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Pieces of the Puzzle — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie had managed to get away from that evil female wolf but not without some repercussions from meeting her.  Something that she has learned for her survival in this new land was to be cautious of those she ran into.  Not everyone was as nice as those she knew from her old home.  Still Leotie was lost and didn't know the first thing about navigating her way through her new life. As she continued to travel her stomach continued to rumble more and more.  Days had passed, she wasn't sure how many, since she'd run into that female and Leotie was hoping that she would find someone much friendlier than that other wolf.

She wasn't sure where she was but as she looked around she felt she was still in some sort of forest.  This one didn't seem as bad as the last and she was thankful for that. Still she needed to find something to eat before things went really badly for her.  She at least knew that much and she was afraid that she was going to be forced to eat something that she might not enjoy too much, such as grass. To her great luck though a tiny movement caught the corner of her eye, it was a mouse.  It wouldn't fill her belly but it would offer a small comfort.  She prepared to stalk the mouse, this was the part she wasn't so good it. Only moments passed before she was nearly ready to pounce on the mouse and that was what she did. However when she went to grab the mouse and swallow it down the ting creature wasn't there.

(This post was last modified: Jul 20, 2015, 03:07 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila

The Red Fern Forest, Gilligan was quickly realizing, was a very pleasant place for him to be.  There was food he could catch on his own, mice, squirrels, even a rabbit if he was particularly lucky, but more importantly to the young wolf, he could slide into the crimson foliage and disappear almost completely.  Sure, the ginger wasn't entirely ruddy himself, but the charcoals and greys imitated the shadows cast by the large, flush leaves – this place was much better suited to him than the stricken mountainside.
Of course, he'd never let @Datura hear him say that.  Or…think that.  Definitely wouldn't think that too loudly in his father's presence.
All the same, the yearling traveled out to the patch of woods he'd come to enjoy, growling belly urging him on.  Often enough, he'd hunt on his own – he had come to his majority, after all, and as long as he and his father were a traveling pair, he felt himself quite capable of finding his own, small meals.  (One wolf and a yearling were hardly enough to take down anything big, after all, and Datura had yet to attempt teaching his overeager son about such things.)  The male had only just put his nose down to the hunt when he realized there was another scent, another wolf scent, and the state of his stomach was quickly abandoned.
Dark nose wriggling, the loner followed the trail eagerly – a girl, all alone, how exciting!  His eager jog halted when she came into view, and the lad's head shot up, his tail high above his back as he offered a bark, utterly oblivious to the fact she might be hunting.  "Hello!" he called eagerly, orange eyes bright.  "You come to the ferns, too?"

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Leotie was extremely disappointed when she had not managed to catch the mouse. Her stomach growled loudly then as if scolding her for the failed hunting attempt. Starting to become desperate she searched frantically with her senses for the mouse she lost or another she could try to catch. Leotie did not think she had ever gone without food this long. The dryness of her mouth also reminded her how thirsty she was too.

All of that was quickly put aside when her ears caught the notes of a bark. Immediately she turned to find the source of the bark. She would not be caught off guard again. She lowered her body, ears flat against her head as the new comer approached her. If he was going to try to hurt her she would be ready for it, flight or fight was it called Leotie had decided she would not be in a bad situation like she had been before. Her muzzle still smarted from the last encounter.

Her ears perked a little as he spoke to her. Firstly he was offering a greeting which was different, "Hello," she replied a suspicious gleam in her eyes. She did not think it a good idea to trust he wouldn't hurt her just yet. "I'm sorry I don't know what that means," she replied to his question. Finally she let her eyes drift from his eyes to take in the rest of him Leotie relaxed only slightly when her gaze landed on what looked like a collar that was something familiar to her, "Are you lost too?"

