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Overdue — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Sometime had passed since he had become a part of White Fir Notch and Jynx was well on the road to recovery which was a relief to Emrys. Now however it was time for him to start to get more integrated into the pack in his opinion especially with the position he held. He also wanted the others to feel as though they could come to him if they needed some medical help or advice. However there was one wolf in particular that he felt it necessary to talk to since they may be working together. Emrys had seen Sylva around but he hadn't had the chance to properly introduce himself to her and get hero know her apart from what Jynx had already told him about her. The white healer wanted to rectify that with the ebony yearling in hopes that they might have a partnership as the packs healers.

Being that he wasn't sure of Sylva’s routine he wasn't sure where she might be at that time of day so he thought it couldn't hurt to start his search at the infirmary den, it was the most logical place to look for her. It had taken him most of the morning to finish up his morning routine which had changed some since he had come to White Fir Notch because now he had to help out with the hunting and patrolling. Once he had finished up he headed toward the infirmary den where he hoped that he would find her inside or somewhere nearby by. As luck would have it she was outside the den, Emrys was glad he didn't have to hunt her down. “Hello Sylva,” he said once he was a few feet from her, “I thought we should talk.”

(This post was last modified: Nov 26, 2016, 10:17 PM by Emrys.)
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow

The ebony wolf laid curled up outside of the infirmary den, feeling useless as she idly pawed at a few herbs she had gathered, the cold weather would soon kill off what was left growing and the young medic in training hadn’t been as vigorous or diligent in gathered what remained. The spark that had filled the yearling had died out, the only thing that remained was a smoldering ash, dragging herself along to help the pack in what felt like meager ways to the small wolf.

Ears perked slightly as she heard someone call out her name. Hazel brown eyes blinked open slowly as she glanced upward. Emrys standing over her. His words making her swallow nervously. He wants to talk….. This had to be it. Gent must have sent her replacement to break the news to her, she glanced toward the healer’s den, a whine escaping as she pulled herself up, her facial expression twisting in slight pain generated by her leg. The obsidian wolf had accepted that she’d never be able to walk normally again, the cold did little to help with it.

“I already know….” She mumbled quietly, deflated and defeated that soon she’d be out of the Notch. “I know you’ve come to tell me your replacing me…”

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

As he approached Sylva Emrys wondered why she was laying outside if the den instead of working. If it had been him he would either be out gathering different plants or checking his stores. It did occur to him that perhaps she did things a little differently so maybe she had her work done for the day. It was something that Emrys would have to ask her about, perhaps there was something he could learn from her. That of course was if she agreed to work with him to help the wolves of White Fir Notch. It made the most sense to him for them to work together and learn from each other.

As the whine escaped her and her glance toward the den Emrys's head tilted slightly as he wondered what that was about. It was made more clear what exactly she was feeling when she finally spoke. Emrys took a moment to sit down beside her, “That's not it at all,” he told her gently, “I don't know if he does or doesn't I can't make any promises either way but I can promise that he hasn't expressed anything of the sort to me.” Emrys could tell that she was upset and he hoped that his words might help her in some way though he hadn't been able to say for certain.

After he had given her a few moments to process what he'd said he spoke once more. “Actually I was thinking that since we are both healers that it would be silly for us to work separately. So I wanted to talk with you about working as a team for the pack that is if you might be up for that?”

(This post was last modified: Nov 28, 2016, 07:49 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
sorry for the wait Kai, i've gotten more time now and regret nothing with Sylva!

The small wolf sorta just stared up at Emrys. Her hazel gaze, long dulled in her passions to heal and help others, having fallen victim to the one friend she hadn’t ever thought would have betrayed her. The trees. Now finding out that maybe, just maybe she wasn’t going to be tossed out on her furry hide because she had a limp. Maybe...maybe she could do this. Besides, if Emrys was really going to be a healer for the pack..well then he’d have to learn her system for the herbs, rotating them, keeping them happy, making sure they weren't next to herbs that they despised and were comfortable, it was a lot to teach but she felt she had to do it. And having a partner to help with...it could prove to be fun.

