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because i won't say goodbye anymore — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander found her words not only a good reason as to why Midnight Plateau may have been so empty, but something to simply make him feel better, whether or not it was really true. He'd spent most of his time up in the mountains lately, or strictly searching for her, so he could hardly notice when Relic Lore fell into silence. But that was a bit eerie. Perhaps the wolves had left due to the lack of water, leaving only the few and dedicated to keep the lands in memory. "I do, don't I?" Alex smiled, ears twisting back as he looked over at her.

He was equally pleased to hear that, perhaps, there would be another addition to the small Midnight Plateau. Of course, if she could get used to the idea of living on a mountain. "Wherever you go, I'm sure they'll be glad to have you. Make sure you end up somewhere nice, though." It was either here or Swift River...If she decided that she no longer wanted to be a loner, and neither pack would do, he hoped she'd at least find a nice pack away from here. "It's not so bad once you get used to it. The views are wonderful, and there are new things to discover. It's like a forest without the trees." He joked, his smile widening into a grin.

The path twisted a bit, and they found themselves at a fork. The grin faded from his muzzle, and he leaned forward, cautiously sniffing in either direction, ears alert, pressed forward. He had no idea where they were now. Surrounded by nothing but grey, he just hoped that something would lead them to the water soon. He veered off to the right, and the path widened suddenly, allowing them both ample room to walk, without threat of death, as there was stone on either side. It was almost like a tunnel, though the sky could easily be seen above. How odd.

Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

Out of character.

It seemed Amélie had been successful in lightening up Alexander. "You do, darling," she told him, a soft smile falling onto her jowls. Alexander also seemed to like the idea of a new Plateau member. "It will be nice, I'm sure." After all, Relic-Lore was a handsome place. There was not a single place she had visited which she found to be otherwise. Her only real options were Midnight Plateau or Swift River....unless, of course, she decided to start her own pack.

As he explained what it was like to live on a mountain, Amé began to imagine herself living there. She loved adventure, and who knew, perhaps it was better living in a tree-less forest. Less things in your way. Softly she laughed, too, finding the thought amiable. "I will sleep on it and let you know. Now that I know where you are I can find you much quicker." It had taken her months to find him since their last meeting!

Their lighthearted chatter was lost when the road split into two directions. Alexander had stopped to examine his options, allowing Amélie to stop and look around as well. The mountain was growing on her! He then veered off to the right, as did Amé, sending a small tunnel-like path into view. "I've never seen anything like this before," she commented, wide eyed as her heart began to palpitate. What could be waiting for them? "Have you visited this section of the mountain before?" Because if he had not, the two were embarking on an adventure. How exciting!

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander chuckled, head dipped slightly, "It's no rush, really. I wouldn't want to confine you to a life of solitude on a mountainside." That was what he was already going through. Day and night, alone, in silence, save for the occasional sound of paws, a passerby coming or going from some unknown space. They were faint though, so he rarely made a move to protect his territory. Even if they passed the borders, he worried little.

As the open-ceiling tunnel began to wrap itself around them, Alexander sniffled, glancing over at Amélie, who seemed to be absolutely love-stricken by this strange place. "Nope...I'm just as surprised as you are, really, but the mountain has many secrets." The smile along his muzzle widened until the tunnel began to drop its walls around them. It wasn't as long as he'd originally thought. In open space again, he paused and took a deep breath, inhaling the cool mountain air. There was something more fresh about this air, then the air that wandered through the trees...There was nothing to infect it.

A strange noise drifted into his ears, and his paws brushed the ground as he turned to stare straight at the pretty white female, "Do you hear that?"

Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

Out of character.

Amélie shook her head 'no' at his comment. She would never do something unless she wanted to. "I'd be with you, though. Not alone." Poor Alexander, Amélie thought silently. He was in a pack and still completely alone. She knew how he felt, at least partially because she, too, was very lonesome day after day. Her only hope of contact was running into another loner, and that did not even last too long. It really went against her instinct of wanting to run with a pack.

Amélie kept close to Alexander, for although completely and utterly excited, she was still suspicious of the place. Excitement was sometimes just a paw away from danger, after all. To add to this, Alexander did not know of this area either. It was really just all very strange.....The tunnel was receding, giving way to open air yet again. Amé instantly noticed the freshness of the air, and it made her all the more suspicious.

Just as Alexander noticed the strange sound, Amélie perked her snow covered ears, her blue eyes wide with curiosity. "Yes, yes, I do! What is it," she asked eagerly, searching her companion for answers despite knowing he probably did not know, either.

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander shifted cautiously from paw-to-paw, though his in-place steps remained silent as he did his damdest to identify the sound. He knew what it was. He really did! But was it really possible? A low growl reverberated in his throat as he felt safe in finally speaking and telling the excited girl beside her what the sound was. What he was sure the sound was.

"Water..." He said carefully at first, looking off into space. "It's water, Amélie!" He finally shouted, a wide grin across his muzzle, and he spun around to stare at her straight. Then his face dropped, bright eyes shifting. So where was it then? For a moment, his chest just heaved with some invisible effort.

A long silence seemed to take over again, and he looked away from her, paws moving swiftly over the stone until he was a few feet away from her, and very close to the edge of the mountain. "So where is it?" Ears twisted back in dismay, and he sighed.

Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

Out of character.

She knew what it was all along, and yet, still could not believe it. It was WATER! Alexander had even confirmed it! The little dove jumped up for joy, softly squeaking simultaneously in joy. While Alexander stood silently, Amé danced on her paws, eager to find it. "Its here, its here somewhere close!" It had to be, right? She began to survey the area, determined to fix this grave problem. "Alex," she sighed softly, "What if the water is right here. Just, behind one of these boulders." Where else could it have been?

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
...i'm guessing they're pushing them...or climbing over them...? she can just LOL at alex if it's the other way. XD
He was pleased to see her so happy. It was quite a big deal, although after realizing that they might have finally found the water. In fact, it was even better that she'd heard it as well, meaning that he just wasn't hearing water because he wanted to. It was really here! He gazed around a bit more until she brought up the boulders. Walking up beside her, he glanced at the large rocks. After a moment, he looked down at her, smiling again, "Well, let's see. We'll have to both push, if you think you can," Alex chuckled, giving her a teasing look. Nudging her kindly, he moved around her to one of the smaller boulders.
Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

lol pushingggg.

Amé watched Alexander fondly as he made his way over to her, and then playfully teased her. "My arms may break, but I will try," she joked as well, nudging him in return. Now on to business! Alexander moved around her as she prepared to help him push. She placed both of her paws upon the boulder and lifted her eyes to him, ready to push when he gave her the command. "Ready when you are."

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
With a deep chested exhale, Alexander braced his forepaws against the boulder, and began to count down, "Three...Two...One!" With every ounce of strength within in massive body, he heaved his weight against the boulder. His eyes were squeezed shut, blocking out the fading sunlight now, so he was unsure of how Amé was doing. With a strained voice, he managed out, "Doin' okay?" He felt the boulder begin to move...He couldn't wait to see what would be there when they managed to move it.
Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

Amé took a deep breath and pushed with all her might. Her hind paws dug into the rocky surface did this, every ounce of her being determined to end the terrible famine. With every passing moment the boulder began to give in more and more until finally, it broke loose and sent the little white dove flying backwards. She then watched in awe as it rolled away, making way for the first significant amount of liquid she had seen in a long time. "Alex, Alex, we did it," she exclaimed.