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steep hills of vicodin tears — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Bryony who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Branwen Kakisadae
for @Emrys - freezing fog -2F

Past the boundaries of his new home, Branwen decided to explore a bit of this unfamiliar place. It was probably unwise to wander too far from home, since he was so green. It was his intention to prove to @Gent that he would serve his "position" well. Wandering off when he may be needed was not wise. But he supposed as long as the scent of the pack was still within his smelling range, he was not too bad off. He might still be able to hear a bark from the distance he was. It was particularly cold on this particular day and Bran was thankful for the trees that broke up the crisp chill of the wind. It was somewhat difficult to see through the fog which seemed to have worsened since his first day here, and he stepped forward with caution, on the off chance a stranger was hidden to his view.

Though aging, the grayscale man had little interest in going kerflooey so soon. He hadn't even been able to swim in these lands yet. How sad might it be if he was murdered by a passing stranger? He wasn't paranoid, but he was still quite unfamiliar with the lands around him. Of course, Gent would not settle somewhere murderers might treat. Would he? With a flick of his tail, Bran skidded carefully down a slight slope and stopped by a particularly large tree, the base of which had split, offering a small temporary hideaway. Wishing to warm his nose, Bran slide into the crack and curled up in the snow. He rested his tail over his nose, though his brown eyes remained watchful of anyone that might pass by.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

For many day Emrys had been traveling the lands to the north of his den site seeing what he could and learning about his new home. Since it was winter he felt that perhaps it might not be the smartest thing that he’d ever done but at least he kept moving which helped a little in allowing himself to become too cold. The ground was covered with snow and still being somewhat young Emrys had the sudden urge to play in the snow which was something he wasn’t sure his mother would approve of considering he was on his own and there were more important things to be worried about. Emrys had loved his mother but he recognized that everything couldn’t be so serious all of the time.

He came to a snowy slope which he half tumbled, half skidded down and when he got to the bottom he tunneled under a snow drift only to surface and shake all of the snow from his coat causing a cloud of the white powder to swirl through the air all around him. Once it had started to settle though he caught the scent of another wolf, a male that he thought could possibly be in the area. The wetness of the snow dampened the scent so it could have been hours since the male had been in the area but Emrys didn’t want to get caught un aware, “Hello, is someone there I mean no harm,”he called into the forest around him.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2016, 08:12 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Bryony who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Branwen Kakisadae
Snuffling into his own fur, Branwen resisted the cold to the best of his ability. It seemed as though a light flurry had begun. It would be much harder to see, getting home might be a chore. He supposed he might as well start to head back, although he had only been resting for a short time. He lifted his tail from his nose and let out a wide yawn before sliding from his hiding spot. He tread upon the frozen snow a few times before he moved to start heading home. Bran was stopped in his tracks when a voice called out. Peering around the tree, he just barely saw the white wolf among the snow. His ears flicked, "I doubt you'd do me any harm anyway." This wolf didn't smell much different than he, and he did not hold himself like one of high status. 

He was new to this whole...status thing. Though he desired to be the Lowest, he was unsure if he'd truly achieved that yet. Certainly Gent would have broken him in. It was his right as Leader. So the idea that he was above the wolf before him was very strange. "I'd be careful with that fur out here, child. It might help you hunt, but you might surprise the wrong wolf, you know." Branwen stepped around the tree to fully expose himself to the pale boy. He didn't show any signs of aggression, nor did he hold himself in any particular high way. It was simply his words that rang with some kind of authority.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The snow had started to fall more steadily as Emrys waited for an answer to his call. He thought it might be necessary to find himself shelter for the night a little earlier then he’d planned if the snow fall became any worse. His journey would be very easily continued in the morning if that was necessary since he was not in that big of a hurry. A voice finally answered his call causing his ears to perk in the direction it had come from, “What makes you so certain about that?” He asked curiously wondering why this wolf seemed feel he wasn’t a threat.

