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Lavender Hyssop — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
For @Jynx

Since coming to this new place he’d found a den place but he also wanted to explore the rest of the forest to see what sorts of vegetation and prey were in the area. Emrys thought that it was best for him to be familiar with these particular facets so that he wouldn’t have to waste time later figuring them out. Now that winter was upon the forest he had to be sure of everything that he did before he did it because he was aware that one mistake could mean disaster especially in an unfamiliar place.

The truth of it was that winter was not the best time for him to have set out on his own but had to get away from the band that he had been running with. While it had certain…advantages, it was not the way he wanted to live his life permanently. Now he wasn’t sure where he wanted his life to go at this point but he thought that being alone as his mother had been was a good place to start.

The weather was cold in the morning when he had set out on his travels in search of an area where he thought that Lavender Hyssop would grow. He was well aware that with the cold weather his chances of finding the plant were non-existent Emrys didn’t think that it would hurt for him to at least be familiar with the places so that he could check back later when spring had arrived. He had traveled most of the bringing himself to a forested area with large trees but they were further apart than he had been expecting which lead him to think that the distance might allow for the sun to shine through the branches offering areas where the coveted plant might grow. He glanced up as he came out into one of the areas only to find the sky clouded over, it would be hard to tell on this day but he envisioned that it was possible.

His stomach grumbled loudly just then telling him that too much time had passed since he had last eaten or had anything to drink for that matter. Emrys glanced around for any sign of a squirrel or rabbit that might make a nice mid-afternoon meal. He didn’t immediately see anything until he caught movement out of the corner of his eye and the scent of rabbit reached his nostrils. He set into motion in the direction he had seen the movement.

(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2016, 07:21 PM by Emrys.)
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

As always, Jynx was keeping herself busy. She already had enough on her plate, with her role as Leader of Grizzly Hollow. From border patrols, to cache checks, and of course, keeping an eye on her pack mates and their needs. While she liked being productive in this way, even she found that she wished for a break from her new responsibilities. After all, she had other more personal interests than the tasks that came with leading a pack.

One of them being, which role she should try for, once Quil retook her proper place again. She had little interest in being a guardian, as her build was not ideal, but her temper when sparked, certainly was. She knew little about being a medic, and the wide knowledge of medicinal plants required with the role. That left her leaning towards becoming a scout, where she could stretch her legs more often, or a hunter. Currently, she was filling the later of the two roles rather nicely, some distance away from the borders of her home. The russet woman had tracked down a rabbits burrow, and not a small one either. The mound of earth was buried beneath the snow, but her sensitive nose had no trouble locating it. Not one, but several multiple holes were dug out and used as entrances for the small mammals, while doubling as potential escape routes, should a predator desire to make a meal out of them.

And that, is just what she was trying to accomplish at this very moment. She did not mind the challenge; instead she welcomed it, seeing it as a worthy test to her hunting skills. Situated at the den, Jynx had assumed a bowed posture, her head several feet deep within one of the entrances. Her slowly wagging tail indicated her enjoyment, as well as her intense focus on this challenging little game. The scraped earth and snow stretching around the perimeter of the site suggested that she had been at this for quite some time, and that the rabbits inside were stubborn and smart enough to stay put.She was too preoccupied to notice the incoming arrival of the ghostly figure in the distance.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys trotted along in the direction that what he was sure to be a rabbit had gone though he was a little worried that the sounds of his growling stomach might ruin any chances of catching the rabbit. They had gotten quite loud at least to him. He knew that if he was going to have any chance of quieting them he would have to catch that rabbit. Though the creature was now out of sight the scent was still strong and getting stronger. That in his mind could only mean two things, either he was getting closer or he was coming up to more of them. He definitely liked the idea of there being more, perhaps he catch a few and take them back to his den site and save some for later.

That thought left him when he saw something of a peculiar sight as he came upon a female wolf that seemed to be trying to get into a burrow. One that clearly belonged to the rabbit that he’d been following, the scent was very strong which Emrys knew was due to the fact that he was now in the area of the warren. For a long moment he watched the female with her head still in the burrow and tail wagging above her. He also took notice of the displaced earth and snow around her.

Then finally the thought that if they both worked together then they might each have their very own rabbit so he took a couple steps forward though not too close and cleared his throat before speaking, “Hello there perhaps I can offer some assistance?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2016, 08:07 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

Immersed in the feat of trying to reach her quarry, Jynx did not notice the arrival of another wolf on the scene until they vocalized themselves. The distinct clearing of the throat, paired with the voice of it's owner was certainly enough to elicit a response from the russet pack wolf. At the sound, she abruptly pulled her head from the gaping hole, craning her neck around to peer over her shoulder. Ears pricked up, bright yellow eyes wide with brief surprise, she blinked softly. Backing away only a few steps from the burrow, she regarded this new face before her.

While they were indeed well within Cedarwood Forest, they were both far enough away from the borders of Grizzly Hollow that Jynx would not consider this white male to be intruding. Even as a Leader, however temporary that may be, she did not show any signs to indicate her status. For all anyone knew, she could just be another lone wolf, scavenging for food, had it not been for the packs scent mingled in her fur. With her stance relaxed, and tail level with her spine, waving slowly in the air, Jynx gave off an amicable vibe. Cocking her head to the side ever so slightly, she replied. "Well that depends..." A slow smile grew on her lips, in good nature. "...how good of a hunter are you?" Her eyes darted back to the warren, leg muscles tense, ready to burst her into movement, should one of the rabbits make a bolt for it. "These rabbits are giving me quite the run for my money, as you can see." So if this wolf was feeling up for a challenge, and a bit of teamwork, then her invitation was open.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

It was rather amusing seeing the female with her head down the rabbit burrow and her tail in the air clearly happy about what was in there. The problem was the rabbits were safe in their burrow and not outside where it would be much easier to catch them. Since they were inside the warren it made things a little more difficult but not at all impossible, at least Emrys hoped that was the case. With that thought he decided to make his presence known to the female so that she wouldn’t be too unnerved by the sight of him when she finally did pull her head from the burrow opening. Then he waited patiently as he watched her pull her head out and look over her shoulder at him to which he gave her a polite nod to acknowledge that he was in fact the one that had gotten her attention, though he was sure that she’d already figured that out.

