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Matricaria discoides — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

Meeting the healer by accident was a welcome surprise since Emrys wasn’t sure that there were any other healers in the area. It was also good for him to know where to find this healer in case he ever needed help in the future. It was a comforting thought for the young male since he was so new to the lore and still learning the healing arts. With his mother gone he didn’t have her to help him any longer and he hated the idea of replacing her as his teacher but he knew that if he didn’t find help somewhere else then he would have to give up his dream to be as good a healer as her, he wanted to make her proud and he felt that pursuing the role of a healer was the only way he could do it.

Emrys listened as the older male spoke about his family and where he had come from, though the details were vague he felt that as hard as it might be to not bring his family along might be good if they weren’t suited for this sort of place. Still it was good that Lachesis had found a place that was home if he couldn’t be with his family. “Adjusting to a new place can be difficult if your unprepared but I am glad to hear that you and your family have been able to find happiness even though you are apart, that’s important.” Emrys wondered what his mother might think about living in the lore and if she would have been happy but the longer that she was gone that harder it was for him to know exactly how she would feel about such a thing. He was sad that it was that way but he at least knew how she felt about him and what her wishes were for him and practicing the healing arts helped him to feel close to her.

“I as well,” he agreed when the older male stated he was always looking for other healers to sharing information with. Emrys felt that the most important part of being a healer was the ability to share amongst each other the treatments that worked. “That is a good ambition to have and it would be nice if we could all get together not to mention beneficial to all of the wolves in the lore,” he stated in agreement. He hoped that perhaps one day Lachesis would be able to see that dream come true, “If you have the opportunity to put something together it would be my pleasure to help in whatever way I could,” he offered. It only seemed right since he thought that it was such a good idea. He smiled as Lachesis not only offered him a home in his pack whenever he was ready but also companionship if that was what he needed. “I appreciate the offer it is very generous of you and I will definitely keep Hearthwood River in mind if and when I am ready to join a pack but I will certainly come to you should I need the company of another healer.” His smile widened as the older male also commented about searching for plants in the spring, “I look forward to that and learning whatever you are willing to teach.”

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
wrap this up soon? <3

He hoped his family was happy back at the reserve. He did not what became of his brother after they got separated; Lachesis liked to think that he made a name for himself elsewhere, or made it back to their home in the Yukon. He refused to believe the cougar had caught up to him and turned him into kitty-chow. The rest of his family, he was not sure if they would have been able to survive in the feral world they had been so frightened of behind the high fences. There were a few that had lived outside the walls before they had been captured, and while their stories had filled some of the cubs with wanderlust it had only caused XIX to be tormented by nightmares.

Now, after experiencing and adapting to the outside world, Lachesis could not imagine a life in the reserve. It had been far too comfortable and routine, whereas life in Relic Lore was unpredictable and exciting. While he had experienced unimaginable pain in his few years here, the healer remained triumphant and kept his head high. This was where he belonged, not behind a twelve foot fence and being provided food by the strange two-leg creatures.

He smiled at the blue-eyed boy’s soft words, appreciating the selfless  kindness that radiated off the stranger. It was refreshing to be around someone who was genuinely goodhearted; XIX hoped that he would run into the pale healer more than once, and that perhaps a friendship would form out of this encounter.

“Absolutely,” he responded with a soft wag of his tail. “And if you encounter any more healers send them my way; I fear there aren’t too many this far north.” The pale leader also preferred to keep to himself, so not meeting other healers was partially his own doing.

Even if the younger healer did not pursue Hearthwood when it came time to him choosing a pack, Nineteen knew there would be an alliance — or friendship — between the two wolves. He dipped his head slightly in acknowledgement to Emrys’ words, mirroring the boy’s smile with one of his own. “Would you like to scour the land for some plants before I have to had back to the River? We can split whatever we find,” he asked with a hopeful grin while his tail gave a slow wag behind him. As much as XIX would like to stay here with the blue eyed loner, he did have pack duties to tend to (unfortunately). Being an adult was so difficult some days.