Sylva shifted and stood, giving her chocolate coat a shake before nodding “You're right….come on, I’ll show you the den.” In her usual nature, the girl went from down to chipper very quickly and without warning. She limped the few pawsteps toward the large rock that served as the medical den’s roof and squeezed within.

A familiar scent greeted the young wolf and she sighed contently, the overwhelming miasma of herbs within the den gave way to….her system, small piles of herbs laid in a neat pattern, the same herbs laid in lines being each other on neat piles. She glanced toward them all before quietly mumbling “I’m home, guys, meet Emrys, he’s gonna be helping the pack like us to keep them all safe..” She paused, completely serious as she said “Emrys, come meet the herbs, their all sorted by condition, what they do, which herbs they get along with are always to their right, and their least favorite two piles away, the fresher herbs are in the back while the older ones, with less potency are near the front, they can be used for quick, minor things before they wilt and have to be buried.” Yes Emrys, this is what you're getting yourself into.

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2016, 07:45 PM by Sylva.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
No worries

When Emrys had decided to take Gent up on his offer he had considered Sylva and what he would need to do in regards to her. Being that she had been with the pack and he was new it only made sense that he work with her. He also felt that it was important to approach her and after seeing the quick change in her after he had explained himself he was glad he had. He didn't know what had happened to make her think she would be asked to leave but he hoped that she wouldn't be. They could make a good team and he wanted the chance to see just how good of a team they could be. The healer smiled when she agreed with him glad that she seemed to be giving it a chance to, “I would love to see it and I'm glad you're giving me this chance Sylva. I think it could be very good for the pack.” As he followed her into the den he did take notice of the limp that she had and made a note to ask her about it but for now he thought it best not to say anything.

Entering the den Emrys could make out the many scents of the herbs that were inside and many of them were familiar to him. Being that it wasn't his own den he was careful and let her lead the way, if she was anything like him she would be particular about her herbs. He expected that most healers were considering how they felt about them. He had always kept his in a particular order and he soon found out she did as well.

As Sylva spoke Emrys could see what Jynx had been talking about when she had described the healer to him. While Jynx had seemed to think Sylva was odd he wasn't sure he could consider her talking to her herbs and placing them according to which ones liked each other was odd. However, her sorting according to condition and what they do was very similar to how he sorted his own herbs. Once she had finished explaining her organization Emrys had something that he wanted to ask her. “It's nice to meet everyone,” he stated speaking to the herbs taking the cue from Sylva before turning to her, “You are very organized but I was hoping you could help me understand how you know which ones like or dislike each other?”

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2016, 09:24 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow

Sylva blinked slowly, trying to repeat what Emrys had just asked her. He was actually curious? Most of the pack had always just nodded and smiled when she mentioned the plants, except Lucia, she might be one who took her serious, but was Emrys? It felt nice to know someone else hadn’t written her off as bat shit insane but actually seemed interested in it. She paused for a moment, swallowing.

“Well, sometimes just asking them helps but other times it you can go by what areas they were collected from. Take Western Redcedar for example, The bark from the Ghastly Woods wouldn’t get along with the red cedar from the Wilderwoods, their very territorial, so I keep them further apart, which helps with sorting freshness because the Ghastly Woods are closer, so i can get fresher from there, while the WIldwoods are a little bit further away.” Her tail wagged gently as she spoke, excitement feeling the girl “Since we’re working together you should also meet Flake.” She rose up, shifting awkwardly to grab something from a dark nook of the den, sitting down a dark chunk of Charcoal “I found him in the forest awhile back…”

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Sylva speaking to the plants and taking into account their feelings was a new concept for Emrys and one that he wasn't opposed to learning more about. The only way he could do that is speak with someone who did and Sylva was the only healer he'd met so far that did. However he wasn't sure how to take the silence that followed his question about it so he waited to see what her response would be. After a few bears she finally did start to explain which was a relief to him because he didn't want to offend her. She was a healer like himself and he felt that they should all be friends and learn from each other to better help the wolves in the Lore.

