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Played by Melorama who has 35 posts.
Neem Archard
@Emrys // Overcast 36*F, 2*C Afternoon // Sorry for the wait, had to find a good spot for this thread to fit into his travel timeline

After his ventures down further south the white yearling had moved back up North where he had originally come from, bypassing the Ghastly Woods with a wide berth. There would definitely not be a round two in there. While the open fields dotted with clusters of blackberry bushes had been nice, it just was not for him, nor the orchard with the stubby cherry trees. He preferred living in a forest where there was enough shelter to hide easily from the elements, but the trees not too far apart that large predators found appealing. Plus there tended to be more medicinal herbs in forests, and as a wolf trained in the art of healing that was very important. Maybe he was just homesick and that was why he had shied away from joining one of the packs situated in a more flatland type of area, but winter was already upon the lands and he needed to find a home somewhere.

Amber eyes lifted up as Niki's white form came to a sudden stop, gazing at the towering boulder right in front of him that was covered in moss. He had been so caught up in his thoughts that he has not seen it until it was right up in his face. White ears perked up curiously as he gazed it, wondering how it had come to be. Peering around its formidable mass, he could see signs of weathering as evident by three almost-steps carved into it, though there was no indication of how or why it was there. Shrugging to himself, Niki padded around until he stood before the steps, head lifting back to gaze up at the first step. There was no way he could reach that, even if he jumped to it. He was simply to small, and so he took a few steps backwards and sat on his haunches, a big grin on his face as he stared at the large boulder.

325 words

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
No worries!

Since arriving at White Fir Notch Emrys hadn't really ventured out of pack lands, he'd been so busy getting used to life there. He thought that even though he had traveled around Relic Lore he should get to know the lands just outside of the territory better. After all these were the places that he might have to go to get some of his medicinal plants later. He didn't want to get lost while out looking for those plants so it was best to do just as he had when he first arrived in the forest. After making sure he had everything taken care of that he needed to that morning. Once he'd finished up he headed out of pack lands not planning to go far but far enough to explore the land a little. He was hoping to perhaps find a site where some medicinal herbs might grow in the spring but from past experience her knew that could be difficult with everything looking different than it did in spring and summer.

It was afternoon before he reached something that caught his attention, a large boulder that he thought looked like it shouldn't be there. It was rather large and looked from the moss that grew on it that it had been there awhile. Emrys walked slowly around it as he looked it over wondering how it had even gotten there. As he came around the corner of the boulder he came face to face with another wolf. “Well hello, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here but it seems you've found this boulder to be just as interesting as I have?” It was said as more of a question since he wasn't sure why the wolf was there. If he wasn't curious he might have the answers that Emrys was looking for. If not it didn't hurt to meet someone new since the stranger didn't seem to have the scent of any packs on him.

(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2016, 08:38 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Melorama who has 35 posts.
Neem Archard

Niki sat there, gazing at the immense boulder with wide eyes, until his attention was pulled away from its mossy mass by the voice of another. Like all wolves he had met, this one was larger than he with piercing blue eyes, though had the same white pelt with a peppering of grey along his back. White tail thumping happily on the ground behind him, the white yearling woofed exuberantly in response. "Is this th'firs' time y'seen i'? It's huuuuge!" Amber eyes returned to it as his backside left the ground, hopping on his paws as he darted closer, lifting up his front legs so they rested on the side. "Tall as three o'me!" He crowed out excitedly, a wolfy grin on his face as he turned his head to look back at the other white male. "Think y'can get up on top o'it? I'm t'short myself t'do i'." It was a shame, really. He would have loved to sit atop the boulder and see the world from such a height, but he had to do with what he had been given.