With the two of them they stood a better chance of them both getting something to eat which was why he’d offered to help her to catch something. It was a valuable lesson that he’d learned before he’d come to this place and thought it would be good to put it into practice once more. A smile crossed his lips as she spoke about how good of a hunter he was, “Well I assure you I can hold my own.” He had learned quite a bit about hunting during his time spent with the group of male’s he’d been with. Emrys nodded, “Yes I can. The same happened to me with the one I’d been chasing which is why I think we would have better lucky working together.”

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2016, 08:09 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

The snow crunched beneath her paws as she took several steps closer, away from the burrow and towards the white stranger, who seemed harmless enough. One ear pivoted back though, indicated that she was still on alert for the sounds of any skittish rabbits trying to make an escape. "Oh is that so?" She jested lightly in return to his note of how he could handle himself. His reasoning was well placed, and an agreeable smile crept to her lips once more. "That certainly is the best strategy. Maybe we will luck out and catch more than one, working together."

His offer accepted, Jynx turned in a half circle to proceed back to the wren she had attempted to dig up. "Is hunting your specialty?" Came her casual question. Kneeling down in front of one of the side entrances, she peered into the dark depths where the rabbits were hiding. While she may have appeared distracted, the Hollow leader was quite capable of multi tasking, especially when it came to conversation and more serious business. Pulling her head back, she glanced to where the white male was now standing. "I will stay here, by this entrance. Feel free to take up your position wherever you like." Perhaps the added pressure of two wolves instead of just one would flush the rabbits out. If not, then they may have to drive them out by force. By trial and error, and cooperation, the pair would hopefully earn themselves a small meal.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys’s ear flicked at the sound of the snow crunching under her paws as she drew nearer to him. It had been awhile since he’d come across a female having spent most of his time in the past months with other males. So he had to remember the manners that his mother had taught him as a pup. “I would not say it if it weren’t true,” he stated matching her tone. Though he had lasted this long without going hungry too often so he was rather confident in his abilities. He couldn’t help the smile that crossed his lips when she agreed with working together. “Maybe we will,” he agreed, “At any rate our chances will be better as they always are when more than one are hunting together.”Emrys made to follow the female as she turned to go back to the rabbits home, “No,” he stated in response to her question, “I don’t exactly have a specialty at this point but I am working to become a healer,” He added to explain. He didn’t think that at this time in his life he could say that it was his specialty but he hoped he could one day. He watched as she seemed to be assessing the situation with the rabbits and soon was giving him directions or rather telling him what she was going to do, “I think the back entrance would be a good place to take up my position,” he told her, “We can make some noise, start there and see if we need more than that,” he suggested.

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2016, 12:25 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
A few more posts and we can wrap this up, kay?

Reach for the stars

While the two wolves worked out the last few details of the plan, idle chit chat was thrown into the mix. Not something she would mind at all. It wasn't like they were trying to take down a flighty deer or something. Those rabbits were deep within their burrow, and not at all in a hurry to come out. His reply earned a peek of her russet head over the den, peering at him with bright yellow eyes. "Oh is that so? Neither do I, but I like to think hunting is my strong suite." She shrugged her shoulders. "A healer huh? That brings back...memories..." She trailed off, but then shook the thought away. "I'm afraid I don't know a thing about healing, but I do know at least two rather talented medics." She was referring to Veho and Titan of course, the latter of which had since mysteriously vanished. "I wish you luck in reaching your goal." Her voice was sincere. Jynx loved seeing others succeed at their ambitions, even if she was still pursuing her own.

He seemed to have settled on where he would take up his position..at the back entrance. "Sounds good to me. I'll try and watch the side for any movement." Settling completely onto her belly, Jynx stuck her muzzle into the depths of the burrow. From within her voice could be heard, building up into low growls, with the occasional whine and snap of teeth thrown in. The more racket the duo managed to make, the higher the chances the rabbits would spook. Even if it meant making themselves look like two common household dogs yapping away at a cat trapped under a sofa.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

They had formed a plan that would hopefully earn them both a meal and of it didn’t…well then hopefully they would have fun trying. The female seemed good spirited to him and he thought that it wouldn’t be a total loss if all ended up not working out at all. At least he would have had good company for the afternoon, sometimes that was enough. He nodded, “Sometimes it takes time to find something you want to specialize in,” he commented, “And since hunting is your strong suit then that ups our chances of catching one of this rabbits,” he added with a raise of his brow. It did make sense to him at any rate. “I’m glad to know that there are others in the area, perhaps I might get the chance to meet them someday.” He certainly would like the chance to meet a talented healer and maybe even be able to learn something from them. His mother had only been able to teach him so much so maybe they could help him to expand on his knowledge. “Thank you and I wish you luck in whatever the future hold for you too.” He hoped for her that she would find something she enjoyed doing like he had and that she could do it for as long as she wanted.

It was settled he would take the rear of the warren and she would take the front and they would go at it together and hope that would work to drive the rabbits out. “I’ll do the same for other side,” he told her that way they each only had to watch one side. Once he reached the rear entrance to the warren he pushed his muzzle into the hole that was the entrance and let a couple of loud barks and some low growls hoping that would help to scare the rabbits further into moving out.

(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2016, 09:40 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.