Gobble Gobble!
It may be a little early (or late, if you live in Canada), but the staff would like to extend the opportunity for everyone to participate in a Thanksgiving --or Rowsgiving, because that's cooler. The holiday season is fast approaching, and we know that can be a hard and stressful time for many juggling school, family, or random, chaotic life events, and often that can take a lot of time away from this hobby of ours, so why not start now? Now is a time to focus on the good things in life and stay positive, and indulge a little in our literary escape.
Until December 15th members have the opportunity to receive a super adorable turkey ribbon by starting or participating in a thread where their character expresses their thanks to others. It can be as simple as a pup thanking an adult for giving them their share of a deer leg or a leader thanking their pack for standing by them. We just wanna spread the gratitude! (Also! Since this is a post prompt of sorts, you can claim RE points as well!)
Feel free to share the things you are thankful for in real life too, row-related otherwise :)