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Righting A Wrong — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

They faced each other in a stand off. The dark woman faced the lake while her teacher faced towards the communal den. Her silver dusted tail lashed behind her as she waited for his move. She gave a snort to his comment. "I'm not tired its hot" she replied with a good hearted chuckle as she crinkled her nose and stuck her tounge out at him. This was no where near exurting enough for the young female to get winded now. Her lush winter coat trapped all the body heat that was created from their spar. A dip in the freezing lake was sounding more enticing with each move. That however would be a death wish so Moon figured she dig into a snow bank until the overbearing heat subsided. Kajikas next remark caused a dark brow to raise quizzically. Now how exactly did he plan on doing that? She wondered but soon was given an answer. Her teacher was actually trying to use her own tactic against her. His amber gaze looked intently at something just off to her left side. She scoffed internally, did he really think she wouldn't know what he was doing. Her silver dusted audit swivled backwards and didn't pick up on anything moving behind her. Her first initial reaction was to not fall for it, to show him that she knew what he was doing but then a better idea sprouted. Since she knew he'd pounce when she looked away she could trick him and actually move last minute. Deciding to try her tatic she asked "what are you looking at" as she turned her head enough to look over her shoulder. She didn't turn it so far that he left her peripheral but just enough to bait him into charging.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Moments passed between them as they watched each other from opposite parts of the shore staring at each other. A brow raised at her swiftly lashing tail but it was her panting that really caught his attention. His comment about her being tired was returned with her admitting she was hot, Kajika snorted, “A likely excuse,” he teased. He had no doubt that she was hot from their scuffle as he was feeling rather warm himself. There wasn't time to think about that as he threw out a remark that seemed to interest his student. Of course now he had to figure out just how to do that. Trying her own tactics on her seemed a good option mostly because he wanted to see if she would recognize that he was in fact playing her own cards against her. The question was would he be better at it then she was so that she would fall for it. Apparently not as she seemed to be very reluctant to follow his gaze completely anyway. Very calmly he stated, “A bear,” in response to her question and of course there wasn't a bear but he hoped it might get her to completely take her eyes off him.

(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2017, 03:50 AM by Kajika.)
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

A snort was given in response to her teachers tease. It was getting a bit warm but she was far from tired. This was exactly what she needed to release the pent up energy that she didnt know she had. Running, hunting and patrol all helped release physical energy but rearely engaged her mind like their little spar has. She watched as her teacher tried to use her tatic against her. She knew exactly what he was doing but she tried to lure him into lunging by looking over her shoulder. It was clear that he knew she was watching him from the corner of her eye as he replied calmly with out moving towards her. The dark woman let out a low grunt quiet enough that he wouldn't hear her. She really didnt want to have him totally out of her sight but after a moment she figured she knew his next move so what would it hurt. She turned her head just a tad bit more as she replied with a sneer "wow, that's a big one. We should probably do something bout that". She knew full and well there wasn't a bear. Her teacher wouldn't have ever been that calm if there was actually one. She knew this as fact due to the bear that had been in their home and how he had reacted. With her head turned her silver tipped ear was trained on the male. It was before long that he did exactly as she predicted - he lunged for her. Having known his move she was easily able to dodge it. She swung her large head around so that she faced his oncoming form and danced to the right just as he went for her. A play growl came from her inky lips as well as a laugh. Mercury eyes locked on to his scruff as her powerful dark legs propelled her towards him. She hoped to grab onto the thick fur and use the rest of her momentum to finally topple the teacher over.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It seemed that Moonshadow wasn't amused with his tease, no matter. Kajika had more important things to think about just then such as how he was going to get his student to turn her head just a little more so that he could pounce on her. However it seemed she wasn't falling for it in the least as her response to him telling her there was a bear behind her wasn't what he was hoping for. “We probably should,” he agreed using the same tone she had. Of course he'd been almost certain when he said it that she wouldn't ever fall for it however she did turn her head just a little more to where he couldn't see her eyes any longer. He took that moment to go at her but he unfortunately missed and she dodged then grabbed the scruff of his next. If she thought she was going to take him down she was wrong and instead considered a different tactic to get her off her feet. The grip she had on the fur and skin of his scruff didn't hurt him so instead of pushing his weight into her to get her down that way, it hadn't worked before. Kajika decided to try and take her off balance in a different way. This time he dropped to the ground with her still holding his scruff and rolled his body.

