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Carpe Diem — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
All are welcome to join. Moderate snow
5 ° F, -15 ° C


It was time, there was nothing more to it.  Since leaving the bend she had stuck close to Triell and his family but now she had to venture out in her own.  Explore her new home and see exactly why Triell believed she would like it here.  She couldn't let the fear of getting lost she constantly carried with her rule what she did any longer, the group needed her and she wouldn't let them down.  Especially after Triell had put his trust in her and let her come along to Sacred Grove, this was too important.

With the determination she usually had to get her routine done at home, she had to keep reminding herself it wasn't her home any longer, she set out into the forest.  She didn't know what she would find but the least she could do was scare up a rabbit for the pups.  Carefully she made her way across the land always careful to keep track of where she was going and how far it was from her new home, she wouldn't get lost this time. She hadn't traveled too far when she caught sight of a couple of crows. Sure there wasn't a lot of meat on their bones but it was winter and they needed food.

Slowly she crept up on them watching their every move to make sure they hadn't been alerted to her presence.  She was determined to catch at least one of them. Lowering her body to the ground she crawled forward on her belly until she felt the distance between her and them was short enough and then she pounced.

(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2016, 08:38 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
I'm sending Kobe in. Let's see how this goes. :D @Leotie

Lying halfway out of a bush, Kobe snapped the bone he was chewing between his jaws. He’d scavenged the deer rib from the scattered remains of a deer. He should’ve just hunted one himself but wasn’t in the mood to track anything down. He’d rather the prey just come to him…like that was going to happen but a predator could dream.

The sudden cawing that followed the sound of flapping wings turned Kobe’s head. He dropped the bone he’d been gnawing on and got to his feet. He looked up and saw several crows climb into the sky. What had set them off? He wondered and peered through the trees in the direction they’d flown. Was something there? He licked his lips. Prey maybe?

Starting forward he headed for the area at a looping jog and slowed to a more cautious pace as he drew near. He sniffed at the air, if it was a prey he didn’t want to scare it off. Wolf. He straightened a little put off by the discovery.

“Who are you?” he called out. He could make out the female’s dark coat through the trees.
~~ Do it or don't do it, you'll regret both ~~

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Works for me.

Running as fast as she could through the snow which practically came up to her belly Leotie tried to make it to the birds before they flew off. The snow unfortunately slowed her down and the spotted her before she could reach them and took to the air in their escape. It didn't stop her from jumping up at them and snapping hoping her jaws might close on one of them. Soon they were too high for her to reach by jumping and she finally gave up. Perhaps crows weren't the best type of prey to be going after in this weather but she had to try at least. Letting out a huff Leotie thought it best to keep going in her search for prey.

As she started back the way she'd come to continue the path she was on the scent of another wolf caught her attention. The sound of a voice startled her at first since she couldn't see who it belonged to and then through the trees she saw a black pelt and knew this had to be the wolf she had smelled. Her ears went to alert searching and she scanned the landscape in search of signs there might be others out there. She couldn't be too careful especially since she had ventured out in her own.

Stepping forward she replied back, “Leotie Rhys and you are?” She questioned him right back. She wasn't exactly comfortable with the way he had addressed him but she let that go for now and chalked it up to poor manners. “What are you doing here?” She continued since she also didn't like the fact he was a little close to where the group was staying. She had a job to do and she meant to do it.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2016, 01:27 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
“Kobe,” he answered. He leaped off a rock and ducked under a couple of low hanging branches as he stepped out of the trees. “Surviving. What else would I be doing?”

He sized up the female with his gray eyes. He stood a few feet from her for a reason, she was no smaller than him in height and although he could tell she was lighter in weight. The unmistakable smell of other wolves clung to her but not to the extent that he imagined. She did not carry the scent of any territory he encountered, perhaps she was a loner after all. The prospect set him at a little at ease and he lowered his guard. A wolf traveling with a few others was less of a threat than one with an entire pack behind them.

