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Who's Your Penny? — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

It seemed that man wasn't as ambitious as Anthem had thought he was. Which relieved the beta some. It wasn't good for a pack to have too many wolves that all wanted to climb to the top. There would be too much fighting and little loyalty among them. If Kajika wanted a skill or rather a role though... Anthem's head tipped a little as he thought about what they needed at the moment. He was a Guardian and his sister was likely going to become one as well. The two yearlings though not holding the title of Healer were the closest thing they had to one. Des seemed to be working to become a Scout. He gazed at the dark man in silent contemplation. 

What are you good at? Anthem asked bluntly. He figured if he at least knew what Kajika was good at he could try and help him earn that role or he could direct him towards someone who might be able to help him. But there were other things that he could do that you didn't necessarily need a role for and could still help the pack out. It all depended on what Kajika wanted to do and what he was good at. Also do you want me to tell you about the others in the pack? He asked as an after thought. If he at least had some vague idea of who was all within the pack then he would able to at least know their names upon meeting them. 
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It was important to Kajika to find his place in the pack, once he did that he knew that he would really feel like he was home. After explaining to Anthem what his most imminent plans were he thought that perhaps the beta could help him to figure out where he might fit in and how he could help the pack by using the skills that he had at his disposal.  He also thought that once he had figured out exactly how he could help he would feel more settled in and could develop more of a routine for his days then he had at the current time.

The question of what he was good at was a difficult one for Kajika since he wasn’t exactly sure what he was good at though he supposed there were a few things. “Well I suppose I’m a good hunter and possibly a good teacher.  I’ve taught Des to fish and a little about fighting though I haven’t had many students,” he told Anthem.  It felt a little strange to Kajika to be telling the bet these things about himself since he wasn’t much for talking about himself.  “I would like that very much,” she said when Anthem offered to tell him of the others in the pack.  It would be a good way to get to know a little about them before he actually met them.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Aug 10, 2015, 11:36 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

Patiently Anthem waited for Kajika to respond. He likely hadn't thought that he would be put on the spot like that and now he had to access himself and what he was good at. This thought made the beta grin a little in amusement. The two things that were listed to him immediatly made him think about an Advisor or a Hunter. The pack didn't have either of them at the moment and as far as Anthem knew there wasn't anyone trying to earn those rules yet. A pack Hunter might be what they needed at that moment. Relations were nice as the one with Oak Tree Bend was pleasant and the pack to the south hadn't been in contact with them, yet. We actually could use a Hunter or an Adviser, though I think a Hunter would be the best choice. Anthem commented but then he shrugged and added. The choice is up to you though on what you want to be. I'm just going on what you told me.

Were to start with the wolves in the pack. Sitting down Anthem began. Vespertio and Namid are the lead pair. They are very patient and wise and both of them have my loyalty. Primrose is the female beta and is a white female with a quick tongue, and if you can I suggest that you stay away from her. There's Des who you have already met.  Tagg is a smaller male who is rather energetic and will try his best. Nathaniel is a more layed back and with a chocolate coat. Angele is a paler female but she isn't pure white like Primrose. Nathaniel and Angele are my siblings as well. Then there is the young Hemlock and Asphodel right now they are our healers. Then of course you have the pups Aleister, Neha, and Cernan. After listing off everyone within the pack he stopped. He hadn't spoken that much in one time in quite a while. His tongue swiped across his muzzle as he waited for any questions that might come.

(This post was last modified: Aug 17, 2015, 04:11 AM by Anthem.)
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

  Anthem had been with the pack for a long time and he knew how things worked inside it, things that Kajika did not yet understand.  He was glad to have run into the beta and even more glad that he was willing to give the subordinate some advice to the problem that he had.  Though Kajika often found himself being the one to give advice this question of his was something that he could not answer on his own.  He listened carefully as Anthem offered his thoughts on the matter, “I thought that Hunter would be a definite possibility though I am curious as to the advisor role, is that a difficult role, I mean what would one have to do to achieve that role?” He asked curiously.  His memory going back to what Veho had said to him and it was only after that Kajika had even considered an advisor role.

