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Righting A Wrong — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Don't worry about it! It was fine :) honestly this is my first spar thread sooo ya mine probs won't be all that great haha

Her distraction tactic worked just as she had hoped. His pale amber gaze followed hers down the shore line and that was all the young woman needed to make her move. She pounched on to the mans back to knock him over however her efforts weren't rewarded a second time around. Kajika was able to hold his ground and answer her play growl with one of his own. She laughed as she reached for his ear. Her small front teeth were able to get a hold of the tip of the dark audit. She pulled the appendage towards her so that she could quickly let go and get a better grip. As she pulled her teacher moved and pushed his weight against her to try to knock her over. He was successful despite Moon trying her hardest to keep her footing. The snow covered ground wasn't on her side this round as her large paws slipped from underneath her send her large frame downwards.

The temp leader landed with an umph as some of the wind was knocked out of her. Mere seconds went by when she sprung back to her feet. Her fight or flight instincts were kicking in as she repositioned herself. Standing on all fours once more mercury hued eyes watched as her counter part bounced away from her stating that she got the idea. The ebony she wolf definitely got the idea as her mischievous smile only grew. She lowered her head instinctually to protect her throat. She lowered herself into a half play bow with her silver dusted tail still wagging ferociously. Then he made his move, going for her scruff allowing another friendly growl to escape his maw. Dark limbs sprung like springs propelling the dark woman to the side just enough so that he didn't get a good grip on her. She whirled around with a good natured snarl go grab anything that she could. Moon had always like spars with her litter mates and older siblings so to be able to do so again filled her with joy. While normally she was a little more timid and submissive or neutral at times, when it came to spars she always love to come out on top. No matter what the outcome though the female had never been a sore loser and knew when it was time to give up even if she didn't want to.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Oh good, I was a little worried. You shouldn't worry either, yours are good too.

Her ploy to get him to look down the shore had worked in her favor giving her the chance to jump on his back, he wouldn't let that happen again. Kajika supposed he was a little rusty when it came to sparring but it was nice to go at it once more with Moonshadow. Once she was on his back he lost his balance only for a moment before he felt her teeth grip the tip of his ear but that didn't last as he took the opportunity to get his student off her feet. The action of leaning his body into her worked just as he saw it in his mind and soon she was down but not for long. However, her reflexes allowed her to get back on her feet quickly so that she would be ready for whatever Kajika would do next. He saw her prepare herself by bringing her head down to protect her throat and go into a play bow.

There were no words between them now as they were intent on their sparring, preparing their next moves. By this time Kajika had bounced away to allow her the moment he thought she needed to catch her breath. It was only a moment before he had moved into grab at her scruff bit Moonshadow was ready and had moved to where all he got was a bit of fur and slamming of his jaws as they came up empty with a sharp snap. Instead as she whirled around he felt her teeth grip the skin and fur at his shoulder, to loosen her grip she grabbed at her back leg closest to him and pulled. He didn't know if she would have a good enough stance to keep herself from falling but it wasn't his goal to cause her to lose her footing. He had taken notice through the last few minutes that she was a different Moonshadow which was good, it was this side of her she would need to continue as their lead until Namid was ready to come back.

(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2017, 04:20 AM by Kajika.)
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Really? Thanks! I was so worried O.o

The adrenaline rushed through her veins giving her an exhilarating high. She felt as if she was on top of the world. Moonshadow was proud that she hadn't forgotten her brothers lessons and dispute not practicing in who knows how long she was doing rather well. With every good fight each participant hits their target and misses at times. This spar was no different. She had basically missed her first "attack" while Kajika was successful in getting her off him. Now that they had begun round two the tables were turned. The dark male lunged for her scruff but received a small mouthful of fur as she quickly moved out of the way. In one fluid motion Moon dodged him while turning around to get a hold of him. Success! Pearly white fangs were able to grab onto his shoulder. They held with enough force to stay in place but no where near enough to cause and injury or excessive pain. That was not the point of this match. Anyways the ebony she wolf wouldn't be able to bring herself to hurt the man that had given her a home, a family, a second chance at life really. A smile broke the flow of dark fur between the pair as white molars became visible. With yet another play growl escaping the woman throat she went to give him a light shake as to say "ha got you".

Just as she went to shake she saw him move his head around to her back end out of the corner of her eye. She moved her rear end away from him but he kept reaching. Their momentum had the spinning in place for a moment or two taking the appearance of a dog chasing their tail. This didn't go on for long as his jaws closed around her back leg. Simultaneously the temp lead tried to pull her leg up and away from him while going to grab closer to his face. She hoped that getting close enough to his face he'd let go and she'd have another opportunity to grab him. She didn't really have a specific target when she reached around. All she wanted was him to let go because it would be much more difficult to wrestle if your leg was be knawed on. She would settle for anything. The neck, face, muzzle, even a second go at his ear would be just fine for Moon.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
No need to worry.