The stranger spoke once more commenting about the color of his fur which caused Emrys to unconsciously glance at his side. “That may be true but it can also offer cover if I need to hide from the wrong wolf,” he stated confidently. While both statements were true he felt hiding from the wrong wolf was something that Emrys wouldn’t do. He wasn’t one to back down when faced with a challenge. “What brings you out in this weather?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2016, 01:18 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Bryony who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Branwen Kakisadae
Branwen shrugged. His comment had been truly innocent. "Just a feeling, I suppose." He drawled, tail swinging casually against his hocks. Maybe he was wrong and the pale wolf was a ruthless killer, but that certainly wasn't the impression Bran was getting. Nothing about this wolf made his fur stand on end, nothing about him caused Branwen's knees to buckle under a greater force. Branwen was no powerhouse, of course; he relied solely on speed to save the day. He certainly wasn't foolish enough to voice his opinions in a cruel way. It was simply a fact, a response to a statement. Perhaps it had been somewhat unnecessary, but he'd voiced them nonetheless.

He held his tongue, holding back a jest that might be taken the wrong way. No need to muss all this lovely snow. He wasn't much of a lover, but he wasn't a fighter either. "Insatiable curiosity. I am new to these lands. It would behoove me to get used to them, since I am living in them." He took a step forward before settling down on his haunches. "Besides, it's just a bit of fog and flurry, is it not? A few flakes never hurt a soul." His words were somewhat sarcastic now. Obviously it was absolutely freezing and it was more than just a flurry. "I'll ask you the same. Why are you out here?" Graying brows rose over dark eyes and he canted his muzzle upwards in a haughty sort of manner. It was all in jest, really, though Branwen wasn't quite feeling the joke of his own presentation.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The answer that was given in regards as to how the stranger knew the white male meant, no harm, wasn’t exactly what he was looking for but he supposed that it would do. He wouldn’t press the matter further and he supposed in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t that important. Perhaps one day he would know like the stranger seemed to if a wolf meant harm or not right away. Part of him felt he was still much too young for that. “What sort of feeling?” He asked curiously. “I mean do you think that you might be able to describe it?” Emrys was sure that he was showing his age but he thought that it was a good question to ask If he wanted to know if he might have felt the same feeling before.

Emrys’s next quest was one that the gray male did choose to answer with more description causing him to nod at the response he was given. He too was in the same situation of being new and needed to get used to the place he had decided to call his home. “Are you staying nearby?” he asked thinking that if this stranger was out and about in this area he might have a den site close by. Though Emrys was aware of the distance to his own den site, still it didn’t hurt to ask. “No, no I suppose they didn’t,” he agreed with the man though he wasn’t really sure that he completely understood what had been said. “I am new to these lands as well and am getting to know my way around,” he explained when asked what he was doing out there. Emrys did find it slightly interesting that they were both new to these lands and that they were both going about getting used to the land and what they could find there.

(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2016, 01:21 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Bryony who has 15 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Branwen Kakisadae
"Oh you know, it's just like--" Branwen displayed an aposiopesis, though he honestly had no intention of answering the boy's question. In a way, he was just trying to get under his skin for no particular reason. For a second, his jaw gaped as though he was searching for words. He then snapped it shut and gave another shrug, this one a bit more apologetic. Branwen wondered if this new found position he was in was giving him more courage than usual. Maybe. If he was stronger, he wondered if he might challenge this stranger to some sort of duel. Not that he was any sort of fighter...

It was a nice thought, anyway.

"I am, someways up the mountain in Round Stone Crest." It was nice to identify with something again. Being alone was not a position he enjoyed being in, especially in these sorts of weather. "Make sure you don't get too close. It is hard enough existing as a loner during the winter, no need to add injury to insult." He raised gray brows, and his words held warning. He didn't think the boy was foolish though, but the warning was there, nonetheless. Who knows, perhaps he would see this stranger within the borders soon.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Again the strangers answer left a lot to be desired but Emrys thought it might be something that could be easily explained. The loner pondered that for a moment thinking that perhaps it was one of those things that it you knew when you felt it. For a moment it seemed the grey male might say something more, Emrys waited, but all he received was a shrug. It was disappointing to say the least but he moved on from it as there were other things to worry about such finding his way in this new land.

The white male had yet to learn of the place the stranger spoke of, “What’s Round Stone Crest?” He asked curiously. Perhaps it was a place that he might like to visit at some point, there might even be some herbs there that he could use. What the male said next gave Emrys a good indication that this was pack lands, still a visit might not hurt. There might be those that needed help there. “I will keep that in mind if I’m ever up that way,” he stated, “Do you like it there?” He questioned wondering a little about the pack that lived there.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.