(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2016, 02:11 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin
yep, we can wrap this up soon.

Speaking about Lachesis making a home in Hearthwood river caused him to think about the many adjustments he’d had to make since the death of his mother. Though it had been helpful to have joined the pack of males shortly after it hadn’t been for him. It had also made him wonder if being in a pack was the best choice he could make for himself. Though he supposed that living in a real pack that he hoped would be like family might be different, since it would be something that would be more permanent to him. Sometimes he did wonder if his mother had ever been in a pack and what advice she might offer to him when he finally did decide to settle.

For now though, he was content in making it on his own since it had just been him and his mother until her death. She had taught him all that he needed to know about making it as a loner but speaking the older male gave him a lot to think about in regards to his future. Joining Hearthwood would be a good advantage to him. Not only did it sound like a good place to live but also he would have a fellow healer very close by to help him and perhaps teach him.

One thing he was sure of was that he wasn’t ready just them to make the commitment that was needed to a pack. He hadn’t been on his own that long since leaving the other pack and he wanted to spend a little more time by himself before making any big decisions. He needed the time to practice the things that his mother had taught him and then perhaps in the spring he would rethink his future and where he wanted it to go.

A smile crossed his features when the older male accepted his help in regards to getting the other healers together. “Brilliant, should I run into any in my travels I will most certainly send them to speak with you.” He too hoped that they could create some sort of alliance among the healers of the lore and he hoped that it would go well. He could only imagine all of the benefits of them coming together to help the wolves in the lore but he felt that it could make these lands a better place for everyone.

Emrys felt that he had made a friend that day in the older male so his offer to scour the land for some plants before their parting was one that he had to take the man up on. “Of course, perhaps you can show me some tips to finding them in winter?” With the male being older he thought that his experience would certainly help with this dilemma that he had been facing while searching for the plants he’d been looking for.

(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2016, 01:57 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
Couple more posts each and then we can fade out? :) 

The pale healer was envious of the blue-eyed loner’s freedom and elasticity. He was able to go wherever he wanted whenever he pleased; he had endless options and opportunities before him. While XIX had an aching desire to explore more of Relic Lore, he was also home. Through trial and error he had found where belonged in this strange (and unique place) and was not keen on parting ways with it just yet. While the River wolves had been experienced turmoil in finding a place to settle down, discovering Kingsfall had given the remaining members a sense of hope (even with an undesirable dragon among them). Lachesis just hoped that this move would be permanent — he was not sure he could handle anymore unplanned change.

A smile stretched across his pale maw in acknowledgement to Emrys’ words, his tail swaying slowly behind him. XIX hoped that a friendship would bloom between the two alabaster wolves, so long as he did not disappear like the rest of the healer’s friends. A sour taste filled his mouth at the thought; he was no longer pained by their absences. Bitter, maybe, but not upset. Not anymore.

“Definitely,” he responded with a lop-sided grin, motioning over his shoulder with a flick of his nose. He took several forward, his chartreuse gaze fixated on the younger male. “Who did you learn to heal from?” He asked over his shoulder as he continued forward, curious as to who inspired the young loner to pursue the life of a healer. It was not easy nor was it glamorous — and it certainly was not for every wolf — but it was where Lachesis felt as though he truly belonged. When he first arrived at Relic Lore he wasn’t good at anything, aside from stuttering and making a fool of himself, but the lessons his mother had taught him had been the one thing to stick with him during his adjustment to the ‘feral’ world.

With his nose lowered to the ground, he glanced at the younger medic out of the corner of his eye, his ears tipped toward Emrys as he waited for a response. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
Sounds good.

Being in this new place was something that Emrys was sure he was going to have to get used to but he was glad that he had a least managed to find a place to call home for the time being. He wasn’t sure how long he would be there but it suited him just fine for now while winter was all around them. He also knew that he would have to adjust to practicing the healing arts in this place since everything was so new and he wasn’t sure where all of the plants could be found just yet. It was one reason he was so very glad to have run into Lachesis. Not only did he hope to make a friend in the older male but perhaps a mentor in the future.