(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2015, 06:22 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila

What a weird female!
Gilligan immediately decided he liked the blue-eyed fairy, despite the warnings his father had previously given him about women, and shook his head with an amused laugh.  "You don't…don't know what ferns are?  You're awful weird, yo," he hummed, moving quickly to one of the large, plush plants.  Picking up one of the reddish frons with his muzzle, he glanced up at the female before bouncing it down.  "That's a fuckin' fern.  All these…bushy plants, they're ferns!  I came here for the ferns, 'cos they're red.  Like me!"
The yearling skittered sideways, practically dancing across the ground until he sidled up next to Leotie, bumping her playfully with his nose.  "I'm not lost…kinda.  I mean, not like we have a place to frickin' live, but I came here on purpose, yo.  I'm Gilligan, by the way!  But you can call me Gil," the lad babbled, obviously unaware of anything that might have been making the other lone wolf uncomfortable.  His social skills were lacking at best, and if she'd seemed shy, or distressed – well, it was probably impressive that the boy had managed to determine she was a loner, and of similar age.  Observation was not one of the ginger's prized skills, either.
After a moment, he stepped forward, giving the female her space as he glanced over his shoulder.  "Hey, what's your name?  You lookin' for something, yo?  Said you were lost…or…well, you kinda said you were lost," Gilligan decided.  It wasn't in so many words, but it was certainly implied.  Made sense to him.

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie wasn’t sure what to make of the fellow that she had now encountered.  She wanted to be cautious of him since she didn’t know him but as he spoke a full sentence she wasn’t sure she needed to be. “Sorry, I do not know what ferns are.”  It was a word that she hadn’t encountered at home. She watched as he went to a nearby plant and picked some before he dropped it in front of her telling her that it was a fern.  Leotie bent her head to sniff at the plant that the male had told her was a fern before she looked around her and saw that all the bushes looked the same and they were in fact all red. “Yes I suppose they are the same color red as you,” she agreed, “And I don’t think that I am the only weird one,” she added.

She wondered if he was lost like her since he was wearing a collar like she had sometimes when her humans took her for a walk. Leotie watched his movements as he came closer to her until he was at her side bumping her with his nose.  She reached her nose out to sniff at his pelt before asking, “So you know your way around this place then?  It’s nice to meet you Gil.”  She was starting to relax since he did seem friendly.  She thought that perhaps he might be able to help her to find her way back home but he would need to know his way around this place to help her find her way back.

Her gaze didn’t leave him as he stepped away from her, he did seem a lot more strange than she thought she was, “I’m Leotie and yes I am lost.  I’m trying to find my way back home but I am afraid it might be a hopeless venture,” she explained a note of sadness in her tone.

(This post was last modified: Aug 10, 2015, 05:31 PM by Kjors. Edit Reason: Runaway tag! )
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila

The youth's head jerked up as the female turned his observation back, ears pivoting as it took a moment to process.  A breath later and a sharp laughter broke free, Gilligan chuckling heartily as he shook his head.  "Alright, yeah, you're probably right, yo.  I'm pretty weird, too.  But weird ain't bad, yanno?  I like being weird.  I like being me," the Aquila prattled on, completely in his element here.  His new acquitance, for whatever reason, did not strike him dumb, nor did she threaten him in any way.  It seemed she was the perfect sort for the ginger wolf to feel right at home – and thus, she was rewarded with a constant rabble of words strung together.
All the same, he was sure to stay still as Leotie sniffed at his pelt, tail wagging furiously behind him.  He had half a mind to grab a mouthful of ruff or throw his shoulder into her, inviting the other yearling into a bout of play.  His father never indulged him in such nonsense, and that idea alone was almost enough to spur the boy on.  Unfortunately, it seemed the lady had other priorities, and for the time being, he sought to actually be friendly, if not the helpful sort.
"Leotie, huh?  That's a pretty name, yo.  I like it.  And I can help!"  The lad paused.  "Well, I can try to help.  I've been hanging out near the mountain and stuff," Gil clarified, his grin slowly growing sheepish.  "I got in a real bad fight with my dad, you know?  And ran off, that's where I was staying.  But anyways," he pressed on, "where were you trying to go?  Maybe I know the place."