His next move to grab the scruff of her neck hadn't gone to plan instead all he'd gotten was fur in his teeth. That was how it worked though and since the last time he really sparred was with Des it was to be expected that he wouldn't be at his best. Now that he and Moonshadow were sparring he thought maybe it was a good idea to do it a little more often. It would give them both the chance to practice some of their skills I'm case they would ever need them. In the process of trying to grab for her scruff he had also left himself open for her to get a grip on his shoulder. It was a mistake that he would have to correct for the next time they sparred, this time his main focused was getting her off his shoulder. Moonshadow hadn't hurt his shoulder at all when she got her hold on it but then she gave it a shake. His ears caught another growl from fom her which he answered with a growl of his own as he held her rear foot in his jaws.

He didn't really have much room for any other options so he reached down for the area just below her hock. His goal was to pull her foot out from under her and maybe get her off her feet but at the very least cause her to lose her balance enough she would have to let got of his shoulder. Before he could get a good grip on it she moved. To try and keep him from reaching her leg she moved her back end setting them into motion spinning around and around. Finally though he hit his target with his Jaws clamping around her leg. He could feel the force she was using to try and get him to let go of her leg but he wasn't. Even when he felt her starting to try and grab at his neck, face, and muzzle. It wasn't until she had a better grip on his ear did his jaws release her leg as he turned his head as much as he could to get her off his ear. In his attempts he grabbed at her neck and tried for her cheek to pull her off his ear. At the same time he was pushing her backwards in an effort to push her off.

(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2017, 10:17 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

The quick sinning motion threatened give the dark woman a headache if it went on for much longer. Luckily for her it stopped with jaws wrapping themselves around her leg. The grip wasn't hurtful, just enough to keep a hold on it. Her efforts to simply pull her leg out failed so she tried something else. Whipping her head around she was able to clamp onto his ear. With much excitement that she was given a second chance to fulfill her original point of attack Moon almost let go in a victory laugh. The grip to his ear did just what it was supposed to - release his grip on her leg. Once her teachers jaws parted and her limb was free she swung her rear end around so that he wouldn't be able to try that again. With her body resituated and securely out of reach she began to pull downwards on his ear trying to bring his front lower to the grown so that it would be easier to knock his back end over so that the ebony female could pin him.

Moonshadow remembered winning to be a lot easier than this but she supposed that that was due to the fact that she was a pup and her brother had let her win. Kajika wasn't going to give in so easily. The man released her leg and turned his head the best he could. He reached around to get ahold of the student but she was able to dodge his first few attempts. Finally his teeth met her face when she wasn't able to pull away fast enough. He was able to grab around her cheek. His top fangs resting on the top of her skull while his bottom teeth gripped her jaw line. With his grip she could clearly see down his throat. She instantly let go of the ear and desperately tried to come up with an escape. Her brain ran a million miles an hour for if she waited too long he'd have a better chance to get her on the ground. Kajika started to move and try to push her over with the rest of his body. A low growl quietly rose out of frustration for her not being able to get out of this predicament. Despite her face basically being eaten by her teacher the dark woman refused to topple over as she pushed her own weight back into him.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It seemed like they had been spinning for longer than they actually had been but it finally did stop when Kajika got a hold on her leg. He held her leg tight enough to keep a good grip on her leg in his efforts to topple her over once more. However she turned the tables on him by getting a hold on his ear, it was a much better on than the one she had on it before. Not only that as he let got of her leg to try and get her to let go of his ear she started to pull his head downward causing him to become frustrated. He planted both of his forefeet to stabilize himself and make it harder for her to pull him to the ground before trying to grab any part of her body that he could to get her to release her hold. His first tries had ended in the sound of his teeth snapping together as she dodged each attempt that he made.

Then finally he found a grip that gave him control of her head but he didn't stop there but instead he continued to push her to get her off her feet once more. She however didn't seem to want to allow that to happen because even with him having a grip on her head she was pushing back. While he was doing his best to not let her push him backwards her pushing made it harder to keep a good hold on her without hurting her so he let her go and jumped away from her before she could knock him off his feet. Moonshadow was turning out to be quite the opponent in their game. She met each one of his moves and held her own against him. However using his size against her was turning out to not be in his favor so as he waited to see what I would do now that she was free he worked on another tactic.