Emrys was sure that if he was going to be a good healer then he would need to have a good mentor or else he would wouldn’t be able to improve upon the knowledge that his mother had already imparted on him before her death. He didn’t think himself arrogant so therefore he knew that there was still so much to learn that he wouldn’t be able to teach himself.

A smile crossed the youngsters features at Lachesis affirmation, “Brilliant,” he stated as he followed the request to follow. The question that was asked of him wasn’t one that surprised him considering it was one that he would have probably have asked himself. “My mother,” he stated simply in response, “She taught me as much as she could.” As he followed Lachesis his thoughts once more went to his mother and all that she had tried to teach him in the time they had together. It had been rough putting what she had taught him into practice but he was doing the best that he could for now. He hoped that when spring came he could do better.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

While medicine and healing had never been a big priority to the reserve wolves, his mother had been persistent on teaching her timid son the methods she had been shown by her own mother. Both his parents had lived on the other side of the fence prior to their capture and Lachesis’ birth and hoped that their children would also get to experience the outside world. His father had been captivated and comforted by their ‘cushy’, new life while his mother still longed for the freedom beyond the walls. Her other two sons and daughter had shown little interest in the world of plants and had been more focused on learning how to hunt (and fish) and fight. The frail and gangly Lachesis had kept to himself, either exploring the land he was confined to or clinging to his mother’s side. In the time he shared with his doting mother, she had passed along her trade down to him in hopes that he would do the same thing.

And he had. In Karina, he had found an apprentice, but it was the charming and lucrative words of Kjors that had stolen the river princess from the medicinal world. He was still wary of the one-eyed dragon, but XIX knew that Kisla trusted the older male enough to make him her advisor. For now, he would have to keep his suspicions to himself, as it seemed he was one of the only river wolves not on Team Dragon.

A smile rolled onto his maw at the pale loner’s response, his ears pinned to the back of his skull as he glanced over his shoulder at Emrys. “My mother taught me as well,” he responded absently before returning his attention to the foliage before him. Eventually he would have to return to the river, but for now he was enjoying spending time with the younger healer. It was refreshing to get a new perspective on the role he was so passionate about. “Ergot and wormwood will be growing here soon,” he commented absently with his nose pressed to the ground, the smell of spring looming in the air over the pale pair. White fir was in abundance here, along with some other year-round medicinal florae, but it was good to see new plants began to sprout. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

After calling to whoever was in the area Emrys waited for a response his ears swiveling in each direction as he listened for sounds of someone approaching. It took a few moments but he finally heard a sound to indicate what he assumed to be the other wolf he’d caught the scent of approaching. He was a bit surprised when she came in to view rather close. She was one of the smallest wolves he’d seen and her coat was rather dark. His eyes followed her movements as she came further into view and took a seat in front of him. Emrys didn’t feel threatened by her presence though he was curious what she might be doing in the area.

“Don’t be but thank you for showing yourself,” he said when she apologized for startling him. Though she hadn’t really startled him, he just liked to know who was around. He didn’t want anyone to need help but to be too afraid to ask. He too had finally sat back on his haunches as well in hopes that he might ease any fears the female might have. After all he felt that it was only natural a wolf of her size to be a little worried about what could happen, even he worried about it when meeting a wolf larger than himself. Emrys looked to the pile of black Hawthorn when she mentioned it and asked about healing. “Yes, I am. I’ve been busy stocking up since spring has finally come,” he responded, “So you need help?” He asked just in case she might need some kind of help.