The white yearling pushed back from the boulder so he stood once more on four legs, tail waving in a blur behind him. "Th'name's Neem, though y'more than welcome t'call m'Niki if y'like." This time he had not forgotten to introduce himself, even with the excitement of seeing the large boulder in front of him. Slowly he was learning to focus on the important things, such as noticing the scent of other wolves on the other male's pelt. It was the same scent that had been on the pups he had met previously on his trip through the area so it did not come as a surprise. "'m guessin' y'live 'round these parts?" Even though it was more of a guess he wanted to judge the other's character first; that was the first thing he had learned since arriving in the new land. He seemed nice though as evident by his light and conversational tone.

337 words

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The wolf he had found at the giant stone was clearly younger than himself and as the youngster spoke Emrys found him to be excitable yet quite friendly. This was very good news since he hadn't come looking for a confrontation. He nodded to the young male, “Yes, it is my first time seeing this boulder,” he confirmed with a small chuckle, “It is rather large,” he agreed as he let his gaze travel to the top of it and then fall back to the young wolf. He watched as the youngster stood on his back legs with his forepaws on the side of the boulder, “Very close to three of you indeed, I wonder how something so large got here.” It was something he still couldn't figure out since it was so large he felt it would be extremely hard to get it there. Emrys gave the boys question some thought, “I'm not sure,” he said as he moved toward the boulder and placed his forepaws on the side of it where the first step was. “Perhaps if I jumped?” He turned his head until his gaze fell on the boy.

Once the youngster had all four feet back on the ground he was introducing himself as Neem or Niki, “I think I prefer Neem if that's alright, it's very nice to meet you, I'm Emrys.” The boys next question wasn't a surprise since he felt it was probably a common question amongst strangers. “I am,” he said with a slight nod, “There's a pack not too far from here. Where are you from,” he asked curiously since he didn't think the youngster was from the area. The fact the Neem was seemingly one his own sort of worried Emrys with winter having set in. Still it was setting he didn't know for a fact, “Are you just passing through?” He asked curiously since the boy was close to pack lands he felt it important to find out at least out.

(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2016, 06:06 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Melorama who has 35 posts.
Neem Archard

White ears twitched curiously at the other male's musing of how the boulder had gotten there, he too wondering with an avid inquisitiveness. Surely it was too heavy for wolves to move no matter how many paws there were to help, which means it must have already been there. With a glance at the mountain not too far off, he briefly wondered if maybe it had rolled down the mountain and came to rest at its current position long ago, giving the elements time to weather it down. With a wag of his tail Niki nodded, letting out a short and sharp bark. "I think y'would b'big enou' t'jump up t'the steps an' climb up ont'i'." Even if he could not get on top he would be happy seeing the other view the world from such a height. Of course he could always drag things over to stand on them so he could reach the first step, but that was far too much effort for something as trivial as a higher up view of the world, as interesting and wondrous as it would be.

"Fine b'me," the white yearling responded with a hum, not too bothered by the use of either name. One was his given name, used by the rest of the pack as a formal greeting while the other was what his parents and sisters called him. Outside of his pack he did not mind which one he was called by, not too fussed with that particular rule of his birth pack and knowing it would not make any difference out in the world. "nice t'meet y'too, Emrys." He shook out his pelt excitedly, paws tapping an excited beat beneath him on the slightly mushy ground from the snowy days prior. As a particularly social wolf, Niki was always so enthusiastic to meet new wolves and broaden his experience with their own individual ways of conversational actions and tones. It helped him understand the world around him and the wolves in it, plus he just loved to meet new faces.

The white yearling nodded when Emrys stated there was a pack nearby, already knowing that even if he did not know the specifics of its whereabouts. It would be easily scented out, anyways, if he chose to pursue the borders. "Far to the North," he stated with a grin on his face, "Deep in a forest with many trees." Sometimes he missed his home, but it would be impossible to go back so he tried his best not to entertain the idea. It was no use dwelling on things he could not have. He nodded again at the other white male's query of his travels. "Yea, heading 'round th'mountain 'cuz I'm t'scared o'fallin off t'go over i'." Niki let out a laugh at his own words, knowing it was a silly reason to go around instead of over, but he was still nursing a sore shoulder from falling into the ravine only made worse by the cold weather. He was sure if it was summer it would be gone by now, but sometimes he felt a twinge here and there if he moved the limb too quickly.