Then Anthem had offered to tell him about the other members of the pack.  It was good to hear someone else’s thoughts on the pack.  Again he listened carefully as Anthem spoke of each member and told his opinion of each.  He committed each of their names and descriptions to memory for when the time came that he met them.  “I have heard of Primrose and her disposition,” stated Kajika remembering the worry that Des’d had and what had spurred the sparring session and his eventual joining of the pack.  “I look forward to meeting the others they all sound like nice, hardworking wolves.   Thank you for telling me about them.”

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Aug 16, 2015, 06:21 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

This was a rather new thing to Anthem. He wasn't used to someone asking him for advice. Maybe if it was about fighting or the area but not about the pack and how things worked within it. He had chosen the role of Guardian for a reason after all. It had less talking and more action which was what he was used to after being alone for the years before he had finally settled down in the Cove with his friends. The Advisor role? I would think that every pack is different but the basics are probably the same. You would help the Leaders with making decisions and give them your thoughts on whatever subjects may have been brought up. You would need to go and talk with either Namid or Vespertio to find out the details of earning the role though. Anthem said with a shrug. He didn't know how much advice that Namid and Vespertio would need they seemed to be making good decisions already. Yet, he wasn't going to stop Kajika if the role of Advisor was one he wanted to pursue. 

So Primrose's temperament was making itself known to even the new wolves of the pack. Anthem honestly wasn't surprised about it though. There was usually at least one wolf within the border's that you had to keep an eye on. He just wished that the white woman didn't hold a position that was so close to Namid. I think you will get along with most of them.He responded back with a slight nod. Then he let his head tip a little. Do you have any more questions you want to ask while we are talking about the pack anyway? Better to get them answered now and out of the way before some confusion of some sort happened later on.

(This post was last modified: Aug 18, 2015, 04:17 PM by Anthem.)
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

  Anthem had not only provided and answer to Kajika about the role that he had inquired about but also confirmed what he thought he would have to do should he take up that position.  He wondered if it was a position that he could do well in and as Anthem spoke about he thought that perhaps it was one that required a lot of responsibility and he wasn’t sure that he wanted all of that on his shoulders especially with being so new to the pack.  “It’s just as I thought.  You have given me a lot to consider Anthem and I will most certainly have to talk with Namid about whatever I decide to do,” said Kajika appreciatively.   It was a tough decision, almost as tough as the one that he had made to join Fallen Tree Cove but he was sure that once he had all of the information he needed he would be able to make it.

Kajika smiled when Anthem said that he thought he would get along with the other members of the pack, “Thank you for the vote of confidence,” he stated, “It is my goal to do so.”  He didn’t want to be thought of as Primrose was thought of by the others of the pack.  Clearly if two members didn’t seem to have much good to say about her there had to be some truth to it and not just two pack members having a disagreement.  When asked if he had any more questions Kajika considered for a moment if he did, “Not at this time though I do appreciate your time and the information that you have provided.  I seemed to have forgotten my manners but do you have any questions for me?” He asked tilting his head slightly.  Kajika thought it only fair to allow his pack mate to ask questions of himself if he wished.

~Table by Ace

(This post was last modified: Aug 23, 2015, 09:31 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

If you didn't know what you wanted to do then it would be a hard decision. Anthem's choice had been easy though when it came to finding his role. He had been raised to fight and protect so it was only natural that he take on the role of Guardian. He couldn't fathom being anything else and he knew that if he had tried to be an Adviser he likely would have failed miserably. Anthem nodded at Kajika's words. It might take him a little while to finally make up his mind and then when he did he could pursue his goal. Take the time you need to settle in and make up your mind. You don't want to rush into something that you aren't prepared for. He said simply. If the other found out that the Cove wasn't a place that he wanted to call home then it wouldn't do any good for him to become an Advisor or anything else for that matter. 

Anthem grinned slightly. Well that's good because I don't want to have any trouble. He commented in a light tone. If Kajika was able to become a productive pack member then life within the territory would be a little bit easier. One more body to hunt, patrol, and overall help keep the pups safe as they grew into adults. His head tipped as he thought about what he could ask Kajika. There wasn't much that he wanted to ask the other. Do you know of anything that is happening in outside the borders with the loners or other packs? He questioned. Seeing as how he was for the most part suck in the Cove he hadn't been able to make contact with those outside the pack. That information was what he needed though to do his job though so now was a good time as any to ask. Maybe he would get some interesting information from the exchange. Who knew he would just have to wait and see what the other man said.

