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war that i wage — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora
This thread follows the events that take place within this thread: hard to love. Zerxes begins a long road to recovery.

Mark my words, one day you will pay. You will pay.

Karma's gonna come collect your debt.

That fucking bastard. For the twelfth time in as many minutes, the green eyed devil's thoughts strayed to the black male he'd last encountered along with his mini meddlesome sidekick. It was a huge knock to his ego; he couldn't lie about it. The man had been larger than him, but that had never stopped Zerxes in a fight before. And he'd certainly never been thrown in such a way.

It was hard to say how long he'd lay fallen in the depths of that black hole. Z was only dimly aware of the passage of time when finally he'd awoken and cognizance of his many wounds had come just as slowly. It was at least an hour following waking that the masked male found the strength to stand. Getting out of the swallet had been a feat requiring heroic levels of determination. But the loner was nothing if not a survivor.

Now, he lay in the mouth of a cavern, stalactites clinging above with some dangling close to the ground like the teeth of some great beast. Dried blood was caked throughout the cream fur of his chest and in larger amounts across his shoulders and the back of his neck. All things considered, Z knew he was lucky not to have broken his neck or legs during the fall. Not to say his hip didn't hurt like a damn bitch.

With distance placed between him and that pack-bitch that asshole had been defending, Z finally began to lick at his multitude of wounds. Cleaning the blood from his chest seemed to be the first order of business; he could feel the mean punctures there, but knew they couldn't be too serious considering he was still alive. Even as he lay there, the brute's belly gave a vicious snarl. Knowing he didn't have the strength to take down anything substantial, he resigned himself to crawling out during the night to scavenge for something.

The thought had hardly finished forming when he heard the clumsy bumbling of another in the stand of trees that lay vigil just outside the mouth of the caverns. "What do you want?" he snapped, his tone sharp and grouchy. The wisdom in enticing another fight was definitely questionable, but Z's usual control over his demeanor was well and completely gone. It was truly infra dig for him to grovel in the hopes of earning someone's pity. If he were to leave this world prematurely, it would be while snarling and spitting every bit of his venom out instead of whimpering on the ground. "Speak up!"

(This post was last modified: Nov 02, 2016, 06:11 PM by Zerxes.)
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
M for language as well

He couldn't go back. Not back to that place. Putting miles between them and him, Aleister headed to the only place he knew where to hide. Relic Lore, his birthplace, but yet to be anything of a home to him. Wanderlust invaded his soul from a young age. His first experience had gotten him and his parents in trouble with the neighbors on the mountain when he trespassed. From then on, he had wandered further and further as time went on until he completely left his family for lust that gripped around his soul. 

Now here he was again, back for a second time, but this time he was forced to flee here. The first time, he returned out of guilt. Al was heading towards the gloaming mountains, though he wasn't sure if he could handle facing his family again. The disappointment and smothering feeling that overcame him when he crossed the borders last time was suffocating. The dark agouti yearling sought his freedom. Freedom to do what he pleased. And how he pleased. 

His stomach grumbled loudly, making him remember the necessity that he was abandoning while traveling here. Trekking through Hush Meadow that laid southwest of his father's lake, his dark ebony nostrils flared to search for any prey nearby. Aleister was rather the scavenger and thief, but with no nearby packs or individuals around that he could detect, he had to do this on his own. Or so he thought. 

Today must have been his lucky day as he traveled closer to the dark caverns of the meadows and many yards outside of one, laid a carcass of a mule deer. Though half of the deer had already been scavenged off by turkey buzzards and vermin, there was still plenty left to fill his empty stomach for a few days. Snarling at a few straggling buzzards, he took to the deer, crunching down upon an exposed rib. Aleister almost had all he could eat, but he wasn't about to give his meal back to the birds. One particular bird was determined not to give up on its free lunch as it came hopping back towards him and his prize. Narrowing his mismatched eyes as he looked at the flying rodent, "Buzz off, fucker!" He yelled, giving the bird a short chase before it flew off again to circle above him like the others. 

Returning back to the carcass, he tore a piece of rib bone off the mule deer and began chewing on it as he laid down next to the body. It was then as he paused his chewing, he heard a voice yelling from the mouth of the cavern before him. Squinting slightly, Aleister made out a form inside the cave as it yelled at him to speak up. From the looks of the raggity male before him, he didn't seem like he had been as fortunate as Aleister had been. "What the fuck happened to you?" He grumbled back, his front end lifting to seat himself upon his rump. "Lose a fight or fall off a cliff?" A snort loosened from his nostrils as he began smelling the dried blood upon the male's coat. Fucker stunk.
[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora

Bah Bah Black Sheep, have you any soul?

No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals?

The yearling's head lifted into view, muzzle flecked with the aged gore Zerxes had intended to make his meal that evening. What a greedy little shit. Annoyed, he snorted out, breath gathering in front of his face before dissipating again. Language the masked male would not have expected for one so young caused his ears to perk with interest and the loner sat up a bit straighter to get a better view.

Hearing the boy's demanding question, Zerxes actually barked a laugh. Who but a pup would be so blatant in asking such a thing? "Both, as it happens." Even in his current state, Z didn't feel a lick of concern for the other wolf's proximity. Even half dead, he could dismantle a pup. However, he was in a different mood at the moment, and found he would actually enjoy the company of another as hot-headed as himself. "What do you have over there?" he called out. "Enough to drag over to an old timer like me?" he asked, layering on true charm that was reserved for the rare occasion in which he was feeling actually sociable.

Should the boy hesitate, Z lifted a brow in challenge. "Or were you raised to think only of yourself?"