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The Space Between — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

“A few more additions wouldn't be bad as long as they pulled their weight and there is plenty of food to go around.” With winter coming it was all that more important that everyone was doing their best to bring in as much as they took and more if they could. He knew how scarce prey could become and he imagined it would be worse for a pack because there were more mouths to feed. He did not want his staying to affect the pack negatively since he was being allowed to stay while Jynx recovered. As he expected she knew exactly what he was talking about. “It is a very unpredictable season that can really test your will.” He had noticed how she had trailed off and the look in her eye but he did not press her to go on. He'd learned quickly with her that she would tell him in time, all he had to do was be patient with her.

It had been a long time since he'd had someone to worry about him but more importantly someone for him to worry about. It was good having that back in his life. He smiled at her words, “Yes they are,” he agreed before returning her gesture by nudging her cheek with his nose. He chuckled at her next words, “Yes, that hasn't escaped my thoughts, it's one of the reasons I agreed to stay. The other being I don't want anyone else taking care of you.” He didn't know Sylva and what kind of healer she was so he wouldn't leave Jynx in her care. It also didn't help that he didn't think Jynx would want him to either. After he had explained his plan of action to her she seemed to have some concerns which he felt was only natural. “They may make you feel drowsy but that isn't an entirely bad thing. The more you sleep the better your body can heal. I doubt there will be any other effects since you will be taking small quantities of each everyday. Also two of them I'm only giving you once a day and the other every few hours.” He hoped that would help ease some of her concerns. The last thing he wanted to do was worry her about side effects and what the plants she was taking were doing to her. Her recovery needed to be as quiet as possible so that she could get the rest she needed for her joint to heal. He was even more worried about this since it wasn't the first time that particular ankle had been injured. She also wanted a clarification on time which he couldn't give her a dead certain answer but he could give her a better idea. “I can't lie to you, months could be a possibility at the least if all goes well I think at most two months but I'm hoping for less. If you take the herbs and get the rest and stay off it I am hoping for at the least four weeks and the most six but you can't over do it after that,” he warned, “By then you could be back out hunting again but I don't want to make that promise to you in case something happens.” He wouldn't promise her something he couldn't be certain about.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2017, 04:07 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

She had been curious about the possibility of some side effects from the herbs she would be taking, and sure enough, Emrys confirmed that there would be some. Luckily for her, it was only limited to drowsiness, which in her case, would prove beneficial. She needed to rest, to give her body ample time to heal. And from the very beginning, she had already known that this time, she was not going to be the most relaxed of patients. But she had no choice but to abide by doctors orders. She would have to bite the bullet and extend her patience, if that's what it took for her leg to heal properly. Besides, it wasn't like she would have much of a chance to sneak out of the den if she wanted. Emrys would be checking on her daily. "Alright, I suppose I can handle a little drowsiness." Was her only comment, before her ears tipped forward again to receive his estimate concerning her recovery time.

Two months at the most. Four weeks at the very least. She nodded with a slight dip of her head, clearly understanding that the more she rested and took the herbs, and did not push herself, swifter her recovery would be. "I understand. I'll do whatever it takes if it means a complete recovery. I'm less concerned about the timeline, and more about the results." She concluded with a soft little sigh, but not with nearly as much worry as before. Now that the chatting was done, the work had to start. Glancing down by his paws, Jynx saw no herbs. But she wasn't surprised, as the white healer did not have the chance to bring any with him, on his way to the Notch. "Gent should have the supplies you need in the main den. It's not too far. You'll find it's built into the side of a hill...you can't miss it. I'm sure he'll understand if you borrow from his stash." She opted not to suggest going to Sylva's den, only for the fact that she and Emrys had never met. Jynx didn't want the dark female growing suspicious over a stranger in the territory, seemingly stealing from her collection. "I'll wait here, of course." With a nudge to his shoulder, she encouraged him to be on his way. Resting her head down over her paws, she stared after him, already clearly settled in for what would be a long first day of recovery.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