I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Having come from a pack where he was the alpha’s son and the only thing that he had to do was to follow whatever orders were given to him by his father it was hard for Kajika to know what the best course of action for him was.  It was something that he hadn’t ever had to consider since up until the time that he had left his pack the course for his life had been set and now he found that he needed to find a new path to follow, one that he was certain would help him to accomplish the goals that he had for himself. He smiled at Anthem’s words, “Well I don’t think we have to worry too much,” he stated with a short chuckle, “I’m not very good at rushing into important decisions.  I am certain that I will give this one just as much thought as I gave to the last big decision that I had to make.”  It was possible that he had taken much longer than he should have on deciding to join his current pack but he had to be certain and he would have to be certain about whatever decision he made concerning where he would go in his new pack.

Kajika hoped that in time he would become close with his pack mates believing that only when they were close could they truly be successful at doing what it took in order for the pack to flourish. “I do not want trouble either,” he stated in agreement when Anthem stated he didn’t want trouble.  Kajika knew that it would serve no purpose to start any sort of trouble being this new to the pack.  He very much wanted to make this work not only for himself but for Des and the pack as well so it was best to get along with everyone the best that he could.  After asking Anthem if he had any questions he wondered what the beta might ask him.  The question posed wasn’t expected and he had to think a moment before he could answer to make sure that he was able to answer as truthfully as he could. “No, there’s nothing I can think of aside from a male that I ran into in the Fen, he was there with his mate but that was a while ago so they may not be there any longer,” he explained.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2015, 12:52 AM by Kajika.)
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Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
OOC: Sorry for the wait and the post. I think we could finish this off within our next couple of posts.

It was good that Kajika wasn't going to rush his decision. It made Anthem think that he would be a good Adviser if he did decide to become one. The choices you made in life could affect you deeply. The beta knew that his decision had affected him as well as his siblings but they had made there own choices when they had come to hunt him down. He was still happy that they had done it because he had been missing them, but those days were over now. The three of them were here and they were safe and that along with the safety of the pack was ll that mattered.

His question about the areas outside the pack had been one he had been wanting to know the answer for awhile now but the response he got made him wonder. If @Kajika hadn't really met anyone else of notice then maybe there wasn't that many loners around? If that was the case then there were either more packs or there wasn't enough prey to sustain them and they had left or died. It made him slightly concerned for when winter did decide to poke its head around the corner. If the loners weren't able to catch anything then they would look to the packs for a chance to steal their prey but if there were more packs that could mean that when winter did finally come that they would all be savaging around for prey. He shifted uncomfortably before he glanced at Kajika. I know you probably don't think that you have given me any useful information but you actually have. He told the man in front of him before speaking up again. One more question. Did you notice of prey was scarce of if there was a lot of it around? The answer to this would help him even more in trying to figure out what was going on, but even with this he was going to have to go out and find out what was going on himself.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
No worries, I should apologize for your wait as well.  Sounds like a plan.

Now that he had some insight it would greatly help with the decision of what course he should pursue in future.  He already knew there was a lot to think about and he would give it the time that he felt it needed but he knew that his next step in deciding which path to take was to talk with Namid.  Only she could say for sure if he could pursue the role that he desired.  She would know better than anyone what roles in the pack needed to be filled.  He felt that she would listen to his opinion and help in whatever way she could but he needed to be sure in his mind before he went to her.

He had not been expecting the question that Anthem had asked of him.  He wished that he had more to offer in the way of information but he supposed that perhaps what he had seen as important then was different than what he saw as important now.  After all his priorities would have changed with the change in his situation.  “You are kind, and I’m glad I could help,” he told the male when he assured Kajika that the information he’d provided was helpful.  Then next question asked did help Kajika to slightly understand what the man was thinking, “I did not notice a scarcity of prey.  There was always something to hunt when I needed to though the type of prey depended a lot on where you were,” he explained hoping that bit of information would also be useful to the beta. It was true though whatever hunger he might have experienced was not due to the lack of prey but more to the mood that he had fallen into.

~Table by Ace
(This post was last modified: Sep 13, 2015, 03:39 PM by Kajika.)
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