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Orion in the Sky — Laurel Thicket 
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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno
Ooc: @Pip and @Aegir if he would like to pop in. Let me know if anything needs changed.

Since her last visit to Pip hadn't gone well a lot had happened in the Sea Wolf's life which had kept her from visiting her cousin. A lot of time had passed since then and Nauja worried that Pip might think she'd gone back on her word. She felt bad that she hadn't been able to make it back to Grizzly hollow for a visit and hoped that once she was able to explain Pip would understand. With her journey taking her near her cousin's pack Nauja thought that she should stop by and visit before returning home. She needed to show her cousin that she had been serious when she had said she would be around more. Just because she now lived in White Fir Notch Notch didn't mean she had to stay away.

The more she traveled the more she learned about the places in the lore, where they were and how to get to them. It didn't take her as long as it had to find the forest where Grizzly hollow resided but she didn't make it to the borders when she caught her cousins scent. Following it she found her way to a place away from the hollow where the scent was stronger. She was cautious as she continued on before finally stopping a distance away from what looked to be a den. Nauja wondered what her cousin was doing away from the hollow. “Pip?” She called out, “Are you here?”

She remained where she was just in case it wasn't Pip she found but someone else who might not want any visitors.

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Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

The agouti female's ears immediately lifted into alertness as she was roused from a mid-afternoon nap with Aegir at her side. In those few hazy moments of fighting off the last bit of sleep, her lips curled automatically in warning as if to ward off danger from her pup. It felt unnatural and immediately left her sneezing. With one touch of her muzzle to @Aegir's head in silent warning for him to be cautious and stay in the den, the mute stepped into the clearing and immediately relaxed with visible relief.

Realizing her visitor was well known, Pip wagged her tail in warm greeting and walked over to touch noses with her cousin. Looking behind her, Pip let out a chirp to let her son know it was safe to come out now. It would likely come as a surprise to Nauja to realize her meek cousin had gotten herself pregnant and with a child! And Pip was delighted to watch her reaction.

But would Nauja believe Aegir to be hers? It wasn't like she could say as much.

If Kjell were to come along, that would certainly make for an interesting situation as well. Her mate was rougher looking than most; a battletorn dragon with scars all over. And he was all hers. She, the meek, the weak, had managed to capture the heart of someone as strong and capable as him. She smiled to herself as she wondered just how many shocks poor Nauja would suffer through in such a short span of time!

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno

When no one came out immediately Nauja started to worry that maybe she had been wrong in following her cousins scent. That maybe she had recently hunted here and her scent had lingered. It didn't make sense since the scent was too strong in the thicket so she stay glad that no other wolves had come after her for being there. She was soon rewarded with the appearance of Pip.

Just as her cousins tail started wagging in greeting the seagulls did as well, rapidly from side to side. “It's good to see you again Pip,” she said just before they touched noses. Though she was curious as to why her cousin wasn't in Grizzly Hollow. “I'm sorry I didn't come sooner I'm not staying where I was before.” Nauja felt badly that she hadn't been able to see her cousin before. Though it didn't excuse her absence Pip didn't seem unhappy with her and that pleased her because she really did want Pip in her life.

Once she and Pip had greeted each other Nauja took note of the chirp that her cousin had made toward the den, something else that piqued her interest. Had her cousin found someone and was staying with them in the den instead of Grizzly Hollow? That question would have to wait for the time being, “Have you been well Pip?” She wanted to be sure her cousin was still being looked after and getting all that she needed.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
The Little Dragon was fighting off the weight when he felt his Ma clamber to her feet. Sleepily, he blinked over and over till his vision cleared and the puzzle pieces slotted together in his mind. Where was she going? No! Come back! He had just gotten comfortable and the very last thing he wanted was to have to sleep on his own, again. Whatever it was, couldn't it wait? Was it really more important than snuggle time? Aegir didn't think so. Nothing in the whole wide world was more important than spending time with his Ma. He just assumed she felt the same.