529 words

(This post was last modified: Dec 11, 2016, 12:49 PM by Neem.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

It really was a curious thing how the boulder came to be in that spot and even more curious were the steps that seemed to have been carved into them. Why they didn't start in a place that would allow a smaller wolf such as Neem to climb them baffled the healer. It was however something that could be pondered on later as the new question was if Emrys could climb them. As he stood on his hind legs with his front paws resting against the cold surface of the stone Neem voiced that he thought Emrys could jump onto the first step and climb the rest of the steps. Dropping back to the ground he faced the younger wolf, “Perhaps, I'm not sure I should try though. What do you think?” Being that he was a healer he considered what could happen if he was unable to jump that high. It was something that he'd never done so the thought of it made him a little nervous. He did have responsibilities as well and felt it might be irresponsible to get himself hurt unnecessarily.

The white male nodded when Neem agreed to being called by the first name he'd stated. Emrys felt that since they had only just met it was more proper to call him by Neem. “Good, i'm glad we have that settled.” He smiled when the younger male stated it was good to meet him, the excitement Neem seemed to be feeling showed in his actions. Emrys liked meeting new wolves especially those who were as friendly as Neem seemed to be. “It's always nice to make new acquaintances,” he stated, “You never know what could come of them.” It was something he wholeheartedly believed because if he hadn't met Gent and Jynx then he wouldn't be in the position that he currently was in. Being in a pack was turning out to be one of the better decisions he'd made in his life. Sometimes though he still felt he betrayed his mother but he comforted himself with the thought that she would want him to be happy.

Emrys nodded as Neem described where he was from, it seemed a nice place to live but it brought up a question for the healer, “Why did you decide to leave? It sounds nice there.” It was something he was curious about but he also knew that sometimes it wasn't something that was easy to answer depending on the reasons. There had been many wolves that he'd met that didn't like sharing their backgrounds so he would take what the boy wanted to offer. He nodded once more as Neem explained the reason he had chosen to head around the mountain, “That is a good reason to go around and probably something I would worry about as well. Being on your own you've got to be as little more careful,” he agreed, “Are you heading anywhere specific or just doing a exploring?” If Neem was just exploring the healer felt he'd picked a good place to do it. The Lore had a lot to offer for a wolf who was looking for adventure.

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2016, 04:43 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Melorama who has 35 posts.
Neem Archard

Niki glanced at the boulder when the other male dropped back down to the ground, eyeing the large gap between the first weathered step and where the stood. "Yeh, bes't'leave i't' th'bigge' wolves. No' sure how I'd ge'back down an'ways." If it had not been covered in by slush from the previous snow storm the white yearling would have at least attempted it, but now the immense object was a dash slippery that would most likely send him tumbling back to the ground. He was certainly not the clumsiest wolf around but he had a knack for tripping over things that he should not and falling off things from carelessness. As a more-or-less trained healer he was easily able to treat himself from his little accidents, but being on the constant move meant he was not able to stockpile herbs he may need and so had to do with whatever he found. Most of the time they were not what he needed at that moment but he made sure to remember where it could be found in case he had need of it in the future.

The white yearling grinned at Emrys, nodding heartily in response. "I fin' i's int'restin' meetin' new wolves an' learnin' a bi' 'bout th'm an' how th'y view th'worl'." It helped him better understand the reasons behind why wolves acted certain ways and how he could better treat them as a healer if they were an unwilling patient. "I also like t'meet new wolves an' make s'me friends." A world without friends would be a world not worth living in. He was a wolf who was most happy surrounded by those he felt close with and accepted him for who he was, and that had partially been the reason for him departing from his birth pack and moving onward.