Though he hadn’t been practicing the healing arts for very long he was sure that he could take care of any minor problems that she might be having. Still to look at her she didn’t seem to be having any trouble, feeling sick or the like, still it didn’t hurt to ask. “What brings you here?” he asked letting his curiosity about why she was there getting the better of him. Speaking of his more brought the memories Emrys still had of his mother that he still clung to. Afternoons spent in the meadows near their den as she went through all of the plants there telling him what they were and what they did. Sometimes he wished he’d paid a little more attention at the beginning when she had first started to teach him. If he’d had more time then maybe he would remember everything that she had tried to teach him. It was a lucky accident that he had run into Lachesis because even if he didn’t join the older males pack he still had a friend and fellow healer that he could go to if he did need help with anything.

It was another thing that he had to consider, Joining Hearthwood River or not. Pat of him felt that it was a good decision because then he could really learn everything possible from his new friend. However, part of him felt that he wasn’t quite ready to take on the commitment of a pack. Or maybe he as a just a little nervous about being in a pack. Whatever the reason it was something that he needed to consider for when the day finally came that he decided the life of a loner wasn’t for him.

Emrys was surprised that Lachsesis to had been taught what he knew about the healing arts from his mother. “Something we have in common,” Emrys observed. He certainly hadn’t been expecting to find another healer that had been taught by their mother but he supposed it was probably something that was passed down. When the older male spoke about Ergot and Wormwood Emrys sniffed the area where Lachesis indicated. “I will certainly remember and perhaps come back when it’s more mature,” he stated looking toward his friend. Emrys was glad they decided to have this walk since he’d never thought to look here for the two plants..

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The leader was avoiding the inevitable departure. While he knew he would have to return to his pack, XIX was reluctant. He wanted the blue-eyed male to join him, but Lachesis knew he could not force the younger male. Emrys was still new to Relic Lore; he had so much to see, so much to explore. He was not ready to be tied down, and the ghost respected that. He had been the same way when he and Anastasia had stumbled upon these lands. It had taken them many weeks to agree on a pack to join together. Although the pair had experienced some turmoil in their first pack, it had taken several pack hops to find where they truly belonged. He was still a little uncomfortable at the helm of the river pack, but Hearthwood was his home and he would remain his home until the end of his days. Lachesis was not in the position to find something new.

A smile rolled onto his maw at the boy’s voice, his tail swaying gently behind him. This time, the ghost kept his thoughts to himself, and continued forward. This place would be abundant with plants once spring had fully arrived; Lachesis would be returning soon to replenish his inventory. “Perhaps we will bump into each other then,” he commented as he glanced at the younger healer over his shoulder. He would certainly like to meet with the blue-eyed healer once more — if not many times — but it depended on where Emrys decided to call home. Whether it was Hearthwood, or somewhere close, Lachesis hoped that they would maintain a good relationship. Friends were hard to come by these days, especially ones that shared the same interest.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Though winter still had its icy grip on the land Emrys was confident that there would be plenty of plants for his stores once the weather broke. It was also a comfort to him to know there was a wolf willing to help him. Most importantly he was glad to know that he was welcome in Hearthwood River when he was ready to settle into the pack life. Though in his current place in life he still wasn’t sure about it despite the fact he thought that one day he would be ready to make a true home for himself. Emrys didn’t know when that would be but knowing he would have a friend and mentor in Hearthwood River did make it harder for him to want to remain on his own. The truth was Emrys was torn between staying on his own because that was what he thought his mother would want and going back to Hearthwood River with Lachesis because that was what he wanted. It was a hard decision and one that he was certain to give a lot of thought to. Emrys was certain about one thing and that was having me the white male was something he was grateful for.

As it was just then Emrys wanted to learn as much during their time together since he didn’t know how long it would be until they saw each other again. “I do hope we do as well,“ He agreed Emrys at Lachesis’ comment, “With the plants out it will make learning about them much easier.” Seeing the plants might also bring back more of what his mother had taught. IF that happened he could share what he knew with his new friend the white youngster looked forward to the next time they would meet.

(This post was last modified: May 14, 2016, 09:41 PM by Emrys.)
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