the Ancestors, but that was not the only bridge between others. There was his ability to heal, something that Rook had implied Grizzly Hollow would be happy to have among their borders, and there was his knowledge of plant life. If there were other things, he supposed he could always expand his range if the others sought that of him. Learning was always a great joy, he thought, and if that was the sort of hardship pack life saddled him with, well-

-Kajika was probably right. The Ancestors did not mean this as a test, something for him to fail – it was an open door that led only to opportunities. It was simply up to the medicine man to adapt his way of life, his way of thinking, and make the most of the resources that would become available to him. A place to stay meant a place to cache important herbs, it would be a home base to return to.

It meant…well, it meant Rook, and that was something that the grey wolf wished to pursue. Perhaps it would go nowhere, but…but he rather hoped he was wrong in that regard.

With these high hopes, he approached the border of the Grizzly Hollow wolves. Once a respectful distance away, he drew to a halt and set down the gifts he had gathered (a recommendation from his friend). There were a few springs of lavender he'd gathered from the surrounding wood, as well as a small rabbit captured not far from its nest. Two small gifts – one for the lord, and one for the lady. Their son had already been gifted a sprig of berries (and would have many more offerings bequeathed to him, should this meeting go in his favor).

Slowly he drew his head back and issued a call for Borden and his fair queen, @Jaysek. Hopefully, they would not leave him lingering long.

Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall

On a fair day like this one, Rook had been fortunate to find that it was pleasant weather to take a leisurely stroll - not by himself but with Borden, who was seemingly in good spirits after a number of rough days (the last few involved Rook being stationed to his father's recent "hideout" not even a stone throw away from the main pack den). Today was different, and a good sort of different at that. Since the pair had risen and shared a decent meal of young pheasant. The small bird hadn't even seen them coming, being too young, too inexperienced in the world, and possibly too naive in thinking that the only predators in these parts were the few grizzly bears that still lingered in the area.

For hours both father and son smiled and laughed together; in Rook's mind it was as though nothing but the location had changed. This was how Rook wanted it to be for always. Borden's tail always wagging, his nose kept wet as any healthy wolf's would be, his youngest son's name always used when addressing the young man at his side. Along the borders, they went, refurbishing the markers wherever the rest of the pack's scents were fading from the scattered showers and warm winds. It was only when a familiar voice called out that Rook's brows rose and the widest of grins found its way onto his face.

"He's here," he barked out, wanting more than anything to have Borden follow along. "Come on, must be about over here." As patiently as he could, he waited for his father figuratively 'shift into gear' and call to mind what had previously been said to him at breakfast. Rook had been a chatterbox of sorts, going on and on about a man that he had met when he had went to Jasper Rocks to pray. He was certain to mention his names several times over. It was always "Veho this..." and "Veho that..." wanting to make sure that if Borden could help it, he would not forget who it was he was talking about if and when the medicine man decided to show up on their doorstep.

The young Lord capered about, pausing every so often to make sure that the elder was following. "You'll like him" he repeated for what could have been the fifth or sixth time, "He's a practiced medic where he's from; he can help us."

The sight he soon stumbled upon just beyond the borders was one that he had anticipated: Veho, as handsome as ever, bearing offerings in return for acceptance into the pack and family. Rook smiled openly at him then turned to wait for his father to catch up before greeting him with an excited whine, "Fancy seeing you here at last." His dark-tipped tail waved, his bi-colored eyes seeking any hint of welcome in the patriarch's grizzled face. "This is him," he practically beamed, looking from one to the other, "Dad, this is him - Veho - the medic I was talking about."

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Since Titan's return, everything had come to settle at what seemed like a typical, normal day. He had his mate, Jaysyek, and his sons, as well as the home he had pined for since his children had begun to leave Renegades Reach. He had even come to inherit two "daughters-in-law," Kade Attaya's youngest cubs from his and Ava's first litter, no less. Everything within Grizzly Hollow today was familiar and as it had been when he last remembered it. The wolves around him might have changed - he couldn't actually recall what had happened to Aniu or Sibyl and if he and the family had left them in the northwest with Trisden - but, the ambiance that had settled within the northern parts of Cedarwood Forest was nothing less than comforting.

