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Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow

The chocolate coated female nodded with a quick shake of her head as Emrys revealed that he had the same goals a sshe had. It might even be a blessing, to have someone else driven by the same thing, she’d have someone she could bounce ideas back and forth off of to make their duel dream a success. Settling down between the precious supply of herbs Sylva thought for a good moment before she spoke.

“Well, what I’d like to do is go out, travel to the surrounding lands, try to meet with the other packs and see if they have a medic, if they do, see if i can open up communication and possibly even an herb trade once spring comes, since some things we may need might be in other pack territories, and we may have some they need. It could cut down on trespassing and possible fights and maybe even open up alliances for general survival.” She said, outlying the plan she had been toying around with in the months since she had first proposed it to Gent long ago, She had to do everything she could to see this dream achieved, not just for her, but for the good of everyone.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

It hadn't even occurred the Emrys that someone else in the lore might have the same goal as him but to join a pack whose healer did was a surprise for the white healer. He was very curious as to what Sylva's thoughts were on the subject. She seemed like a capable girl and one that he definitely felt he could work with not only with healing the pack but this too. Having the goal of opening communication among the packs was something he hadn't been sure he could do on his own but with Sylva it might be more attainable especially if she was just as passionate about it as he was.

As she explained her thoughts and plans Emrys listened giving it all plenty of thought, he at least owed her that for allowing him to hear something he felt was rather personal.

“I think visiting the other packs is most definitely a good idea. We need to know who the medics and also the alphas are so we have two contacts for each pack. Opening an herb trade could be very beneficial to everyone in case something is needed in an emergency. All in all I think it's a good plan Sylva, unfortunately I haven't gotten very far however I do know a couple of medics already so that could be a big help. Did you have an Idea of when you would want to put this plan into action?” He didn't know if she would want to wait until the spring or start right away.

(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2017, 08:25 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow

Nodding quietly, Sylva couldn’t help but grin a little more “I know one or two from neighboring packs, but not many, it’s a slow start, but a start nevertheless. And I think the spring will be best, we need to make sure the pack makes it that far, and stock up on herbs so if anything happens, Gent would be well supplied.” It would be nice, she realized, to travel with Emrys, having someone else at your back was always good, especially when traveling through potentially hostile territory.

Though, that did bring up the largest issue in the plan, getting @Gent and @Raela to support it, Sylva couldn’t do it without the backing of the pack’s Alphas and maybe even permission to make some decisions on their behalf to make this dream a reality, Raela wouldn’t be hard, convincing Gent how ever...well it might be easy to convince a river to flow up heal, but she won’t know until they try after all. “We just need to try and get Gent to see how beneficial this could be for the pack and wolves as a whole, I’m sure the rivers will guide us.” maybe quite literally.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

With both of them knowing a few she was right it might not be the best start but it was a start and that was all they needed, spring was also the best time he thought as well. “A start is a start we have to take what we can get and I think it might be best to start with who we already know and then go from there. I also think spring is the best time for the reasons you said as well as the fact travel will be easier and Jynx should be either fully recovered or well on her way.” He wouldn't leave on a trip while she was still recovering and needed him. Her recovery was going well so he felt that by the time spring arrived she would be well enough he could take the trip and she would be okay. He would have to tell her about the trip and hoped that she would be okay with it.

The next thing that Sylva brought up was convincing Gent that it was beneficial for their pack as well as the ones they were visiting. Emrys also knew Raela would have to be involved in the decision as well but he felt that if they explained the plan well to their alphas it would probably be okay. “Gent and Raela both seem pretty reasonable so I think if we did a good job of explaining it and why it's so important they might be okay with it.” He hoped that the fact he hadn't been in the pack but a few months wouldn't hurt their chances of going.

(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2017, 10:34 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.