What she said sounded reasonable to him because he believed that plants in the same area grew next to others they were comfortable with. He nodded in agreement, “That makes sense since they are from two different areas of the Lore, they each have their own habitats that they like,” he said hoping he was understanding her right, “But when you ask them do you hear them talking back?” This was the part he was most curious about because if she did he wanted to know what she heard so maybe he could hear it too. Then she mentioned “Flake”, he was curious about this and why he needed to know about it. He watched as she went to another part of the den before returning with a chunk of dark charcoal, interesting. Once she had set it down Emrys lowered his head to sniff at the charcoal before bringing his gaze back to her. “This is a special find, why do you call it Flake?” He asked curiously.

(This post was last modified: Dec 24, 2016, 08:13 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow

Sylva tilted her head slightly as Emrys got close to Flake, his nose twitching slightly as he sniffed the rock, her rock, her precious. Unaware of just how possessive she was of it until someone else was around it. She paused though as he spoke, why had she named it Flake? She hadn’t… “I didn’t...he chose the name.” she replied, gesturing her muzzle toward the lump of coal, as if it was sentinal, or that it could hold a conversation that others besides her could hear.

“Who knows though, maybe, if you listen carefully, you’ll be able to hear them all too one day, the soft murmuring of the streams and rivers can speak wisdom if you know how to listen, and the wind rustling through the branches of a tree, all of them talk...we just have to stop and hear them.” her tail wagged slightly as the ebony female looked Emerys over “I’m looking forward to working with you now Emrys, I think it will be good for the pack.” Now that the fear of being replaced had proven false, she could truly enjoy the white wolf’s company instead.

Soft hazel brown eyes glanced around, it seemed like Sylva was calm when she suddenly spewed it out like a flood of words. “So, I have this idea, I want to try and open up communication between pack healers, Since, wolves in the general term will always be around, but us, the wolves of the now won’t always be, one day we’ll all be swept away by the rivers but knowledge...it won’t die.” She paused for a brief moment, her tail thumping against the ground “So much knowledge exists out there dispersed among wolves, if someone fell and injured them self, the pack’s healer might not know how to help them, but say the pack a few miles away did hold the knowledge if...if they could meet and learn from each other..it increase the chance of survival and makes both packs stronger, even if the packs don’t get along , both would benefit from a an exchange like it…”

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
Ugh, sorry this didn't turn out to be the spree we'd hoped for.

It was becoming more apparent with every moment why Jynx had expressed uncertainty about Sylva’s abilities but so far what he had seen of the girl he didn't find her incompetent. He still had yet to see her actually heal someone but there was time for that. This Flake though, Emrys wasn't exactly sure especially when it turned out to be a chunk of charcoal that had apparently named himself. This was interesting to say the least, “How did he choose?” Emrys asked curiously but realized how the question might have sounded, “Sorry if that sounded bad I'm just trying to understand. Is his chasing his name like how they,” he gestured to the plants with a paw, “Decide who they want to be near?” There he hoped that sounded better because he didn't want to offend her when they were just starting out.

What he was most curious about was how she knew what they wanted and how she could hear them, he wasn't expecting the answer that he would have to listen carefully. It was somewhat disappointing but maybe it was something she figured out and he would have to too. “Well then maybe the next time I'm out I will have to stop and see if I can hear them but something tells me this requires practice?” It also might be something that was done better in the spring when everything had come back. “I am as well and learning whatever you can teach me. With our combined knowledge I have no doubt it will be good for the pack.” To be honest he was glad this was going so well because he didn't want to be at odds with her.

The conversation however turned from plants and herbs to what she wanted to do in the future. His mouth opened slightly as she explained he was shocked that they seemed to have the same goal in mind, “You are completely right about that and if we can share our knowledge with the other packs and learn whatever they can teach us. It's something that I have been working towards as well. Before I came here I was trying to meet as many healers as possible and I have met a few. Did you have an idea of how you wanted to go about this?” Since she had been the one to bring it up he wanted to hear her thoughts first, it was only fair.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2016, 07:04 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.