(This post was last modified: Jan 13, 2017, 01:50 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

His response to dealing with the figurative bear mirrored her own and she released a snicker. Of course she wouldnt fall for that trick. She might if of he had came up with another threat but because she knew how he acted towards a bear. Her tatic to take her eyes off him did exactly as she hoped. Her teacher launched his dark form towards her and she was able to dodge him. Her attempt to grab him was successful and a victorious growl vibrated within her chest. Her small victory would soon be undone as her teacher had a trick up his sleeve. While she had a hold on his scruff she pushed to knock him over and expected him to push back. This however wasn't the case as he crumpled easily under her large body. Her eyes widened in surprise not expecting him to go down that easily. He continued to surprise her as he rolled once he was down sending her flying over his body. She smacked into the frozen ground head first with the rest of her dark form following. Despite her surprise Moonshadow was able to keep her grip on her teacher. She was flat on her back with paws up in the air and her head laid flat against the ground. Since she still had a hold of him his body laid over her muzzle almost completely covering her head. She blinked the daze away and was completely unsure of what to do next. She had no where to move but Didnt want to release her almost perfect grip.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

While his trick of the bear hadn’t worked and it was rather clear to both of them that it hadn’t didn’t mean that all was lost. In fact it opened up another option that seemed just as good and he knew she wouldn’t be expecting it. So he went ahead and lunged at her and as he knew she would do she dodged his attack. Kajika also left himself open for her to grab his scruff and as she did so he could feel her pushing her body against his trying to force him down, that was the goal wasn’t it? So he made it a little easier by letting her push him to the ground, his legs folded under him so when she went down and during her moment of pause he took his chance. With her teeth still attached to his scruff he pushed with his legs and rolled his body over her. Despite his best efforts however she still kept her grip on his scruff which held him in place on top of her his neck across her head. He panted for a moment before a growl left his throat ashe tried to pull his scruff from her teeth by trying to raise to his full height once more. If his next move worked he would either be free of her grip or he would pull her up with him, he hoped for the former.

(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2017, 09:47 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Out of character comments here

Everything was spinning as she laid upside down on the ground. She shut her eyes tightly to stop everything from moving. Her teacher laid atop her head and muzzle after he got the best of her. She full didnt expect when she took him down that she'd be on her back with him on her face. Despite being dazed she held her grip on his scruff but could feel him shift his weight and try to stand. He growled as he tried to stand and she allowed one to vibrate the skin between her teeth. She held on for dear life but because of the way she had flipped over him and ended up under him there wasn't a way for her to keep her grip without hurting the dark man. There was no way she'd intentional hurt her teacher so she relinquished her hold with one more play growl. She scrambled to get to her feet before he did. The ice was slippery and she slipped back to the ground slamming her shoulder on its icy surface. That would leave a bruise. A small sense of panic set in as her silver eyes caught her teacher already standing and turning towards her. Uh oh not good she screamed to herself. Moon didnt like losing scuffles and really didnt want to start now.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

They were on the ground locked in something of a standoff as she held on to his scruff for what seemed to be dear life. Kajika however had other plans not wanting her to keep him down so he did something about it. He got to his feet and as he hoped she had to let go, it was either that or the outcome wouldn't be pretty. Either she would have hurt him or she would have been drug with him. He felt she had made the right choice in relinquishing his scruff as he was finally able to gain his full height once more. Then when he was finally steady on his feet she shook his pelt before turning just in time to see her slip back onto the ice. “Are you okay Moonshadow? Do we need to stop for the day and pick it up later?” He asked his tone full of concern. He didn't want her to get hurt in the process so if she needed to rest, take a break, or even quit he wouldn't judge her for it. His tail waved slowly behind him as he waited for her answer, he wouldn't continue the scuffle unless he knew she was okay.

(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2017, 12:30 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Sorry for the shortness DX I got yelled at by a customer at work and am a little fried

She scrambled to get to her feet before her teacher had the opportunity to strike again. The small ice patch caught the dark woman off guard as she slipped and fell to the ground. She fell squarely on her shoulder letting an oof escape her maw. Despite the ache in her join adrenaline helped her get to her feet. She closed her eyes as she prepared to feel him on her but when no blow came she opened her eyes. He asked if she was okay and if they needed to stop. She gave him a smile and despite wanting to win she nodded. "That's probably a good idea" she gave a light hearted laugh. They could and would most definitely pick it back up later. "That roll over move was a good one" she complimented giving a gentle sawy of her silver dusted tail. This had been a much needed talk and spar apparently. His confidence in her allowed Moon to start to see herself as worthy to be Namids place holder. She felt as if she was able to do a good job until the queen was able to regain her thrown. Her silver dusted eyes fell on his amber ones "Thank you for that. The talk and spar. I didnt realize I needed either of them and I'm glad they happened".

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Ooc: No worries, completely understand, I've had my fair share of customers like that.

Not being the type strike when one was down Kajika waited for Moonshadow to get to her feet and then he wanted to make sure that she was okay. It had been a hard hit to the shoulder that she took and he didn't want to make it worse if she had injured it badly. Once she was up and seemed stable on her feet he inquired to see if she was okay and wanted to continue or rest. A reassuring smile crossed his maw when she stated stopping for now was a good idea, “You can rest that shoulder and when it's feeling better we can have another go,” he wanted to make sure she knew that by no means did this have to be the last time they sparred. “Thank you, another trick to add to your bag but you did well too not letting me get away with using your own tricks against you, it's good you recognized what I was doing so you could watch and counter my attack.” Kajika felt it important to make sure she knew the things she did right even though this hadn't been an official lesson. At her next words Kajika moved toward her and brushed his muzzle against her cheek before stepping back and meeting her gaze once more. “You're welcome and thank you, it's been a long time since I've sparred so I think it was something I needed too. I'm glad they happened too.”

(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2017, 07:20 PM by Kajika.)
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