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I'm lying on the ground as always staring to the air — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn
Takes place shortly after this one You tell me how, I can fly away
The sky is clouded, temperatures around -11 Celsius, around dusk.


The sky had grown dark over her head and now and small flakes of snow were slowly falling to the ground. It was a beautiful sight and she had a front row seat to it. The white flakes landed all around her some of the landing on the wound, that by now had more or less stopped bleeding, and melted into a red drop of water and blood. She had given up walking the movement only making the pain in her shoulder worse. She allowed her head to rest on the ground her body relaxed as she looked out into the growing darkness between the tree trunks. It would not be long before the darkness took over completely, and by dawn the snow would likely lay as a fine new layer. Perhaps she could just let this fine new layer bury her slowly and then she would be gone, not a burden to her blood line but what about her mission?


Zahira let out a growl as she shook her head snapping after a snowflake in irritation.  No she had yet to do her job and she wasn’t going down before it was done, besides her shoulder wound wasn’t that bad. Sure it was big or rather wide but not weary deep, so hopefully it would heal up nicely not leaving a permanent remind of that bastard mutt. She huffed perhaps she should worry more about the injury but what could she do? She were no healer and had no herbal knowledge. A scent in the air a had her ears peak and she turned her head growling to the dark "What’s wrong guild got you running back here?" she asked expecting to see the dark fool she meet shortly after the fight with the other dark male.



(This post was last modified: Nov 21, 2016, 06:41 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
It was starting to get dark. Lorcan knew that he had to return to the pack soon, before the hours of night took a firm hold over the land, to ensure that he didn’t get into any more trouble with Craw. He had been out, stalking rabbits, small mammals and water fowl at the fjord, before spending a few hours searching around the area for any of the last remaining plant specimens that happened to still be out despite the chilling weather.

Whilst the subordinate had once again been unlucky with his hunting, the agouti male had managed to find a few flower-less stalks of golden rod sprouting up in the grassy verges which lead down to the river within the fjord. It wasn’t much, but every little helped especially with winter well on the way, it was good to take what around whilst it was still on offer. Jogging at a sustainable jog, the agouti male swerved swiftly through the trees, carrying the three stems of goldenrod he had harvested earlier tightly between his jaws.

As he turned a corner, a gust of wind sent a flurry a freshly fallen snowflake straight towards him, along with the pungent scent of the female loner which quickly appeared up ahead. His golden eyes scanned briefly over her as he approached her general direction to pass her by without a word, but the scent of blood caught his attention, even over the scent of the plant held right under his nose, which caused the subordinate to slow hesitantly to a stop. Russet ears perked as her voice travelled through the distance between them and with a raised brow, Lorcan approached the wounded woman.

Pausing a few metres away to place his plants on the ground, Lorcan replied. “Um, no. I think you must have me mistaken for someone else, miss.” He replied as he took a few steps closer, golden eyes glancing down to the fresh wound upon her shoulder. “Did someone hurt you?” He asked, brows furrowing in concern.
(This post was last modified: Nov 22, 2016, 06:02 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn
Sorry for shortness @Lorcan should I stop tagging you? you don't need to tag me I have subscribed to the thread XD


As she caught sight of the light male she honestly was surprised and that emotion where easy to see in her eyes. And by the sight of the light mutt a low growl escaping her lips, honest she wasn’t in the mood for a third mutt to ruin her already broken mood. However, she forced her body to relax and her voice to behave, she could not afford to start a second fight,not in her current state. "Sorry it’s been a rough day, and yes I did miss take you for a dark fool who just left me laying here" she said a huffed on her voice as she dropped her head on the ground eyes still glued to him following his every move like a predator stalking it pray.


Zahira sighed as he asked about the reason for her current state and her eyes narrowed as she seemed to determine what to tell him. The truth? perhaps and yet she did not like the idea of admitting she had started a fight and lost it. Then she could lie but why would she. so a partial truth seemed to be a good option. "A smaller disagreement over a good fishing site." she said her voice neutral before continuing "guess you can say it did not go that well for me" she sighed shaking her head a bit before returning her gaze to the stranger "What about you, why are you out this far judging by your scent you’re a pack wolf aren’t yeah" she asked his scent reeking of others leaving the impression of a pack. Was she close to some one's borders? It wasn’t like her to miss something like that. "So are you from around here, I did not mean to cross any borders if I have done so" she said an apologizing tone in her voice, not that she did fell sorry honestly she could care less about some filthy mutt and his pack.



(This post was last modified: Nov 23, 2016, 08:30 AM by Zahira.)
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan paused as the fiery coloured female looked to him and release a low growl, unsure of whether to approach or turn back; he couldn’t afford to get in any more trouble. Though her posture quickly became more relaxed and the subordinate’s russet ears perked up when she swiftly apologised. The agouti male dipped his head in acceptance before deciding to approach any closer, tail swaying neutrally behind him so as not to provoke her again.