Something was different though and the way Ma touched his head like that made it clear that she wanted him to stay here. Right in this exact spot. Well, that didn't sound like a lot of fun but if that's what his Ma wanted then he'd stay.

Settling down, Aegir strained to listen to the noises that came from outside. Someone was out there, making sounds like Da did but different, softer and less gruff. Aegir didn't recognise their voice nor was he sure whether he wanted to go out and meet them. After all, he'd just been about to nap!

But when his Ma called to him, all soft and sweet, he couldn't help but respond to her with a happy bark. Yes! He was coming!

Wriggling to his feet, Aegir galloped out of the den at full speed and- crashed right into his Ma's leg.
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

The little mute shook her head in an effort to ease her cousin's anxieties. She wasn't upset with her. On the contrary, she was very grateful she'd come to visit at all! Nauja's timing was perfect. At her fellow sea wolf's question, Pip nodded quickly. Oh, yes! She was very well. There was nothing truly she could complain about in this moment. She had a mate, a pack, a son... What more could she want for?

Right on cue, Pip turned as @Aegir gave a high pitched bark to announce that he'd heard her and was coming. The tawny female wagged her tail happily and her chest shook with her silent chuckle as the boy crashed into her leg. Poking his forehead to be certain he was alright, she then nudged him towards her cousin with a gentle chirp of reassurance. She hadn't introduced him properly to anyone before and she didn't want him to have any reason to be frightened. After all, @Nauja was family.

She had no way of explaining to her cousin that the pup was hers - could she even believe it?! - but no doubt the fact that Pip's scent was heavily imbued in Aegir's coat would be explanation enough. She lay down just behind her boy while facing their visitor as further proof that she was no one to be afraid of. Her sunset colored eyes glittered merrily at him, adoration evident in her gaze.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno

There was so much that the sea wolf wanted to tell her cousin especially about why she hadn't made it sooner. Before leaving the thicket she'd had every intention of visiting more often but it hadn't worked out. As Pip shook her head at her apology Nauja got the sense that she wasn't upset with her. “I hope now that I've settled I can come more often but I'm further away now.” Still the seagull was happy that her cousin wasn't angry with her. Pip then nodded as Nauja asked how she was and that brought a smile to the dark coated female, “I'm glad that you're doing well Pip, you know I've only ever wanted the best for you.” As much as she didn't like leaving Pip behind perhaps it had been good for her.

It wasn't too long after Pip’s chirp toward the den that a high pitched bark reach the sea wolf's ears. This brought a look of confusion to Nauja's features and then a small pup that she guessed wasn't much older than the ones in her pack appeared. She again smiled when the pup ran into Pip’s leg, “Who might this be?” She asked curiously as her gaze went back to her cousins. The sea wolf watched as the pup was nudged toward her and Nauja lowered her head to take in his scent, “I'm Nauja,” she introduced herself before looking back at Pip, “Is he your son?” She asked with surprise in her tone. She was not expecting to find that her cousin had a child but there was no mistaking that it had to be Pip’s child as her scent covered him.

Nauja wondered what else had happened in the time since she'd last seen her cousin. She sat back on her haunches as it settled in that she now had a younger cousin to think about. She watched the pup for a moment before looking back at Pip who'd laid down. “What else have I missed?” She asked though she knew her cousin couldn't go into a long explanation of everything. “I would like to be in his life if you’ll allow me,” she finally said. He was Pip’s of that she was certain but with her history Nauja wasn't sure her cousin would want her to be a part if the little boy's life.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 70 posts.
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Aegir Sørenson
I'm laffin at the idea of Aeggy being like I AM THE FURY and the adults are like, aww he's so cute <3
Aegir adored his Ma endlessly. In fact, he loved her more than the number of stars that were in the sky at night. But could the same be said for this dark newcomer? Nope. He didn't even know her, had never seen nor sniffed her before and yet she was getting all up in his space like she was allowed! Like she had the right! Squinting, Aegir grumbled in discontent.