It was important for Emrys to be honest with Jynx about her recovery, not only because she was his friend and he cared for her but also because he wanted her to understand how important it was. When she asked about side effects he let her know there could be drowsiness, it was hard to tell with these things because the plants used affected different wolves in different ways. Sometimes they caused drowsiness and sometimes they didn't but so. She would expect it if it did come he told her they might. “I suppose being sleepy is a lot better than the side effects of some other plants. You'll be fine though with me keeping a close watch on you.” He did intend to do just that since he didn't know exactly what kind of patient she would be once she got to feeling better. In three weeks he hoped she was to the point she could go out for short walks but that all depended on the care they both took in the first few days and week.

He was relieved a little when she said she would do anything and that she understood, that meant to him he wouldn't have too much trouble making sure that everything went smoothly. He had a plan in mind and he intended to follow it down to a T as much as he could, some parts of it might need to be adjusted based on her progress but those decisions and the discussions with her could be done when he knew more. “Good, a complete recovery is what I am aiming for and I will do my best to make that happen for you, I know it's important.” He felt there was a good chance to a complete recovery since he hadn't ever seen any signs that the ankle had been hurt before. Still the previous injury was always in the back of his mind. He needed to get her first dose of the herbs in her and he hadn't had a chance to get them before bringing her back. Luckily Gent said he could use what he needed and Jynx gave him instruction on where to find them. Emrys nodded and with her nudge he rose to his feet, “Thank you, I think he will understand too. It should only take a few minutes to grab what I need and be back as soon as I can.” before slipping out of the den he pressed his nose to the top of her head. He quickly made his way to the main den following Jynx’s instruction and found the herbs he needed before going back to the den he had left Jynx in. Once he had returned he began to get together what she needed to eat just then.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2017, 01:15 PM by Sahalie. Edit Reason: Removed extra b tag holding the whole thread )
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

She swallowed down an appreciative whimper, along with the urge to frantically lick at his chin. Her burnished gold eyes lingered on his white, retreating form as he left. He's just a friend...just a friend, that's all. She reminded herself repeatedly, trying to calm the elevated pulse of her heart. As she had promised, she remained put, occupying herself with straightening and readjusting the caribou hide beneath her. A well worn bone, which she used on a daily basis to gnaw on and keep her teeth sharp, she re positioned against a crevice in the wall. With a thoughtful hum, she looked over the remainder of her den decor. It could use a few more touches, later down the road. Perhaps some brightly colored bird feathers, or a discarded tooth from a rival predator. She had grown proud of who she was evolving into and she wouldn't mind having the proof to gloat either.

She hoped Emrys had managed to find the communal den without any trouble. Growing restless as the moments passed, she laid her head between her paws. Ears pricked, golden eyes fixed intently on the outside world, waiting hopefully for that telltale sign of white fur. Every once in a while, a soft, high pitched whine vibrated in the depths of her throat. She didn't even seem to notice, either. Separation anxiety, perhaps? No, no, that was silly. She didn't even know if Emrys was staying indefinitely yet. The likely reason for her behavior was associated with the fact that she knew her dear friend was here now, only a call away. Her eyelids began to droop, the first waves of tiredness from her long day, creeping into the forefront of her mind. Without meaning to, she had dozed off into a light slumber. And this is how the pale healer would find her, when he returned.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Once he had found the infirmary den it wasn't hard to find the herbs that he needed recognizing them right away. He gathered them into a pile quickly before picking them up in his jaws and heading back to the den where he'd left Jynx. When he got there he quietly slipped inside to find her asleep, it was unexpected though he should have known. So much she had been through that day it only made sense for the exhaustion to take her over. He hated to wake her when sleep was so important right now but she had to eat the herbs if she was going to get better. At that moment he couldn't think about what he wanted to do as her friend and concentrate more on the fact she needed him to be the healer so that he could make her better.