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie grew a little weary when the male’s head jerked up, she though that she might have offended him and she worried that he might be angry.  Then he laughed and she breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn’t offended and in fact he seemed to like the fact that he was weird.  “I suppose it’s not a bad thing, at least in your case,” it made him more interesting and he was most certainly friendly, “Though I am not sure in my case being weird is a good thing.”   Considering she felt that her weirdness was from the fact that she wasn’t from this place.

She was cautious as she sniffed his pelt though he didn’t seemed to mind one bit about it.  There were many scents on him but none that she could really pick out and knew exactly what it was though they did make her curious about the places that he had been.  That thought made her hopeful that perhaps he could help if he had been to a lot of places then he might be able to help her to find her home.>/p>

“Thank you,“ she said a bit shyly when he commented on her name.  “You can?  That would be great!” she added excitedly.  This declaration of his made her more hopeful then she had been.  Her spirits came down slightly as he said that he could try.  “What did you fight about?” she asked curiously before another thought occurred to her, “There are mountains here?” She was starting to wonder what sort of place this was that she found herself in.  Then he asked her the question that she wasn’t sure she could answer.  ”I only know it as home,” she told him, “It’s where my humans are,” she added hoping that might help him to know what she was talking about.

(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2015, 01:59 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila

"I can definitely try," Gilligan insisted, bobbing his head.  He'd never actually rescued anyone before, but he certainly fancied the idea.  That would impress his father when the man came back around – what would prove that he was, in fact, a functioning adult more than that he could help other wolves?  His tail wagged behind him lazily, and the lad was about to pester his new friend further when she inquired why he and his sire had parted ways in the first place.
The lad's mood feel immediately, made obvious by his crestfallen expression.  The regret was swallowed immediately, replaced by anger and a hint of arrogance as he shook his head, displeased with reliving the memory.  "We fought because he hates my collar, yo.  I don't know why.  It has my star.  Everyone in my old pack had a star, you got the star when you became an adult!  The whitewalkers, they always give them to you.  But we left after that happened, and a few days ago, or weeks?  Maybe it was weeks, a few weeks ago, he tripped to rip it off and near broke my neck!" Gilligan burbled, clearly feeling a bit victimized by the entire experience.  Naturally, the Aquila heir wasn't entirely at fault, but far be it from his son to admit any sort of wrongdoing. 
It was much easier to talk about Leotie's predicament, and the boy found himself much more inclined to help the other yearling than he was to continue to complain about @Datura and his abuse.  Humans caught his attention, and his ears perked up.  He'd heard that word before…  "Hey, uh, are they really white looking?  And only walk on two of their legs?  Sometimes they put weird things on their bodies?  Did they give you a collar two!?"
Was she a White Goat wolf?

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie’s features lit up when Gil said that he would try to help her, “Thank you so much,” she gushed happy that she might finally be able to find her way back home.  She knew that she was not meant for this place and the faster she could get out of it the better off she would be.  She was sure that he humans missed her and would be so happy to see her when she finally made it home, she hoped that they were okay and that nothing bad had happened to them while she had been away.

Gil had spoken of a fight that he’d had with his father, she thought that it was nice that the male actually knew his father.  Leotie knew that she had to have had a father but she knew nothing about him and that saddened her.  “That wasn’t very nice of him,“  she stated when Gil told her that his father had tried to take his collar off.  “I don’t think that it bad to want to keep something that is special to you. Why does he not like you having your star?” She asked curiously since she didn’t really see how him having it could really hurt anything.

It seemed that she had struck something with him when she had told him about her humans, he seemed to know exactly what she was talking about.  The questions that he asked confirmed that he had to know what she was talking about, “Yes they are very white and walk on two legs and put the strange things on their bodies but I only wore my collar when I went away from my yard,” she explained.

(This post was last modified: Aug 17, 2015, 09:39 PM by Leotie.)
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