(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2017, 05:41 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

The grip he had on her head was incredibly awkward for her. He was practically almost able to swallow her whole with how wide his jaws were. This however wouldn't deter the young student and she refused to give up her stance. She was not going to go down, not that easily at least. As the two wolves pushed their weight into one another Moon could feel him pulling tighter on her face. She gritted her teeth for the feeling was more uncomfortable than painful and let out a snort. Much to her surprise though, her teacher let go and bounded back. Silver eyes blinked rapidly to restore the vision in the eye that had basically been in his mouth. Once her eye was able to refocus she gave her dark fur a good shake before looking back at her teacher with a goofy lopsided smile. Now that she was freed she could come up with another strategy. Silver eyes watched his every move as she went over her options. She held a defensive posture just in case Kajika decided to move. Her first tactic to use her weight to knock him over didn't work so that was out. Her second attempt to drag him down by the ear didn't work either. Her tail lashed behind her as she thought. Her distraction method before her first pounce had worked and she thought of a way to do something similar. It was a long shot but worth a try especially since this was a spar and a perfect learning opportunity. She noticed her dark teacher hadn't been protecting his throat. She moved with a hard push of her back legs aiming low towards his throat. She hoped that he'd instinctually move to cover it and that when he did she'd be able to quickly jerk to the side last second and grab his scruff. With his head moving downwards she figured this would give her an opening that he wouldn't have the time to prevent.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

He had never intended to hurt her so when he felt that the hold he had on her was getting to where he was afraid he would hurt he had to let go. In the moment that he did he also jumped back from her to prevent her from grabbing in part of him in her jaws. Standing, waiting to see what her next move would be he gave his pelt a shake then watched her closely. He focused on her eyes to see if they would give away any clue as to what she might be thinking. It took her a moment to recover from their last attempt to bring the other down. The smile that crossed her maw had one of his own crossing his, they were having fun and perhaps it was exactly what she needed to help her move forward in her new position.

When she finally decided on a new attack Kajika didn't know exactly what she had in mind but it seemed she was coming directly at him. In the few seconds he had to decide what to do he made up his mind as well. Waiting until she was almost on he jumped to the side as far as he could get from her. It was the only thing that had seemed sensible, just dodge the attack and she wouldn't get the hold on her she was hoping for. Then he came up behind her and grabbed her tail between his teeth before giving it a sharp pull and letting go once more. Why not? This was all in fun anyway. “Do you give up yet?” He teased from a safe distance.

(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2017, 04:35 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

She had thought her plan was fool proof. He would move exactly how she wanted and she'd have the perfect opening to get a good hold of his scruff. Nothing could go wrong right? Wrong. The young woman had completely neglected the fact that a wolfs first instinct was to dodge a direct attack instead of take it. And it was just that that her teacher did. Dodge her. He moved quickly out of the way and ended up behind her. She clamped her jaws on nothing but air and before she really had time to process and spin around the dark man grabbed her tail. The feeling of having another have a hold of her tail was one that had long been forgotten. It wasn't something she felt since her litter mates had done so. She tried to pull the silver dusted banner out of his mouth but he just gave it a good tug before letting go. As soon as the release happened the ebony female spun around to face her opponent. She still had a goofy smile on her face but was now also beginning to pant. His snarky comment warranted a laugh to form. "What's wrong old man? Getting tired?" She teased back. She knew full and well that her teacher was only a year older than her but she figured why not also partake in the teasing. It was all in good fun anyways right? Her eyes gleamed with mischief and happiness. While they currently were at a standoff she was not about to be the one to call it off. So she waited and watched her almost mirror image to see if he'd make a move or call it quits. The ball was now in his court.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It might have been awhile since he had sparred with a friend but it seemed he hadn't lost it yet. It seemed he had foiled her plan by dodging out of the way. He heard the snap of her jaws as they closed on the site where he'd just been poised and ready to make his move when she did. As the snap sounded in his ears his teeth had a hold of her tail. The good natured jerk was followed by him bouncing away before she could turn in his direction. He laughed at her question, “It looks like I'm not the one getting tired,” he stated noting the fact she was starting to pant.

It seemed they were in a bit of a stand off and the fact that Moonshadow didn't seem to be making a move toward him made it obvious she was waiting for him. He considered the options and decided that he might try the tactics she used on him on her and see how she would counter them. “I'll show you just how old I am,” he stated with another laugh not offended by her comment in the least. First he decided to try and distract her by looking just over her left shoulder staring at it intently as if someone or something was behind her hoping it would get her to look that way

(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2017, 01:42 AM by Kajika.)
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