“Really? They just left you like this?!” His voice was high-pitched with genuine surprise before his brows furrowed. The dark fur along his spine bristled at the thought of someone purposefully abandoning someone else in need. “I guess with winter approaching wolves only look out for themselves..” He added, a hint of disdain in his voice as he commented on the less than helpful individual who had just left the poor woman there to suffer. Unless there had been a good reason to do so?

He hovered there a moment, unwilling to take a step forwards until she has explained to him how she had come to receive the nasty looking injury on her shoulder. Russet ears perked up as she told him of the disagreement over a fishing spot and a single white brown of Lorcan’s raised. Loners had fought over less. This time of the year, food was a resource worth fighting for if you had no pack to support you.

When the female questioned him of his origins the agouti male nodded. “My pack is further north of here, on a great monadnock out on the lowlands. No need to worry ma’am.” He reassured her, glancing over her wound again. “Would you like me to take a look at your shoulder? I’m actually training to be a pack medic, so I may be able to help..” He offered her a warm smile then as he attempting to get her to trust him and his savoir-faire. He wasn’t about to leave her here like the last heartless beast had.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

She felt like rolling her eyes at him but kept her gaze fastened to the lighter male. "Yeah he did" she said with a nod before she raised a brow by his next words. "I guess but that life, at least when you on you own if you stand for others you fall yourself." she said trying to hold his gaze. After all that was how the Asurn lived, you either stood strong on your own or vanish to bring you family honor.


so he was indeed a pack wolf, however as he talked about the placement of his home her ears peaked. "A monadnock you say?" her voice was questioning as she turned her head to look in between the trees though she was well aware she would see nothing but just trees. "What is the name of this pack you belong to if you mind me asking" her voice painfully emotionless as she questioned him about his home. 

her ears peak with interest as he reviled he was on the way to being a medic and yet at the same time she wanted to barf over his pity. "training to be a medic" she echoed looking him over, sure he wasn’t the biggest for a mutt but nor was he the smallest of them. Sure he didn’t carry a lot of bulk but surely he would carry enough to take on a less worthless task. She could not believe such a feeling could live in her, a feeling of pity and then for a mutt. She didn’t shake it off, as pity and disgust where some of the feelings who could be placed on the mutts that roamed the land. "Sure take a look and tell me how bad it is dock" she said laughter In her voice as she sent him a teasing smile.



Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan was still slightly shocked by the fact that someone had found her before him, yet has simply left her there injured. His top lip twitched again in annoyance, wondering which heartless creature could do such a thing. “Not always,” He responded, tilting his head to once side in contemplation. “I believe if you look out for others, one day they may look out for you.” He smiled then, his façade warm and friendly.

Russet ears perked up and his eyes widened slightly as the red haired woman questioned him about his pack. “Whitestone Monadnock, ma’am.” He dipped his head then in respect, as though he were representing the entirety of the pack then. “The view from the plateau is rather spectacular,” He added, golden eyes looking to the side as he thought back to the view he had woken up to that morning. “You can see for miles from up there..”

Golden eyes flickered back to the red haired woman as she questioned his pack role, as if doubting it as she eyed him up. “Yes..” He responded with a murmur, attempting to reassure both her and himself. He was growing more confident in his healing abilities with every month that passed, but he still found himself automatically doubting such abilities with others questioned them. Black tipped tail flicked in agitation behind him as he waited for the injured stranger to give him her verdict.

When she did eventually give Lorcan permission after a few moment of thorough looking-over, the agouti subordinate dipped his head before stepping in for a much closer look. “Try and stay still a moment, ma’am..” He breathed as his muzzle snaked in to carefully part the blood-stained fur around her shoulder. He noticed the deep bite marks there, still filling with blood and then the ripped skin around them. It was as if someone had bitten there and then torn their fangs down. “It looks pretty deep.” He told her, stepping back a moment.

“I actually have some plants I picked earlier over there,” He gestured towards the bouquet that was laying on the ground a few metres away. “that I believe may be useful.”. Golden eyes glanced up to meet her maroon gaze before he turned to walk back towards his abandoned wildflower bouquet. “One moment..” He murmured as he walked over to collect them.
(This post was last modified: Nov 26, 2016, 11:56 AM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

She watched him for a moment surprised by his belief, she supposed there was some truth to it. Even an Asurn would repay a depth if it came to a help of such a measure, but still, the idea seemed absurd to her.


She listened as he talked about his home, The name hinting to this Monadnock binge either white or just simply light in color. She noted that he seemed proud of his home, and did no longer seem as small as he had before. Her ears perked as he talked about his home as a Plateau, so this Monadnock was some sort of mountain? Yes that had to be it after all Plateaus where regularity found on mountains and the fact he said Up there had her guess that his healer lived on a mountain.