Rook, his youngest cub, seemed much too keen on accompanying him on his rounds around the territory but he shook it off, figuring that his company would be better than none. It had started sometime after sunrise and continued on after breakfast - something about a stranger Rook had met. Someone called Veho. The patriarch didn't mind it at all. He smiled, nodded, and even chuckled at all the appropriate moments, indulging him in the way his voice kept up its cheery tones every time Veho's name was uttered. By the sound of it, Borden could have very assumed that Rook was talking about an exciting new toy he had found by the creek or someone he was very fond of despite only knowing him for a few days. Hell, Rook even kind of smelled a bit off - much more like earthy, riverbank mud and a different type of musk that was definitely not "Lyall-like" rather than the cool evergreen pines and heavy cedar bark with a hint of fresh moss.

Veho, it turned out, the more Rook went on, was someone who seemed trustworthy, even on first impression. With the way his son put it, Veho Macieo was a spiritual being; someone who was perhaps a 50/50 blend of Kiche and Aniu with the way he talked about Ancestors, knew a bit about plants, and cared a great deal for what could be descibed as the common good.

Borden did nothing to doubt or contest him and when it seemed that he would never hear the end of all these possibly spontaneous stories about some wandering medicine man, a call came from the borders. Rook was quick to jump into action and Borden gave a rather unamused tilt of his head. Even if Rook was well past his yearling days now, he very well could have just been one big puppy at this point. The Leader gave a tolerant nod as his son began to prance about, goading him on to follow. "He's here," he started again. "Come on, must be about over here."

The aging baron started on his way with an uneven gait while Rook cavorted ahead. Borden could have given anything just to have a fraction of his youth back; obviously, for Rook, this was a big deal...

Rook greeted this Veho with a familiar sort of salutation and when those mismatched eyes came to settle on his face, Borden turned at last to see for himself what kind of man his son was excited about. He came to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his son, using his good eye to assess the stranger by sight and smell.

"I fear your reputation precedes you," he gave a half-smile to Veho with a flick of his thinning tail as he raised his head to assert at least some sort of dominance over the two lads. "Besides befriending my son, here, why else have you come? Seems like you've left quite an impression."

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
And so they came. Rook and his father, Borden, both approached. While he assumed only one alpha typically answered these calls, the male actually had no way of knowing. He was too young to remember what happened amongst his natal pack before they dispersed, and he'd never sought out pack leaders for such a cause before. However, if the lady of the lands wished to join as well, the male certainly wouldn't be opposed. Meet as many of his (hopefully) new packmates as possible, yes?

Once the males neared, Veho offered a short bow, tailing remaining low behind him while it wagged but once. He'd never been a particular dominant sort, not outside of puppyhood. It could have been argued, once, that he'd been the most assertive in his litter, often telling Neha and Namid what to do, when they should do it, and how it should most properly be done. In fact, he'd even once earned the sobriquet of 'chief'. Occasionally, his mother called him a 'bossy britches'. It had gotten worse before it had gotten better, requiring the loss of both sisters to encourage a more spiritual, trusting approach. These days, he wouldn't even dream of challenging the alpha, nor his son – the medic was content with any position within the ranks, truth be told, as long as he was allowed to practice his craft and continue his worship.

"It is my pleasure to meet you," he rumbled quietly, dipping his head once more as Borden addressed him. "I have come because the Ancestors have set me on this path – I seek to heal where I can, and assist in any ways possible. For some time, I have been traveling wherever the wind takes me…but I think perhaps it might be time for me to make a more permanent home. Cache healing agents. Honor my Ancestors. Serve best I can. I am but a simple wolf, lord, and I only wish to be at your service."

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
Skipping Rook at the moment because his muse is just... not cooperating. He'll post next round.

So the brute did have manners... Not surprising; granted that Rook was assumed to typically keep this sort of companion. Even Bishop and Trisden were well-versed and specific when they spoke to their brother; he could only conclude that it was all Jaysyek's cub-rearing tactics, raising them to nurture the sort of mind that spoke concisely and, at times, articulately in sound, tone, and description.