He looked up, the crows had become dots in the sky. “Are you starving or just lack skill? I’ve never witnessed a wolf desperate enough to go after crow.”
His words betrayed a snobbery that was unlike him, in this weather anything was game. It was too cold to be picky. His words were a probe, what he was really interested in knowing was who she was hunting for. Herself or someone else? Knowledge was power, especially if one knew what they were up against.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2016, 02:01 AM by Kobe.)
~~ Do it or don't do it, you'll regret both ~~

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

She supposed getting introductions out of the way first was good, then she wouldn't have to worry about it later. “Well It's nice to meet you Kobe,” she stated as he jumped down from the rock he'd been perched on. “Hmm, I'm sure there are plenty of other things that you could possibly be doing.” Surviving, it was something she’d been doing since she got lost the first time it had just been easier during her time in Oak Tree Bend.

As she stood across from the man she took in more of him from his scent to his body size and posture. The way he spoke to her suggested he may not know of pack customs and respect of others. He was the same size as her but heavier meaning he was probably doing a good job of taking care of himself surviving. She also noticed that his scent didn't seem to carry any pack scents on it but to be fair she hadn't met many wolves from other packs. Still, like with Askan she remained cautious, after living in the bend she knew how important. Kobe wasn't Askan, he didn't have Drestig and Jessie behind him.

Leotie followed his gaze to where the crows flew having gained some height since her attempt to catch them. Her gaze went back to him as he asked his question, “I guess you haven't been around much then have you,” she stated. She wouldn't consider herself starving considering she'd been there and this was not that. She also wouldn't consider herself lacking in skill either, since she'd been in the bend she'd gotten much better. “Do you have a better suggestion of where to hunt for something a little more appetizing?” Perhaps he could offer a little advice that could help her and her group.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2016, 05:07 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
Kobe passed on her comment on his survival. He knew better than anyone—or so he thought—that there were few things better than being blessed with the opportunity to open his eyes to the next day. His heart still beat, his body was intact, warm with the flowing blood underneath his fur. He was alive. While simple survival seemed to be a pitiful thing in and of itself, his life was his to chose and was what he made of it. He watched his breath mist into the air and turned his gaze to the sky. The black dots of ravens drifted further and further away until they passed out of sight and out of mind.

“I’ve been around.” He replied, looking at her. “I go where I please when I please but most places begin to blend into the next after awhile. Especially in winter, under all this snow.” Winter was his least favorite season. There were times when he wondered if he traveled at all. Only the tracks behind him told him otherwise. Forests were particularly difficult to navigate, but what did that matter when he was always in the pursuit of food?

He thought about her question for a moment. “If I did I wouldn’t be talking to you. Would you care to try to scrounge up something together? Two noses are better than one.” He added the last part to ensure she didn’t get the wrong idea. He wasn’t looking for a companion but wasn’t in the habit of turning down the opportunity of pairing up with a temporary partner. No strings attached. No obligations. Mutual benefit from start to finish.
~~ Do it or don't do it, you'll regret both ~~

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie had been a little put off by the black pelted male at first but now she wasn't so sure what to think of him as he sooke. The words he spoke about going where he pleased were ones that she couldn't relate to, really. At least not until recently and even now she hadn't ventured far from Triell and his family, she didn't plan to either. Leotie had crossed the mountain with them and was now trying to make a new home and she knew she wasn't ready to set out on her own. Still it was something to tuck away for later, something to think on when she was out hunting or curled up under the stars waiting for morning to come. She did however nod in agreement to his words regarding the snow.“It’s true it does start to look the same after awhile,” she said recalling the time she had spent traveling recently, “But I would think in spring they wouldn't so much,” she wasn't really sure since every doing she could remember she has been in either the bend or at her human's home. She shrugged, perhaps this spring she might be able to see what Kobe was talking about. Now that she was out of the bend and feeling more comfortable about traveling on her own seeing more of the lore might be something she could do. Leotie wasn't sure but they were still on Wi terms so there was time to think about it.Leotie snorted at his comment about not telling her if he knew where there was a good place to hunt. No matter what he said after that caused her some pause because he did have a point with the whole two noses thing. “Sure, but only because you're right, it would be easier with the two of us working together.” The only thing she really cared about then was bringing food back so if that meant hunting with Kobe that was what she would do. Especially since she hasn't had any luck so far that day and they needed food.

(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2017, 10:23 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you