For a moment she had to force herself not to growl by his reaction to her words about him binge a medic. By little Pink crows this one need to man up, even if he were a mutt this doubting of himself had her want to barf. Was he not the one who had brought his role up? was he not the one who had sounded all friendly and helpful? If he could not handle the disbelief of others he should just go away. And following his every movement she honestly wanted nothing more than to jump him and tear of his nose, then he had a reason to be careful. But thanks to the bloody injury she was unable to just that, seem he would get away with his nose in one piece this time.


As he stepped closer she watched him with care the entire thing odd and unfamiliar to her. Honestly, she would admit right there on the spot she preferred the dark male’s fangs and wrath to this one caring and helpful nature. It was odd and wrong to her. After all, he was nothing like what her families view on a wolf was, even if he was a mutt. She sighed and huffed a bit as he commented that the wound was deep "Kind of noticed that when someone decided to tear a piece of my should off." Her voice was holding a light growl in it. Realizing her behavior and that if this turned into a fight it would end badly for her she let out a small whine ears falling back and tail wagging slightly, how she hated this "Sorry" she said averting his gaze.


She looked over at the small pile of plants with a raised brow and followed his movement as he walked to it. Disbelief written all over her face as she spoke "Please tell me you aren’t expecting me to eat any of that" her voice clouded with disgust as she eyes him and his plants.



(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2016, 01:09 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
The woman’s snarky remark conjured little response from the healer in training, aside from the flattening of his russet ears and the small frown which tugged at his most-composed features. Lorcan huffed it off, causing a hot cloud of air to billow out from his flared black nostrils and quickly dissipate in the icy air between them. His golden eyes glanced over to meet her remorseful gaze of maroon as she quickly apologised for her attitude, to which Lorcan nodded his head to and replaced his frown with a more neutral expression.

As Lorcan turned away and walked towards the small pile of plant stems and leaves that he had momentarily discarded to one side, he went through the list of plants in his head, trying to decide which one or combination of plants would be most effective for the woman’s injuries. He wound was pretty deep, so she would need something to help stop the bleeding, but with a deep would there was also a greater chance of infection, so she’s need something to prevent that as well. Clasping the bouquet of plants between his jaws, Lorcan quickly returned to the injured female and placed the plants on the ground.

Catching her question, Lorcan chuckled as he sifted through the plants with his nose. “No, I’ll do the chewing and then I’ll apply it to your wound.” He replied, before grasping a piece of yarrow in his mouth and began chewing. The plant was perfect to help stop excessive bleeding, but it also helped prevent infections as well, perfect for the injured woman.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

  Zahira felt a hint of relief as the Other seemed to push away his irritation over her remark. She really needed to think before she talked int his kinda situation, could not risk making her state wroth then it was. However, the male had also caught her attention with his craft and she followed his every movement carefully.

Back in the pack, no one learned the use of herbs, no one learned how to heal. The craft was simply pushed away as useless, only the strong third the weak died or diapers. However, despite her own beliefs in this as well, a medic might not be a bad thing. True it went against Asurn customers to help the weak but sometimes a strong wolf became weak over time due to lack of herbal knowledge. Her thoughts traveled to her brother, Tino wound had not been serious but the fact that it had reminded untended had caused it to get worse and in the end, it had been his death. A strong wolf could be stopped from growing weak due to damage if a healer was around. So maybe it was not such a bad craft after all.

The others chuckle had her tilt her head and watch him with a sigh of relief. "okay.. mind if I ask what it is, and what it does?" she asked looking at the plant he picked out. Perhaps she was not a healer but knowing how to fix this kinda mess might come in handy at a later time.



(This post was last modified: Dec 17, 2016, 08:58 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
@Zahira one more post each then archive?
Turning to look back towards the fiery haired female as she posed a question towards him, Lorcan continued chewing the yarrow plant as he traipsed calmly back towards her. Moving in close, he sniffed around her wounded shoulder and gave it once last look over before he delicately pressed the chewed up yarrow into her wound. The agouti male tried his best to be gentle, but with a deep wound like hers, it was almost inevitable that some pain would be caused. Once he had pushed all of the yarrow in and around the wound with his tongue, he gently swept his tongue across the entire area to even out the yarrow paste and remove any excess.

Scraping his tongue against his top row of fangs to remove any last traces of the bitter tasting plant from his mouth, he was finally able to answer her previous question. “It’s yarrow, it helps stop bleeding and prevent infection.” He replied, giving golden eyes looking over his handy-work to make sure it was good enough to stay intact. “It might start to sting or itch a little, but that just means it is working.” He added, in an attempt to reassure the lone female, as he stepped back to allow her to inspect the wound herself.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together