Borden continued to eye the other man, listening attentively as his words were not lost on his aging ears. All the right keywords stood out: heal, assist, permanent, home... honor, serve, service. His tone was even as genuine as ever in the way it emphasized these wishes and aspirations, this need to belong somewhere. A final nod had the Leader's head dipping downward once - certainly this had quite the effect on Rook, who stood anxiously at his side - and, in regarding the gifts with a few blinks, he slowly stepped forward. If he had been younger, he might have had enough energy in him to fully walk around Veho and assess him for himself. The family could use another decently built male in the places where Hocus and Renier could have been. Apart from that, perhaps Rook needed him for some other reason, an apprenticeship or a reliable cub-sitter for Tomen.

"Simple wolves make for honest souls and dutiful subordinates," he lent, his eyes going from Veho's side and shoulders to the younger man's face again. "We would very much appreciate your decision to stay." He cast a fleeting look over to his son, "I'm sure he's told you that among other things."

"Border patrol, cache-keeping," he firmly instructed. "Most importantly, meet the rest of the family." If he could have glanced over to Rook again, he would have, just to see what sort of expression might have settled there, but he held Veho's gaze, wanting to see for himself just how obedient and willing this new initiate would be. "By the time the full moon comes again, I hope you'll be well-settled; and if you need anything, Rook would be happy to help."

"In fact, he'll take you on a tour of the place in a bit." Something of a smirk tugged at his lips but he couldn't confirm if the lad had caught onto the idea that Borden would finally be left in peace to rest and relax without having someone to pester him at all hours of the day. "And he'll be glad to give you a rundown on the way of life here; but while you have me... any questions? We want you to be as comfortable as possible. We're all family here."

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
Rook feel silent, but that was not entirely unexpected. His father was, after all, the lord and leader of this land. Ultimately, he would be expected to answer to @Borden – whatever his relationship was with the younger Lyall was inconsequential. It was fortunate, then, that the elder wolf seemed to be pleased by his intentions and abilities, indicated by a short nod. Silence blanketed them for but a moment, and while he could feel searching eyes sizing him up, the younger animal had the strength of will not to fidget or squirm beneath such a sturdy gaze. No, he was confident in his general skills and welfare – if he would be turned away, it'd be through no fault in his self-care.

But that was not the case.

Veho hummed softly, tone soft and joyful all the same as he met the lord's instructions with a crisp nod. "Of course," he answered, a smile hidden in his moonlit eyes. There was no reason to avoid the rest of the Grizzly Hollow pack, not as far as he could see. It was, largely, Rook's decision to keep to themselves for some time – after that, it was the accidental self-poisoning that kept him away. But all those barriers had been broken down now, and he saw no reason to avoid the other wolves. They would be his family, now. Hopefully, they would never have to be his patients, but if that day should ever come, the medic would wish to have a more personal accord with the souls he cared for.

"I do not believe I have any questions," he answered after a moment of thought. No, the masked youth had answered most of what he wanted to know – the other mysteries, he left in the paws of the Ancestors. They would care for him – his direct knowledge was inconsequential. Tipping his head, he allowed his gaze to shift to @Rook – a tour perhaps? "I intend to keep a cache of medicinal items, though I suppose my friend here will be able to indicate a good location?" he rumbled, eyes bright as he tipped his head. A safe area for his herbs was his prime concern – what a pleasant time it was, he thought, that storage for his plants could be qualified as his most pressing problem.

Yes, this could most certainly become home.

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall

To begin with, it seemed like this little chat would go fine. As Rook saw it, despite the unsteadiness of his father's step and stance, Borden would be all right - so long as he could remain in the present. Veho lent his pleasantries and the younger Lyall smiled. His own tail waved but it was not without the sort of tenseness that suggested he was clinging onto everything, hoping beyond all hope that it would all be fine. No problems, no complications, and without anything that would spark one of Borden's flashbacks or fanciful flight of ideas.

