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Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ishtar held back tears as she listened to Nauja response to her story. "Honestly," Ishtar started," I dont really know how a family is really suppose to be. Mine were very strict. So I felt like I had to leave. They already had the future they wanted for me set up in their minds. They didnt think about what I wanted for my future." She sighed heavily, "That is why I had to leave. I should choose my own path" Ishtar stood back up and shook. Her stomach growled yet again. "I guess I should try to find something to eat. But I would love to still talk to you. I didnt think I was ever going to meet another wolf."

Ishtar was kind of hoping that Nauja would take this as an invitation to hunt with her, and to just be with her. She didnt want to be alone again. Not just yet. She felt like there was still more that she could learn about this land from her new friend. Ishtar scanned the area to see if she find any possible trails by any prey that she could follow and hopefully be able to find something to catch. 
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Listening further to Ishtar and her thoughts about her situation Nauja couldn't be anything but understanding. She had a different family and Ro, she'd had a different family too.  “I'm not really sure that there is one way a family is supposed to be,” she stated thoughtfully.  It was the part about her family not considering Ishtar's feelings that bugged her most, “I do think something that should be in every family though is that they do consider your feelings and what you want for your future.  I don't think you're wrong for leaving so that you can have that choice.” Nauja spoke gently, she could see how this topic was upsetting the younger female and she didn't want to cause anymore stress to the girl. When Ishtar said that she should go and find something to eat Nauja grew a little disappointed.  She found she rather liked the girl and wasn't quite ready to end their interaction.

The rabbit she had put away wasn't really enough to fill anyone's belly especially if they hadn't eaten for a couple of days.  Since that was the case she decided that it would be better if she gave the girl a little help.  “If you would like I can help better your chances of catching something and then you can rest here with me tonight or longer if you need to?” She suggested almost shyly.  She wasn't sure if Ishtar would take her up on her offer but Nauja didn't see any reason to send her off when they seemed to get along well and were looking for the same thing.  Besides it would be nice to have the company for as long as the girl wanted to stay but Nauja wasn't expecting much.  She'd learned not to with Vasu joining a pack without talking to her and perhaps after what she'd done she deserved that.

(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2017, 12:26 AM by Nauja.)
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Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
As Ishtar listened to Nauja's understanding, she felt good. She felt...accepted. Which was something she hasnt felt in quite a while. When Nauja made her offer, Ishtar's eyes widen, and a slight smile crept across her muzzle. Normally she would hide emotions like this, but she felt like she could be herself with Nauja. "Of course I would love to stay here with you, and I would absolutely love for you to join me in my hunt. you never know, we may be able to catch us something big." Ishtar said with laughter in her voice. Her tail began to wag as the excitement grew inside her.  Since it had been so long since a feeling like this had over whelmed her, she wasnt too sure how to contain her self. But she did her best, even though she wanted to bounce around like a pup. 

She shook her head and got herself strait then asked, "Okay so where should we go? I was going to just follow your lead, since you know this area a lot better than I do." Ishtar also only felt it was right that since she came upon her den, that she should be the one to lead the hunt. 
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

While her offer for Ishtar to stay in the thicket with her and to hunt with her was to help her there was also a selfish motivation behind it.  She liked talking to the girl and didn't mind having her complaint for a little longer, or as long as she was willing to stay.  So when she agreed Nauja’s tail swayed happily behind her, “Then it's settled,” she said happily, “We can go for a hunt and then settle down for the night and with the two of us we might be able to find something a little bigger that would fill both our bellies.” With Ishtar's help they might even be able to bring down a wounded deer.  It would be a nice change from the rabbits that she'd been eating and it was food that could last a couple of days as well, maybe even through their visit.

Nauja gave a nod when Ishtar suggested she lead them in the hunt.  It did make the most sense since her new friend was so new to the lore. “We should leave the thicket if we want to find something bigger but I did come across a deer path not too far from here.  We might be able to pick up a fresh scent there.” She had her heart set on deer meat and between the two of them a wounded or sick deer would be easy enough to to catch.  “Come on it's this way,” she said starting in the direction of the deer path.  She stopped to make sure Ishtar was with her before continuing on.

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Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Excitement and hunger grew with in Ishtar. Finally things were starting to go better for her. She followed behind Nauja as she lead the way to a deer path. "I feel good about this hunt." Ishtar started. You know this area very well and will be able to find prey a lot better than I could, and I dont mean to brag but I am pretty fast runner, so I should be able to catch up to anything that we find." Even though she hasn't eaten in a couple days, the excitement and the want to eat something would keep her going. 

As they walked down the deer path, Ishtar could tell it was fairly new path, the scent of the deer was strong, and one was bleeding. "Nauja, you smell that? One of them is wounded, I can smell the blood. We might get lucky after all." She said with a smile. 

They crept down the path being careful to not make a sound, the scent of the wounded deer was starting to enhance. They were getting close and Ishtar's mouth was starting to water. As the came up to a cluster of trees, they could see just in near distance 4 deer grazing. And one was injured. It looked like another wolf or coyote tried to take it down, but failed. But Ishtar knew that with its failure, it would be their success. Ishtar Looked to Nauja for her signal, she told she was going to follow her lead. 
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

It had been a long time since she'd been able to indulge in the meat from a deer since she'd mostly been on her own.  So there was a certain amount of excitement at the thought they could bring down a deer. The seagull led the way for the hunt and soon found a deer path that she hoped would lead them to a nice prize of deer.  “I have gotten to know this area pretty well since settling here,” she agreed, “With both our speeds we should be able to bring down a deer in no time especially if it is wounded.” With just the two of them a wounded one was their best chance because it wouldn't have its full strength and would probably be in pain.