White ears splayed to the side as Emrys asked why he left his home. He had not told another about it simply because they had never asked him about it, and being a wolf who simply could not lie, he struggled with wanting to tell the truth but not wanting to talk about it. Niki settled with something in between after a few moments of thought. "M'fathe' wanted m't'b' someone I didn'wan' t'b' an' so I... left t'g'somewh're I cou'b'th' wolf I want t'b'." He cringed ever so slightly at his words. They were technically not a lie but he felt uneasy nonetheless. Glad for the change of subject, Niki quickly answered the other male's question. "'m no' goin' an'wh're spec'fic bu' I am lookin' t'see wha's on th'othe' side o'th'mount'n."

435 words

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys glanced to the top of the boulder once more and decided he didn't want to chance it, it wouldn't do Jynx any good if he got himself hurt too. “I expect getting down might seem a little scary once you're up there looking at the ground.” Trying to imagine it Emrys wasn't sure if he would be able to jump from the top of the boulder to the ground. It also didn't help that the whole thing was covered in slippery slush which only made it that more perilous jumping up. He could slide off if he didn't jump up exactly right, no, it was better to keep his feet firmly planted on the ground for now. Perhaps he would visit the boulder again in the spring and see what the view was like once the snow was gone.

The thing about meeting new wolves was you never knew what you were going to get whether it was a really nice one like Neem or someone who was more aggressive. Luckily for him he hadn’t met anyone who wanted to attack him on sight yet but he was still young, that day may come, he hoped it didn't. Emrys nodded, “That is a very good reason to like meeting them. It's interesting to learn about the wolves you run into during your travels.” While he hadn't met anyone with totally outlandish ideas about the way the world worked he had met some pretty interesting wolves. A smile crossed the healers maw, “I like making new friends as well. It's good to have friends especially in a place like this.” Having friends like Jynx and Lorcan definitely made the previous year much easier.The beta was interested in why the young wolf had left his previous home especially when it sounded like a really nice place to live. Leaving Hush Meadow was difficult for him which was one of one of the reasons he'd taken so long to make up his mind. It was a peaceful place that offered him a warm den and a place to keep his medicinal plants and that had been enough for him, until it wasn't anymore. “There's nothing wrong with wanting to be who you want to be,” stated Emrys, “If leaving was the only way you could donut then maybe it was for the best.” As it turned out Neem didn't have anywhere specific that he wanted to go just that he wanted to see what was on this side of the mountain. “Well I must say it is rather nice,” he stated, “But then I haven't been on the other side of the mountain, what's it like over there?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2017, 06:05 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Melorama who has 35 posts.
Neem Archard

A chuff left the white yearlings maw, head bobbing up and down in agreement with Emrys' words. Once up there he was not sure how he would get down, although with all the snow jumping would be one option. At the same time jumping off would be absolutely terrifying as the height was greater than anything he had ever been on top of. "I'd b'stuck up there alllll day 'cuz I don'like jumpin' off o'tall thin's." Niki let out a bark of laughter as he turned his body to fully face the other male, focusing fully now on him rather than the boulder as his mother had taught him to do. He sat down on his haunches to take some weight off his shoulder, feeling a dull ache in the join from the cold and walking around for so long. Rest would let it heal faster but he had no time for rest and so he just had to deal with it for the time being.

Niki listened attentively as Emrys spoke, tail thumping behind him on the ground. He rather liked the other male, not just because they shared a very similar view of the world but because he was nice, nice just because that's the way he was and not because he wanted something. A much smaller grin appeared in his maw, ducking his head slightly, unsure of quite how to respond. "Uh, tha' means a lo't'me... Thanks." It was not as if he could have stayed in his birth pack - as much as he wanted to - but to hear those words come out of another wolf's mouth made him feel a little bit better about the event. White ears perked up as the white yearling agreed with Emrys, this side of the mountain was nice enough, but not form him. "Well," he began with a soft hum under his breath, "From wha' I saw i'was very for'st-y, no' as open as thi'side is." As a wolf that had grown up in a forest he felt much more at home in one than in an open field which was his reasoning for going over to the other side.

362 words