The conversation at hand seemed to go well, however, as the Leader responded in kind to the rogue's introduction and intentions. Rook's very soul could have grown wings and fluttered out of his chest upon hearing that his friend would be allowed to stay and that his father was rather grateful for it. A small set of instructions were relayed to Veho - the usual assignment of border patrolling, caching, and getting familiar with the rest of the pack - along with the task of tagging along with Rook for a tour of he territory. To this, Rook eagerly whined, a singular nasally note that signaled he was more than ready to lead the way when they were through; and, in catching his companion's gaze, he returned a delighted smile.

"I think I know just the place," he chimed in reply. "I found a good spot by the creek, I'll show you." Truthfully, the discovery had been an unexpected one - one that, unbeknownst to Rook and those who were not around during the time when Grizzly Hollow had first been established only a few short years ago, held a little bit of history. "There's even some old shells in there that you could put to use if you need them and a bit of dried moss." For a while, Rook had thought to refurbish Elettra's old den for Tomen's use but, in wanting his son to remain close to the main pack den, thought against it. Not only did he not want to worry about the boy's curiosity leading him into the river (just like what had happened to Rook's older brother Prosper), but, to Rook, it was obvious that the little hole in the hill was meant for someone else...

(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2015, 04:44 PM by Rook.)

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

"Good," was perhaps the only word he had after hearing all he had wanted to hear from Veho. He was about to mention that he was welcome to make a den wherever he pleased and that the old bear den near the southern borders was vacant (at best, it seemed like the rest of the pack who didn't use their own personal den or the main den only occasionally used the place while resting in-between border runs) when Rook spoke up. Frankly, he had forgotten about that place. A part of him had probably mentally blocked it due to that falling out he had with Elettra and the pain she had inflicted upon him for dragging Jaysyek through hell and back. It was a good thing that Rook (and Bishop) had been left in the dark in regards to that; it had been for the best.

"Get to it then," he instructed with a nod to his son, smiling at Veho before slowly turning around to make his leave. "You both let me know if you need anything else."

A stiff paw planted into the ground brought him to turn and look over his shoulder so he could see the two boys with his good eye, to catch the happiness on his son's face and in the wag of his full tail. With a few staggered steps after directing his head and eyes forward, he began to make his way back to where he knew Jaysyek and the pack den was waiting for him to return. The smile on his maw remained as he wove a path through the trees. This Veho brute had come in due time. Not only had he finally proven that Rook was capable of risibility and truly, genuinely smiling again, but he saved the patriarch from any more of his son's ramblings and offered him what he had been looking forward to for the past few hours: a nice quiet afternoon nestled into his mate's side and, perhaps, a few hours' worth of "playtime" with his grandson if Quil needed a break as much as he did.

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
My boDespite his better intentions, the medic's tail began to wag, moonlit eyes sparkling as the conversation seemed to wrap itself up. Both parties had questions answered, and @Rook spoke up once more, signaling what the traveler assumed was the end of his trial. The alpha was gathering himself up to take his leave, role fulfilled and duties done. Before he dispersed, the silvery male made sure to offer him a small nod of deference, the tip of his tail wiggling once more as he rumbled softly, "Thank you, Borden. I'll not let you down."

No, now that the Ancestors had brought him all this way, he would do everything within his power to be the healer and packmate that Grizzly Hollow sought in him.

Once the lord had departed, Veho turned his attention back to his friend, tail beginning to swing in a wide arc as he moved to close the distance between them. The masked male was met with a nose pressed to his cheek, his chin, as much submission as it was an affectionate gesture. Ears pressed forward and he stomped against the earth, a sudden, childish glee welling up from his chest as he tried to keep the wag of his tail from consuming his entire body.

"So, you know just the place, you say?" he prompted Rook, seeking out the male's mismatched gaze. How exciting! "Lead the way, my friend. I am eager to see this place. I can make good use of it, I am sure!" The shells themselves sounded quite interesting, and he would investigate the dried moss. Once organized in a way that satisfied him, Veho could begin to bring the plantlife he wanted to the den to collect – what an opportunity!

Losing the battle he was only half-heartedly fighting in the first place, the older wolf's body began to wriggle as he bumped into his companion again, a wide smile finally overtaking his school expression. "That went well," he whispered, scarcely able to believe his luck. "That went very well."

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity