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tell me why — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Silvia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ambrosia Hellebore
Between the time he had been accepted into the pack and now, Ambrosia had taken Gent's words to heart and had set himself to work hard. He did border patrols each morning and evening, spent the morning after finishing up his patrol scoping out the rest of the lands -because it just wasn't the borders that needed to be watched carefully, in case something had slipped him by - and spent the afternoon before his evening patrol tracking and hunting prey. He wasn't always successful in his hunts, sometimes finding tracks but not the animal or finding nothing at all.

Like today. His stomach rumbled loudly at the thought of taking from the caches, just a small snack but he shook his head, his tattered ear flapping around as he did. He only ate from the caches when there was something to replace it with. And for the last two days, he had nothing to replace whatever would be taken from the cache if he ate. And his stomach was protesting against such treatment.
But Ambrosia quelled the worst of its grumbling with water, feeling somewhat bloated from the amount he had drunk not a minute ago but it was easily ignored.

Take only what you give back. Had become his motto these last few days, particularity whenever his stomach was too loud. Take only what you can give back. And he wasn't about to push his luck. He was only on probation right now and he knew what that meant.
One toe out of line and he'd be chased out before being able to truly prove himself. And in this season, he didn't want that. Not that he'd want to be chased out any season. But winter especially could be very dangerous.

It was nearing evening now, or so his body clock told him. It was overcast, the clouds dark and heavy looking.

But that didn't matter. The evening patrol wasn't going to do itself so he set off towards the border, keeping his eyes peeled on his way there in case something wanted to surprise him.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Winter left very little to do in the way of collecting herbs and other medicinal plants and as he found out the previous winter looking for where they would grow in the spring wasn't helpful. So it became important for him to find other ways to fill his time and help the pack at the same time. Border patrols had been something he'd had to get used to but in the time he’d been in White Fir Notch he had become better at working them into his schedule. Hunting was something that he had been doing a lot of lately with winter upon them and trying to help Jynx while she was injured he was trying to bring as much prey back as he could.

The afternoon had been spent just beyond the borders hunting and he'd had some luck which showed by the small rabbit hanging from his mouth. It wasn't much but it was something to add to the cache, he hated coming back with nothing. While the rabbit might not fill the belly of an adult it just might be enough to satisfy the hunger of one of the pups.

Emrys had taken note of the darkening clouds as he moved across the land on his way back to the border. He hoped that it wouldn't be a sign of more snow on the way though his white pelt blended in and made hunting a little easier it was sometimes difficult to get through when there was so much. For now it didn't hinder his traveling too much so he was able to make good time on his way back. The scent of blood and rabbit in his nostrils did make it hard to focus on the other scents but he was able to make out the border when he found it. Once across it he stopped for a moment letting his catch drop from his jaws.

He took a moment once he was safe in his packs lands to rest before finishing his journey to the den and cache.

(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2016, 02:13 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Jenandra who has 14 posts.
Inactive Pup
Aleris Lieris

She wasn't technically allowed past the border, but that didn't stop the growing Lieris girl from lingering along its edges. There were interesting places to go seemingly on all sides. The pups had only recently returned from their trip to visit the Woodlands kids, and Aleris was quite exhausted. It had been almost a day there and a day back, and the bottom of her feet ached a little from it. Still, what she remembered were the strange new lands, and she could only imagine what lay beyond this specific piece of their home.

Sometimes she would come up to the edge and stare, wondering if just a few strides over the scent-line was really all that terrible. The girl was well aware of the dangerous monsters that dwelled nearby, and she was certainly old enough to know that she could get attacked. That bear had been very real, and scary, after all. It was pretty hard to venture even a little bit out of her bounds; scent trails stuck around a while, and someone would know what she'd been up to. The youth settled for pacing lazily on the edge, straining her still-green eyes through the forest she had eyed so many times before. Soon this walking was quite enough for her uncooperative limbs, and she had to lay down to relieve the pressure on her paw pads. It would be really cool if something new just walked up to her. It was a shame that creatures avoided the smell of wolf.

Instead, after a few boring moments, the cold air brought a tantalizing scent. Her wet nose quivered and she rose, tongue running across her muzzle at the prospect of food. She was still happy to take food from the adults, though it was much more fun to catch a quick little rodent for herself, meager as the physical reward would always be. It was hard to pick up the second smell, but there was definitely a Notch wolf near that freshly killed thing. The brown and black pup turned hastily; snowflakes now coating her underside and legs, and loped off toward what she hoped would be dinner.

Food was a great motivator, and she hardly noticed the fatigue in her legs. The meat was pretty close when she had scented it, and even moreso now. Perhaps if she was lucky she could gobble it down before Ryker or @Lucia appeared and demanded a share. She was hungry. It was a bit difficult to spot the strange pearly coat of the new medicine wolf through the trees. He blended in with the snow much better than the others; certainly better than she did. There was a newer scent quite close to them, but it too smelled of her parents and for the moment Aleris wrote it off as another of the new guys. She was on a mission.

The white one had something in his jaws alright, and it was as ivory-toned as he if not more so; had to be a bunny. The eldest and largest of the children lowered her head and ears, changing her pace to a more excited, bouncing lope and wagging furiously in true puppy fashion. A small yip announced her presence as she slowed, submissively trying to gauge if the man had any inclination to share (or just give it to her) before closing the last of the distance.  

(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2016, 03:27 AM by Aleris.)
[Image: CLgHoPg.png]
Played by Silvia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ambrosia Hellebore
Caught by surprise as two new yet familiar scents caught his attention, Ambrosia was knocked out of his thoughts. Lurching forward, towards the disturbance, Ambrosia glanced over towards the younger wolf as she came into view and instantly grew very nervous. It was a young wolf, obviously one of the leader's pups and she was bounding towards a near invisible wolf hidden in the snow. The other male obviously wasn't actually trying to hide but his light coat nearly blended in very well with the surrounding snow, the rabbit laying at his feet as if he were taking a break. The scent of the rabbit filled the one eyed wolf's nose and his stomach decided to rumble loudly. Hiding his scowl, Ambrosia hung back as the young girl bounds towards the other male, nodding at him in greeting as he tries not to show his nervousness. He wasn't sure why exactly. Pups just made him feel very nervous. Probably because not only were they the next generation but it also meant they were the leader's children. Meaning of one little thing happened to them...

Ambrosia shuddered to think what Gent might do to him if one of his children were hurt, especially if while under his care. And he had yet to properly meet the female.leader yet so he wasn't sure what she was like. He didn't wish to disappoint either of them.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The moment that he took to rest his limbs after chasing the rabbit down and looking back to pack territory gave him the chance to take in his surroundings. Emrys reached out with his nose reading all of the scents around him until it landed on those of a pack wolf. His underlying scents told him the fellow was somewhat new to the pack and they had yet to meet. A smile crossed his maw as this would be a good opportunity to speak with the man and welcome him to the notch. Another scent had also caught his attention as well, it belonged to a notch wolf but a young one. One of the pups that he had yet to really spend much time with and thought occurring to him that he thought might be what they all needed as he looked down at the rabbit carcass at his feet.

He could see the newcomer to the notch through the trees but before he had the chance to say a word the young Lieris appeared from the forest with a yip eliciting a chuckle from the healer. The dark ball of energy seemed very interested in the prey that lay at his feet. “Come with me Aleris, we can share this treat with our newest friend and get to know him,” Emrys whispered kindly into the child’s ear.

He then moved at a walk towards the man with the sacred eye and ear after he had brought the rabbit back into his jaws. When he had finally crossed the space between them he dropped the prey once more”Hello, I'm Emrys and this little one here is Aleris, I thought if you didn't have any qualms about it the three of us could share this rabbit?” He suggested with a raised brow before waiting for the man to answer.

(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2017, 06:58 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.