Placing them gently on the floor of the den stepped over to until he was in front of her before lowering his head to her and running his muzzle along hers, “Jynx,” he said quietly, “I've returned,” he added before moving to prepare the herbs which he did quickly but carefully in the way that his mother had taught him. He then laid a small piece of each in front of her, the amount was just enough to get her through the night. She would have to take more in the morning but he didn't want her to have more severe side effect than drowsiness. Once he had everything ready he took his place once more and waited for her to become more alert. He would have to tell her what each was and make sure she didn't have any questions or if she did answer them. As promised despite her injury he would help her learn the healing arts.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2017, 12:36 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

Unaware of how much, or how little time had passed since she had fallen asleep, Jynx awoke to a gentle touch at her muzzle. Her brows furrowed ever so slightly, before those golden eyes opened again to peer up at the form of Emrys standing over her. "Hrmm?" She blinked several times, attempting to fight away the drowsiness in her vision. "Oh, I must've fallen asleep while you were gone." She said a little sheepishly, but they both knew that it couldn't be helped. Sure enough, the telltale scent of herbs filled her nose, and her eyes landed on the medicinal plants he had begun to prepare. "You found the den okay, yes?" She inquired, hopeful that he hadn't too much trouble navigating through the Notch so soon.

She fell silent again, to let him continue with his preparations. While her primary interest would always be in hunting, furthering her education about medicine on the side would do her some good. So she watched, with intent focus and detail, in how he sorted the plants, managed their portions. She also eyed each specimen carefully; not because she was at all suspicious, but so as to try and remember the physical characteristics of each. When all were set and laid down, she sniffed at them gently with her nose, but did not take them yet. Luckily, none of them smelled too terrible. The same couldn't be said for the taste, once she ingested them. Turning to her expert...her teacher and doctor, with a hopeful look. "Any...recommendations? Is there a particular order in which I should take these?" Maybe it was a silly question to ask, but Jynx had no clue about the potential complexities in the healing field. So she opted to be cautious, with attention to detail.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

His muzzle brushing against hers had woken her up though she still seemed rather sleepy which he really couldn’t blame her for. Giving her the time she needed he went about preparing what she would need to ingest that night. During which she spoke about falling asleep while he had been gone, “It’s quite alright, I’m surprised you made it this long to be honest but maybe I shouldn’t be,” he said his gaze going to her for a moment before returning to his work. Her next question was met with a smile before he answered her, “Your directions were a big help and when I was close enough I could smell the herbs,” he told her in regards to his trip to the infirmary. He’d also had a chance to have a glance around that particular area of the notch though any further examinations of the area would have to be done the following morning. He planned to stay with her for at least that night to make sure she would be alright, that was if she would let him. It was something that he would leave up to her as it was her den and he wouldn’t intrude.

While preparing the plants he had brought back for her he took in the request she had made to him all those months ago into consideration. Laying them out so she could have a clear look at them and taking off the small pieces so she could see how it was done. He also went as quickly as he could though slow enough she could see the process. His main goal of course was to get them into Jynx so that her pain and swelling could start to go down. He couldn’t imagine the pain that she was in having never had an injury like hers but he hoped that some had been relieved when they had finally gotten her into her den. Her question about the order in which she needed to ingest the plants was a good one, he shook his head placing a small portion of one of the plants in front of her, “No real order but I would like you chew on this one first. Its Chaga Mushroom and all you do is chew on it for a few minutes, the juice from it has to mix with your saliva. Then you chew on this,” he said placing a small piece of resin material next to the mushroom, “Its Whitebark pine, you chew on this one too but for a longer period. This last one is Mountain tobacco and I need to make an ointment from it to spread on the joint,” He finished explaining before taking some of the Mountain tobacco in his mouth to chew being careful not to swallow any himself.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2017, 03:13 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

Managing a smile, she was pleased to hear he had made it to the main den without any trouble. Of course, with a nose like his keenly attuned to the smell of herbs, she was not surprised he found it so easily. "Oh, good. Usually most of us try to sleep there, but I prefer using this space from time to time." As fond as she was as her pack, every wolf needed their moments of privacy, and she was no exception. And besides, she had no other choice but to remain in her personal den while she healed. Tripping over the slumbering bodies of her pack mates in the middle of the night for a restroom break could spell trouble for a wolf on the mend.