She and Ishtar moved down the path cautiously so they wouldn't scare any potential prey before they even had a chance.  A scent had reached her right about the time that her companion said anything. “I do smell that and it seems rather fresh, it's looking like this might be our lucky day for sure.” Nauja hadn't wanted to get her hopes up just in case but with the scent of blood and deer on the air she let just a little more hope in.

She became even more cautious as they neared where the scent was coming from, it had grown much stronger as they came along the path.  They soon came to a meadow that contained four deer grazing.  She stopped just inside the tree line and watched the deer “I think we should come up with a plan to help ensure our success." With a plan in place she felt they had much better chances.

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Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Nauja was right, They needed a plan. AS Ishtar looked at her surroundings where the deer were standing, She noticed that the wounded deer was all by itself a couple feet away from the rest of the group. "Okay, so I think if we come form both sides of the deer, we should be able to catch it. and it looks like its the deers back left leg thats injured so it wont have the strength of its leg to move very fast or be able to maneuver very well as it runs. I will take the deer from the west side, if you take it from the east. We should be able to catch it before the poor thing even knew what happened." Ishtar looked for approval from Nauja, "If you have a better idea, then lets do it. Thats just what I have." Ishtar said. She didnt want to over step her bounds. But she really, really wanted that deer, and she knew Nauja did too. 

"And once we get that deer, we can drag it back to your den, we didnt have to go very far. We would probably be safer eating it there than out here in the meadow." Ishtar's paws started to dig deep into the ground in anticipation for the hunt.  
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Like with Salix she felt their best course of action was to have a plan in place for how they were going to catch the wounded deer.  It seemed that Ishtar agreed because she immediately had a plan ready to be shared. So as she explained what she had in mind Nauja looked over the meadow and where the deer were to visualize what her companion was describing.  She felt the plan that the girl had presented seemed sound so she shook her head when asked if she had a better idea. “No, I think it is a good plan, once we are in position on our respective sides we should make sure that we come out at the same time so we can drive the deer one way.  It will make chasing it easier if we know the exact direction it's going to run in,” she suggested.  That way they hopefully wouldn't have to scramble to catch up.

“I think that is a good idea too, with it back at the den we can also keep scavengers off it for as long as we are eating off the carcass.” Since Nauja planned for them to be able to feed off the deer for a few days it would be imperative to keep whatever scavengers that might be lurking away.

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Played by Cynthia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
"Okay, well when we get into position wait until you can see me clearly, then when I bow my head we charge at the deer. We should be able to confuse it enough by coming at both sides, that it should hesitate enough where we can just jump on it, and have ourselves a nice dinner." Ishtar was so ready. She had the up most confidence in bother her and Nauja that they will be able to get this delicious prey. With the plan in place, Ishtar went on her way to her side. 

As she walked to her position, she thought about being able to successfully catch their prey and being able to spend a good night with Nauja. Even though they had just met, she felt a good friendship growing, a friendship she didnt want to loose. But she still didnt want to stay as a loner. She kind of hoped that maybe she could talk Nauja into joining a pack with her. But she wasnt going to make her do anything she doesn't want to do. 

Her thoughts soon quieted as she came to the perfect spot to watch her prey. When she was in position, and when the time was right, she bowed her head giving Nauja the sign that it was time to strike. Ishtar ran out, her paws racing against the ground. The wounded deer perked its ears and started to run in Nauja's direction, which was what Ishtar was hoping the deer would do. Ishtar quickened her pace and came right up upon the deer. She knew there was going to be dinner tonight as Ishtar was able clamp her strong Jaws onto the deer wounded leg making the deer stumble. The taste of blood excited her almost to the point that she wasnt able to keep calm and keep her mind focused on the hunt. The deer then kicked its leg hard against Ishtar's jaws making her loose grip of the prey, and then the deer continued to run towards Nauja, Ishtar quickly got her self strait and ran again at the deer. 
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

The plan that Ishtar has come up with was coming together nicely even the last part on how they would get started. Nauja believed it would work and that she and her new companion would be enjoying the spoils of deer meat for dinner.  “That will work I will keep an eye on you for the signal from my side.  The plan is coming together and if all goes well we won't have much running to do, the deer will be ours in no time.” Nauja was well aware that plenty could go wrong and what an opportunity they would lose of it did.  She didn't want to think of the things that could go wrong and instead of those that would go right.

They soon parted company in order to get into their respective positions and she thought about what catching this deer would mean.  A chance to rest in the thicket with Ishtar who was quickly becoming a friend.  It had been a long time since she'd been able to spend some time with a friend. With the deer carcass they wouldn't have any reason to go hunting for a couple of days.

Once Nauja felt she was in a good place to start the hunt she waited for the signal from Ishtar they were ready.  The girl came into view and a moment later was giving her the signal, a bow of her head. The seagull charged the deer from her side and as Ishtar came up on it the deer ran towards her. It wasn't moving as fast a a healthy deer was which gave Ishtar the chance to grab the does injured leg.  Unfortunately, it managed to kick her companion off which left the chase up to Nauja.  She went in to try and slow the deer further until she could be rejoined by the girl. She sunk her teeth into the deets shoulder and tried to use her weight to her advantage.  She could taste the blood running into her mouth from the wound which on spurred her to tighten her grip and hold on tight. They would be bringing the animal down and having deer for their dinner. 

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