This was outrageous! He looked eagerly to his Ma, thinking that she would feel the same way or better yet she'd give...Na(?) something or other a good nipping. But she didn't, not even a little one! She was smiling and all happy! Which was good and he was glad but for once he wasn't the one making her do so.  It was her! That was the last straw, only he and Da were allowed to have the honour of making Ma be all sunny like this. Whoever this lady was, Aegir quickly decided that he did not like her. Not one bit.

Growling, as ferociously as an enraged dragon-not quite, but he liked to think he was scary- Aegir stomped over to the newcomer and bared his white peggy teeth in a grimace. Oh, she'd be so sorry by the time he was done. She'd learn you didn't mess with a dragon and it's Ma!

Lunging forward, he opened his mouth as far as he could manage and clamped down on her ankle, as his tail wagged maniacally. There, now she'd understand how badly she'd messed up!
[Image: aeggydragon_by_becuffin-dblk66e.png]
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

@Nauja had calmed in her time away, Pip noted. Her cousin used to be so headstrong and ready to be done with Relic Lore and be back by the sea, but she seemed to have found her own way now and was settling in better than either of Pip's siblings managed to do. She smiled serenely, pleased to have such a calm meeting with the female.

At least, that was until @Aegir got wind of it all. As Nauja asked about him, the boy, much to Pip's horror, darted forward to clamp his needle sharp teeth around his second cousin's leg. Though she could not bark an admonishment, Pip quickly but gently nipped at the boy's tail to grab his attention and shook her head with disapproval. Nauja was a welcome guest, not an enemy to attack in such a manner!

The mute's drawn gaze flickered up to her cousin as she bowed her head in embarrassed apology. She looked a little helplessly to Nauja; her lack of words were unhelpful in this moment as she was incapable of restraining her son and taming his poor behavior as well as adequately explaining that she would love for Nauja to be part of his life.

If only Aegir felt the same! He would, she hoped. Once he got to know her and realized she was kin, hopefully he would calm and not treat her so brashly. Pip found herself wishing @Kjell were here to help. Instead, she was forced to rely on Nauja's ability to talk her son down from his bewildering anger. The sea wolf had yet to figure out just what the source of it was to begin with.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

The sea wolf felt it important to keep her cousin up to date on her current situation because she had disappeared on her in the past. She wanted to make sure that Pip knew she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Even though her visit's might not be as often as Nauja would like she was still in the lore and there for her cousin if she ever needed her. “I'm in White Fir Notch,” she spoke in the subject once more so that Pip would know where to find her. Once she had told her cousin the important things it was Pip’s turn.

While the Grizzly Hollow wolf could speak to tell Nauja what was going in with her she found other ways. To say the sea wolf was surprised that her cousin had gotten pregnant and had a pup might have been an understatement. She'd always pictured her cousin as one to follow all the rules but she didn't judge Pip for it. Nauja might have had a pup of her own had Vasu not stopped visiting her. That was all in the past now and the dark furred female was starting over.

Before she could get any words out about the pup that had come out if the den at Pips call surprised the sea wolf. She felt his needle sharp teeth digging into the skin of her ankle, “Ouch,” she cried just as her cousin did what she could to control the child. After a moment a a shake of her leg she turned her attention to Pip, “It's okay. I'm sure he and I can work things out.” Though she wanted to comfort her cousin in that moment with a nudge she thought better of it in case the boy thought to have another go at her ankle.

She turned her attention to the boy, “I should introduce myself to you. I'm your mom's cousin, um,” she looked to Pip, “Does he know what a cousin is?” Nauja wasn't sure if the boy knew what the word cousin meant so she waited for Pip to clarify before continuing to explain her relationship to his mother, perhaps if she was less of a stranger to him it would help. Of course she knew she would have to visit more often so she really wasn't a stranger, she really wanted for her and Pips son to be friends.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you