The ache and stabs of pain in her ankle were still very much alive. She was in a great deal of discomfort, but less so had she been bearing weight. Wolves by nature, were programmed not to show any sign of weakness, even when ill or injured. If they did, the likelihood of becoming a target, by being perceived as weak, increased. Such was the instinct ingrained into her, which drove her now, to show very little, if any sign of discomfort. Still, knowing that Emrys was there, aware of her state, and that he cared, meant a lot to her. Her question answered, followed by instructions, she gave a subtle nod towards each. Two of the plants she would ingest, the other would be chewed or ground into a paste to be applied to her joint. Ears falling back a little, she breathed a sigh, apparently not looking forward to how the Chaga Mushroom would taste. "Alright...although I never imagined mushrooms would be on my menu before." She jested, before reaching out to take the mushroom between her teeth.

With a scoop of her tongue, she flipped it into her mouth. Briefly, she was still, processing the taste. Then deciding that that might not be the best of ideas, she rolled the plant between her teeth, chewing slowly. She counted the seconds, then the minutes, before Emrys was satisfied, before swallowing it. "Gah...that had a really rubbery texture..." Not her favorite, apparently. With one more edible item to go, she reached for the Whitebark pine. It was small in size and tougher in texture, this strip. Adjusting her hold on it with her jaws, she moved it to the molars furthest back in her mouth. She gnawed on it slowly, pausing once or twice, due to the texture and taste. A flick of her eyes up at Emrys asked if she was done yet. If not...well, she would just have to use her imagination and try to see it as a very old bone instead. At least she was being a good sport throughout this whole ordeal.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

She spoke about the others in the pack including herself trying to sleep there, he nodded, “I expect it would be a good place for everyone to sleep. The space seemed large enough.” It didn't seem like it would be too cramped and at least he knew where he would be staying if it was his decision to stay in the pack permanently. He was however used to dens like the one he was sharing with Jynx in that moment. It was just large enough to keep his supplies and for him to rest but not so large it seemed empty. A large den with so much space only reminded him of just how lonely it could get when you were on your own. It wasn't something he wanted to be reminded of everytime he returned home which was why he spent most of his time traveling instead of in his den besides collecting herbs.

Emrys was glad she had this den which would be perfect for her to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the pack. He hoped there she would be able to get the rest she needed for her recovery. Once her question had been asked and answered she had gotten her instructions and Emrys had been sure to show her what each plant was so that she wouldn't get them mixed up but also for her own knowledge. He waited while she prepared herself to take the Chaga mushroom and waited for her reaction but he couldn't help the smile that crossed his features at her jest about it, “I suppose we have to live a little sometimes,” he heated in return. More seriously he wasn't sure he would want to be chewing on it either. Just as he knew she would she had scooped the mushroom into her mouth.

While she chewed on that he took started the ointment for her ankle, it was much like the plants he'd used for Lorcan. This time he had to be extremely careful not to swallow as it could have really bad effects on him. He chewed for a long time even after she had finished with the mushroom and started on the Whitebark Pine resin. Finally when he felt he has chewed enough he put the ointment on his paw and spread it across her hock. He nodded once more as she spoke about the texture, “Unfortunately these are very pleasant to chew,” he said, “The other might be just a bit better though,” he said as he finished up with the ointment. While she chewed on the resin he picked the rest of the herbs up and set them aside for the morning. When she asked if she could spit it out with her eyes he nodded before laying down in the place he had been before getting the herbs.

(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2017, 04:45 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.